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August 20, 1991
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order
at 7:43 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer
and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Duke Woodson, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Administrative Services Director Beamer,
Planning Director Behrens, Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk Grafton.
Vest Orange Greenway and its relationship to the new golf course
Mr. Bill Thomas, Planner/Project Coordinator, Orange County Parks and Recreation
Department, gave an update on the West Orange Greenway and asked that
consideration be given for a pathway approximately 28 feet wide on or around the
golf course so that the trail could be continuous. Mr. Thomas said that the
Beltway will have a culvert for an underpass for the trail. Mayor Dabbs assured
Mr. Thomas that the City is conceptually in favor of the greenwayand will find
a way to work with the project. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that after the
developer of the golf course has been chosen, Mr. Thomas would be welcome to be
a part of the discussions for the design of the golf course. Mr. Thomas
introduced his new supervisor, Mr. John Connell.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting_of
~ug~~..t_~L_1:9 9 1,
~!._.~_~~.~'p-~anc~~ncL~'p-~oval of Request__19-I__.1ra,nsJ_~1;'_ of Fun9._~_Jro!!L~~t~!:
Fund Operating Supplies Acct. '401-33-533-5202 to Water Fund Water
Meter Acct. U01-33-533-63Q1 in the _Amoun_L~.L_~lL~~1. 7_~.
C.,_-'-!p~roval and Authorization to Execute Addendum No. 91-6 to PEC's
fQ!!t.!:h'!~t_JO!: Desi91LServices-Relating _to WWTp'_ U Aban~onll!.E!.!!t_i!L_'!
Not-to.:~~ceed A~ount of _liLJn
~~cceptance and Authorization to Execute Fil1al G.h..<!!!9-ELOrdE!.!: to CenState
Contractors for WWTP , 2 in the Amount of $13,063.23
E. Accept~n~e and Approval of Flo~id~_f2wer Letter of ~cceptance for
Electric Franchise Granted by- City_o~ Ocoee in Franchise Ordinance
No. 91_:.~~Jed_~ul~_ 1991
F. Acceptance and Authorization to Execute Lease Agreemenl. with
Supervi~Q..r.._g,LE.;lections for Election to be held November 5, 1991
G. Acceptance and Authorization to Perform EmergencJLRepair for Fire
!ngJIl~__t_.J_!!l_l\J!lQ~!!t__Q.Lj~L 9 ~~!.i.~!..
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
There were no comments from the citizens at this time.
~ Preli.inary Plan Approval - Good.an Coaaercial Park
Planning Director Behrens announced that this item has been postponed until
September 17, 1991 and will be considered following the second readings and
pUblic hearings of the ordinances annexing and rezoning this parcel.
Page 2
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1991
Final Development Plan/Preliminary Plan Approval-Wesmere, Village 3
Planning Director Behrens gave the staff report and Mr. Joe DoBosh, Manager of
Land Development for Arvida, was present to answer questions. The public hearing
was opened and, no one wishing to speak, was closed. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to approve the plan. On roll call
Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson
"aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
RECESS FROM 8:05 P.M. TO 8:25 P.M. (to sing Happy Birthday to Mayor Dabbs)
Upon reconvening, Mayor Dabbs announced that he will proceed with the next agenda
item and, after hearing several of the architects' presentations, he will
interrupt the procedure in order to hear the non-profit organizations' requests
for funds.
Municipal Complex Architect Selection
Administrative Director Beamer advised that the Architects Selection Committee
has reviewed the proposals submitted by architectural firms for the construction
of the municipal complex and has prepared a short-list to appear before
Commission. Presentations by the 5 top-ranked proposals (in alphabetical order)
were made by the following:
a. llrc.hi!~~j:~ De~ig:!Lgr<?.~__l.!!~_.!.- Mr. Douglas Storer introduced the project
team: Mr. Kevin Ratigan, Ms. Susan Southwick, and Mr. Keith Reeves, who gave the
slide presentation.
b. C.T._Hs~,~A~_sociat~~,L].~..!.. - Mr. C.T. Hsu introduced the project team: Mr.
Tim McNicholas, Mr. Buddy Peeler, Mr. Tob Alkern, and Mr. Glenn Acomb, and gave
the presentation.
c. !{e1Jf!,an _J!urley-~harvaj:__ Peacock/Architects, Inc._!_ - Mr. Alan C. Helman
introduced the project team: Mr. Doug Stone, Mr. John Rinehart, and Mr. Jim
Swickerath, who gave the presentation.
d. PDR Architects, Inc. - Mr. James M. Dorsey introduced the project team:
Mr. Eddie L. Cox and Mr. Douglas Stone, and gave the presentation.
e. Schenkel & Shultz - Mr. J. Thomas Chandler introduced the project team: Mr.
Dan Tarczynski and Mr. Dan Fields and gave the presentation.
The architects' presentations for the municipal complex were interrupted at the
close of Mr. Swickerath's presentation for HHCP and a five minute recess was
called at 9:50 p.m. When the meeting resumed Mayor Dabbs called for the non-
profit organizations to speak. After all of these presentations were completed,
at 11:00 p.m., a ten-minute recess was called and then the remaining architects'
presentations were given. For the sake of clarity and convenience in reading the
action taken on the architect ranking will be placed here rather than where it
actually happened in the meeting.
Ranking of firms
Each Commissioner was asked to rank the firms independently and the majority of
the votes cast produced the following ranking:
1. PDR Architects, Inc.
~ 2. C.T. Hsu & Associates, P.A.
3. Schenkel Shultz
4. Architects Design Group, Inc.
5. Helman Hurley Charvat Peacock/Architects, Inc.
Page 3
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1991
Authorization for Architect Selection Committee to proceed with negotiations with
the top-ranked firms
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
ranking as announced and to authorize the Architects Selection Committee to
negotiate with the top-ranked firms for the design of the municipal complex.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Requests by Non-Profit Organizations for Funding for Fis, ~. Year 1991-92
Eighteen (18) non-profit organizations had submitted requests for funding for
the fiscal year 1991-92 and most of those sent a representative to appear before
Commission to explain their requests. Those organizations are as follows:
1. American Legion Post #109 - Mr. Tommie Sanders requested $1,000 for the
World War II Memorial Fund.
2. Big Orange Games-Physically Disabled Youth - Mr. Jim Beech requested $300
for expenses for youth activities.
3. Boy Scouts of America Troop #198 - Mr. Paul Kershaw requested $1,000 to
replace worn out equipment and tents.
4. Central Florida Council Boy Scouts of America - no one was present to speak
but this agency had requested $3,000 for staff, camp and training.
5. Christian Service Center "West Orange Daily Bread" - Rev. Mike Yoakum
requested $5,000 for operational expenses and equipment.
6. Citrus Council of Girl Scouts, Inc. - Mrs. Holly Janowski requested $2,850
for Maxey Elementary Project and requested also suggestions for service projects.
7. Human Services Council - Mrs. Mickey Adams asked for $20,000 and explained
their screening process and said the City's donation will be matched by the City
of Orlando.
8. March of Dimes - Mr. Buddy Elmore asked for $800 for WalkAmerica support.
9. Meals on Wheels and Council on Aging - Mrs. Debbie Kirkwood asked for $7,500
for transportation, adult day care and home delivered meals and reminded
Commission that the City of Orlando will match any funds given.
10. Natonal Wheel Chair Games - Mr. Jim Beech asked for $1,000 toward expenses
for 1992 games.
11. Ocoee Elementary School - Mrs. Arlene Mowrey and Mrs. Julie Locke asked for
$5,000 for a community pavilion at the school.
12. Ocoee Lions Club - Mr. Jay Worsham said that traditionally their
organization has provided the manpower and labor for the City's participation
in the Christmas parade and the Central Florida Fair booth and asked for $4,000
toward those projects.
13. Ocoee Police Department "Toys for Tots" - Police Chief John Boyd asked for
$700 toward postage and toys.
14. Ocoee Pop Warner Jr/Sr Football League - No one was present to speak but
Commissioner Johnson (as a board member) asked for $1,500 toward equipment and
sprinkler system.
15. United Arts of Central Florida - Mr. Jacob Stuart asked for $12,500 to
promote arts in Central Florida and said that they would be willing to accept
a donation contingent on providing the symphony here.
16. West Orange Unit-Girl Scouts - Mrs. Carol McGowan asked for $1,000 for gifts
and area-wide events.
17. West Orange YMCA - No one was present but this agency had requested $1,500
for expansion project.
18. Coalition for the Homeless - Mr. Bob Kovacevich requested $.50 per capita
($6,400) annually for operations and a like amount for capital renovation needs.
Page 4
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1991
The total amount proposed in the budget for non-profit organizations is $20,000
and the total requested by these agencies is $81,450. Mayor Dabbs announced that
the allocation of the funds will be determined and announced at the regular
commission meeting on September 3rd.
Date Set for Special Session and Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan
Administrative Director Beamer advised that the changes to the Comprehensive Plan
as required by the Department of Community Affairs' Objections, Recommendations
and Comments Report will be presented to the community in an open meeting on
September 9 and to the Local Planning Agency at its regularly scheduled meeting
on September 10 at 7:30 p.m. She asked that a date be set for review and
adoption of the Plan by City Commission. After a brief search for an open date,
a Special Session and pUblic hearing to adopt the Comprehensive Plan and
Ordinance No. 91-20, relating to Stormwater Management Utility was called for
September 18, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
First Readings of Ordinances - Second Readings and Public Hearings are scheduled
for September 18, 1991 for Ordinance No. 91-20 and September 3, 1991 for
Ordinance No. 91-21 and Ordinance No. 91-22
Ordinance No. 91-20, "relating to Storawater Manageaent; creating Chapter 35 of
the Code of Ordinances; providing for the creation of a stormwater management
utility; providing for authority; providing for findings and determinations;
providing for definitions; providing for the establishment of a stormwater
utility fee; providing for a schedule of rates; providing for stormwater utility
fee billing and collection and for the placement of a lien on real property in
the event of nonpayment; providing for site inspections; providing for powers,
duties and responsibilities of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works;
providing for the adjustment of fees and appeals to the City Commission;
providing for a stormwater management fund; providing for severability;
providing an effective date." was presented by title only for the first reading.
Commission directed staff to advertise in a newspaper of local circulation and
on the August water bill as well that a public hearing to consider the adoption
of this ordinance will be held on September 18, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. and that upon
adoption it will be effective October 1, 1991.
Ordinance No. 91-21, "relating to abandomaent and vacation of streets and
easements; enacting a new Chapter 23A of the Code of Ordinances; providing for
purposes and methods; providing for the authority of the City Commission to act
by resolution; providing for application form; providing for application fee;
designating the Planning Department to receive applications; providing procedures
on processing applications; providing for public hearings before the Planning
and Zoning Commission; providing for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
providing for action by the City Commission; providing for severability;
providing an effective date." was presented by title only for the first reading.
Ordinance No. 91-22, relating to election procedures for 1991 "providing for a
regular municipal election to be held on November 5, 1991, and a run-off special
election, if necessary, to be held on November 19, 1991; providing for the
~ qualification of candidates; providing for elections boards and conduct of
elections; providing for the registration of voters; providing for the canvas
of returns; providing for voting machines; providing for additional duties of
the City Clerk; providing for absentee ballots; providing for notice of election;
providing for severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title
only for the first reading.
Page 5
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1991
City Manager Shapiro advised Commission that in the repair of the pipe crossing
on Lakeshore Drive a problem has come up and in order to get the roadway open
from the City Complex to Silver Star Road extensive muck removal costing $25,472
is required before finishing the pipe repair. Mayor Dabbs declared this to be
an emergency item and asked for a motion to approve the expenditure. Commissioner
Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to pay DeWitt Excavating, Inc.
$25,472, using funds from the Stormwater Fund with the provision that the funds
will be paid back by the General Fund as monies become available. Motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
commissioner Combs thanked Planning Director Behrens for the letter from Orange
County regarding the total number of accidents at Good Homes Road and White Road.
Mayor Dabbs: 1. announced that there will be NO sanitation service Monday,
September 2, as that is Labor Day.
2. Said that he has received a letter from West Orange VFW Post No. 4305
Auxiliary advising that they will be happy to provide three POW/MIA flags, one
each for Fire Station #1 and #2 and City Hall. The flags will be presented at
a meeting at the VFW Post home on September 21 at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Dabbs asked
that a representative attend.
Commissioner Foster: no comments at this time
Commissioner Johnson: no comments at this time
Commissioner Woodson: 1. Said there is no action yet on the weeds on Wurst Road
across from the Jiffy Store.
2. Sanitation crew took a small garbage can and shouldn't have,
3. Wants broken cans tagged before they are picked up.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40 a.m.
AGENDA 8-20-91
Item III E
Maurice H. Phillips
Executive Vice President
July 31, 1991
The Honorable Lester Dobbs, Jr.
Mayor and Town Council
Town of Ocoee
Ocoee, Florida
Electric Franchise granted by the City of Ocoee
to Florida Power Corporation on July 16, 1991
Honorable Mayor and City Council:
The undersigned Florida Power Corporation hereby accepts the above-mentioned
franchise and each of the terms thereof.
Please file this acceptance letter in the Official Records of the City so that it may be
a matter of record, along with the said Franchise Ordinance No. 91-18, dated
July 16, 1991.
Very truly yours,
0\ <Y
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3201 Thirty-fourth Street South' P.O. Box 14042, SI. Petersburg, Florida 33733 . 813-866-5250
A Florida Progress Company