HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-91 SS '-' '-' '-'" A. KIRUTES OF THE oeOEE BOARD OF CITY COKKISSIONERS SPECIAL SESSION HELD SEPTEKBER 3, 1991 This Special Session was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:00 p.m. in the commission chambers. Mayor Dabbs announced that this is a public hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a proposed millage rate of 4.00 mills which represents a 9.413% increase in millage over the rolled- back rate of 3.6559 mills. (Clerk's note: The percentage increase was later corrected to 9.4122%.) Upon calling the roll, Mayor Dabbs announced a quorum present. PRESERT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Finance Director Poston, Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk Grafton. ASSERT: None Briefing by City Kanager City Manager Shapiro explained that the major issues which caused the budget to be 9% more than the previous year are: 1) the debt service on the proposed city hall and police department buildings that took up nearly the entire growth revenue; 2) the 4% cost of living increase in employees' salaries; 3) increased insurance costs; 4) dwindling revenue. Co..ents by Citizens/Co..issioners Mayor Dabbs asked for comments from the public and, as no one wished to speak to anything on this agenda, he then asked for comments from the Commissioners. Commissioner Foster said that he felt the projections for revenue are high. City Manager Shapiro explained that if the anticipated commercial items are done (the hospital and other projects) they will be high yield and will accomplish in 2 years the amount that was projected for last year. Commissioner Woodson asked if the Planning Department is adding a person and also about specific car allowances in different departments. City Manager Shapiro responded that the associate planner position is reduced to planner I and one of the secretaries will be promoted to that position, then a clerk-typist will be hired; and that Planning Director Behrens and Public Works Director Brenner get a car allowance. There were no questions from Commissioners Johnson, Foster and Combs as they said their questions had already been answered. Adoption of Tentative Killage Rate City Attorney Rosenthal repeated the statement made earlier by Mayor Dabbs: The City Commission has previously set a proposed millage rate of 4.00 mills which represents a 9.413% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 3.6559 mills which is the proposed tentative increase in property taxes. Mayor Dabbs then asked if there were any amendments to the tentative budget and there were none. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to adopt a tentative millage rate of 4.0 mills for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1991 and ending September 30, 1992. Before the vote was called, the public was given an opportunity to speak, as well as the Commissioners. No one in the audience wished to speak, but when comments from the Commissioners were called for, Commissioner Woodson pointed out that this is not an increase in the tax millage rate, as the millage stays the same as last year; but because of growth '-' Page 2 Ocoee City Co...ission Special Session-Budget Septeaber 3, 1991 (annexations and new homes) this millage will produce a greater amount of money. Mayor Dabbs explained further that, because of this, State requirements call for the City to advertise an increase in taxes since the Commission chose not to adopt the rolled-back rate of 3.6559%. Commissioner Combs commended City Manager and Staff for a good job. Mayor Dabbs said this represents a realistic budget. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried. Adoption of Tentative Budget Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated August 1, 1991, such tentative budget being for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1991 and ending September 30, 1992. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that the budget as presented has a second reading date of September 17, 1991 which should be changed to September 12 due to a religious holiday and the motion was amended to reflect that change. Both the citizens and Commissioners were given an opportunity to speak before the vote was called, but no one wished to speak. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried. Septeaber 12, 1991 Set for Final Adoption of the Killage Rate and Budget ~. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved that a public hearing to consider the final millage rate and final budget be scheduled for September 12, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee City Commission to be held at the Ocoee Community Center, that the hearing be advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section 7 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that the appropriate Resolutions necessary to adopt the final millage rate and final budget be prepared by the City staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, be undertaken. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried. Announce.ent of End of Hearing and Date for Final Killage and Final Budget Hearing Mayor Dabbs announced that the hearing is ended and that the final hearing for the adoption of the millage and budget for the fiscal year 1991-1992 will be held September 12, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURBKDT The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. ~. Approved: