HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-91
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order
by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Woodson led
in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utili ties Director Shira, Planning
Director Behrens, Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk Grafton.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Mayor Dabbs pointed out that items E and F had been prepared for signing by
Police Chief Boyd and, as the Charter requires that the Mayor sign all contracts
and legal documents for the City, with that one part changed the documents would
appear to be in order.
~~. Acceptance and Appro~al__Qf Minutes of Regular Com~ission Meeting of
August 20, 1991
B._.__ Acceptance and Authorization tQ Execute Al!lendment to the Develo~I.
~greement with Mary Basmajian, Marilyn Ozanian, Gary Dostourian,
~ Mangala Char an Khalsa and Lori Dostourian (Clark Road).
C. Approval and Authorization to Execute Purchase Aareement:Bennett
-<Clark Road-.L
~____~_~ce.piance ~nd___~pproval of EJ.Cpendi tures O~_L 500 for Int~rsection
Improvements Ocoee-Apopka Road/Silver Star Road and Authorization to
Transfer Thofll_e Funds from 4_0l:::-531-49QQ_ Water Reserve Contin~~m~iQ
401-531-52Q2 Water Operating Supplies
~_!___~nroval and Authorization to _Execute Contract with Oran~Qunty
School Board for School Resource Officers for 1991-92 School Year
F. Approval and Authorization to Execute Mutual Aid Aareement Between
Ocoee Police Department and Orange County Sherriff's Department
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the
consent agenda as presented with the change pointed out by Mayor Dabbs pertaining
to the signing line of items E and F. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
Mr. Everette Humphrey, 1 E. Columbus Street, and Mr. John Linebarier, 1308 Center
Street, spoke against raising the fees for utility/garbage service.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky spoke about recycling.
Mayor Dabbs declared this to be an emergency item at the request of City Attorney
Rosenthal, who advised that the trial on the above noted lawsuit was scheduled
for Wednesday morning but that a proposed settlement has been reached. Mr.
Rosenthal explained the complaint and asked Tom Kelley, Consulting Engineer with
P.E.C., to review the whole situation, which he did. After discussion Mayor
Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the proposed settlement
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
September 3, 1991
in the matter of Ronald L. Stucki and Discount Deals, Inc. vs City of Ocoee,
Case Number CI88-3081 as set forth in the letter dated August 31, 1991 from the
City Attorney to A. Kurt Ardaman; further, to authorize the City Attorney to
prepare, and as necessary, file all documents necessary to implement the
settlement; and also to authorize the City Manager to obtain a survey of the real
property to be acquired pursuant to the settlement; that the funds come out of
the road impact fee and that those fees determined not to be needed as part of
the intersection improvement of Kissimmee/Story Road intersection be paid back
at current bank rate from a different fund in the future or the drainage utility
fund, if passed. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner
Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor
Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
RECESS FROK 8:35 P.K. TO 8:47 P.K.
Second Reading of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 91-21, "relating to abandonment and vacation of streets and
easements; enacting a new Chapter 23A of the Code of Ordinances; providing for
purposes and methods; providing for the authority of the City Commission to act
by resolution; providing for application form; providing for application fee;
designating the planning department to receive applications; providing procedures
on processing applications; providing for public hearings before the Planning
~ and Zoning Commission; providing for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
providing for action by the City Commission; providing for severability;
providing an effective date." was presented by title for the second reading and
public hearing. The public hearing was opened and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie
Lake Boulevard, asked for an explanation, which City Manager Shapiro gave. The
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner
Johnson, moved to adopt Ordinance 91-21, relating to the procedure to vacate a
right-of-way. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Establish application fee of $500
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to set the fee for
an application to vacate right-of-way as ordered above in Ordinance No. 91-21
at $500. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Ordinance No. 91-22, "providing for a regular municipal election to be held
November 5, 1991, and a run-off special election, if necessary, to be held on
November 19, 1991; providing for the qualification of candidates; providing for
elections boards and conduct of elections; providing for the registration of
voters; providing for the canvas of returns; providing for voting machines;
providing for additional duties of the Ci ty Clerk; providing for absentee
ballots; providing for notice of election; providing for severability; providing
an effective date." was presented by title for the second reading and public
hearing. The public hearing was opened, and, no one wishing to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to enact Ordinance
No. 91-22, relating to election procedures for 1991. On roll call Commissioner
Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
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Ocoee City Co..ission Regular Meeting
Septeaber 3, 1991
Allocation for Non-Profit Organization Funding
City Manager Shapiro explained that, as Commission requested, the list had been
provided of those non-profit organizations and individuals asking for funds for
the last three years. Mr. Shapiro said tiat, as the Lions Club provides the
energy and the City provides the funds for the fair and Christmas parade, it was
felt to be more appropriate that the Lions Club request be budgeted under the
community promotions account. Commissioner Johnson said that the wife of a city
employee, Marilyn Calvert, is very ill and awaiting a liver transplant and that
he wished to present her name to the list of those who will receive funds from
this allocation. Each Commissioner listed his choices in turn, beginning with
Commissioner Woodson. Commissioner Foster stated that he felt it to be
inappropriate to use tax monies in this manner and so did not cast a vote for
any of the listed organizations. Consensus was to allocate the $20,000
tentatively budgeted as follows:
Non-Profit Organization
Liver Transplant Fund
American Legion Post #109
Big Orange Games
Boy Scouts of America Troop #198
Central Florida Council Boy Scouts
Christian Service Center-W.Orange Daily Bread
March of Dimes - Walkathon
Meals on Wheels
National Jr. Wheel Chair Games
Ocoee Police Department - Toys for Tots
Ocoee Pop Warner Jr/Sr Football League
West Orange Unit - Girl Scouts
West Orange YMCA
Total from Non-Profit Organization Fund
Balance to be held in contingency fund
- $15,800
Ocoee Lions Club-from community promotion fund - 4,000
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to allocate the
funds as listed above, using a total of $15,800 from the non-profit funding
account, leaving a balance of $4,200 in that fund for contingency; and allocating
$4,000 to Ocoee Lions Club from community promotion fund; further, that since
the liver transplant account is an urgent issue, the funds for that account
should come out of the current bUdget and be paid back from this fund October
1. Motion carried with 4-1 vote in favor with Commissioner Foster casting the
negative vote.
Appointment of Trustees for Pension Plan
City Manager Shapiro advised that, in the employee election for trustees for the
~ General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund, Martha Gianitsis and Jim Shira had
tied for one position but Mrs. Gianitsis has withdrawn, so the trustees for this
plan will be Judy Henry and Jim Shira. The trustees elected by the sworn officers
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
Septeaber 3, 1991
for the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund are Police
School Resource Officer Randy Conyers and Firefighter Jerry Thompson. Mr. Shapiro
said that each board of trustees will consist of five members: two elected by
employees, two appointed by Commission, and a fifth person chosen by those four
to be appointed by Commission at the next meeting. Mayor Dabbs nominated Mr. Paul
Lewis, and Commissioner Johnson nominated Mr. John Bateman. Mayor Dabbs
suggested that the City would be better served if the same citizens were
appointed to both boards. Commissioner Combs moved to approve the slate as
presented to serve on both boards. Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Reschedule Public Hearing to Adopt Final Budget
At the budget hearing held earlier this evening, the public hearing to adopt the
final budget was rescheduled from September 17 to September 12 at 7:00 p.m.
First Reading of Ordinances - Second Readings and Public Hearings are scheduled
for Septeaber 17, 1991
Ordinance Ifo. 91-23, Case 1l-2AR-91:GoodIlan Annexation "an ordinance annexing
into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, certain real property
located at the southeast corner of State Road 50 and Old winter Garden Road, as
petitioned by the property owners; providing for and authorizing the updating
of official City maps; providing direction to the City Clerk; providing for
severability; providing for conflicts; providing for an effective date." was
presented by ti tle only for the first reading. Second reading and public hearing
will be held September 17, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
Ordinance Ifo. 91-24, Case 11-2AR-91:Goodaan Rezone, "an ordinance changing the
zoning classification from Orange County A-1, Agricultural to "C-2, Community
Commercial District" on certain re~l property located at the southeast corner
of State Road 50 and Old Winter Garden Road as petitioned by the property owners;
providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map;
repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing for severability; providing an
effective date." was pres,onted by title only for the first reading. Second
reading and public hearing will be held September 17, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
Ordinance Ifo. 91-25, Case 11-6R-91:IfJB Feinstein Rezone, "an ordinance rezoning
certain lands located in the City of Ocoee by changing the zoning classification
from "R-3, Multiple-Family Dwelling District" and "A-l, General Agricultural
District" to "R-1, Single Family Dwelling District" on certain real property
located on the east side of Adair Street and 150 feet south of Nicole Boulevard,
as petitioned by the property owners; providing for and authorizing the revision
of the official City zoning map; repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing
for severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title only for
the first reading. Second reading and public hearing will be held September 17,
1991 at 7:30 p.m.
Ordinance Ifo. 91-26, "relating to Interim Services Fees, creating Chapter 33 of
the Code of Ordinances; establishing authority; making findings and
~ determinations; providing for definitions; providing for establishment of an
interim services fee; providing for calculation of the interim services fee and
adopting a fee schedule; providing for exemptions; providing for collection of
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
September 3, 1991
interim services fees; prohibiting the issuance of certificates of occupancy
until payment of the imterim services fee; providing for an interim services fee
fund; providing for severability; providing an effective date." was presented
by title only for the first reading. Second reading and public hearing will be
held September 12, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Coamissioner Foster:
1) Asked about the follow-up on the letters re: annexation that went out some
time ago, as he has had several inquiries. City Manager Shapiro said that he
has had some responses also and will be working on them soon.
2) Asked if the trash could be picked up with the garbage on Mondays and was
advised that Monday is already a very heavy day and there are not enough vehicles
available for that.
Coaaissioner Johnson:
Directed staff to advise Orange County about the van parked on Silver Star Road
which is being used to advertise the opening of a convenience store on Silver
~ Star Road.
Coaaissioner Woodson: No comments
Coaaissioner Combs:
1) Noticed that when the curve on Orlando Av/White Road was cleaned up the city
limit sign was moved and he asked why that would be. City Manager Shapiro advised
that only the land on one side of the street had been annexed into the City.
2) Reported high weeds on Geneva Street, Columbus Street, Bluford Avenue, and
in a back yard on Aldama.
3) Reported that a citizen had laundry ruined because she had not been warned
that the water lines had just been flushed and asked that a routine flushing
system be developed with notice to residents to keep this from happening.
Kayor Dabbs:
Asked who could attend the Urban League luncheon on Wednesday, September 11 in
his place and Commissioner Foster volunteered.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.