Member Scalzo conducted the meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm in the Station 25 ('raining
Room located at 563 South Bludbrd Avenue.
The Pledge of Allegiance was performed
Board Secretary Hall called roll and declared a quorum was present.
PRESENT: Members: Chairman Scalzo, Channel!, Lawrie, Vaughn, Titus, Seebeck, Firsbrer and Fire
Chief Miller
ABSENT: Member Carbone,Member Richardson and Member(lodge
Approval of Minutes: February I I. 2016 minutes were approved.
Motion by Mem her Channell seconded by Mem her'lifts carried 5-0.
ON Business: -
Chairman Scalzo asked Fire Chic{Miller to discuss the Open [louse. lire Chief Miller stated that it was very
successful with over 200 visite N. Chairman Scalzo thanked several members For their participation during
the event. He further stated that we were well represented with Mayor Johnson in attendance as well as
Commissioners Tirstner. Keller and Wilson.
Chairman Scala) discussed Spring Fling and that we should continue to he a part of the event each year and
thanked Fire Chief Miller for the availability of items to give away during the event. Fire Chief Mille' stated
that Fire Marshal Sorenson and Fire Inspector Kuczynski ordered a customized tent to use diming the next
Spring Fling.
Chairman Scalzo discussed (he success of the Smoke Detector Blitz at Pioneer Key I I II. Chairman Scalzo
stated that having translators was very important during the even( as inane of the residents did not speak
English and were hesitant to interact with volunteers.
Chairman Scalzo asked about Founders Day and if we nit going to sell water and be a vendor during the
event_ Member Titus suggested that she could have water for sale set up at the Women's Club parking area.
Chairman Scalzo also discussed the Fire Department being the sole provider of water Ibr event and the dates
oldie event being November,let and 5th (his year.
Chairman Sealzo asked about purchase of reflective vests and conlirn with Board Secretary Ilan to who
would be in charge ofordering the vests. Board Secretary I tall stated Corey would he in charge of ordering.
Member Vaughn brought up the pet oxygen masks. Chairman Scalzo stated should ask Tom to purchase
masks with price of$115 far eight masks.
Minutes of Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
August 11,2016
Motion by Member Channell to amend original motion for$100 for pet masks and now have Tom order
pet oxygen masks at 5115.
Seconded by Member Titus. Carried 5-0
Motion by Member Vaughn to SO out budget for item to purchase for raffle at fundraiser for Id. Vince
Seconded by Mem her Lawrie. Carried 5-0.
New Business—
Chief Miller discussed place and time for party regarding the retirement of Bruce Bennett. Chief Miller and
Chairman Scalzo further discussed condition of I.I. Vince liryd and IA. James Kelley.
Chairman Scalzo asked Chief Miller to elaborate on The Strategic Plan (5-year). Chief Miller explained the
meeting coming up with sonic of the local businesses and I IOA's regarding this.
Chief Miller discussed the new fire trucks. strategic phm. hiring of new firelighters and the benefits of them.
Commissioner firstncr discussed the developments under construction behind Racetrac (Oasis at Lake
Bennet) and the one on West Rd (Crown Point)- Ile further stated the new plans for where the Colony Plaza
used to he and other sites on IhsySO/West Coloinal that they are going to continue to develop. The
downtown Ocoee arca will also be worked on and developed. Chairman Seabo brought up the Zaxby's
being built in frons ofPuhlix.
Date will TBD at 7:00pm
A.Old Business Retirement of Bruce Bennett, Ken Minnick; Updates of Lt. Vince Byrd and it, lames Kelley
B. New Business-Operation Santa
C. Other Bnsiness-
Adjournment: 8:27 pin - Motion by Member Vaughn seconded by Member Lawrie carried 5-0
Attest: Approved:
. ate
John d tiler, hire Chief Mar Chairman