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CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Lester Dabbs, Jr.
PRESENT: Mayor Lester Dabbs, Jr., Ci ty Commissioners: Rusty
Johnson, Paul Foster, Vern Combs, Sam Woodson, P&Z Members: Jim
Swickerath, Gary Carroll, Gerald Weeks, P&Z Alternate: John
Bateman, City Manager Ellis Shapiro, Police Chief John Boyd, Fire
Chief Ron Strosnider, Planning Director Bruce Behrens, Senior
Planner Julian Harper, Administrative Services Director Montye
Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Jim Shira, Building/Zoning
Official Don Flippen, City Clerk Jean Grafton, and Planning
Department Secretary Ellen King.
(The press was advised but none attended.)
This meeting was call ed, in order for the Mayor, Ci ty
Commissioners, and Planning and Zoning Commission to direct Staff
to begin the process necessary to re-number, re-grid, and in some
instances, re-name City streets, and to reform the current
addressing system?
City Manager Shapiro began the meeting by addressing the City's
current addressing system, and mentioning State Road 50 as being
referred to in the City as East and West State Road 50. Winter
Garden addresses show East state Road 50, and West Orlando goes by
West State Road 50.
Planning Director Bruce Behrens brought to the meeting three (3)
maps; 1) the existing Ocoee grid at Bl uford Avenue and McKey
Street; 2) the "Ci ty Limi ts" divided-up into three "foreign"
addressing grids, showing Orlando, Winter Garden, and Apopka; and
3) current addresses with an overlay of proposed addresses.
Planning Director Behrens began by using the map of the existing
Ocoee grid stating that findings show 65% of the present Ci ty
Limits is served by the "Ocoee Grid", Point-of-Origin located at
McKey Street and Bluford Avenue. Approximately 60% to 65% of the
structures presently located in the "Ocoee Grid" should be given
new street numbers, in order to make them consistent wi th any
presently recognized systematic addressing scheme.
Joint Workshop with city Commission and Planning & Zoning Comm.
November 2, 1991
Page 2
city Manager Shapiro stated that the City is looking to the Post
Office to help resolve the City's addressing problems, and that the
City may file a suit. The City is loosing revenue on zip codes,
plus the actual growth/size of the City is not really shown because
of the lack of the City's zip code.
Police Chief Boyd stated that he wants to see the addressing
problem fixed immediately. Dispatching is an existing concern as
well as a future concern.
Mayor Dabbs wanted to hear, from staff, the history of addressing.
Planning Director Behrens stated that addressing has been given out
over the years by City Staff. The Planning Department has worked
in the past 2-3 years wi th 911 and Orange County GIS Systems.
Staff did what they could years ago but with all the growth
expanding to the Joint Planning Area Line, staff is now feeling the
~ results of previous address handling.
City Manager Shapiro made a recommendation that the City set a 0+0
grid system then change addresses. Commissioner Combs stated that
the cost to the residents would be great. Combs wanted to see the
cost to the residents kept at a minimum. Ci ty Manager Shapiro
stated that when he worked in Boca Raton the Ci ty re-addressed
giving a years notice to have all addresses changed. Notices to
the residents went out on water bills.
Planning Director Behrens stated that Staff recommends keeping the
existing grid at BI uford Avenue and McKey Street even though a
little off centered the concept works. Behrens requested a name be
determined for State Road 50. If the east/west grid is divided at
Bluford Avenue then State Road 50 needs to change its directionals
at Bluford and State Road 50.
Mayor Dabbs stated that expanding the Ocoee grid would be less of
a problem than to use another grid. Planning Director Behrens
added that Orange County would prefer the City to keep the Orlando
grid. Fire Chief Strosnider commented that if Orange County were
on one grid he would not have a problem with it. Jim Swickerath
stated that this is a major problem and that he would like to see
Ocoee and Orange County work together. Coordinate Ocoee plan with
Orange County, Orlando, Winter Garden, and Apopka.
~ John Bateman stated that changing street names and addresses would
not solve the problems that are the issue. Bateman questioned the
Commissioners and Staff on how anyone could change W.B. Bill McGee
Highway the name given to S.R. 50 which was named after a former
County Commissioner.
Joint Workshop with City Commission and Planning & Zoning Comm.
November 2, 1991
Page 3
Jim Swickerath stated that the greater public good may be worth the
expense. He wanted to see the time-span be increased to two years
for residents to change over their checks, stationery, bills, etc.
City Manager Shapiro commented that the City could give two to
three years to make the change over.
Commissioner Combs wants to see the post office take the burden of
the cost and not the citizens. The Mayor stated that he wrote a
letter to the Post Office General and also visited Washington D.C.
and still does not have an answer to the City's addressing/mail
delivery problems.
Planning Director Behrens mentioned the dilemma the Planning Staff
are in with addressing new developments. The example used was the
West Orange Hospital site located on the southeast corner of State
Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue. At that location are three (3) grids
(Orlando, Winter Garden, and Ocoee). If the Orlando grid or Winter
Garden grid is used staff just furthers the problem.
Jim Swickerath questioned if Staff had researched what other Cities
have done. Behrens stated that Orange County told staff that they
did not care what Ocoee did as long as they were informed of all
numbers assigned or changed.
Shapiro stated that the City was a member of FIG (Florida
Innovation Group) and MIS (Management Information System).
Montye Beamer, Administrative Services Director stated that when
she was in Seminole County they went to all the Cities and told
them they would grid the whole County and assign addresses. It was
a great expense I but well worth the time for the sake of the
Heal th, Safety and Wel fare issues. Enough time was given to
residents and commercial businesses to adjust, and lessen thei r
John Bateman stated that until the City gets the postal problems
worked out the grid system will not matter. Jim Swickerath did not
agree with Bateman's comment.
Shapiro commented that he thinks that City Staff can re-address the
problem areas when time allows and that the County would probably
Joint Workshop with City Commission and Planning & Zoning Comm.
November 2, 1991
Page 4
Planning Director Behrens questioned whether the current grid is to
be used by staff to address new developments. He stated that the
golf course will be Apopka and ten thousand residents planned for
the Arvida area, and the Publix on Maguire Road will show Winter
Garden addresses. Johnson stated that mail delivery is done by zip
codes. Ci ty Manager Shapiro suggested the Ci ty use several zip
codes for Ocoee. Julian Harper, Senior Planner stated that he had
done several addressings in Ft. Myers and that they went to four
zip codes on one grid.
City Manager Shapiro suggested showing the Post Master the system
the City wants with new numbers, and only a few street name changes
that are confusing within the City.
Recommendation: 1) Contact FIG and MIS to see how it has been done
elsewhere and/or the background. Check the national average expense
to citizens (Example Cities: San Antonio and Dallas). Findings
will go to the Planning and Zoning Board and to the Board of City
Commissioners; 2) Mayor to attack the issue with the Post Master _
putting them on notice that there will be a fight, in the meantime,
the City could be working on a computerized system. City Manager
Shapiro wants to come back with information to the City
Commissioners and P&Z Commission no later than 90 days (beginning
of 1992).
Planning Director Behrens confirmed with the Commission and Staff
that temporarily assigned numbers are still to go out on the City
Ellen King
Planning Department Secretary