HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-28-2016 MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD JULY 28, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairperson Laney led the invocation and Vice-Chairperson Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called, and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Vice-Chairperson Santana, Chairperson Laney, Member Ball, Member Titus, Member Seebeck, Member Hill, Member Vines, Member Murray, and Member King. Also present were Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi, Lieutenant Bill Wagner, and Recording Clerk Garza. ABSENT: Member Clark (excused), Member Watson (unexcused) and Member Heard (unexcused). Approval of Minutes from the April 28, 2016 Meeting Recording Clerk Garza states for the record there was a mistake in the previous agenda concerning the heading of the minutes being approved. The minutes approved where the correct minutes for the February 18, 2016 Meeting although the heading stated the approval was for the Minutes for the April 28, 2016 Meeting. Member Hill made a motion to approve the Minutes from the April 28, 2016 Meeting, seconded by 7:17 PM Vice-Chairperson Santana; motion passed unanimously. Budget Update Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi states the initial balance is $1000; $150 were spent in gift cards for the yearly awards in 2015, and another $150 for the quarterly awards in 2016 for a new balance of$700. Also, the new shirts for the board members are estimated at $291.00 which would leave a balance of $409.00. Chairperson Laney states this balance must be spent before October first, otherwise the board loses it. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi reminds her there are two new board members that will also need shirts. Update on Community Picnic Chairperson Laney states this item was covered last meeting and continues by welcoming the new members and asks everyone to say something about themselves. All board members say something about themselves. Discussions ensued. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit Chairperson Laney states she has tentatively set a date of September 29, 2016 to use the Commission Chambers. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi asks Chairperson Laney to explain to the new members what the summit is. Chairperson Laney says the goal is to respond to the community which will include one hour for Chief Brown to answer questions from the community, also what to do in an active shooter situation, and other CACOPD Meeting July 28,2016 topics of importance. She continues by saying Attorney Russel Clem will speak about drone laws. The summit will take place from 7:00 PM to 9 PM and Joy Wright will work with Officer Scott-Marsh for the publicity. Maybe the leftover money can be used to purchase refreshments for the event and if the board hosts a public event, it will be eligible to receive more funds next fiscal year. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi asks if the board has held this event before or if it is the first time, also when and where Chairperson Laney replies the board has not held this event in the past and if it is successful it can be held more frequently. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi states before anything is done, Chief Brown needs to approve the event since the Police Department will be involved as well as the C.A.C.O.P.D. Chairperson Laney states she has been in contact with Chief Brown, more recently at Coffee with a Cop, and he has thought it a good idea. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi replies she also needs to have Chief Brown's approval before she can move forward with this, and needs to have more information to present to Chief. She continues by saying she understands, this is going to be a two hour event exclusively sponsored by the C.A.C.O.P.D. and asks how many attendees are expected Staff Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi continues by saying that in her experience, first events are always tricky to estimate, cost wise and in any other regard. Discussions ensued. Member King asks if there is a specific topic or goal for this event since Chief Brown will be talking for one hour, a topic needs to be determined Chairperson Laney says the C.A.C.O.P.D. can suggest topics of interest in social media such as vehicle burglaries, homeless people, and invite people to provide questions ahead of time. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi continues by saying depending on the topic, it may be Chiefs designee, not Chief Brown who will be addressing the questions. Member King asks if a moderator will be present to maintain the order to which Chairperson Laney replies she does not anticipate any issues with people being contentious, and the event can be a presentation. Lieutenant Bill Wagner asks how is Attorney Clem going to forward the board's and the Ocoee Police Department's message since he seems to be more geared towards homeowners' associations. Chairperson Laney replies drones are of interest to many people and this can help bring in the crowds so the board can get the Ocoee Police Department's message across. Lieutenant Bill Wagner asks if the Board has made a motion concerning this event and also would like an agenda in writing before Chief can agree and move forward; perhaps things are moving too fast. He suggests a committee be formed to plan this event and bring something in writing to be presented to Chief for his approval. Discussions ensued. Lieutenant Bill Wagner asks if a vote has been taken by the board concerning this event to which Chairperson Laney replies yes, a long time ago and now it is only a matter of choosing a date. Member Ball interjects and states the by-laws allow the C.A.C.O.P.D. members to form committees to deal with any projects; he continues by saying this is an excellent idea to get things done and present an agenda to Chief. Chairperson Laney says the board can put an agenda together right now; there is no need for a committee. Member Hill agrees with Member Ball since there are many aspects that need to be addressed. Chairperson Laney states her concern is that there will not be enough time to get this done before the end of the fiscal year. Lieutenant Bill Wagner continues by saying the money left in the budget for this year may not be enough to cover this event and next year's budget is almost here where more money will be available to fund this event. Also, it gives the C.A.C.O.P.D. more time to prepare the event and present Chief 2 CACOPD Meeting July 28,2016 Brown with an exact report of what he will be endorsing. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney states she wants to hold the event on September 29 so the board can qualify to receive $3,000 next fiscal year. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi continues by saying she does not foresee this event taking place in September because Chief needs to get all the details and the agenda in writing before moving forward. Lieutenant Bill Wagner also states that all the marketing, including advertising the event in the water bill, requires the City Manager's approval; he also states that the C.A.C.O.P.D. is moving forward without the proper approval from the Ocoee Police Department and the City of Ocoee. He continues by saying the next step is to present a written agenda and then get the necessary approval from City officials. Discussions ensued on other possible topics and times. Member Hill continues by saying instead of having the attorney come in and speak, he would like to have the Ocoee Police Department come and speak about drones, social media, and other topics of interest, from their standpoint. Discussions ensued. Member Vines asks again what the goal of the summit is and what the difference between this event and Coffee with a Cop is. Chairperson Laney explains the summit would be a more structured event and it will be directed towards homeowners' associations' leaders; also, the questions will be submitted ahead of time. Member Vines continues by saying even if the questions are submitted ahead of time, the audience will have more questions to ask and a moderator will definitively be needed. Member Hill adds that because of the contentious times we are living in at the present time, we really can't anticipate what kind of audience will be at the event and the goal of the event is to promote communication, not the other way around. Chairperson Laney disagrees; she does not anticipate any negative outcome. Coffee with a Cop Staff Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi interjects and tells the board members there are other topics to be discussed and asks them to put this topic on hold for a while because they may find her information useful when deciding what to do about the summit. She continues by saying the next Coffee with a Cop is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 24 in the evening, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the McDonalds on Silver Star Road and Clarke Road, pending on the flyers designed by McDonalds. She expects this event to be very successful. Update on the Citizens' Public Safety Academy Member Vines asks when the next one will take place to which Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi replies it will probably take place the first week of February. Update on Teen Police Academy Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members it was a successful event. The graduation took place on July 21; the kids had a good time and learned a lot. It is held once a year during the summer for teenage kids within the ages of 13 through 18. Kicks for Guns Staff Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members the Ocoee Police Department will not participate this year. Lieutenant Bill Wagner adds the reason the Ocoee Police Department is not participating this year is because of the road construction near 3 CACOPD Meeting July 28,2016 Highpoint Church makes the drop off not accessible; other locations are being researched to have a better response in the future. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks if the Walmart gift cards are still given in exchange for the guns and Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies yes, that is correct. Member Vines asks if the goal is to get guns off the streets and Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies yes; basically is a "don't ask don't tell" situation to get the guns off the streets. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds it is almost like a drive thru where there is an officer making sure the weapon is not in the person's hands but in the trunk or similar, then they move up to where the weapons instructor collects the guns and makes sure it safe to handle, and the last stop is where the gift card is collected. The guns are run through a database and if the same were stolen or used in a crime, they as preserved as evidence. Discussions ensued. This program is sponsored by Central Florida Crimeline. Poker Tournament Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members this event is tentatively scheduled for November 4, which is Founders' Day Saturday. The Ocoee Police Department is trying something different, an actual poker tournament, as opposed to the Poker Run held in previous years. This is tentative since the Ocoee Police Department is waiting on all the information from the company that will help host the event. It will probably take place at the Lakeshore Center and the funds collected will be used to benefit the Toys for Kids in Need program. She continues by saying she will have more information in the October meeting but volunteers will definitively be needed. Discussions ensued concerning this event and the help needed to make it successful. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D.video Chairperson Laney states this item has been in the agenda for quite some time. She has an idea which would incorporate mathematics, dancing and kids at the Ocoee Middle School. Member King references the "Keep Orlando Moving" videos that are very popular. Lieutenant Bill Wagner says Chief Brown does not want a dance video but a recruitment video that portrays the professionalism, diversity and interaction with the community of our Police Department; he continues by saying this would be another great project for a subcommittee. Chairperson Laney states her concern with the subcommittees is that without the proper Sunshine Law training the same could be violated, and furthermore, she has never heard of meetings that are not recorded or noticed. Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies he will get clarification from the City Clerk's Office on this issue for everyone's peace of mind. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks Lieutenant Bill Wagner to please email all the board members with the information and he replies he will but warns them not to reply to each other to avoid violating the Sunshine Laws. He also reminds the board members all communications should be directed to Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi as the board's Liaison and not to Madeleine Garza, the Recording Clerk. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi adds well-planned events take a long time to plan and that is why a sub-committee will be the best way to do this. Discussions ensued on the video. Chairperson Laney voices her concerns about being able to form subcommittees and how can the same meet. Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies that if the board wants to form subcommittees, to go ahead and form them; he will get the information needed as to how and where to meet 4 CACOPD Meeting July 28,2016 k. and will help them make the same work. Chairperson Laney also adds if this is the case, then the summit will have to take place at a later date and she would rather not wait, to which Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies that the Ocoee Police Department will not move forward with an event that has not been approved by Chief Brown. Chairperson Laney says she has spoken to Chief Brown and he is on board with the idea and she does not understand why this not approved. Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies it has to go through the chain of command; this is how the Ocoee Police Department does business. Discussions ensued on the subcommittees and how other advisory boards have them. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi also reminds the board members her job is to be the Liaison and any questions concerning the Ocoee Police Department and its activities have to be directed to her; her role is not to schedule or contact anyone concerning events the C.A.C.O.P.D. plans; It is the subcommittees'job to do that. She will help by making sure the events to be recorded are available for the C.A.C.O.P.D. to record. Lieutenant Bill Wagner continues by saying the budget for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is already done and holding the summit this fiscal year in hopes of getting $3,000 for the next budget year is not real; in any case, it would be for the following fiscal year. There is no need to rush into anything for that reason. Recording Clerk Garza reads article 6 from the by-laws into the record which states subcommittees can be formed. Chairperson Laney asks if there will be a recognition or proclamation done for the officers that responded to the Pulse shooting. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members there were no nominations for the Officer of the Second Quarter Award this time and she believes the reason for it has to do with the Pulse shooting and all the negative events taking place during the last few months. These are hard times for law enforcement and this is probably a great time to use the money to show them appreciation. She also tells the board members Sergeant Bob Chedwick retired as Auxiliary Sergeant after volunteering for 24 years at Ocoee Police Department; this is another option to use the funds. Staff Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members the Ocoee Police Department played a basketball game today and will be playing dodgeball with the kids at the Jim Beech Recreation Center at 10:30 a.m. next Friday. Also Autism training will take place on August 11 and 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers for our officers. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi continues by telling the board members about S.A.V.E. training that includes the Fire Department; the first part of the training is the active shooter training, and the second part focuses on bringing the medics in to help the victims Member Titus asks if this is the same as A.L.I.C.E to which Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi replies it is different because A.L.I.C.E. is geared towards the educators. Lieutenant Bill Wagner says officers responding to the Pulse shooting will be recognized by Orlando Police Department and after that takes place, Chief Brown will recognize our officers; he also continues by saying the reason why there were no nominations for Officer of the Second Quarter Award is that after the Pulse Shooting, the officers did not think there was a comparable event that would rise up to what these officers did that nigh. Discussions ensued. Member Hill made a motion to create subcommittee to decide, plan and rename the t' Safety Summit, seconded by Member Seebeck. Motion passed 8-1 with Chairperson Laney voting against. 5 CACOPD Meeting July 28,2016 Member Hill, Member Vines, Member Murray, and Member King will be serving in this subcommittee. Vice-Chairperson Santana makes a motion to create a subcommittee to plan the CACOPD recruitment video, seconded by Member Seebeck. Motion passed 8-1 with Chairperson Laney voting against. Vice-Chairperson Santana, Member Titus, and Member Vines will be serving in this subcommittee. Chairperson Laney says she will probably come in and sit at the meetings. Member King made a motion to recognize the officers who responded to the Pulse shooting using the money left in the budget, seconded by Member Vines. Member Hill thinks it needs to be something different that a plaque and Member King asks if the Ocoee Police Department has a memorial to which Lieutenant Bill Wagner replies that there is not, but there are future plans for one. Discussions ensued on what would be a good way to recognize the officers. Chairperson Laney thinks it a good idea to meet in August to continue the discussion as opposed to deciding in a rush. She sees Thursday August 25th in free in the calendar. Member Santana made a motion to hold a meeting on August 25, 2016, seconded by Member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Laney tells the board members that on the Meeting of August 25, the board can get reports on the subcommittees, how to honor the officers at the Pulse shooting, and set the agenda for the next meeting. Staff-Liaison Sergeant Iannuzzi tells the board members there is a flyer for a charity event at Texas Roadhouse tomorrow and by bringing the flyer, 10% of the bill will go to benefit the toy program. Officer of the Second Quarter Award Discussed under Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video Activity Report Discussed under Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video al. Set Next Agenda Discussed under Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video Meeting adjourned at 9:17 PM. Respectfully Submitted, AL „ t. Ma•elein:�arza, Recor•i ?. Clerk Victoria Laney Chairperson a 6