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JANUARY 21, 1992
Mayor Dabbs called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners
to order at 7:35 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the
prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant City
Engineer/Utilities Director Arevalo, Administrative Services Director Beamer,
Planning Director Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton.
Innovative Idea Award in the Amount of $351 to Leonard Dyal for Subsurface Micro-
jet Injection for the Clarifiers at the Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
This award was presented after the consent agenda was approved. City Manager
Shapiro explained that this is a patentable idea and our attorneys will work on
the patent for Mr. Dyal and the City.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. City Manager Shapiro
advised that the innovative idea award listed in the Presentation portion of this
agenda should also be a part of the consent agenda as item F but was
inadvertantly omitted. Mayor Dabbs added the item to the consent agenda and
'-' announced that the consent agenda consisted of items A thru F as proposed.
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Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the
proposed consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Financial Audit for Waste Vater Utility and Water Utility - Fiscal Year 1991.
Administrati ve Services Director Beamer advised tha tour audi tor, Eldon McDirmi t,
Page 2
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 21, 1992
of McDirmit, Davis, Lauteria & Company, was present to talk about the Fiscal Year
1991 Financial Audits and the viability of the Water and Wastewater Utilities
funds. Ms. Beamer said that this portion of the overall audit was being
presented tonight because of the Bond Anticipation Note requirement for an
independent audit on the funds, which must be ready for Barnett Bank before the
end of the month. Mr. McDirmit reviewed the audits, pointing out that these
indicate the financial position for only water and wastewater, that the reports
for the rest of the City will be made at a later date. Mayor Dabbs asked Mr.
McDirmit if he intended to make a recommendation regarding user fees. Mr.
McDirmit said that both funds are stable and he had no recommendation. Mayor
Dabbs asked staff if these reports met their expectations and Ms. Beamer said
that they did. City Manager Shapiro said that the rest of the audit will be
presented in April. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved
to accept the Fiscal Year 1991 Water and Wastewater Funds Financial Audits
prepared by McDirmit, Davis, Lauteria & Company, P .A. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Selection Process for Engineers for Basin Drainage Inventory and Study
Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that the selection committee
(Commissioner Foster, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director
Behrens, Public Works Director Brenner, and Ms. Beamer) met several times and
reviewed the proposals. The eleven applications were short listed to six and
those were asked to provide additional information, such as compatability with
'-" the County Geographic Information System and National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination Systems, levels of service within the Comprehensive Plan, and how
they would approach priorities with stormwater utili ties monies. Ms. Beamer
advised that Environmental Service and Engineering, Inc. withdrew from the list
on December 9, 1991. The selection committee had ranked the firms as follows:
1. Lochrane Engineering, Inc.
2. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.
3. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc.
The engineering firms and the representatives giving the presentations spoke (or
were introduced) in the following order:
1. Gee and Jenson- Donald Graham, Orlando Manager; Gregg Darby, Darby and Way;
Jim Meyers; and Gary Exner.
2. Lochrane Engineering, Inc. - Keith Rice, Environmental Division Manager;
Jeffrey Herr; Tom Lochrane; Stephen Kincaid; and Carl Tum Suden.
RECESS FROM 8:50 TO 9:00 P.M.
3. Glace and Radcliffe, Inc. - William Palm, President; Ed Dougherty; and
Timothy Walsh.
4. Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. - Thomas pellarin; Peter Manz; Fred
Biery; John Shearer; and John Dollar.
5. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. - Tom Kelley (stood in for Craig
Batterson, Senior Project Manager); David Hamstra; David White; and Ken Hooper.
RECESS FROM 10:16 TO 10:25 P.M.
Page 3
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 21, 1992
Each Commissioner ranked the top three firms as follows:
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Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,
ranking of 1. Professional Engineering Consul tants, Inc. r
& Jernigan, Inc., and 3. Lochrane Engineering, Inc.,
proceed with negotiations with the top ranked firm.
unanimous vote in favor.
moved to approve the
2. Post, Buckley, Schuh
with authorization to
Motion carried with
Discussion of Selecting Commissioners for Community Action Committees.
Mayor Dabbs explained that this committee will meet once a month and that members
~ must be elected officials but that they can send staff representatives
occasionally. He said that a list of vacancies for the committee is coming soon
from Leecie Doyle. Consensus was to participate when more information is
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Johnson:
1. Asked if there will be a turn signal at the 437/Silver Star intersection.
2. Asked that an inquiry be sent to Telesat as citizens are wondering why they
have not moved into the City.
Commissioner Voodson:
1. Advised that Governor Chiles visited here today.
2. Suggested a "people race" on Clarke Road for the ribbon cutting.
3. Thanked Public Works Director Brenner and PPTD Supervisor Elmore for cleaning
up where the trees were.
4. Wants an arrow sign at Highway 50/Bluford directing attention toward the
municipal complex and business district.
5. Wants Tiger Minor memorial {which was removed because of its condition} put
back up by the Fire Station.
6. Stated for the record that he was opposed to the Denmark trip.
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Ocoee city Commission Regular Meeting
January 21, 1992
Commissioner Combs:
1. Said he has a letter regarding $25 dues. Mayor Dabbs explained that he has
requested that the dues to the Council of Local Government be paid from the
Mayor/Commissioners Fund.
2. Announced the Department of Community Affairs meeting on Tri-County Transit
on January 30 at 11:45 a.m. at the Expo Center.
Commissioner Foster: No comments at this time.
Mayor Dabbs:
Explained his position regarding the invitations to his daughter Joanna's recent
wedding, saying that he and Mrs. Dabbs had agreed that invitations should go
Joanna's friends and to those who had known Joanna personally as this was a very
important time for her. Mayor Dabbs said there was no intent on their part to
offend anyone by not sending an invitation and he apologized if any were
The meeting adjourned at 11:02 p.m.
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