HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-92 ~ ----- -~-----~---~- -~-._~--~-"--~-~~-~--~- --~------ '-' MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD March 3, 1992 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. After leading in the prayer and pledge of allegiance, Mayor Dabbs called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Behrens, Public Works Director Brenner, Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Report on Eagle Scout Appointment - Scout Leader Kathy Boyer. Mrs. Kathy Boyer, Scoutleader of Boy Scout Troop #217, presented Eagle Scout Joel Lyle Jackson to Commission and announced that the ceremony for the Eagle Scout award was held in the community center on Sunday, March 1. Mrs. Boyer said also that Joel is the first person to achieve this rank in Troop #217 in twelve years. '- Mr. Bob Mitchell, TeePee Lumber, presented a check in the amount of $10,000 from the TeePee Lumber Foundation to Commissioner Johnson to be used for the Recreation Center expansion project. Commissioner Johnson said that he, Mrs. Sherry Wise and Mrs. Mona Best have been working with the youth and holding youth dances for three years to earn money for this improvement, and he called Mrs. Wise to the podium. Mrs. Vise said that they have $20,000 in the bank and that this $10,000 will help toward the goal of fixing the recreation center so that they can use that facility for the youth dances. Update on Ocoee Public Golf Links Jl!r. Ken Hooper, PEC r reported that the effluent disposal permits have been submitted to DER and should be returned in April. The stormwater permit has been received, and the consumptive use permit should be ready within the next 90 days. Mr. Ken Ezell, Clifton, Ezell & Clifton Golf Design Group, said the one other permit not yet in hand is the fish and game permit. The census showed 162 gopher tortoises on the 240 acres which must be relocated. The problem to work out is that the site was purchased for effluent disposal, and the golf course must be kept playable; to irrigate the golf course the water must be put out, and approximately 32 acres will be needed for conservation area to relocate the gophers. Mr. Ezell displayed a conceptual plan which involves moving the entrance to Angola and explained that they are making progress with the design. As the Western Beltway will cross the course and will take up about 9.7 acres, as soon as the design is pinned down it will be sent to Foley & Lardner for the easement to be legally delineated. He said that the financing is going along well but is not yet complete. Mr. Ezell said that they should begin by middle August with the project opening in the summer of 1993. "-' Commissioner Combs asked when the financing is coming and Mr. Ezell said that he is trying to position everything for the best deal and typical lending institutions are not lending. Commissioner Voodson asked if the money was coming from Japan and Mr. Ezell said that the Japanese are interested in the finished product, not start up money. '-" Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 3, 1992 Mr. Hooper asked if the City will be prepared to get the effluent to them when needed. City Engineer Shira responded that the system is scheduled for completion December 1993 but if the golf course should be ready earlier it would be possible to switch that portion of the construction so that filtered water could be supplied. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky asked what kind of protection would be provided to automobiles from the duffers. Mr. Ezell said the driving range will be positioned in such a way that cars should not be in danger. Mr. Ezell said he would return with an update on this report in April. CONSENT AGEBDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Commissioner Foster wished to discuss item F and said that he has no problem with transferring funds, but does not want to set a precedent of robbing Peter to pay Paul. City Manager Shapiro explained that more and more staff time is being spent on concurrency and it is appropriate to use the impact fee money for that time. Item F was left on the consent agenda. A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of February 18, 1992 and Special Session Meeting of February 25, 1992 Acceptance and Authorization to Execute Tri-Party Agreement for; Highlands at Ocoee. Approval and Authorization to Execute Highlands at Ocoee Final Plat Approval and Authorization to Execute a "Request for Inclusion on the Priority List" for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan. Approval and Authorization to Execute an Addendum to Contract with PEC for Updating Road Impact Fees and Development of Concurrency for Transportation in the Amount of $35,900 from Acct.#106-541-Cap.Imp. Approval and Authorization to Expend $15,000 from Road Impact Fe~ fund #106-541-Transfer Out Admin. for City Staff Work on the Update. ~ ~...!. C. D. E. F. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COMMEBTS FROM CITIZEBS/PUBLIC Mrs. JoAnn Drawdy, 802 E. Harbour Court, spoke first about the fact that she felt the Police Department should get more recognition for the work they do for Toys for Tots, and second, she said she has formed a citizens' action committee which has as one of its goals putting responsible replacements for incumbents on the ballot. Mrs. Drawdy asked for those in the audience who were interested in attending the meetings to give her their names and addresses. '-' Mrs. Cathy Doss, 613 Spring Lake Circle, spoke about the budget, and the recent layoffs and said that cuts should be made from the top as well as the bottom. Mayor Dabbs advised that he is appointing a blue ribbon committee to review the budget and salaries and Mrs. Doss said she would like to serve on such a committee. Page 3 '-' Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 3, 1992 Mr. David Knight, 1407 Snowden Street, asked why we need to have a new city hall now if we are in bad shape. City Manager Shapiro responded that the bond money is in place and the matter must be taken to completion. Ms. Duwana Mullins, 175 N. Bluford Avenue, asked about future cuts in Police and Fire Department. City Manager Shapiro said that the next cut will be higher level than clerks. PUBLIC HEARING and SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 92-01, " relating to development review fees; amending sections 6-1 and 6-2 of chapter 2 of appendix a of the city code; providing for the collection of flat fees in connection with all development review applications; amending administrative procedures for the collection and processing of development review fees and deposits; amending the development review fee and collection schedule; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing for an effecti ve date." was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. Planner Resnik explained that the revisions proposed in this ordinance replace the staff time accounting method with a series of flat fees which vary depending on the type and size of the project. This ordinance also adds some substance to the collection portion of the system as well. ~ The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Boulevard, said that builders may ask why the City is asking for more money. City Manager Shapiro said that the employee time involved in processing the plans is not sufficiently covered by the existing fees. As no other citizen wished to speak the public heairng was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Couissioner Foster, moved to enact Ordinance No. 92-01, relating to development fees. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye". Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Goodman Couercial Park - Final Engineering Plans (Tabled at February 18 meeting) City Attorney Rosenthal said that the motion by Commissioner Woodson which was seconded by Mayor Dabbs and voted against is the motion before the Commission at this time. For clarification the motion is as follows: move to accept staff recommendation to go back to the original concept and to add a "No Left Turn" sign. The "No Left Turn" sign will be in the City right-of-way. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "no," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye". Motion carried with 4-1 vote in favor. Action on Districting Commission Recommendation and Direction to City Attorney to Prepare Ordinance to Adopt the Chosen Districts Mr. Bill Stebbins, Chairman of the Districting Commission, introduced other '-' commission members Breeze, Doss, Dunnaway and Pauline, and thanked them for their efforts. Mr. Stebbins then reported on the findings of the commission, saying that they truly felt that districting was premature for this City, but that if '-' Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 3, 1992 it must be done that the recommendation was for Amended Plan #3. This plan divides the population most equally with just .5% difference and most nearly satisfies the requirements given. Dr. Serow was present and he reinforced Chairman Stebbins' remarks. There was some discussion regarding the possibility of Charter revision and City Attorney Rosenthal said that City Commission has the prerogative to adopt an ordinance to present that option to the citizens in referendum as this districting is not done by court order or legal mandate. Each Commissioner in turn stated that the people did vote on districting in 1988 and they felt they should follow the wishes of the people. Consensus was that it would be impossible to make a decision until each had seen maps that more clearly displayed the streets, and City Clerk was directed to see that the maps were provided so that this can be on the March 17 agenda. Mayor Dabbs thanked the Districting Commission and Dr. Serow for their efforts and dedication to this task. STAFF REPORTS ~ There were no staff reports at this time. COKKENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Foster: 1) Thanked Public Works for the work done at the cemetery. 2) Thanked Lions Club for the Ocoee exhibit at the fair. 3) Thanked legal staff for reducing the fees. Commissioner Johnson: 1) Apologized for not introducing other Commissioners at the games last Sunday. Commissioner Woodson: 1) Ocoee exhibit took 1st Place Prize and Manager's Trophy at the fair. 2) Asked for volunteers to unload trucks when they come in Sunday night after the fair. 3) Said people should attend the science fair. Coaaissioner Combs: 1) Asked for the rest of the information on the breakdown of fees. 2) Has Kiwanis B-B-Q tickets to sell. 3) Announced City Clerk Grafton's birthday was overlooked last meeting and the Ocoee Rent-A-Choir sang Happy Birthday. '-" Mayor Dabbs: 1) Announced that 30 years ago today he and his wife were married. 2) Will probably miss April 7 meeting due to other obligations. 3) Asked to be reminded to write congratulatory letters to the teachers of the year who received awards. 4) Congratulated Lions for the excellent job on the fair exhibit. ADJOURNMENT ~ The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Attest: '-' '--'