HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-2016 Minutes CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES September 27, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lowery called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Vice-Chairman Carrington gave the invocation, and Member Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Lowery, Vice-Chairman Carrington, Members Kelley, Odom, Osborne and Hopper, (Arrival time at 7:50 p.m.). Also present were Board Attorney Mary Sneed, Asst. Support Services Director - Code Enforcement Manager Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Officers Edward Loeffler, Carmen Diaz, Theresa Rodriguez and Bob Siegrist; Administrative Assistant Bridgett Coffey, and Recording Clerk Nichole DeRienzo. ABSENT: Member Blynder. GUESTS: Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Mayor Rusty Johnson. Administrative Assistant Coffey administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. Minutes of the August 23, 2016, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. Assistant Support Services Director — Code Enforcement Manager Doug Gaines presented the dismissals-compliances. B. Dismissal or Compliance. Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 16-088 Exclusive Homes, INC 10618 Clarcona Ocoee Road George D Laman 16-089 Exclusive Homes, INC 10622 Clarcona Ocoee Road George D Laman 16-090 Exclusive Homes, INC 10626 Clarcona Ocoee Road George D Laman 16-095 Barry R Grathwohl JR 811 Apricot Drive 16-096 Charles Butterfield 716 Crystal Drive 16-097 Daysi Fernandez 1103 Pinewood Lane 16-098 Aline M Costa 5030 Lighterwood Court 16-101 Franklin Family Trust 341 Franklin Street C/O J A Green Trustee 16-103 Tom West INC 120 W Oakland Avenue 130 W Mckey Street 16-108 Carmelo Alvarez JR 307 Phyllis Street 16-109 Molina Maria Del Rosario 1105 Sabrina Drive 16-110 RPG Apopka LLC 1101 Kimball Drive 16-111 Ronald Sims 903 Kimball Drive 16-112 Onelia D Suarez Revocable Trust 332 Little Spring Hill Drive C/O Onelia D Suarez Trustee 16-113 Grullon Esmanuel 1612 Doreen Avenue 16-114 Shannon L Church 471 Northern Durango 16-117 1885 Lelsie Ann Lane 1885 Lelsie Ann Lane 16-119 Melissa Farias 884 Marlene Drive 16-122 Delfeine Melbourne 1513 Ison Lane C. Order of Continuance (October 25, 2016, Meeting). Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 16-104 Rameriz Odilon 57 W Circle Key Drive 16-116 Safavi Corp 606 Catwood Drive Mehr Rahmatullah Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that the supplemental consent agenda be accepted as presented. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None. Page 2 - HEARINGS OF.STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27,1995,VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION,AOC-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE,AONC-AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COMPLIANCE,ATF-APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE,CO-COMPLIANCE ORDER,CMFD—COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION,CS—CONTINUED STAY,CTR-COPY TO RESPONDENT,ECO— EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER,EX-EXHIBITS,FS-FEES STAYED,LDC—Land Development Code,NOCV-NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION,NOH-NOTICE OF HEARING,NS-No Service,OAF-ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE,OIF-L-ORDER IMPOSING FINE-LIEN,ONC-ORDER OF NON-COMPLIANCE,OOC-ORDER OF CONTINUANCE,,ORF—ORDER REDUCING FINE,PDFS-PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED,POS-POS,RFR-REQUEST FOR REHEARING,RFRDUC-REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH— SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION(S)and WD— WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Member Kelley, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that Cases #16-102, #16-106, and #16-012 be moved to the beginning of the agenda and then revert back to the original agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 16-102 Jimmy Sills 1 Taylor Street Officer Diaz Violation Cited: ZONING 1-1ARTICLE IIM/SECTION 2-4 Observation: Zoning Violation—The existing use does not meet the definition of Light Industrial. Outside storage within the fence does not comply with I-1 Zoning. 07/05/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 08/22/16 08/25/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 08/25 /16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 08/25/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. &CERTIFIED MAIL Officer Diaz presented the case and gave its history. This is a light industrial property that does not permit outdoor storage for construction materials. The officer produced several exhibits of the violation. The City is requesting 30 days to comply or be fined $100 per day. Jimmy Sills, owner of the property, explained that he purchased the property in the year, 1984. At that time, the property was used as an outdoor storage for numerous years prior. In 1998, he requested to put up the fence to help hide the storage. In 2013, he was notified that the City was requesting he put up a green skirting/screen, and then later replaced this with a black screen. Mr. Sills stated these were two instances in which the City came to visually approve the fence, with no mention of the storage area violation. Mr. Sills advised there is currently a 3-year lease on the property. He stated that he is willing to respect the City's wishes to no longer use this property as a commercial storage area, in regards to the Downtown plan for the City Center. Mr. Sills requested permission to continue using the industrial property as a commercial storage area until the current lease is up with his renter. He shared that he has complied with all of the City's previous requests, and felt in necessary to plead his case that for the past 32 years, he has continued to use this property as an outdoor storage for construction materials and commercial purposes with no prior complaints from Code Enforcement pertaining to the City zoning code. Board Attorney Mary Sneed directed all questions to Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier. Page 3 - - Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier explained that if a non-conforming use is in a zoning district at the time of the zoning, the non-conforming use can generally continue under the code until something happens to the structure. This is an industrial zoning code that does not allow outdoor storage. Any permits that were granted for the property over the years pertaining to the structure of the fence, did not have an effect on what the regulations or codes were for that property. Member Kelley inquired as to when the zoning took effect for this property and if the owner was given a notice of any changes that may have been made during the 32 years he maintained the property. Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier was not precisely aware of when the zoning may have changed or when the land development code may have taken place. She stated they would need to execute further research to determine if this would be a variance or non-conforming issue for this particular circumstance. Further discussion ensued. Vice-Chairman Carrington stated that overall; this may not be considered a"non-conforming" issue. The resident was never made aware of any ongoing issues during the several times Code Enforcement encountered the property. He believes the City had constructive knowledge of how the property was being used during this time and how violations were never addressed. The Board should allow both parties the opportunity to research and plead their case. He recommends they continue the case in order for them to determine a suitable recommendation for this case. Vice-Chairman Carrinjton, seconded by Member Odom, moved to continue Case #16-102, until October 25, 2016, at which time both parties may present their side of the case. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 16-106 Dax E. Russell 558 Palio Court Shannon Russell Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5 Observation: Weeds/grass over 10". 08/04/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 09/02/16 09/12/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 09/12/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 09/12/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. This was a citizen complaint regarding excessive grass and weed growth on the vacant property. Exhibits were also provided. As of today, September 27, 2016, the property is in compliance. The officer stated that the property owner was present as well if he would like to make a statement. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Osborne, moved that in Case #16-106, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of August 19, 2016, and found in compliance as of September 27, 2016, and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Kelley, moved to hear Case #16-012,for reduction of f fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 16-012 HATLEY PARTNERS, LLC 716 Kelley's Cove Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: ARTICLE IV 108-35, 115-3 Observation: Conditions constituting a nuisance to the public health, safety and welfare. On-going, irreversibly already occurred and prior history of activity and conditions that endanger the health,safety and welfare of the neighborhood,the residents and general public effecting the overall welfare of the city and changing the safe character of a residential area. The use, sale of, abuse and storage of heroin and methamphetamines,misc.junk,debris and trash littering the property,broken window glass,tall weeds and grass,inoperable and missing smoke detectors,unnavigable blocked garage passage and egress and a back fence gate opening to Florida Central Railroad habitually used by foot and bike traffic engaged in the purchasing and use of heroin and methamphetamines.All conditions presenting a nuisance to the public health,safety and welfare and creating a blighted effect upon the neighborhood and the city. SPECIFIC TO THIS VIOLATION NOTICE: Ocoee ordinances 108-3 define a Public Nuisance as(1)any public nuisance known at common law or in equity jurisprudence or as provided by the statutes of the State of Florida or ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Florida Statute 823.10 Place where controlled substances are illegally kept,sold,or used declared a public nuisance. 03/09/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 02/11/16 03/09/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 03/09/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 03/22/16 03/09/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. &CERTIFIED MAIL 03/22/16 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED: ARTICLE IV 108-35, 115-3 ON 03/02/16. TO COMPLY IMMEDIATELY OR FINE OF $250.00 PER DAY PER VIOLATION. AUTHORIZE CITY TO ALLEVIATE THE NUISANCENIOLATIONS AND ADD COSTS TO FINE. 06/27/16 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE 08/12/16 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE OFFICER LOEFFLER 08/18/16 ORDER IMPOSING FINE $58,750.00 09/12/16 REQUEST FOR REDUCTION MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He stated that the owner is requesting a lower reduction than what the Amnesty Reduction Program offers. The Officer explained that the program proposes a capped amount of $5,000. The ongoing nuisance involved on the property has had a negative effect on the City. Staff is requesting the fine of $5,000 to remain the same, due to the countless law enforcement visits, city abatements and ongoing nuisance to the neighborhood. Mayor Johnson stated he would like to speak in regards to this house. He explained this property has been nothing but trouble for the past few years. The Mayor, as well as our citizens, are relieved to have this issue straightened out. It is worth our time and efforts as a City to consider an additional reduction for the property owner, who was able to bring this house into compliance. It has been a pleasure for the citizens to see this ongoing nuisance come to an end. Page 5 --- Brannon Rue, owner of the property, stated he purchased this property at the public auction in June of this year. It took him several months to have the previous owners removed from the property. After many un- anticipated legal fees to remove the previous owners, they were able to begin a complete renovation inside and outside of the property. His goal has been to restore the home as well the neighborhood, and to ultimately re-sell the property once the renovation is finally complete. He is hoping the City will consider lowering the cost of the fine to compensate for the additional costs and attorney fees he endured, as well as his time and efforts that have been put into this property. Member Osborne, moved in Case #16-012, to recommend the fine be reduced to $2,500. Motion failed due to lack of second. Member Odom, seconded by Vice-Chairman Carrinzton, moved in Case #16-012, that the fine be set at $5,000. Motion carried unanimously. Member Hopper arrived at 7:50 p.m. Case No. 16-084 Demerick Dunlap 5010 Log Wagon Road Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 165-3 A Observation: One(1)Olds Cutlass/white/gold with damaged front end parked in front driveway. 07/12/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 07/28/16 08/01/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 08/01/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 08/23/16 08/01/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL 08/23/16 ORDER OF CONTINUANCE MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 09/27/16 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 07/27/16. TO COMPLY BY 10/07/16 OR FINE OF $100.00 PER DAY UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. 10/11/16 AFFIDAVIT OF NON COMPLIANCE OFFICER SIEGRIST Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. This was a citizen complaint regarding an inoperable vehicle with an expired tag parked in the driveway. Exhibits were also provided. City is requesting a compliance time of 10 days, or be fined $50 per day. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Hopper, moved that in Case #16-084, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of July 27, 2016, and be given until October 7 2016, to come into compliance, or be fined$100 per day for as long as the violation remains in non-compliance. Motion carried unanimously. — -- Page 6 —-- Case No. 16-115 Elton Grantham 805 Spring Lake Circle Lottie V Grantham Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108-24D, 115-3, 108-35, 115-5 Observation: Misc. junk, trash, debris, tools, parts, equipment littering property. Disabled untagged red Pontiac Firebird and parts front driveway. Misc. car parts and tires near vehicle. Overgrown tall weeds and grass, front, side and back yards. All conditions constituting a nuisance and creating a blighted effect upon the neighborhood and the City. 08/26/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 09/15/16 09/15/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 09/15/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 09/15/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. & CERTIFIED MAIL 09/27/16 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 09/10/16. TO COMPLY BY 10/07/16 OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION UNTIL IN COMPLIANCE. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. This was a citizen complaint regarding junk, debris, tires, tools and an inoperable vehicle located in the driveway of the property, as well as tall weeds and grass. Exhibits were also provided. City is requesting a response time of 10 days or to be fined $50 per day. Member Kelley, seconded by Vice-Chairman Carrington, moved that in Case #16-115, the respondents be found in violation as cited for code violations 108-24D, 115-3, 108-35, 115-5, as of September 10, 2016, and be given until October 7, 2016, to come into compliance, or be fined$50 per day, per violation for as long as the violation remains in non-compliance. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 16-118 Maggie Jones 1104 Doreen Avenue Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115-3, 108-35, 115-5 Observation: Overgrown/tall weeds and grass,front,side and rear yards. Junk,trash and debris including bed mattresses,loose bedding and sheets,and bagged trash littering the property. Conditions constituting a nuisance and creating a blighted effect upon the neighborhood and the City. 08/30/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 09/15/16 09/15/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 09/15/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 09/27/16 09/15/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. &CERTIFIED MAIL Officer Loeffler observed tall weeds and grass, as well as a mattress and scattered debris across the vacant, boarded-up property. Citizens are extremely upset with the nuisance of this property. City is requesting a 10 day compliance time or be fined $50 per day; also requests the City to abate the property and add additional costs to the fine. Member Hopper, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case #16-118, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of September 14, 2016, and be given until October 7, 2016, to come into compliance, or be fined$150 per day, per violation for as long as the violation remains in non-compliance, and to further authorize the City to abate the property, and the additional cost be added to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. Page 7 OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 16-083 G and I Investing 6712 Lumberjack Lane Group, INC Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5 Observation: weeds/grass over 10"especially back yard. 06/30/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 07/19/16 07/25/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 07/25/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 08/23/16 07/25/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG. &CERTIFIED MAIL 08/23/16 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED AS OF 07/16/2016. TO COMPLY BY 09/16/2016 OR FINE OF $100.00 PER DAY AS LONG AS THE VIOLATION REMAINS IN NON COMPLIANCE. AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO ABATE THE CODE VIOLATION AND ADD THE COST/FEES TO THE FINE. Officer Siegrist reported there is an affidavit of compliance on file for the property. No further action was required by the Board. Case No. 16-087 Bernice N Edge Life Estate 327 Little Iris Street Rem: Marcia V Spencer Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115-7, 115-5, 115-3, 108-35 Observation: Corner lot with overgrown weed, grass and vegetation overgrowth blocking the pedestrian sidewalk. Unmaintained easement outside the fence on a corner lot;corner lots have 2 front yards and side walk easements;property owner is responsible for maintain easement. Additionally,the grass is overgrown front, side and rear yard. Blocked sidewalk and tall grass constitutes an nuisance to the public health and safety;pedestrians and children entering street where sidewalk is blocked. 06/02/16 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 06/17/16 06/17/16 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS 06/17/16 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE 06/28/16 06/17/16 ALL DOCUMENTS SENT BY REG& CERTIFIED MAIL 06/28/16 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED ON 06/17/16 AND TO COMPLY BY 07/30/16 OR FINE OF $50.00 PER DAY, PER VIOLATION AS LONG AS THE VIOLATIONS REMAIN IN NON COMPLIANCE. 07/26/16 NON COMPLIANCE OFFICER LOEFFLER Officer Loeffler reported there is an affidavit of non-compliance on file for the property. Vice-Chairman Carrinzton, seconded by Member Hopper, moved to impose fine as of September 7, 2016. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS Members praised the Amnesty Program, and believe it is working well. — ---- Page 8 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. ATT T: APPROVED: / i , ` c-wet Le usfri Nichole eRienzo, B Re,ording Clerk Darrell Lowery, Chairman Notice: My person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting. — -- Page 9 -- —