HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Approval of Lake Prima Vista Nutrient and Hydrologic Management Plan with Amec Foster Wheeler t I
Meeting Date: December 6, 2016
Item # /5
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Stephen C. Krug Department Director: /i'_
Contact Number: 6002 City Manager:
Subject: Lake Prima Vista Nutrient and Hydrological Management Plan with Amec Foster
Wheeler. Commissioner Wilsen, District 2.
Background Summary:
The Public Works Stormwater Division, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC),
along with adjacent residents, have observed a visible change in the water quality of Lake Prima Vista
over the last two years. The City participates in the University of Florida's volunteer Lakewatch water
quality monitoring program to determine the health of the City's lakes. Utilizing the Lakewatch data,
Lake Prima Vista has recently been labeled an "Impaired Water" by the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) due to elevated nutrient concentrations. Working with FWC, FDEP,
St. Johns River Water Management District and other municipalities who have experienced similar
impairment issues, it was determined the City needed to secure the services of a firm which specializes
in environmental restoration measures. The unique nature of the nutrient loading requires specialized
testing to determine corrective action.
Public Works contacted reputable environmental firms and testing labs to solicit interest in performing
the specialized testing. The firms and labs contacted did not perform the required testing or directed
Public Works to a firm able to provide the requested testing and analysis; Amec Foster Wheeler
Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., (Amec). Amec was recommended by peers, along with other
Municipalities and Environmental Firms for their qualifications and expertise to sample, evaluate and
determine the required corrective actions. Amec has current contracts with Orange County for lake
management, Seminole County for stormwater management and permitting along with continuing
services contracts with the Lake County Water Authority and City of Maitland. The Amec team has local
experience with similar issues, particularly with the Lake County Water Authority on the chain of lakes
taking effluent from Lake Apopka. Amec also has an unrelated continuing contract with Ocoee for
surveying and mapping.
Public Works has met with Amec to derive a detailed sampling program in order to create a water
quality improvement plan with a projected fourteen (14) month completion time. Public Works
recommends waiving the formal bid process for this specialized environmental work and issuing a
purchase order to Amec to proactively determine the nutrient loading source and corrective actions
required to maintain Lake Prima Vista as a healthy water body. Public Works has been in contact other
municipalities to verify the pricing is in line with the scope of work and the $62,297.19 negotiated for
these services fall within industry standards and is adequately funded in the Stormwater Division.
Contract with Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., for the Lake Prima Vista
Nutrient and Hydrological Budget and Management Plan.
Recommend approval to issue a purchase order to Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental &
Infrastructure, Inc., for the Lake Prima Vista Nutrient and Hydrological Budget and Management Plan
for a not to exceed amount of $62,297.19 and authorize the City Manager to approve and execute
change orders to the work in accordance with the limits established in the Purchasing Code.
Amec Foster Wheeler Task Proposal
Financial Impact:
The work is adequately funded in the Stormwater Division budget for miscellaneous projects.
Type of Item: (please mark with an 'V)
Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use:
Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing
Resolution Regular Agenda
X Commission Approval
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A
Review ed by ( ) N/A
November 17, 2016
amec wiLY
Mr. Richard Campanale
Streets and Traffic Operations Manager
City of Ocoee
301 Maguire Road
Ocoee, FL 34761
Re: Amec Foster Wheeler Task Authorization
Lake Prima Vista Nutrient and Hydrologic Budget and Management Plan
Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 600449.3
Dear Mr. Campanale:
Lake Prima Vista OA/BID 3002E) has been identified as an impaired water due to elevated nutrient
concentrations pursuant to Chapter 62-303, FAC. Lake Prima Vista is part of the Middle St. Johns
River Basin within the Wekiva River Planning Unit, and is connected by a navigable channel to
Starke Lake which is also impaired. The City of Ocoee desires to evaluate hydrologic and nutrient
budgets for Lake Prima Vista and potential external and internal load reduction efforts to support
water quality restoration within the lake. The City's efforts to restore water quality within Lake Prima
Vista will also be integral to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (FDEP's)Wekiva
River Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP)adopted in 2015.
The proposed study of Lake Prima Vista will assist the City with determining the level of effort
required to restore the lake to meet its Class Ill designated use as"swimmable"and "fishable". the
City has requested Amec Foster Wheeler Environment 8 Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster
Wheeler) prepare the following Scope of Services to perform a nutrient loading assessment and
lake management plan. Lake Prima Vista does not have an existing Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) therefore the City desires to develop site-specific hydrologic and nutrient budgets for the
lake, including an assessment of internal loading. The purpose of the study and lake management
plan is to determine the extent of impairment and to identify specific areas within the Lake Prima
Vista basin where nutrient load reductions could be achieved. Hydrologic and nutrient budgets will
be developed for Lake Prima Vista to identify significant pollution sources and to provide a ranking
of areas with respect to annual mass loadings and areal loadings. Specific nutrient load reduction
projects will be recommended to reduce pollutants entering Lake Prima Vista. All field work
performed by Amec Foster Wheeler will conform to the FDEP's Standard Operating Procedures for
Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01, March 1, 2014, and effective July 7, 2014. All laboratory
analyses will be conducted pursuant to Chapter 62-160, FAC. Specific work efforts to be performed
to achieve these objectives are outlined below.
Amec Foster Wheeler Environment B Infrastructure,Inc.
2000 E.Edgewood Dive,Suite 215
Lakeland.Florida 33603
Tel (863)667-2345
Fax (863)667-2862 www.amecfw.com
Amec Foster Wheeler shall, at a minimum, perform the following specific tasks for the Lake Prima
Vista project:
Representatives of Amec Foster Wheeler will attend a project start-up meeting with representatives
of the City to review the overall project objectives, the scope of services, and the project schedule.
Copies of all previous water quality investigations and data, engineering studies, and other
information related to Lake Prima Vista and the surrounding watershed areas, will be provided to
Amec Foster Wheeler by the City. The City will provide locations (in ArcGIS format if possible) for
stormwater structures and BMPs draining to Lake Prima Vista.
Task 1 Total: $492.00
Data provided to Amec Foster Wheeler at the project start-up meeting will be reviewed and
summarized for potential use in developing hydrologic and nutrient budgets for the lake, as well as
a nutrient management plan for improving water quality conditions. Amec Foster Wheeler will also
seek and utilize, as necessary, additional data relevant to the work effort not otherwise provided by
the City, which may be available through the Lakewatch or STORET databases. Available water
quality data will be entered into a statistical database, and both long term (period of record) and
short term (past ten years) trend analyses will be performed to identify significant water quality
trends for typical nutrient components including but not limited to TP, TN, NO3, NO2, chlorophyll-a
and Secchi disk depth. Geometric means will be calculated for TN and TP and will be evaluated
based on Numeric Nutrient Criteria (NNC). TN/TP ratios and TSI values will be developed to
support the limnological analyses. Available historical algal speciation data will be included in the
Task 2 Total: $2,381.50
Amec Foster Wheeler will delineate the Lake Prima Vista watershed sub-basins. The drainage
basin area will be summarized for all sub-basins in both graphical and tabular formats. Amec
Foster Wheeler will field verify the sub-basin delineations and existing structure information
provided by the City.
Task 3 Total: $3,621.50
Estimates of annual runoff inputs to Lake Prima Vista from each of the contributing watershed
areas will be developed using computer spreadsheet modeling techniques. The modeling will be
performed using site-specific hydrologic characteristics for each drainage sub-basin area, including
basin size, percentage of impervious areas, land use, soil characteristics, and conveyance system
types. Estimates of annual runoff inputs to the lake will be generated for each contributing sub-
basin area.
Task 4 Total: $2,357.50
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Amec Foster Wheeler will perform the following tasks:
a. Installation of seepage meters: Amec Foster Wheeler will install up to four groundwater
seepage meters in Lake Prima Vista to determine the quality and quantity of shallow
groundwater seepage entering the lake. Based on the paper "Estimation of Downward
Leekage in Florida Lakes" by Deevey (1988) the vast majority of seepage in Florida lakes
occurs within 30 meters of the shoreline. Therefore it is assumed that seepage meters can
be installed in near-shore areas of the lake not requiring SCUBA. The areas for installation
of seepage meters will be selected jointly by Amec Foster Wheeler and the City and should
maximize the range of land use and topographic characteristics in upland areas adjacent to
the seepage meters. If possible, the seepage meters will be installed in areas with and
without septic tanks in an attempt to identify possible contributions from septic tank areas, if
relevant. Once installed, seepage meters will remain open to the water column for the first
week to allow equalization. If organic sediments are present, they will not be removed prior
to installation of the seepage meters as this may have a significant impact on seepage
b. Routine monitoring of seepage meters: The four seepage meters installed as a part of
Task 6a and will be sampled approximately every two months, or as needed,for a period of
up to one year for a total of up to 6 sampling events. During each collection event, the
quantity of seepage collected in each seepage meter will be measured, and samples of
water collected from the seepage meters will be returned to the laboratory for chemical
analysis. A total of 24 sets of water samples collected from the seepage meters will be
analyzed for the following parameters:
(1) pH (5)Total IGeldahl Nitrogen
(2) Specific Conductivity (6)Total Nitrogen
(3) Total Ammonia Nitrogen (7) Orthophosphate
(4) NOx(nitrite+ nitrate) (8)Total Phosphorus
c. Determine sediment P speciation: Amec Foster Wheeler will collect four core samples
from locations selected jointly with the City. Amec Foster Wheeler will deliver samples to
DB Environmental, Inc. for modified Chang and Jackson analysis.
The analysis will be presented in tabular format and will include the following parameters:
(1) Saloid-bound and exchangeable Ca (4) Reductant phosphate
(2) Aluminum phosphate (5) Calcium phosphate
(3) Iron phosphate (6) Total phosphorus
This data will be used to evaluate sediment phosphorus that could become biologically
available. This information is also necessary for determining proper chemical application
rates for sediment inactivation alternatives that may be recommended as part of Task 9.
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d. Sediment core incubation: Sediment core incubation provides the ability to directly
measure nutrient flux (internal loading) from lake sediment in a laboratory environment.
Two intact cores will be collected from each of two locations in Lake Prima Vista and
transported to the Amec Foster Wheeler Gainesville laboratory for incubation. Cores from
each location will be incubated in oxic and anoxic conditions over a period of 6 days and
will be sampled at 0, 2, 4, and 6 day intervals. A total of 16 sets of water samples will be
analyzed for the following parameters:
(1) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (1)Total Nitrogen
(3) Total Ammonia Nitrogen (4) Orthophosphate
(5) Total Phosphorus
Task 5 Total: $29,677.69
A hydrologic budget will be developed, by sub-basin, for Lake Prima Vista based upon evaluated
inputs from direct precipitation, stormwater runoff (Task 4), and groundwater seepage (Task 5).
The results of the hydrologic budget will be presented in both graphical and tabular formats.
Potential inputs from Starke Lake due to seiche effect will not be included in this analysis.
Task 6 Total: $2,424.00
A nutrient budget will be developed for Lake Prima Vista using the hydrologic budget developed in
Task 8 and available literature-based concentrations for various hydrologic inputs (e.g., aerial
deposition from literature values and Event Mean Concentration for specific land uses). Nutrient
inputs from seepage will be calculated using the data obtained in Task 5b. Internal loading will be
estimated using the data obtained in Task 5d. The budget will account for existing BMPs and
calculations of the existing nutrient load reductions. The budget will also estimate the loading from
septic, sewer, and reclaimed water sources if any are present. The results of the nutrient budget
will be presented in both graphical and tabular formats. Potential inputs from Starke Lake due to
seiche effect will not be included in this analysis.
Task 7 Total: $1,741.50
We understand that there is a requirement to determine the approximate elevations, depths and
quantities of unconsolidated sediment in Lake Prima Vista, a 25 acre lake located in the City of
Ocoee that connects to Starke Lake. This will require the horizontal and vertical locations of the
lake bottom and the location and elevation of the top of the sediment interface. From there
mapping and approximate quantities can be developed to meet project needs.
We propose to meet this requirement utilizing traditional survey methodologies. The majority of
the lake, to include only the open water areas to the edges of shoreline vegetation, would be
surveyed by physically sounding and probing the sediment thickness at 120-150 locations using
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an approximate 100' grid around the lake using a 2" diameter PVC sounding pole with foot.. The
sounding pole will be vertically lowered at the selected location until it comes in contact with the
top of the sediment interface. A depth below water level at the foot of the pole will be recorded.
The sounding pole will then be pushed down to refusal to provide an approximate lake bottom
elevation. Another depth measurement will be recorded. The difference in the depths is the
approximate sediment thickness at that particular location.
Upon completing the data collection we would process the data and produce final deliverable
products to consist of topographic maps depicting the approximate lake bottom elevations and
contours, the approximate sediment interface elevations and contours and resultant
approximate quantity of existing sediment.
Horizontal datum will be NAD83/2011 and vertical datum will be NAVD8S.
All work will be performed in conformance with Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 5J-17,
pursuant to Chapter 472, Florida Statutes.
Task 8 Total: $6,144.00
Appropriate in-lake treatments and watershed BMPs will be identified and ranked. This proposal
assumes three alternatives. Estimated costs (including land costs, design, construction and
Operation and Maintenance) for each high ranking BMP will be presented, along with anticipated
water quality benefits. Cost efficiencies will be developed for each alternative for a 20-year life
cycle. Additional non-structural alternatives will be reviewed and included as appropriate, but at a
minimum will include compliance with relevant fertilizer ordinances, regular maintenance of septic
tanks and drainfields and relevant components of the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods
Homeowner Program.
Task 9 Total: $4,677.50
A Draft Final Report will be prepared which presents the results of the previous tasks. Two hard
copies and one electronic copy of the Draft Final Report will be submitted to the City for review. All
Chain-of-Custody forms, laboratory reports, and field data sheets will be provided.
Task 10 Total: $7,030.00
After receiving comments from the City, a Final Report will be prepared for the project. Two hard
copies and one electronic copy of the Final Report will be submitted to the City.
Task 11 Total: $1,750.00
Lump Sum for Scope of Services $62,297.19
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Time to Completion
The time to completion will be 14 months following Notice to Proceed.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us
Amec Foster Wheeler Environment&Infrastructure, Inc.
Lance Lumbard Scott C.Wuitschick, PE
Project Manager Practice Leader-Water Resources