HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-92 I '-" MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD May 19, 1992 Mayor Dabbs called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order in the commission chambers at 7:30 p.m. Following a prayer by Mayor Dabbs the Girl Scouts of Ocoee presented the colors, led in the pledge of allegiance and posted the colors. Mayor Dabbs called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Girl Scouts of Ocoee address Commission Cheyana Roberts and Valerie McGowin, representing the Girl Scouts of Ocoee, introduced the rest of the Color Guard: Suzanne Horn, Andrea Hudson, and Jacqueline Horn. The girls then thanked Commission for their support in both time and money. The Scouts are under the direction of Mrs. Carol McGowin, West Orange Service Unit Coordinator. ....... Proclamation Mayor Dabbs proclaimed NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK for JUNE 7-13, 1992. '- Golf Course Update - Mr. Ken Ezell and Mr. Ken Hooper Mr. Ken Hooper, Professional Engineering Consultants, reporting on the progress of the development of the golf course, said that DER is ready to issue the Intent to Issue the Construction Permit and it should be in hand in two weeks. The consumptive use permit should be ready at the St. Johns River Water Management board meeting on July 7. The advertising for the construction is out right now and 3 companies have picked up construction packets. Mr. Bill Thomas, Orange County Parks Department, said that they have found a way to re-route the Rails and Trails around the northern perimeter of the golf course, and although the solution is still in the conceptual stage they do have clearance from the owners of the lands. They still must go before the Expressway Authority and Winter Garden Commission. Mr. Ken Ezell talked about changes in the tunnel crossings and said also that they have agreed with the Fish and Game Commission to create 31.9 acres of conservation area within the golf course for the gopher tortoises and other wildlife. Mr. Ezell said that Winter Garden City Manager Creech had said there is no problem with the agreed buffer area as designed. Commissioner Combs asked about liability regarding injury to the patrons of the Rails and Trails path and said he wanted Ocoee held harmless. Mr. Ezell said a sign should be posted on the trail warning those people that a golf course is adjacent to the trail. The discussion turned to the sign regarding the construction of the golf course which was on display. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that the statement "public/private joint venture" is not legally correct and it was agreed to remove those words on the sign and to correct a date as well. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved to permit the sign to be erected on the site. It was made clear that this does not waive the permit fee. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Mr. Ezell reported on the progress of Post Buckley '-' Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Heeting Hinutes Hay 19, 1992 saying the preliminary site plans on the club house and maintenance facility are done and the construction documents and drawings are about 50% complete. Hr. Ezell said also they are making posi ti ve strides toward financing and they should be started with construction in September. They expect to be ready to grass the course in March 1993. '-- CONSENT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. ~ Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular COmmissio~_~~eting of !I!J,Y-_~L_.!~.9 2 .L_!~_<!__lfQ~J~~Jl~~_I'I_~~j: i~Jl~) d__~~y_~ 99 2. B. ~~~roval and Authorization toQse Fo~l~it~~e Funds to Purchase an ~~di~l~_Y~J!i~!.~_!la!'_J!l__@~.'!'!~Lthe Wi~dow'!_Q_~~~.JJn~~rcove.LV ehi~ 1 ~. C. !pproval and Authorization to Execute ~unicipal Sto~~Sew~~~tem ?erl!li t.--1~!:.~!"J.Q_~.~l._~g!".~~!l_~Rt_!i.!~-.91"J!n~~_~Q'!!lJ;y. D. ~val and Auth~rization to Execute South Water Plant Permissive Use__~il..~ement__~ith..__~t..!-_~Q.~n' s_!iye~ W~!:~LJI.if,~!J,ft~.!I!..~nt.. District. E. ~oval and Authorization to Execute Addendum No. 92-01 to !q!'.~~I!l~l! t1f:i!h__f.!.~__~_.._ t o.E:r::_~par ~Jf a~t e!~!.~:r:.._I~ci!:i:t!~~_.f!<!.J.L J.Q.r_~m ~mouI1t_llot-to-:e~ce~jll, 1~1. F . M>~...9v ~J____Gl!l~.A!!_t..l1_<:l:r:j_Z_GlJ i 01L.-tO_..J;x~cu t~___~qcteDt!'!I!l_.JfQ~___. 92-~___tQ Agreement with P ..E. C. to_.QI..epa~e__ Capaci ty __Ana~ysis Rep<!!'.L_tor !1~_-:t<:l:-_~~f_~~(LAIIl<:l1.!!1.t_Q.!...1~~06 . Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COMMENTS FROH CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no comments from the public at this time. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Second Readings of Ordinances Ordinance No. 92-13, "relating to the City Budget, amending the City Budget adopted by Resolution No. 91-19 for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1991 and ending September 30, 1992 by providing for reduction of appropriations and redesignation of capital purchases; providing for severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title only by Director of Administrative Services Beamer. Ms. Beamer then reviewed the mid-year budget amendment book which listed all the areas where adjustments were made for revenues to take care of the anticipated shortfall and for the deficit from last fiscal year. Commissioner Woodson noted that the gas tax is pledged for Clarke Road and asked what will be done if that comes in short. City Manager Shapiro advised that the impact fee has been used for this purpose and there are ample funds on hand for the next three years for Clarke Road. Mr. Shapiro also said that the first segment of Clarke Road (SR50 to White Road) will be ready for opening in several months and it would be appropriate to begin planning the activity for that occasion. Commissioner Woodson asked if the scrap metal was sold. Ms. Beamer said it has not been sold as it is being used. -.... At this point Mayor Dabbs announced that the public hearing was opened. No one in the audience wished to speak at this time. \.... Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Keeting Kinutes Kay 19, 1992 Commissioner Woodson raised the following questions and the staff response is underscored: 1) Inquired why the insurance figure was raised all the way through the budget; Kr. Shapiro responded that the original figures were an estimate and as employees !lad ~ cho~ce between_ seve_ral__~9_11lpanies19r ~Q.Y~..!"_~~.t.h~__[~.Il~LL~gJ!L~_~Q.!!!d not be predicted exactly. 2) Asked that the telephone expense be explained, as it went from $500 to $1,400. Ks. Beamer explained that the additional figure accounted for the installation but that-.P.h.onL"'-~_s not in servi<;~_~ow. Commissioner Johnson asked that the private line be reactivated as he has difficulty getting through to Mr. Shapiro. Commissioners Combs and Woodson said they have had no problem getting through. 3) Noted that the purchasing figures do not jibe. Kr. Shapiro said that we are not through with the~~~~_~ending. 4) Asked why a slope mower was purchased instead of the boom mower as listed, and also why trailers are listed to be purchased as we already have several. Ks. Beamer responded that the slope mower was the better machine for the job to be_done, and the trai1~rs are _not.-1he right kind for the. things which hav~ to be moved. Commissioner Combs had no comment at this time. Commissioner Foster had no comment at this time. "-' Commissioner Johnson complimented staff on the preparation of the material presented. Kayor Dabbs praised staff also for presenting a good job under adverse conditions. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to enact Ordinance No. 92-13 adopting the budget amendments as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Appointment of Police/Fire Pension Board Kember to replace Rayburn Wood This item was tabled until the next meeting. STAFF REPORTS Planning Director Behrens distributed a pamphlet entitled CitY-9f Ocoee Clarke Road Development Guidelines which he has made available to the developers. ~ City Attorney Rosenthal spoke briefly on ex parte communications and asked if Commission wished to adopt a resolution regarding same. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to direct staff to develop a resolution declaring that the existing conditions regarding ex parte communications are onerous. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. -- Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 1992 COKKENTS FROM COKKISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson: Asked that the road through the Silver Bend development that connects with Natchez Trace be closed at that connecting point. Cit~~ttq!ney Rosenthal will .tC!JJL_tQ.ih~_!1!lg i ne~!:~_C!!1_~L WO~lLQllt.Jl1 e __ d~ t a:i) ~ . Commission~~_[~~~~: 1) Commended Staff for the beautification projects in the medians and around town. Pointed out that the flower beds at City Hall are bare, however. 2) Reported that more and more street-side permanent garbage can racks are being constructed. Wants them dismantled and stopped. 3) Has received complaints on the water quality at the apartments behind Scottys, saying that the water was sta:.n:'l.i::faces. Cj,ty ~llvneer/Ut;.lic.:..c, Director Shira will check this out -wed,nesclCiY. Commissioner Combs: --.---.-- ~"_._._-------,_.._._._.__... ,... - -".",--, -.--,--- 1) Announced the Memorial Day Service will be held at the Gazebo at 9:30 a.m. 2) Asked that the winners of the 5th grade essay contest on recycling sponsored by the Woman's Club be invited to read their essays to Commission. Ci~y_Cl~I~ ~1' aft 0 1l-.!'!i-1L i n_vJ t e them. 3) Noted that the cablevision rates will go up on June 1 and he objects to the method of rate enforcement. ~ 4) Said the railroad company will be repairing the bad railroad crossings May 20, 21, and 22. 5) Reported to City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira that the Bluford Avenue surface is not yet smooth. Mr. Shira advised that there is one more paving course comlng. ~.Qmmi~sione.~ WOQ.dso.!!: I} Reported that serious clutter has been thrown over the fence on Geneva Street and asked that it be cleaned up before the Memorial Day Service. 2) Reported that the business at 436 Maguire Road has not been allowed to park their vehicles inside the fenced area they had prepared for that purpose and they are suffering losses as a result. fH.YJ1Cill~e~.H$hCl.~t:r::Q..~Cl.J!lth<:l.tj::h~_Q:r::~inCl..Il~~ requir.es .~~_e.cl_~_I,l_:[tac~_Jg.I"_Jh~._~tor a~l~:r:: king ..Qf_~hicle~and that _.J::.hose :t:?ll~:tll~.~.~e_~..th a LCl.~~_ll~~Jl.9:. .1l_1l.P.<:l.yeg...~~J:'JCl.~~ ~_.JQ.L.P.<:l.:r::.~ in g .~~.f.~_J;gCl...Il~~.tl1~X~~j_ll~._H. is possible that a..~w_Q:r::_dinan~~_call be passeq. to per~L~_diUerent type of non:. :2..~.1'm~!ib I ~ll:r:: f a~.~.J.g.!:__..p~:r::k.i!!!l1_"_:t:?~tL_ll!1 t iJ. jth<:l.~.p.~~}L:2..as.l!l_~<tLU1_~_~ xi .IH i n..L1..a.~ is th~.__QIl~-.!hat will be _enfor~~~. 3) Advised that the project signs for Clarke Road have been taken down and he wants them back up. 4) Noted that Commissioners can start using summer attire beginning with the first meeting in June. ~ ~(lyor_!!abbs : I) Asked if any Commissioner wished to represent the City at the City of Light function in Orlando for Thursday, June 11 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Receiving no positive response, Mayor Dabbs said he would take care of the response to the invitation. ~ '- ~ Page 5 Ocoee City Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 1992 2) Talked about the Memorial Day ceremonies at the Gazebo on May 25 at 9:30 a.m. and at Woodlawn at 11:00 a.m. Consensus was to order wreaths for both services as usual. Mayor Dabbs and Commissioner Woodson agreed to take the wreath to Woodlawn. 3) Noted the Tri-County League Charter change (to increase the size of the board) to be presented at the next meeting and to be voted on at the June meeting. 4) Announced the West Orange Healthcare Foundation's Celebrity Golf and Tennis Classic on Friday, May 22 at Windermere Country Club. ADJOURDEBT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Attest: