HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-92 WS '--' IlIIUTIS or TIlE CITY OF OCOEE BonD OF CODISSIORERS BUDGET WORKSHOP IfEETIlfG BELD AUGUST 4, 1992 lIayor Dabbs called the budget workshop of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order in the commission chambers at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens, Public Works Director Brenner, Police Chief Boyd, Fire Chief Strosnider, Personnel Director Psaledakis, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSEIn': None City Kanager Shapiro said that this budget is conservative and uses the figures from the mid-year adjustment with additional revenues that have been verified as collectible. The expenditures are projected to include the following: 1) 3 new policemen and 3 new firefighters; 2) increase in insurance cost; 3) 4' across the board cost of living increase for employees to make up in part for the 4.5' that was taken away at mid-year. After a brief explanation, IIr. Shapiro then advised that staff would prepare any further reports requested by Commission for the August 6 workshop. .\.., Adainistrative Services Director Beaaer pointed out additional information summarizing by fund the personal services, operating capital and transfers out; also the additional positions for 3 in the Fire Department and 4 (1 frozen) in the Police Department. lIayor Dabbs said that he had reviewed his list of questions with staff earlier in the day and asked Commissioner Combs to begin the review. Co..issioner Coabs' questions follow with the staff response underscored. Page 2-2 - Su.aary Expenditures: Why would Personnel Department have a .156' increase with 2 people and Building Department with 6 people not have an increase? Partly due to transfer of responsibilities from other departments (ads, education incentives, staff cars) to Personnel Department, not because of the number of people in the department. Bigaest expense will be for compliance with American Disabilities Act and for Hepatitis B injections. Page 3-23 - General Gov't Personnel: Why was the Personnel Department administrative expense changed by the City Manager from the requested $7,000 to $10,000? For the American Disabilities Act and Hepatitis B injections to practice preventive medicine. Page 3-9 - General Fund Legislative: What is Public Officials Liability in '4503? This covers the leaislative body and several officers of the City (City Manager, Building Official, City Clerk and others), which was formerly carried under Administrative Services but it was transferred to Legislative because that is where the major portion of the expense is. ~ Page 3-10 - General Fund Legislative: Define Community Promotion. Christmas parade, flowers (funerals and sickness). '-'" Page 2 Ocoee City co.aission Budget Workshop August 4, 1992 Page 3-10 - General Fund Legislative: Non Profit Organizations. This was reduced from last year's amount, and listed pending Commission decision. Page 3-11 - General Gov't - City Ranager: Computer equipment necessary? To replace equipment borrowed from Utilities Department which is now broken. Page 3-36 - General Gov't - Adainistrative Services: Transfer Auto Mechanic II to this department? Recommending that Shop be closed due to extensive certification necessary to work on vehicles now and the quality/cost of available commercial maintenance is acceptable. The person in this position will be assisting administration in the placing of vehicles for needed repair. Page 3-45 - Law Bnforce.ent: Why cut Training Expense from $10,755 to $2,000? Greater amount is available through the Fines/Forfeitures which will be used instead and will be brought before Commission for approval before use. Page 3-45 - Law Enforce.ent - Vehicles: Is this the lease of 3 vehicles? Six vehicles with warranty but no maintenance program. Same questions - Fire Depart.ent: Vehicle replacement? Chief wanted a 4X4 truck and he gave UP his own truck instead. ~ Page 3-41 - General Gov't - Building Maintenance: Are the increases in the rental of the community center going to cover the cost of the folding chairs and other requests? Increases not yet being charged, but will be included in the next fiscal year budget. Page 3-57 - Parks, Parkways, Trees ~ Drainage: Need to talk about the paving and sidewalk improvements. These are the same items that have been in the budget for three years. Need to consider going away from this type program except in the case of a health/safety problem. Coaaissioner Coabs said he thinks the Horticulturist's time could be better used than planting flowers. Page 6-2 - Public Worts - Solid Waste: How will the side loaders be paid for? Will be answered in the Thursday, August 6 meeting. Page 3-17 - General Gov't - Finance Administration: Typo on number of employees in this department. Will be taken care of. This concluded Commissioner Combs' questions. '--' C~issioner Johnson said he would only make general comments and would wait until Thursday's meeting to bring up specific line items. Regarding hepatitis issue: was planning to bring this up to be sure it was included. Regarding paving: cannot continue to avoid this, especially on the north side of town, and still face the citizens. Regarding the Horticulturist: positon pays for itself '-" Page 3 Ocoee City Co..ission Budget Workshop August 4, 1992 with her knowledge of chemicals and safety and she is doing a good job. Regarding new fire and police positions: will be filling critical positions. Coaaissioner Foster said he was glad to see that the budget was downsized considerably since the initial presentation of the Capital Improvements. Commissioner Foster's questions follow with the staff responses underlined: Page 3-10 - Legislative - Non Profit Organizations: Is opposed to giving away taxpayer's money, no matter how worthy the cause, and would like to see this item eliminated from the budget. Page 3-60 - Parks, Parkways, Trees' Drainage - Pest Control Maintenance: What do we have that would cost $5,000 for this item? This is the major expense of the fields I as they are under contract for control, and this would cost much more if done in house. '-' Page 3-60 - Parks, Parkways, Trees' Drainage - Christmas Lights: Does the fact that there is nothing in this slot mean that we do not need to increase the supply or replace any lights this year? City Manager requested that money be taken from some other account and placed here if desired rather than takina the funds from Continaency, as it is important to have a hiah cash carry-over from year to year and not use it to balance the budaet. Co..issioner Johnson suggested taking $5,000 from the Non Profit Organization fund ('8203) and using it for Christmas lights ('5309). Co..issioner roster said he would prefer to transfer $15,000 instead. Page 3-60 - Parks, Parkways, Trees , Drainage - Railroad Crossing Maintenance: $10,000 seems like very expensive maintenance. These are contracts already approved by Commission. Page 3-61 - Parks, Parkways, Trees , Drainage - Vehicle Replacement: What vehicles precisely? Three low mileaae used vehicles at $5,000 each. Page 3-62 - Public Works - Maintenance Garage: Aareed to talk about this Thursday. Page 6-4 - Public Works - Recycling Education: How will this be spent? This comes from the County and must be used for education. May be used for ads, city wide programs and classes or for educatina our own people to keep up with state recyclina requirements. Page 6-5 - Public Works - Vehicle-Lease Purchase: What vehicles are these? $30,000 balance on the old back loaders and $55,000 for two side loaders. '-' Coaais.ioner Foster said that he will support Commissioner Johnson on the repaving projects that have been promised for a number of years as this is a high priority item. '-" '-' '-" Page 4 Ocoee City Co..ission Budget Workshop August 4, 1992 Co..issioner Woodson moved to adjourn. There was consensus to not reconvene after the regular meeting immediately following this meeting. ADJOURlIJIERT Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Atxest: \. ~ ~ 1~. r,~ (/IF' ,',. Jean'Grafton, City Clerk '\