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August 4, 1992
The regular meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of Commissioners was called to
order by Mayor Dabbs in the commission chambers at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Foster
led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning
Director Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Dabbs recognized Boy Scout Troop #53, which meets at St. Andrews Church in
Pine Hills, and which was present in the audience to see local government in
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C.
Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regula~.~_oDlD!:issi~Meetin9'-Qt
~_\!j,~.L_1992 .~.
~.2U ov:~L an90.!~thQ:r:t~Cl'UQ!Lt()_r...M~ygJ::._~~<L~ i !tll e r _lLtQ_~xe.~1,!t~_Jf a t~_:r:
Pipeline Agree.ment_ and Wastewater Pipeline Agreement wi th F.:t()r..ida
~~:I!.t:r:~l._K~il:r:.Q(!~t . to.!_.Waste_!.~J~L_'f.[.~~tmeILt_ Plant_.l2.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and q ty Clerk to Execute
~.Q.mm~I!.iJ:L):'~1:.Q:r:.__~~ee~..!!n !:___~Hl! ..fl():r:.i da J~~~!:!:.I!1~.I!.L.Qf___~o:r::r:~~t:i.()Ils ~
Commissioner Johnson, s~con~jJ?y Co~issioner Co.mbs, moved to approv~_and acc~~t
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what index was used to
arrive at the proposed cost of living increase. City Manager Shapiro explained
that the consumer price index of July 1991 was used, as at the mid-year budget
amendment the 4.5% cost of living increase granted last year was discontinued and
the plan was to return the 4% that was taken at that time.
Ocoee Industrial Park - Preliminary Subdivision Plans
Planning Director Behrens read the staff report on this item, pointing out the
four major issues of concern with this development and the position taken to date
on each one:
1) How the alignment of the Western Beltway would impact the development; iThe
~onstruction of the beltway. will not affe~.LJ.hU.i.rstQ!l~~~_()1._the_J?roJ?osed
Q.~Y_~lQ.2!!1.~_nt.L_.2~..!'__9r lCl!lQ.O_Q:r:ClI1~_ Coull!y._ E~.2r e s ~!@Y.l!.!:!th()r:.iJY_!.l
2) How the development would impact the adjacent residential area in Winter
Ga rden; JIrn:Q.Ci.~L1"o_ul.g.. be .!!I:L.llil!!t~~g.J)~_..Cl.l_Cl.~l.()!.~!l~ n()_v:~h~.~t!lCl:r: _.1r:Cl.ff!~_fIg!L1h_El
P!:QP.9J;_~~L.ci~v e 19J2!!!.~..L.i. n t~L..!..Q~~ubd i vi ~ig!l; and __J)L_'!_~_~..f()_oJ~!:J,l.Z:~.l J?_U f (~.
~~ P3!.!' Cl.t:L.Il g:.!h~L .2:r:.o P.() s e.<J... ~_~_Y.~_LO.2.lll.~llJ:._. ~:r()III...tQ~_r_~.s. ~cl~_Il.tj._Cl1 _~.!:!.Pd,~ Y :i..~_:i..9J!.J.
Page 2
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 4, 1992
3) Conservation area determination; (NotuI'"isdict~~IlG!L_weUa,ncl~ c::oIlIlect~d w_Hl1
tl1 i S-Pr9-PQ~~~ _cl~ vue 1 c>J2!ll~Ilt._~t
4) Defining the flood prone area .(CitY.En~~neer _wjlt t~yj_eV1th~unood~levati_on
~udy sUP-IlIi t t~cl_~__Har 1 i1l9:njJo_C:]{~~l). _~n_gnrnall~ tl1~_X~n9:1 ge_t~!:mj.na.tion.1
5} Developer has asked for a variance with respect to the length of a cul-de-
sac, to 1200 I rather than the 800' perfil tted by the Code. U:>]~__~commen<ted
a,1>~c>Y al__~t __thi~.)
Ms. Joan Randolph, Planning Director with Harling Locklin & Associates, Inc.,
explained a few more details and answered questions raised by Commissioners.
Commissioner Johnson was particularly concerned about the natural buffer being
sufficient to separate the development from the existing residential area.
The public hearing was opened and, no one wishing to speak, was closed.
Commi s s i ~n~x_ COlBbS3__E_~ c:O!lcl e clJ:>Y_<:QIllID,t~~_!QI!~!" ,)"()hJ!~()1! 1. _ .mgy: encl_t ()_a,j>PJ~YnenJ he... .pla.ll_
~Ifh~fiie-=-Ila.Ii1r:~I~Q1!ne r .des_c:~iReQ ln~_<t~wi! h 1he~gAtt ion. .g[ _Cl -6-'_~l1iip._Ji!1~ IeIi c e
~ro~fu1- Ih~)acknir_~~_!Q.j_o~=-~oijJi__~{uj:)c.n \Ti~ i ()~___~l}_~r ~(heW~_~f~ r ri__]eJ:lwiiL__ancl
f~t!it.her~:fK~I:Ilii]~o()(t-a~ea._~~_cl~Itne4.I()t[e- -l)itI~1~~J:I_c>~n:9I)he.__~!fi]'~~SiIr~~i-o~
Ql1_ rotL caJJ,__<:Ornl1\i1)~io!!er Comppvote_d "i:lY~L" Com~niss~oner - Foster "aye,"
<;c>lllnlIi~I9B:~i ~Johril)gzi_~~~ Y~L ':. j:Ornmis ~I9n e 1: W Qqds-9Il__'_:aye !." .an d .I1al'O r .Da~l:l!) .~'Cl ye .~ II
Mobon-ca.r:iiea-.- -- .. . . ...... ....... ............. ..... .. .. ......... ... . .. ...
------.--..----. ..' . -..-.-.------- ~
Appointments to Boards
Police Citizen Advisory Council - three year terms
s erve oIlJh~Poli ce <:Att zeIlAclyisory ~QardJor_tl:1~ c:ust olllarytl1I:E::_e_YE::i:lx__terl1\_.
MotI()r~s~o~Iict-~,~1I~tl~~.ri.j~()~1'~: Y2[~: ~12_I~~<?i~ - . ... ...--- .--- .. ----.. ---------- --- -~-
Code Enforcement Board - Louis R. Wood's resignation received/term ends January
1993. Consensus was to place this ltem on the August 18 agenda.
Schedule Public Meeting for Non-Profit Organizations Funding.
Following a discussion regarding the eCO!lOmy and this Commission's
responsibili ties to the employees and the ci tizens, 5,:o_mmj.f:1~ioner ._,)"ol!J:l:;O_IlL
~ecortci~ci_py C(>ID.lnissioner Fo~J~rL__IIlC>Y~ci _to rec1uc;_ethei~ollnt-sef~~irge--~foi
~V1i:l~g,i~gICi~c:lia.riEi:lple()rganiza tignl>to_i>_5,OQQ a_nci to_no:t.. agVl::~tisE::Jor_i:l__s.pecj_~.l
tjlll~_J9_~_PIe~~!lJiifiol}:;__b-y J:hos.eorgai1jz~fi()ns.M9ti()n.. carrTeawi th 4-1 vQteUwlHi
l'I~l'orJ)9:~bS\T9t ing no. ..
First Reading of Ordinance: Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for
August 18, 1992.
Ordinance No. 92-19, relating to Water/Wastewater Fees was presented by title
only for the first reading. Mayor Dabbs announced that the second reading and
public hearing for this ordinance will be held on August 18, 1992 at 7:30 p.m.
Page 3
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 4, 1992
There were no staff reports at this time.
~ommi~s:t<?~~.!:__~omb~_~ Congratulated staff for the best bUdget he has read and
thanked Shira for the road tour.
COlI!.mis~J9nel'_ Fost~l:::
1) Said the 35 MPH speed limit on Story Road is not appropriate for a major
road. City Manager Shapiro explained that the design of__1he_road__(lq!".
gull~Y--.!'ith_J1Q shq_ut<!~_r) dictated the speed limit.
2) Reported that the required "Right Turn Only" sign is not yet up in the new
development at the southeast corner of Bluford/SR 50.
Commi~sioner Johnso~:
1) Reported the Silver Bend stop slgn has been down several days.
2) Said he appreciates the report on legal fees and asked that statements
showing how much the City has received back from developers for legal fees
be provided as well.
3) Reported that Leo Birdyshaw was buried today.
~ 4) Wants a comparison on the return we are getting for our Tri-County Transit
dollars as compared to other cities.
Commissioner Woodson:
1) Noted the error on the water bill regarding the time of day for watering
2) Reported that the Vials of Life were delivered in Forest Oaks Sunday and
will be available through the Fire and Police Departments and Mrs. Ems.
Those giving their time for the distribution along with Commissioner
Woodson were: Mrs. Phyllis Olmstead, Mr. Phil Ingram, Mrs. Hilda Ems,
Detective Sergeant Ken Fisher, Lt. Wayne Vaughn, Firefighters Charles M.
Reed, Yancy Cleveland and Joe Moy.
3) Noted that when builders position the water meters in such a manner that
they wind up in the middle of the sidewalk or driveway it causes
difficulties for the meter readers and so adds to the time required to
read the meters.
4) Asked what the telephone people are doing as he sees their flags around
5) Announced that there will be no garbage service on Monday, September 7 due
to Labor Day holiday.
Mayor Dabbs: Commended Administrative Services Director Beamer for the excellent
budget document and Ci ty Manager Shapiro for the philosophical leadership behind
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 4, 1992
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
City of