HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-92 WS ~ IUIUTIS OF TIlE CITY OF OCOEE BonD OF COMKISSIOJIERS BUDGET WORICSBOP HELD AUGUST 6, 1992 Xayor Dabbs called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. PRESEIT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Public Works Director Brenner, Building Official Flippen and City Clerk Grafton. ABSEIT: None The review of the proposed budget began with questions presented by Commissioner Woodson. Those questions are listed below with the staff response immediately following and underscored. Page 3.2 General Revenues - Gas Franchise Tax: Noted that there is a typo in the amount. Should be $9,500. Page 3-3 General Revenues - Roofing Permits: Thinks the projected revenue is too high compared to this year. There is a new requirement in the buildina code that all roofs have to be permitted and inspected separately and paid for separately. Page 3-13 General Gov't - City Manager Training Expense: What training will City Manager have? This is the reaistration fee for conferences and seminars. This is sometimes used by others as well. '-" Page 3-45 General Gov't - Law Enforcement Vehicles: $112,000 requested was reduced to $24,000? Vehicles are to be leased instead of purchased. Page 3-54 General Gov't - Cemetery: Thinks there should be one full time person at the cemetery. Revenues from the cemetery ao into a sinkina fund rather than the aeneral fund and usina PPTD personnel for this work is better than budaetina for separate personnel at this time. Page 3-59 General Gov't - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage - Concession Stand Maintenance: What is this? The concrete work (a side that is cavina in) that needs to be done at the Little Leaaue Field. Page 4-2 Storawater Utility - What happened to the 3 people? Those positions were placed in this account at mid year to help the aeneral fund budaet and this stormwater utility fund will be kept for the purpose of bondina and capital improvements in the future. This concluded Commissioner Woodson's questions. '-" Co..issioner Johnson, referrina to page 3-9, Health Insurance, said that he felt this was a big expense and that he had his name removed from the list of those covered. Administrative Services Director Beamer said that the calculations include Commissioner Johnson and she would recalculate those figures, showing only Commissioners Combs and Foster covered by the medical insurance and with dental/vision coverage for all. Co..issioner Foster said that he felt that commissioners were important as employees of the City and so should be covered by the insurance. '- Page 2 Ocoee City C~ission Budget Workshop August 6, 1992 Kayor Dabbs recalled that the BUdget Committee had suggested getting out of the voting by districts, phasing out the Over 65 Program, dropping the insurance coverage for the Commission, and being sure there was a cash carryover in the budget. There were no decisions to change any of these items at this time. Co..issioDer Johnson said also that he felt travel should be cut to only that which the Mayor must do. It was determined that the $4,000 in the budget would provide for Commission to attend the Florida League of Cities conference and the Legislative Day in Tallahassee, which would be the minimum to provide for an informed Commission. Co..issioner Foster said most of his comments were covered in the August 4 meeting, and he wanted to be sure that the Non Profit Organization line item was reduced. He was assured that it had been taken care of already. His further questions: Page 3-46 Expenditure Suaaary - Fire Control: How do you justify the $170,000 for 3 additional people? This amount includes the 4' cost of living increase for all, overtime, incentive pay, and increase in insurances, as well as the salaries for the 3 additional people. '-' Page 3-60 General Gov't - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage: Have you made adjustments on Christmas lights? $5,000 was added back in as directed. Page 3-66 General Gov't - Recreation: Thinks the money budgeted for fourth person in Recreation could be better used elsewhere. Year round schools will cause added program participation during the day and the plan is to increase the available activities for both day and niaht, which will require more than two full time people. Co..issioner Coabs: Page 3-37 General Gov't - Administrative Services - 14501 Auto Liability Insurance and 14605 Vehicle Parts & Repair: Are these on City cars or for this department? For the one truck the mechanic has. Kayor Dabbs said that he has already given his list to staff and he noted that the budget does not include surplus property sales for the garage. Will eventually have that and also surplus real property as well, after the needs for drainage are determined. Kayor Dabbs wanted to come to closure on the recommendations from the Budget Committee regarding the Over 65 Program (on pages 3-19 and 3-20). C~issioner Woodson said there was no reason to discuss it, that it was designed to show appreciation to the pioneers of this town, and that, although newer citizens to the area and wealthier citizens who really do not need the break are benefitting from the program, the value to the numbers of old timers who do need the benefits who are receiving them should weight the argument in favor of keeping the ~ program. There were no comments from other Commissioners. '-' Page J Ocoee City Co..ission Budget Wortshop August 6, 1992 Adainistrative Services Director Beaaer reported that the research done on the purchase of side loaders for Solid Waste reveals that side loaders are more economical to use, more dependable than back loaders and a definite time saver. Consensus was to budget side loaders as recommended. lis. Beaaer continued her report moving to Parts, Parkways, Trees , Drainage regarding sidewalk and resurfacing needs. Commission had requested a list of those that had been a part of the capital improvements budgeted for several years showing the districts and this was presented at this time. City lIanager Shapiro expressed concern regarding children's safety and the need for sidewalks but he said an assessment program must be devised which is consistant as this money cannot continue to come out of general fund. Consensus was to do the first 3 years of those sidewalks and resurfacing improvements that have not been done which have been on the 5 year capital improvements list and go to assessments for those listed in the 4th and 5th year. lis. Bea.er corrected the July 31 memo which showed legal charges from Foley & Lardner, indicating that a total of $13,288.91 was placed on that list in error as those were charges from other counsel for employee matters. Commissioner Johnson had requested a list of reimbursable legal fees for FY 92 and that was presented at this time. The list showed a total of $46,187.57 in '-' reimbursable fees with $29,661.23 still outstanding. lis. Beaaer explained that there will be no further development action until those accounts are brought up to date. The Plantation Grove account is being reviewed by a third party to assure that the charges are reasonable charges for the work done. Commission had requested a report on the merit awards for department directors and that was presented at this time. Co..issioner Coabs said that he will have a question to raise at the public hearing. The requested report on car allowances was presented showing the disposition of the vehicle assignments since the new "no car allowance" policy has been in effect. The next report was on the Tri-County Transportation Authority source of revenues. ...... lis. Beaaer said that a study had been completed on the cost of maintaining the cOllaunity center and recommended a rental rate to be charged (for both city residents and out of city residents) of $30.00 per hour with $200.00 per day for an 8 hour day, with a security deposit of $100.00. The question was raised about a charge for the use of only the training room or the bar area. lis. Beaaer said that she will calculate those figures and a resolution adopting the rates will be prepared. lis. Bea.er said that a study had been completed on the cost of maintaining the youth center as well and recommended a rental rate of $7.00 per hour with a minimum rental of one-half day for $25.00 and whole-day rental of $50.00, with '-' '-" '-'" Page .& Ocoee City Co..ission BUdget Workshop August 6, 1992 a security deposit of $50.00. These rates would be reviewed following the planned renovations to the center. City Jlanager Shapiro asked Commission to advise him if there were any more reports needed prior to the public hearings. lDJOURlOlllT The workshop adjourned at 8:55 p.m. /( ity Clerk