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August 18, 1992
The regular meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of Commissioners was called to
order by Mayor Dabbs at 7: 30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner
Woodson led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a
quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Behrens, Building Official Flippen,
Personnel Director Psaledakis, and City Clerk Grafton.
There were no presentations or proclamations; however, lIayor Dabbs announced that
IIrs. Hilda Bas and the Police/Fire Depart.ents can provide the "Vial of Life" to
anyone interested in taking part in the program.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. lIayor Dabbs asked that the
number of parking spaces in item C be verified before a vote was taken.
(Consideration of the consent agenda was delayed for the count of parking spaces
and lIafor Dabbs asked IIr. ReJllolds Allen to give his presentation on pending
union negotiations, which was agenda ite. VI A, at this ti.e. For the sake of
~ ease in future research, that report will appear in these .inutes in the order
listed on the agenda, but can be found on the audio tapes fro. 7:35 to
8:05 p...).
~ Acceptance and Approval of lIinutes of Regular Coaaission lIeeting of
August 4, 1992.
~ Approval and Authorization for Transfer of not-to-exceed aaount of
$3,328 froa ContingencY to Account 110. 001-512.1-6302 for Code of
Ordinances bill.
~ Approval and Acceptance of Plantation Grove POD - East
Coaaercial Shopping Center Paree! Phase 1 - Final Develop.ent/Final
Subdivision Plan.
Upon receiving verification that the correct number of parking spaces (401) were
shown on the plan for Plantation Grove PUD -East, lIafor Dabbs, seconded by
Co..issioner Coabs, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
There were no comments from the citizens at this time; however, the Ocoee Rent-
A-choir took this opportunity to sing "Happy Birthday" to lIafor Dabbs.
Ordinance 110. 92-19, relating to Water/Wastewater Fees.
The ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public
hearing. Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that adoption of this
ordinance would provide: 1) automatic adjustments for increase in power,
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1992
chemical and wholesale equipment costs, 2) automatic adjustments for capital
charges reflecting rising cost in construction, and 3) consistency in determining
the categories, units of measure and factors for calculating. Mr. Ken Hooper,
PEC, said that other cities and counties have adopted similar ordinances as a
time and money saving system. Both co..issioner Johnson and Couissioner Foster
expressed strong feelings against abrogating the authority to establish the rates
as that should be done by Commission. couissioner Combs concurred and said that
he would want to see the figures each time, and that a provision should also be
included for a rate decrease as well as increase. The public hearing was opened.
Mr. John Linebarier, 1308 Center Street, spoke against doing away with the system
in use now which gives the public an opportunity to hear and be heard regarding
a rate change. Mr. William Harness said that he felt that Commission should
raise/lower rates rather than Staff. The public hearing was closed.
co..issioner Foster, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved to adopt proposed Ordinance
No. 92-19. Couissioner Coabs, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved to amend Section 2
of Ordinance No. 92-19 with specific reference to changing the proposed Section
22-4 (f) on page 4 to read as follows:
Service charges (Volumetric) for water service and sewer service shall be
automatically adjusted for increases and decreases in expenses to the City in
electrical power, chemical, and wholesale treatment costs using the following
New Rate = Old Rate + (% of Budget for power and chemicals
and wholesale rate X Old Rate X % Increase)
Said adjustments shall be made annually or more often if determined necessary by
the City Manager due to increases or decreases in expenses. The City Manager
shall ~e the City Commission notice of any such proposed adjustments at least
thirty (30) days prior to the effective date thereof. Such notice shall also be
set forth on all utility bills at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective
date thereof. Within said thirty (30) day period from notice to _ the City
Commission, the City Commission may, at its option, reject any such adjustments
proposed by the City Manager, in which case said adjustments shall not take
effect and the service charges_ (Volumetric) for water and sewer service shall
remain unchanged.
Taking the motion on Ordinance Bo. 92-19 first, on roll call Co..issioner Combs
voted" aye," Co..issioner Foster "aye," Couissioner Johnson "no, "couissioner
Wo,ods<?n "no," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried with 3-2 vote.
On the aaendaent to the Ordinance, Couissioner Coabs voted "aye," couissioner
Foster "a~" Couissioner Johnson "no," couissioner Woodson "no," and ~
Dabbs "aye." Motion carried with 3-2 vote.
Pending Union Negotiations - Mr. Reynolds Allen representing Hogg, Allen, Borton
&: Blue.
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Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1992
Mr. Reynolds Allen reported on the status of the union petition involving the
police department, and briefed Commission on the procedures and responsibilities
in the event unionization occurs. (Details on audio tape #1 of this meeting from
7:40 p.m. to 8:05 p.m.)
Appointaents to Code Enforcement Board Louis R. Wood's resignation
received/term ends January 1993.
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Dean
Richards to complete Louis R., Wood's term on the Code Enforcement Board which
ends January 1993 and to serve the next term as well. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor. -
Resolution No. 92-13, authorizing the implementation of a Revenue and Maintenance
Fee for Sewer and Water Permits. (Listed on agenda as "establishing Revenue and
Maintenance Fees for Capacity Reservation)
Resolution No. 92-13 was presented by title only. Administrative Services
Director Beamer explained the background of this issue and advised that those who
have purchased capacity and have unused capacity on the books have been notified
of the possible implementation of this charge on October 1, 1992. There were no
comments from the citizens present. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Mayor
Dabbs, moved to adopt Resolution No. 92-13 as presented-: Motion carried with
unanimous vote in-i-avor. -------.---~---...----------- - - -- -" -
First Reading of Ordinance Bo. 92-20, adopting Code of Ordinances. Second Reading
and Public Hearing Scheduled for September 1, 1992.
Ordinance No. 92-20 was presented by title for the first reading. Mayor Dabbs
announced that the second reading and public hearing will be held September 1,
1992 at 7:30 p.m.
STAFF REPORTS - There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissione!, Foster: Thanked the citizen who had called him to express
appreciation for the way he voted on an issue.
COmmissioner Johnson: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Woodson: Thanked Public Works Director Brenner for promptly
handling the )roDlem with IWS and church garbage.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Asked that something be done about the high weeds and grass at Johnson's car
place on Highway 50. Building Official Flippen advised that Code Enforcement
Officer Ross has been in touc!Lti_!thQrange County Code Enfqrcem~l!.t_regardil!uhi~
2) Asked for status of Withers-Maguire House. Administrative_~.~rvices DirectQ.:['.
Beamer advised that the pre-submittal conference is scheduled for~ust 28 and
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Ocoee City Coamission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1992
October 6 aaenda. Ms. Beamer said that due to hail and rain damage several of
the windows had been temporarily boarded up.
3) Asked for status of golf course. Ms. Beamer reported that Mr. Ezell will be
in September 1 with a funding report. PEC Consultant Ken Hooper advised that the
permitting process is proceeding and that the Intent to Issue a Permit will be
coming in about 2 weeks.
4) Asked for status of new City Hall. The Architect was in with the interior
scheme last week and will return with the exterior scheme in 2 weeks. Will be
presentina to Commission shortly thereafter.
Mayor Dabbs: Thanked Ocoee Rent-a-Choir for the birthday song.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.