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Septeaber 15, 1992
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order
by Mayor Dabbs at 7:48 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led
in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Building
Official Flippen, Planning Director Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Dabbs presented two proclamations: Fire Prevention Week - October 4-10,
1992; and Mental Illness Awareness Week - October 4-10, 1992.
Ks. Lee Ann Lowery, Orange County School Board
Ms. Lee Ann Lowery addressed Commission regarding School Impact Fees and said
that a workshop could be arranged if requested.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Commissioner Woodson
pulled item B.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Contract with Orange County School Board
'-' for School Resource Officer at Elementary Schools and KiddIe School.
C. Approval and Authorization for Use of Forfeiture runds for Training
in Police Departaent.
Coaaissioner roster, seconded by COBissioner Coabs, moved to approve the consent
agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
B. Acceptance and Approval of Rental Rates
1. Coaaunity Center
2. Youth Center.
Coaaissioner Woodson said that he objected to the proposed rate for the rental
of the community center and he felt that $100 per day would be sufficient.
Adainistrative Services Director Beamer explained that the study was done to
determine the actual cost of maintaining the building and the figures recommended
accurately reflected a fair rental fee. Coaaissioner Coabs, seconded by
Coaaissioner Johnson, moved to accept item B1 and 2 as presented and authorize
the rates to be effective October 1, 1992. Motion carried with 4-1 vote with
Commissioner Woodson voting no. The rates are as follows:
Hourly rate for Community Center $ 30.00
Hourly rate for Training Room $ 9.00
Hourly rate for Lounge $ 6.00
Eight hour Day Rental for Center $200.00
Security Deposit $100.00
Gazebo Rental Rate (no change) $ 10.00
Cancellation Fee $ 25.00
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Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Keeting
Septeaber 15, 1992
Hourly rate for Youth Center
Half Day (4 hours)
Whole Day (8 hours)
Minimum Rental Rate
Security Deposit
Cancellation Fee
$ 7.00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 10.00
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Second Reading: Ordinance No. 92-21, relating to Interi. Services Fees.
This ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public
hearing. Adainistrative Services Director Beaaer explained that this ordinance
updates the fees established in Ordinance No. 91-26 and is in keeping with the
intent adopted last year for interim services fees based on the budget for demand
services provided. The public hearing was opened and, no one wishing to speak,
was closed. Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Coabs, moved to adopt
Ordinance No. 92-26 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson
"aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
Request for One Year Special Exception - Central Florida Coamunity School at St.
Paul's Presbyterian Church (Case No. 2-28SE-92:St. Paul's).
Planning Director Behrens presented the staff report. The public hearing was
opened and Mr. Bob Flanders, 2220 Hempel Avenue, Winter Garden, owner of Central
Florida Community School in Gotha said that he has 36 students with learning
style differences and is currently looking for a home for the school. Mr.
Flanders is requesting permission to place his school at St. Paul's Presbyterian
Church for a period of one year. Mr. Flanders said he recognized that one of the
problems the City had with issuing the permit is that the school is a for-profit
corporation but that he is applying for 501(C)3 corporation status which will put
them into a non-profit status. Although the audience was full of parents who
were present to support Mr. Flanders in his request, no one else wished to
address Commission at this time. Coaaissioner Combs, seconded by Coaaissioner
Woodson, moved that the City Commission has found that the requested application
for special exception meets the criteria of Section 4-8(B) of Article IV of the
Land Development Code and to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommendation to grant a special exception for one year with enrollment limited
to 40 students. Coaaissioner Woodson said he had visited St. Paul's on Sunday
and found it to be very nice but he objected to the fact that it was necessary
to show on their printed material their address as Winter Garden when they are
in fact located in Ocoee. Kayor Dabbs said that he also visited St. Paul's on
Sunday and had the same feelings about the facility. Mayor Dabbs said that he
had no problem with the church but he had a problem with the City providing a
for-profit situation for a for-profit institution to be in business in a not-for-
profit location. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner
Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor
Dabbs "no." Motion carried. Pastor Stamper expressed his appreciation to
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
Septeaber 15, 1992
Planning Director Behrens for his sensitive handling of a matter which at times
was a sticky wicket.
Discussion on Place.ent of Insurance for FY 92-93.
Personnel Director psaledakis advised that she had determined to find better
rates for the City's insurance coverage when the budget was reduced midyear and
found that placing the automobile coverage with Florida League of Cities rather
than with Brown and Brown Agency would result in a savings of $63,522. Ks.
Psaledakis recommended placing General Liability, Police Professional Liability,
Public Officials Liabili ty, Emergency Medical Services Liabili ty, Property Damage
(Building and Contents), Boiler & Machinery (arching, mechanical break down),
Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Inland Marine (Miscellaneous Equipment) and
Crime with Brown and Brown as in the past, and to place Automobile Liability and
Physical Damage with Florida League of Cities. Ken Enlow, Brown and Brown,
explained the difference between "claims made" and "occurrence" coverage.
Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the
placement of the insurance coverage as recommended by Ms. Psaledakis. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Resolution No. 92-17, relating to the Revision of Fire Captain' s Job Description.
Resolution No. 92-17 was presented by title and City Manager Shapiro explained
that this description more accurately details the Fire Captain's job.
Coaaissioner roster, seconded by Coaaissioner Coabs, moved to adopt Resolution
No. 92-17 as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Concurrency Kanagement.
Resolution No. 92-18, adopting Concurrency Kanage.ent For.s.
Resolution No. 92-18 was presented by title and Administrative Services Director
Beamer explained that the concurrency management application and certificate
forms are a part of the requirements of 9J5. Kayor Dabbs, seconded by
Commissioner Coabs, moved to adopt Resolution No. 92-18 as presented. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Resolution No. 92-19, adopting Concurrency Kanage.ent rees.
Resolution No. 92-19 was presented by title. Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by
Coaaissioner Foster, moved to adopt Resolution No. 92-19 as presented. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Discussion on Street Name/Numbering System for State Road 50.
Planning Director Behrens recommended that the name West Colonial Drive be used
for the entire segment of State Road 50 located within the Ocoee City Limits, and
the street numbering system continue in a westerly direction from Good Homes Road
Plaza west to our city limits, because of the confusion caused by the existing
non-system. Kr. Bill Phillips, 1607 Ison Lane, said he wanted the addresses
nailed down for 911. Kr. R.P. Kohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, suggested
having Congress and the Post Office get together and fix the address problem.
Kayor Dabbs advised that he has been to Washington and is working on it still.
Couissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Coabs, moved to accept the
Planning Director I s recommendation. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Keeting
Septeaber 15, 1992
Purchase of Land (Vignetti Park) froa General Fund by Utility Fund.
City KanaO'er Shapiro requested approval of the transfer of ownership of the 5
acre tract previously used for a BMX track at Vignetti Park from the General Fund
to the Utility Fund in order for the location to be used for additional well and
ground storage area between the Jamela and Forest Oaks Water Plants. Such action
would involve the transfer of funds in the amount of $82,500 from Utility Fund
to General Fund. Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Johnson, moved
to approve the transfer of assets as described by Mr. Shapiro. Motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
Appointaents to Boards.
Recreation Board - Four (4) terms expire October 1992:
Coaaissioner Coabs, seconded by Coaaissioner Johnson, moved to reappoint Wa.
Chaabers, Terry Best, John Boston, and Gordon Applegate to the Recreation Board
for two year teras.
Police Citizens Advisory Council Ouida Meeks' term expires October 1992.
CoaaissionerJohnson, seconded by Coaaissioner Woodson, moved to reappoint Ouida
Meeks to serve on the Police Advisory Council for another three year term.
Planning and Zoning Coaaission - Kichael Sias' resignation effective iaaediately.
Coaaissioner Foster, seconded by Coaaissioner Coabs, moved to appoint Alternate
Member Tanya Miller to complete Mr. Sims' unexpired term and move Mr. Landefeld
~ to 1st Alternate position. Kayor Dabbs said that he would like for Mr. Nick
Gledich to be contacted for the 2nd alternate position and would do that.
STAFF REPORTS - There were no staff reports at this time.
Coaaissioner Woodson:
1) Thanked the Street Department team for their working trip to south Florida
to help in the restoration following Hurricane Andrew.
2) Congratulated Commissioner Combs for running for reelection unopposed.
3) Reminded all to wear coats and ties at the next meeting, as the summer
season is officially over.
Coaaissioner Coabs: Thanked his supporters for the hard battle in his campaign.
Coaaissioner roster:
1) Welcomed Mrs. Combs to the meeting and congratulated Commissioner Combs.
2) Thanked Personnel Director Psaledakis for her diligence with the insurance
negotiations and noted that she had saved more than her salary in
negotiating the rates.
Coaaissioner Johnson:
1) Said that Ms. Psaledakis showed why we have that caliber of staff so that
we can save that kind of money.
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Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Keeting
Septeaber 15, 1992
Noted that earlier in the meeting someone mentioned that the taxes have
been raised, but that in reality it was only the assessment changed, not
the millage rate.
Announced that Sanitation Department will pick up old telephone books in
the recycling containers.
Announced that he is a team captain for the American Heart Association
Celebrity Bowl-A-Thon on October 3 and 4 and he gave notice that he would
be collecting donations.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.