HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-99 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Mayor of the Moment Tyler Kingsley, representing Lake Whitney Elementary, opened the City Commission regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. The inyocation was given by Commissioner Anderson, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Frances Watts. The roll was called and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Howell, Anderson, Johnson and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Fire Chief Strosnider, Recreation Director Nordquist, Planning Director Wagner, Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, and Deputy City Clerk Gosnell. ABSENT: None. Mayor of the Moment Kingsley introduced his family and friends. PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Years of Service Award - James Mobley (25 Years) Mayor Vandergrift presented James Mobley with a plaque, gift certificate and knife for 25 years of service. Recreation Director Nordquist congratulated Mr. Mobley and spoke about his years of seryice to the City. Note: this item was not on the Agenda. POWR Awards Mayor Vandergrift presented certificates to each Commissioner for their participation in the POWR Campaign, and reported that since he was the winner, the contest would continue for another three months. Boy Scout Troop 198 Scoutmaster Paul Hershaw, Boy Scout Troop 198, thanked the Commission for the financial support received which allowed the troop to go to summer camp in Wyoming. Scoutmaster Hershaw provided a financial breakdown of the trip, introduced Brad Strong and Casey Owen, the two newest Eagle Scouts, and invited the Commission to attend the Eagle Award Banquet on September 25, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Ocoee. Mr. John Harris re: West Orange High School Mentor Program Mr. Harris gaye a brief outline of the community based mentor program for at-risk students at West Orange High School, and requested volunteers from the community to help with those students. Mr. Harris announced 905-2494 as the telephone number at West Orange High School for any citizen interested in participating in the program. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 Certificate of Completion 1999 Institute for Elected Municipal Officials to Commissioner Johnson. Presented by Mayor Vandergrift. Mr. Gordon Wright re: West Orange Warrior Baseball Club Mr. Wright gave a brief overview of the roster, stating that he did not pick up players or "ringers", that all the children participated in the games, and requested that the West Orange Warrior Baseball Club be allowed to share the ball fields one night a week for practice, and would work around the little league schedule. Discussion ensued regarding team roster, use of the fields, allowing Ocoee children to use the fields, and current agreement with AAU Ocoee Fire team. City Manager Shapiro stated that a fax was received from Gary Hood, President of the Little League, who was not in favor of this action. Recreation Director Nordquist stated that he had discussions with all parties as well. Mr. James Blackwelder, 2009 Nancy Ann Terrace, volunteered to grade the fields after practice and spoke to the issue of allowing the AAU team to practice on the fields. City Manager Shapiro stated that a meeting would be scheduled with Recreation Director Nordquist, Public Works Director Smith, Mr. Wright and a representative from the AAU Ocoee Fire team to work together for a solution, and will come back to the Commission at the September 21, 1999 meeting with their recommendation. The Commission agreed, without obiection. to table this issue until the September 21. 1999 Commission Meeting. Ocoee Middle School Presentation - Principal Kate Clark, Architect Fanning, Howey, and Landscape Architect Canin & Associates Ocoee Middle School Principal Kate Clark introduced Mr. Rene Tercilla, Mr. Hays Henderson, Mr. Rob Maphis, and Mr. Angel Goitia, who are currently working on the Ocoee Middle School project. Mr. Tercilla gave an overview of the progress of the project including the budget cuts in landscaping the interior courtyard of the project, and requested community assistance in the sponsoring of the purchase of seyerallarge trees. Mr. Hays Henderson discussed the landscaping budget for the courtyard, and requested sponsorship of eight 16' - 18' magnolia trees to be located in the grassy area and around the bus area, as well as 10-200 gallon live oak trees, which would haye raised planters with plaques and seating for the children. The cost would be $2,500 for each magnolia tree and $1,200 for each live oak tree. Page 2 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 Mr. Henderson stated that they were requesting a commitment or funding by December, 1999 from the community. Discussion ensued regarding how an account could be set up, and Principal Clark stated that the PTSA could possibly set up an account or the school could set up an internal account. Mayor Vandergrift stated that there was interest expressed from Commissioner Johnson for a pep rally and bon fire before the Building A was torn down. Principal Clark stated that she had received seyeral ideas and suggested that a committee be formed to discuss them, and invited a commissioner to be on that committee. Commissioner Johnson was selected to be on the newly formed committee without obiection. Mayor Vandergrift requested a list of plants and trees from Mr. Henderson. Mr. Jim Gleason, Vice President-Community Relations at Health Central Hospital, made a commitment to donate $2,500 for a magnolia tree for the project on behalf of the hospital. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. made a motion to take $2.500 out of contingency to be earmarked for the purchase of one magnolia tree at Ocoee Middle School. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of August 17, 1999, Minutes of City Commission Budget Workshop of August 23, 1999, and Minutes of City Commission Budget Workshop of August 26, 1999. Mayor Vandergrift requested clarification on two issues in the Budget Workshop of August 26, 1999 concerning the POWR Program and the well water for the parks. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to approye the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Ms. Dianne Thompson (call-in) 714 E. Lakeshore Driye, expressed her concern that AAU can cut players at any time - may start out with several players and then none. Mr. Anthony Cooley (call-in) 601 Banderas, stated that City parks claim to be open to the public; why can't the kids play, and for them to be responsible for some maintenance and repaIrs. Mr. Don Burkhalter (call-in) 299-9510 - stated that while he was coaching the AAU team, the City originally agreed that AA U could use the fields only on Sunday during the day, and that the privilege was to be renewed each year. Page 3 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 Ms. Tamika Hillman (e-mail) requested information on Ocoee statistics. Her request will be forwarded to the Planning Department. Mr. Sean Scott (e-mail) - stated that the matching fund grants received for Shoal Creek will be used to re-sod the East parkway area and will be completed before the end of the month. Phillip (e-mail) - asked if the subject has been brought up to paint the water tower on Wurst Road because it looks rusty and looks bad on the community that it is in. City Manager Shapiro will check the status of funding for this proiect. Ms. Karin Vorh (e-mail) asked if there were any plans to paint the water tower near Wurst Road. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker announced the RSVP Line 656-2218, the City e-email address for questions, and that a volunteer citizen was answering the telephone lines to take questions to the Commission. RECESS 8:25 p.m. - 8:40 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Fire Station Property on Montgomery Road City Manager Shapiro gave a brief history with regard to the ISO rating, with the rating of 1 as the highest, and that Ocoee was rated 4. City Manager Shapiro further stated that several locations haye been reviewed, and that there were drainage and location issues as well as cost issues involved if the facility was re-built at the current municipal complex. Fire Chief Strosnider expressed his thanks to the community for donating $6,086 to Muscular Dystrophy over the holiday weekend. Chief Strosnider gave a Power Point Presentation and outlined locations within the City limits that had been reviewed for possible relocation sites, and stated that response time was based on a 1-1/2 mile radius. Chief Strosider requested that the property located between Montgomery and California A venue be purchased from the Utility Department to relocate Fire Station 1 with noise and traffic safeguards. Mr. Mark Fredericksen, 623 Safeharbour Drive, Mr. Bob Johnson, 671 Safeharbour Drive, Ms. Christine Kelley, 593 Safeharbour Drive, Ms. Cassie Turiczek, 570 Safeharbour Drive, Mr. Jay Evans, 567 Safeharbour Drive, and Mr. Mike Victor Smith, 696 Montgomery A venue, gave a Power Point Presentation opposing the relocation of Fire Station 1 to Montgomery /California location, requested that the spray field be turned into a park for the Page 4 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 children, and submitted a Petition to convert the location to a park as well as opposing the site as a fire station with 200 signatures to the City. The Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Jim Gleason, 856 Hammocks - stated that he was not notified by his homeowners association and was not aware of the issue until one week before. Mr. Gleason stated that the fire station could potentially be a minimal conflict compared to what could be built in the area between that and Highway 50. Mr. Jeff Courterier, 732 Butterfly Creek Drive - opposed to putting the fire station on Montgomery. Ms. Maggie Musial (call-in) - stated the residents of Hidden Oak on S. Cumberland want the road closed and are working on a petition. Anonymous (call-in) - citizens are calling in that they are upset with the display of behavior that is taking place. Ms. Shannon Kane (call-in) stated that Commissioner Anderson is asking all the right questions and to keep up the good work. Mr. Glen Richardson, 774 Creekview Court, expressed is concern with industrial growth if the fire station was relocated to this site, and would like to see the mall and/or Health Central donate property for the fire station. Mr. Sean Scott, 648 Butterfly Creek Drive - spoke in opposition of the fire station relocation. Anonymous (call-in) - from the Highlands Subdivision - stated that Mr. Eyans is making positiye points. Mr. Fred Wilsen (call-in) 1019 Shady Maple - asked what studies have been done and what the basis of moving the fire station to Montgomery is, and expressed his opposition. Mr. Mike Tomlin, 824 E. Harbour Court, stated that there is fencing only on one side of Montgomery. Mr. Jeff Miller (call-in) 306 Sterling Lake Drive - asked why the fire administration building has to be within the newly proposed fire station and in a separate building. Jenny (call-in) Pioneer Key 2 - asked if it has been taken into consideration that the new fire station on the proposed Montgomery site may be too far away from mobile homes. Page 5 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 Mr. Lester Dabbs (call-in) stated that non support of Staff III a public meeting IS not appreciated by the citizens. Ms. Melinda Covey (e-mail) 889 Keaton Parkway, Admiral Point - would like to see the fire station on the North Side of White Road on Montgomery by filling in the retention poind, and stated that the facts do not reflect the pulse of the surrounding neighborhoods in a complete survey. Ms. Wendy Robbins (e-mail) expressed her opposition to the relocation of the fire station. Mr. Lloyd Robbins (e-mail) expressed his opposition to the relocation of the fire station. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker stated that she would like to see a study but also would like to see what the opinion was of the Commission, and stated she would like the fire station built on that location and would welcome it in her community. Commissioner Johnson stated he did not receive invitations to the homeowners meetings and he was on the RFP committee for the Fire Station. Commissioner Johnson stated that he did not believe the location was suitable for the fire station but would like to see a facility for senior citizens be built there instead, and would like to see the fire station relocated to Bluford. City Manager Shapiro stated that something would be built there - either a senior center or an arts center, and that they would be hard pressed to put a park there. Commissioner Anderson questioned if Staff has considered all the alternatives and if they had done their job. City Manager Shapiro stated that Staff prepared the report as directed by the Commission and that Staff has evaluated all City property with regard to the relocation efforts; however, they would re-visit several locations and would need an engineering cost for the Maine Street location, re-visit the issues of the valuation of the property on Bluford, reevaluate the location on Kissimmee at the old water plant site, and would contact Mr. Hawthorne. Mayor Vandergrift stated that the presentations were exceptional, and asked if the City was coordinating their efforts with Orange County, and would like to look at the Geneva/Story Road 10 acre site for a Sheriff's/Police/Fire Station. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he was not satisfied with the Staff's presentation, and that condemnation of the Columbus A yenue site was not a bad idea. City Manager Shapiro responded that the Police Department required 7 acres for their own department alone, that he would need information from City Attorney Rosenthal regarding Page 6 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 legal fees for the condemnation, and would like to look at the Maine Street property again as well. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made the motion to deny Staff's recommendation to purchase the property from the Utilities Department to relocate Fire Station One to the property located between Montgomery Road and California Ayenue. Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioners Parker and Howell voting in the negative. RECESS 10:30 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. Ordinance No. 99-27 - Adoption of Revised EAR for Comp Plan (Second Reading) City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-27 by title only. Planning Director Wagner stated that he was available to answer any questions, and that the presentation for this issue was given at the last meeting. The Public Hearing was opened, and since no one wished to speak, was closed. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner HowelL made the motion to accept Staff's recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 99-27 approving the Revised Evaluation and Appraisal Report. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 99-28 - Amend Land Development Code re: Temporary Ballfield and Playfields (First Reading/Public Hearing) City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-28 by title only. City Manager Shapiro stated that Staff was not in agreement with the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation, that there were some liability concerns, and requested direction from the Commission. The Public Hearing was opened, and since no one wished to speak, was closed. Ordinance No. 99-29 - Amend Land Development Code re: Open Rear Yard Porches (First Reading/Public Hearing) City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-29 by title only. The Public Hearing was opened, and since no one wished to speak, was closed. Page 7 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 OTHER BUSINESS Fire Station No.4 Driveway Assistant City Attorney Wheeler stated that the majority of the cost for the driyeway was due to the inability to re-use the collection boxes. Mayor Vandergift asked who did the inspection of the Fire Station. Mr. Wheeler responded that Gee & Jenson were responsible for all of the inspections except for a small portion of the drainage. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made the motion to accept Staff's recommendation to increase the contract amount for this proiect to $4,579.20, making the total authorized contract amount of $90,879.20, and authorize payment of this amount to Prime Construction Group, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. Founders' Day Fireworks Display Community Relations/Special Projects Director Shira gave an outline of the project and stated that the expenditure requires Commission approyal because it is over $10,000. Discussion included information on the barge, the deposit required, the size of the fireworks and the company producing the show. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made the motion to accept Staff's recommendation to authorize the expenditure of $15,000 for Founders' Day fireworks. Motion carried unanimously. Maguire Road Widening Project City Attorney Rosenthal stated that the memorandum provided to the Commission in their packets recommends the approval of the purchase agreement. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Howell, made the motion to approve the Purchase Agreement executed by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to close the transaction, including, but not limited to, the two Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreements. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Anderson voting no. Miscellaneous Improvements Projects - Change Order Request No.1 Discussion ensued with Assistant City Attorney Wheeler answering questions from the Commission. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Howell, made the motion to approve Change Order No.1 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $1.412.28, with Page 8 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 an extension in contract time of seven days, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No.1. Motion carried unanimously. Water Distribution Mains - Phase 2 Project Change Order Request No. 1 Discussion ensued with Assistant City Engineer Wheeler answering questions from the Commission. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made the motion to approve Change Order No. 1 with Georgetown Enterprises, Inc. by decreasing the contract amount by $27,057.35, with no extension in contract time, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No.1. Motion carried unanimously. Appointments/Reappointments to Boards Board of Adjustment - Fill Alternate Vacancies (2); term expires May, 2001. Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Parker. made the motion to appoint Mr. Michael Sayino as an Alternative to the Board of Adiustment. with a two year term to expire May, 2001. Motion carried unanimous Iv . Code Enforcement Board - replacement for Alternate Member Dean Hall whose term expires October, 2001. The Commission agreed, without obiection, to table this issue until the September 21. 1999 Commission Meeting. STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Howell 1. Would like to see signs on Taylor Street between Franklin and McKey. City Manager Shapiro will meet with Public Works Director Smith on this issue. 2. Stated that due to time constraints, he was requesting to be removed from the Education Commission. The Commission agreed, without obiection, to appoint Commissioner Johnson to the Education Commission as an Ex-Officio Member. replacing Commissioner Howell. Page 9 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 Commissioner Anderson 1. Asked if there is an update on the Orlando Avenue pavement issue. City Manager Shapiro stated that the bill has not been paid and that the company has not responded to their correspondence. 2. Asked if Jennings was allowed to pick up trash before 6:00 a.m. City Manager Shapiro stated that the would look at the contract to see the hours of operation. 3. Asked the status of the Pool Selection Committee. City Manager stated he would get with Recreation Director Nordquist to find out the status. 4. Reported that the Portland Telecommunications Act was ruled on. City Manager Shapiro stated that the information was forwarded to the attorney. 5. Requested that a retreat be held with Staff and an outside agency. City Manager Shapiro stated that he would follow-up on this. Commissioner Johnson 1. Received a complaint from a citizen regarding limbs not being picked up. City Manager Shapiro stated that this issue would be addressed at Thursday's meeting with City Attorney Rosenthal, and that they would review the Contract to see what their options were. 2. Asked the status of the Master Plan Committee for the municipal grounds, which the Mayor was a member of. City Manager Shapiro stated he would find out the status of the committee. Commissioner Parker 1. Stated that she felt Staff was doing a good job. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Requested input from the Commission on their thoughts about a town meeting to discuss Charter Schools, and invite the Education Commission to attend. The Commission agreed, without obiection, for Mayor Vandergrift to hold a town meeting to discuss charter schools. 2. Stated that he would like to address the issue of temporary agencies where they would have to house those waiting for jobs, and proposed the City create an ordinance to that effect. City Manager Shapiro stated that Staff would look at the situation. 3. Receiyed complaints that the field at Vignetti was very rough for those playing soccer. 4. Stated that legislation has changed for liability insurance for extreme sports for cities and would like to look at skateboarding/extreme sport opportunities. 5. Requested status on the Teen Club. City Manager Shapiro stated that he would meet with Recreation Director Nordquist to find out what the status is. 6. Requested that the section along the light poles on Starke Lake be mowed. City Manager Shapiro stated he would get with Public Works Director Smith to find out why this is not being done. 7. Stated that he would like to see Staff work with the Commission. Page 10 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 7, 1999 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :37 p.m. Attest: J/z. (1/tV h(!)4/7t.-t.~& Fran Gosnell, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED City of Ocoee S;S;;7{A ~. S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 11 of 11