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Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Frances Watts led in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Fire Chief Strosnider, Planning Director
Wagner, Building and Zoning Official Flippen, Human Resources Director Psaledakis, Assistant
City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler, Police Lieutenant Seaver, Principal Planner Lewis,
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel, and Acting City Clerk Green.
Orange County 2000 Charter Review Commission (CRC)- Jim Karr and Jim Riffle
Mr. Jim Karr and Mr. Jim Riffle, two of fifteen Commissioners serving on the CRC,
distributed a packet which included the current County Charter, a schedule of meeting dates, and
past ballot amendments. Mr. Riffle said the CRC is seeking input from county officials and
staff, constitutional officers, organizations, municipalities and citizens. He said their goal is to
stress county/municipality interaction, land use and utility issues, long term planning and any
suggestions for county government structure.. He said the review is in the early stage but views
expressed thus far largely support the current charter with no significant change. Mr. Riffle said
changes which have been suggested include: a return to partisan elections at the county level
(supported by local political groups), an increase in the interval between reviews of the Charter
from four to six years, and a change of County Chairman's title to "Mayor."
Mr. Karr said two other issues which have been mentioned are continuation of single member
districts and adding Commissioners in the future as population grows. He said in the testimony
they have taken thus far, the prevailing opinion is "If it is not broke, don't fix it." He said they
are available to receive comments from Ocoee Commissioners and citizens, and input may be
given on the CRC's web address at onetgov.net.
Mayor Vandergrift said he would be appearing before the CRC on October 25 and asked
Commissioners to share any comments they wish to have relayed. He thanked Mr. Riffle and
Mr. Karr for their presentation.
Mr. Riffle announced that the CRC will meet in Ocoee Commission Chambers at 5 :00 p.m. on
January 10, 2000 with a public hearing to follow at 6:00 p.m. at which they might receive input
. .
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5, 1999
from area residents. In discussion about the possibility of televising the hearing City Manager
Shapiro pointed out that it could be arranged if the CRC wanted to pay the crew.
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed October 3-9, 1999 as Fire Prevention Week in Ocoee and
presented the proclamation to Fire Chief Strosnider.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Commissioner Anderson pulled Item D
for discussion and Mayor Vandergrift asked, concerning Item B, if there would be a conflict of
interest in a retiree from the Fire Department serving as trustee on the Police/Fire Board.
Attorney Rosenthal said he did not believe there would be a conflict but advised Commission to
consult Attorney Lee Dehner, the counsel for the board.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Special Sessions of September
9.1999 and September 22.1999.
B. Approval and Certification of Appointment of James Coschi2:nano as Fifth Trustee on
Police Officers' /Firefi2:hters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
C. Approval and Authorization for Closing of Sandy Beach Drive for Halloween Block
Party on October 30.1999 from 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howelt moved to approve Consent
Agenda Items A, B, and C as presented subiect to confirmation bv Attornev Lee Dehner that
there was no conflict in a retiree from the Fire Department serving as trustee on the Police/Fire
Board. Motion carried 5-0. (Clerk's Note: On October 6, 1999, Attorney Dehner confirmed
there would be no conflict.)
D. Approval of Lease/Purchase Agreement with GE Capital Public Finance. Inc. for
Purchase of City Telephone System.
Noting a listing of expansion items, Commissioner Anderson expressed concern that the
amount of the Lease/Purchase Agreement ($338,342.46) might exceed the amount in the Sprint
proposal which Commission had originally approved. City Attorney Rosenthal and City
Manager Shapiro addressed his concerns but did not have immediate access to the specific
dollar amount of the original proposal. After further discussion, Mayor Vandergrift, seconded
.!2Y- Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Item D, the Lease/Purchase Agreement between
the City and GE Capital Public Finance, Inc., and to authorize execution by the Mavor and City
Clerk and further authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Staff to execute all documents necessary
to consummate the transaction contemplated bv the Agreement subiect to the Director of Finance
confirming that the dollar amount set forth in the lease agreement does not exceed the prior
dollar amount approved by the City Commission in approving the award to Sprint. Motion
carried 3-2 with Commissioners Anderson and Howell voting "No." Commissioner Howell
said he was not voting against the Lease/Purchase Agreement, but he wanted to see what the
original price was.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
The following item was taken out of agenda order for consideration at this point in the meeting.
Resolution No. 99-16, relating to Commitment for SR 50 Congestion Management Study
Mr. Jon VanderLey, spoke in his capacity as Mayor of Oakland as well as the Chairman of the
Transportation Task Force for the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. He asked Commission
to approve sharing in the cost of a study so safety modifications to Highway 50 may be
implemented. As major modifications to Highway 50 are so far in the future, the Task Force
wants to implement measures such as traffic light timing, intersection improvements, and
lengthening storage lanes for left turns to alleviate some of the traffic problems. He said the total
cost of the design is about $150,000.00 and Orange County has committed to paying one half of
it with the other half to be paid by the cities of Ocoee, Winter Garden and Oakland on a front
mile basis.. Mayor VanderLey said Metroplan has already approved $2,500,000.00 toward
those improvements out of their safety budget for the next two years.
City Attorney Rosenthal read Resolution No. 99-16 by title only.
Mayor Vandergrift pointed out that Ocoee already has a study and the resolution provides that
if that study can be used, Ocoee will be compensated for the cost to the City for it.
In response to questions from Commissioners Anderson, Howell and Johnson, Transportation
Planner Friel said that Ocoee's SR 50 study was complete and had been adopted last summer
and is used on an on-going basis as development occurs along the SR50 corridor. He said he
thought the majority of the study could be used if some calculations and assumptions are
updated, and the request for credit could be worked out when the scope of services is determined.
He clarified that Orange County would be leading the CMS (congestion management study) and
the more technical PD&E study would occur later. He said the actual construction or widening
of SR50 will be ten years out, and that is why the County and cities need to extend the life of the
4 lane road the best that they can. Commissioner Johnson expressed concerns about the
County's lack of planning and foresight concerning area roads.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve Resolution No.
99-16. Motion carried 5-0.
John Brady, 210 Franklin Street, reported problems with stormwater drainage from the road and
garbage from a neighbor's home flowing into his driveway. He also reported problems with
overcrowding and junk vehicles at 205 Franklin. Pertaining to stormwater, David Hamstra, of
PEC, said establishment of legal ownership of the right-of-way on Franklin was needed and that
could be accomplished through coordination between the City and DOT. Mr. Shapiro said the
right-of-way ownership issue would be addressed with the Citv Attornev on Thursday and asked
Mr. Flippen to look into the code enforcement issues on Wednesday.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
Richard Tomaino, 209 Franklin Street, expressed concern about problems on Franklin with
drainage, code enforcement at 205, parking on the street blocking traffic, trash cans which were
not put away according to City guidelines, and the need for speed signs. He also suggested
synchronization of the traffic light at Ocoee-Apopka and Silver Star in order to expedite traffic.
Commissioner Johnson pointed out that this was a state road and the City can only make
recommendations and he asked staff to address the state about the light.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira pointed out that DOT has pledged funds for this project
and the Orlando/Bluford intersection project and there would not be sufficient funds to do both.
He said this was another reason that the Franklin Street area project has not proceeded.
Michael Miller, 1305 Ridgefield Avenue, (call-in) reported that Lynx buses are traveling
through residential neighborhood at excessive speeds - over 45 mph in areas of 25 to 30 mph
speed limits Wurst and Adair) and asked what could be done. Mayor Vandergrift suggested
having police watch that area and sending a letter to Lynx making note of the complaint.
Commissioner Anderson said that the City had written to L vnx with concerns about buses
stopping on the road and asked that staff check on that again.
Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, on behalf on the Silver Bend HOA, expressed
their appreciation to Assistant City Engineer Wheeler for an outstanding POWR presentation to
their homeowners at their last quarterly meeting. She strongly encouraged other homeowners'
associations to become aware of wasting water when irrigating lawns and association common
Mrs. Anderson also reminded everyone about Ocoee Founders' Day events to be held on
Saturday, October 16 and encouraged everyone to participate.
Allen Bond, 295 N. Lakeshore Drive, (e-mail) asked about the City's preparation to control
water elevation in Starke Lake: (1) How long before a potential flood event (such as hurricane)
does the City open the deep wells, (2) How many wells are in operation on Starke Lake, and (3)
Do other regulatory bodies have to be consulted prior to activation of wells? Mr. Shira
responded that the maintenance of the wells was Public Works Director Bob Smith's department
and he does have a regular maintenance schedule for the wells. Mr. Shira said that both wells
are open and have been open for several months. Thev are ordinarilv closed only when the water
level starts to drop. He said the City is working with EPA and St. John's to find funds for the
cleaning of both wells as well as installation of new intake structures and gate valves. He
confirmed that St. John's had issued a permit in 86/87 that established elevations on Lake
Olvmpia and Starke Lake and there is a fairlv complex balance between the two. Mayor
Vandergrift said the inquiry would be turned over to Public Works for further response.
Howard Gross, 18 Moor Green Court, (e-mail) said he had previously complained that his
trash container, after being emptied, was either left in the street or blocking the driveway. He
said since his complaint it has been left in the street and that today his was the only container on
his street which had been left in the street. He asked for help in resolving this annoyance.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
Commissioner Anderson said this seemed to be a previous RSVP complaint and asked that it
be checked out. Mayor Vandergrift asked that anv repercussions to RSVP complaints be
checked into.
Mike Hone, 375 Kaila Court, (call-in) asked what it would take to get lights on the power poles
along Montgomery Avenue that leads into Admiral Pointe. Mr. Shapiro said there was a
problem on the left side with the distance between the sidewalk and the wall and the trees are the
problem on the right side, but staff will look into it.
Dunstan Amburgey, 503 2nd Street, (call-in) asked about areas which may be annexed into the
City and when more affordable homes would be built in the City. Mayor suggested that the
requests should be referred to the Planning Department.
Commissioner Parker announced that Ocoee's golf team had won the trophy in The McKesson
General Medical Golf Tournament sponsored by Health Central Foundation which was held on
October 4. Commissioners Johnson and Howell, Recreation Director Nordquist and John
Klingman (filling in for Commissioner Anderson) had comprised the team. Commissioner
Howell pointed out that the school nurse program had expanded from 4 school nurses to 20. Mr.
Shapiro said that Mr. Gleason had said Commissioner Parker had done a great job running the
tournament, and Commissioner Johnson also gave kudos for her exemplary accomplishment.
Commissioner Howell thanked Public Works Director Smith for the signs placed on Taylor,
Bluford, Kissimmee and Franklin Streets.
Mayor Vandergrift said a sample letter concerning negotiations on cable television had been
placed before Commissioners on the dais and he would be referring to it at the end of the
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-32 by title only. Human Resources Director
Psaledakis explained that the Temporary Assignment Pay section had been revised to coincide
with the IAFF Contract which Commission had approved at the last meeting. The change
provides for temporary assignment pay for Fire personnel to become effective with three
consecutive shifts instead of five and a commensurate change for general employees to seven
consecutive days from ten.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 99-
32. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
Principal Planner Lewis presented the staff report for the proposed subdivision to be located at
the southeast corner of the intersection of Clarke Road and White Road. The project will contain
approximately 33 single family residential lots. The subject property is part of the Lake Lotta
Center DRI/PUD so it has PUD zoning. He explained that most of the lots are 50' x 110' but the
minimum living area of the homes will be 1,200 square feet. He concluded with staff s
recommendation for approval subject to three proposed waivers from Code requirements as
included in the Waiver Table on Sheet 11 of the Plan: 1) The 800 foot maximum cul-de-sac
length - 1,100 feet proposed; 2) The 25 foot front building setback - 20 feet proposed; and 3) The
25 foot PUD buffer along all PUD boundaries - no PUD buffer proposed along the east side of
Lot 33.
The public hearing was opened.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what the City gained in return for
allowing 50 foot lots in this PUD, and City Attorney Rosenthal said the City gained the mall.
Mr. Mohnacky asked the reason for the waiver to 20 feet, and Mr. Lewis said the smaller front
setback would permit larger homes to be built on the lots and it was his understanding that the
homes they were planning to build were starting at 1,500 square feet.
Richard Tomaino said he thought it would be better to allow only 27 homes on the nine acre
The public hearing was closed.
Richard Wark, Errol Estates, Apopka, a general partner for Village Construction, said he hopes
to be the developer and builder of the project. He said it is their intent to build homes in the
range of 1,515 to 2,050 square feet with an average of 1,734 with price range from $125,000 to
$155,000 with an average of $138,600. Mr. Wark said the homes they propose to build will be
concrete block and will have pools.
In further discussion about details of the Plan, Commissioner Parker stated for the record that,
as she had experience with large houses on small lots, she thought on-site sales people should be
required to be forthright so prospective home buyers know what they can do in future. Mayor
Vandergrift said sales people should also warn if the lot is not large enough for a pool.
Commissioner Anderson suggested drafting an ordinance to require builders to notify
prospective owners how much build out is allowed on a property. Commissioner Johnson
suggested providing allowances for installation of paver streets in small subdivisions.
As had been recommended by staff, Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,
moved to approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for the Villages of West Oak
subdivision, including all three proposed waivers noted above, as date stamped received by the
City on September 9, 1999.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5, 1999
Commissioner Anderson moved that minimum house size on any lot should be 1515 square
feet in order to grant the waivers. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Johnson
pointed out that the City cannot command contract zoning.
The vote on the original motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting "No."
RECESS - 9:18 p.m. - 9:29 p.m.
The following items are listed in the order considered.
Human Resources Director Psaledakis said Mrs. Watts does understand that part-time
employees who work 20 hours or more a week do in fact receive holiday pay. She said as far as
paying anyone over the 20 hours or paying them for being out during the storms, she said the
County does not pay the school crossing guards who were off for the storms. City Manager
Shapiro said the City would be treading on dangerous ground in setting precedent for at-will
employees in future as the number of at-will employees will be likely to increase in number in
the future.
Commissioner Anderson commented "if it is not broke, don't fix it." There were no comments
on this issue by other members of the Commission.
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira introduced Mary Melvin, who has planned the
road race, and Lieutenant Chuck Seaver, who will be overseeing police coverage for the various
Founder's Day activities. She said the re-enactors have requested to move to McKey Street
behind Betty J's Florist, so staff is requesting that Commission approve the closing of McKey
Street from Bluford to Lakewood in addition to those streets listed in the permit.
Mayor Vandererift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the special
events permit application for Founder's Day along with the specified road closings, including
McKey Street from Bluford to Lakewood. Motion carried 5-0.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the report. He said David Hamstra, of PEC,
was present to answer questions. Mayor Vandergrift said he had questions but he would address
them to Mr. Hamstra later. Commissioner Anderson asked if clean out and maintenance should
not have been addressed in the report, and Mr. Hamstra said that was an internal situation to be
resolved within the City.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the 1999
NPDES Annual Report and to Authorize the Mayor to sign the Certification Statement. Motion
carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance Nos. 99-33 and 99-34 by title only, and Mayor
Vandergrift announced that the second readings and public hearings will be scheduled for
October 19,1999 beginning at 7:15 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal presented the staff report. He said this was the first of similar
agreements that will be coming before Commission with a payment of $250.00 to the property
owners. He concluded with staff s recommendation for approval of the three agreements and the
payment of $250.00 to Mr. Steele.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Mayor
Vanden!rift, moved to approve the Drainage and Access Easement, the Non-Exclusive
Perpetual Slope Easement, and the Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement, authorizing execution
there bv the Mayor and City Clerk; and the payment of $250.00 to Mr. Steele to cover his costs
in reviewing and executing the agreements. Motion carried 5-0.
Assistant City EngineerlUtilities Director Wheeler presented staff report.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner
Parker moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Prime
Construction Group, Inc. in the amount of $192.692.00 for Phase 3 Part 3 Water Distribution
Main Proiect in accordance with the following steps: (1) Authorize the Engineering Department
to execute the Notices of Intent to Award and secure executed contract documents, bonds and
insurance from the contractor; and (2) Authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute the
contracts with Prime Construction Group, Inc. at such time as the contract documents are
reviewed for compliance bv staff and legal counsel, as needed. .Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the funding of
Senior Program Water Fees, Water Tax, and Solid Waste Fees with the funds to be taken from
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
contingency and placed in the appropriate line items in the budget. Motion carried. 4-1 with
Commissioner Parker voting "No." Commissioner Parker said she did not object to the
program but felt the it could be administered in a more fair manner.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Harold
Maguire as Ocoee's representative on the Airport Authority as had been recommended bv the
Mayor. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vanden!rift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the November 15
change as requested.
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the motion to do
away with the pre-meeting Commission Workshops as she believed they were not productive.
Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vandergrift voting "No."
The vote on the original motion to preempt the November 15 Workshop carried 5-0.
In discussion about the workshops, it was agreed that a workshop could be called if needed. And
City Manger Shapiro said that agenda packet deadlines would be changed so that Commissioners
could have their packets on the Wednesday preceding the next Commission meeting. This
change will take effect following the first five Tuesday month, and that will be November, 1999.
The new deadline will be in effect for the first meeting in December.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report explaining the emergency
nature of the item. He explained that SJR WMD agreed that if Winter Garden and Ocoee would
jointly prepare a master plan for reclaimed water use within their boundaries, the District would
use some of its Alternative Water Construction Cost Sharing Program funds to fund a portion of
the cost of the preparation of the plan. Under the proposed Agreement, the District will fund
$37,500 of the total fee of $75,500, but the funds must come from the District's FY 98/99
budget, so the Agreement must be executed by the City and returned to the District promptly in
order for them to get it approved by their board for payment from FY 98/99 funds.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner
Anderson, moved to approve the Cost Share Agreement Between the St. John's River Water
Management District and City of Ocoee for Development of a Reuse Master Pland and authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same and approve Addendum No. 99-13 to the Agreement
Between City of Ocoee and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. for Engineering Services
for Regional Reuse Water Master Plan in the not-to-exceed amount of $75,500.00 and authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
Commissioner Howell:
1. Asked if we have system set up to install water meters for irrigation for yards. _Mr. Shira
said we don't have a system for that and actually discourage it, because the Citv's rate is set
up now so that the wastewater charge is capped at 12,000 gallons, and most homes use more
than that. If the homeowner uses less than that amount, the irrigation meter might be a
savings, but the cost of installation is $150.00 and it would take manv months to offset the
initial cost.
2. Asked the status of the Pig Path at the elementary school. Mr. Rosenthal recalled that the
agreement was under revision, and Mr. Shapiro will check with Communitv
Relations/Proiects Director Shira about it.
3. Said the Founders' Day Golf Tournament was scheduled at Forest Lake on October 15 and
those who wished to participate could contact Jim Beech at 656-2669 or Vicki Prettyman at
Vignetti Park.
4. Asked about a straw ballot to determine the will of the citizens concerning bonds for projects
such as property for practice fields and other improvements. Commissioner Parker
suggested a survey at Founders' Day, but Mr. Shapiro thought it would be too late to do that
now. Mr. Shapiro suggested that Commission might begin with a work session to discuss
their wish lists, give staff time to determine the price for it and for Finance Director Horton to
determine the ad valorem rate that would be needed, and then to send out a questionnaire. He
said that depending on that response, Commission might wish to proceed to a straw ballot or
a GOB ballot. He pointed out political considerations and suggested that other cities might
be consulted about their experience.
5. Extended condolences to his brother's wife who had lost her mother today.
Commissioner Anderson:
1. Asked about Fire Department collector trading cards which had been distributed in the
meeting. Mr. Shapiro said they would be given out during Fire Prevention Week.
Commissioner Johnson:
1. Thanked the Public Works Department for the excellent job they had done in tree trimming
and clean up following the storm. Commissioner Howell also expressed kudos to Mr.
Commissioner Parker:
1. Announced the RSVP line is 656-2218.
2. Encouraged "Trading Cards" to be distributed by Fire and Police personnel.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1. Noting that civility on the County Commission was one of the themes of Chairman Martinez'
State of the County address today, he complimented the other Commissioners for the civility
they have shown.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 5,1999
2. Reported a hazard at the Bulldog Field with the step up to the concession stand. Noting that
he had fallen there, he suggested it might be rounded out or a ramp installed.
3. Directed attention to the sample letter to Time Warner concerning establishing what other
jurisdictions need/want on a government access channel in West Orange. He offered to go to
the other cities to talk with them about it.
4. Said he has been appointed to the Community Action Board of Orange County and needs to
talk with Commissioner Johnson about it.
The meeting adjourned at 10:57 p.m.
City of Ocoee 1
5S:~ {)~>~
s. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ~
At~o. m...J $" U,Al- J
Marian Green, Acting City Clerk