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Mayor Vandergrift opened the City Commission regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers. The invocation was given by Commissioner Anderson, which was
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Frances Watts. The roll was called and a quorum
was declared.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Howell, Anderson, Johnson and Parker.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Pension Attorney
Christiansen, Fire Chief Strosnider, Fire Lieutenant Vaughn, Planning Director Wagner,
Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner
Friel, Building and Zoning Official Flippen, Buyer Tolbert, Public Works Director Smith, and
Deputy City Clerk Gosnell.
Fire Chief Strosnider presented Carmen McClellan with a Certificate of Appreciation for
volunteering her time to help with Fire Department programs, and also presented her daughter,
Callie McClellan with a Certificate of Appreciation and photograph of herself as "Smokey the
Dog" for her volunteerism as well with the Fire Department programs. Lieutenant Vaughn
presented the winners from Ocoee Elementary and Spring Lake Elementary with trophies for
their participation in the Fire Prevention Poster Contest.
RECESS 7:37 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner HowelL made a motion to approve Items
II. B., C., and D. of the Presentations and Proclamations, which approved the Grant
Application of $500 for Heart of Florida American Way, approved the $500 Grant Application
for several Ocoee Middle School students to go to Washington, DC, and approved the $500
Grant Application for Boy Scout Troop 217 to purchase camping equipment. Motion carried
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, made a motion to pull Item III.
C. from the Consent Agenda, for further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of October
5, 1999 and Special Session of October 12, 1999.
B. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Plantation Grove Commercial
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
Properties, Inc. and Authorization for Payment of $250.00 to Cover its Costs in
Reviewing and Executing the Agreement.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to approve Items
A. and B. of the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Final Plat for
Plantation Grove Shopping Center Subdivision.
Commissioner Anderson requested clarification on the development of Lots 1 and 2. Planning
Director Wagner and Mr. Tom Daley, of Daley Design Group, responded to the question by
stating that the entire drainage system is to be built at one time, and that there are no plans to
construct Lot #2.
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to approve Item
C. of the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Mike Hone (call-in) 375 Kaila Court, asked when lights will be installed on the poles
along Montgomery.
Mr. Tom Griffey (call-in) ICI Dulux/Glidden - will donate material for the "Paint-A-House"
project on November 6, 1999.
Commissioner Parker
. Announced 1999 Toys for Tots
. Reported on her attendance at a Performance Evaluation on Budgets and Goals Seminar
Commissioner Johnson
. Requested that the City purchase 10 tickets to the Community Action Council Dinner on
November 5, 1999.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to purchase 10 tickets
at $20 per ticket to attend the Community Action Council dinner on November 5, 1999.
Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Anderson
. Announced the City e-mail address
. Announced that October 16 was National Boss Day
. Announced the MVP Party will be on November 24 at the Womans Club
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
. Announced Founders' Day on October 30 and the Golf Tournament on November 5
. Reminded everyone that Daylight Savings Time was on Sunday, October 31
Commissioner Howell
. Read the letter received from Representative Sublette congratulating the Ocoee Little
League team
. Announced the RSVP line 656-2218
. Read the call-in from Mr. Griffey regarding his donation to the Paint-A-House
Mayor Vandergrift
. Displayed thank you letters from Ocoee Elementary School
. Reported on the rodent issue
Note: The following Agenda Items were taken out of order.
A. Ordinance No. 99-33, re: Police Officers' /Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-33 by title only.
The Public Hearing was opened.
Pension Attorney Scott Christiansen gave a brief overview of how the DROP program worked,
explaining that it was an optional retirement benefit available to the employees, and that there
was no cost associated with adding this option to the Plan.
Mr. Lester Dabbs, Jr., 619 Caborca Court, stated that he was in favor of allowing the
employees to have retirement benefit options and that each employee would have to evaluate
the program to see if it was of value to them.
Mr. R. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked how many years employees must work
in order to become eligible to retire.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to approve Ordinance
99-33, re: Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund Deferred Retirement Option
Plan (DROP). Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Howell was absent from the room
at the time of the yoting.
B. Ordinance No. 99-34, re: General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Deferred
Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-33 by title only.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
The Public Hearing was opened, and since no one wished to speak, was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to approve Ordinance
99-34, re: General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Deferred Retirement Option Plan
(DROP). Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Howell was absent from the room at
the time of the voting.
C. Third Amendment to Joint Planning Area Agreement
The Public Hearing was opened.
City Manager Shapiro requested that this Agenda Item and Public Hearing be Continued to the
November 2, 1999 City Commission Meeting. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to Continue the
Public Hearing on Item VI. C. Third Amendment to Joint Planning Area Agreement to the
November 2, 1999 City Commission Agenda. Motion carried 4-1; with Commissioner
Anderson voting no.
Note: The following Agenda Items were taken out of order.
Ordinance No. 99-35, re: Junk Vehicles and Nuisances (First Reading).
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-35 by title only. The Second Reading and
Public Hearing is scheduled for November 2, 1999.
Ordinance No. 99-36, re: Ocoee Stormwater System Pollutant Elimination (First
Reading) .
City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-36 by title only. The Second Reading and
Public Hearing is scheduled for November 2, 1999.
Carlman Booker Reis POWR Update
Ms. Kari Conley introduced Dr. Don Brandis and Mr. Michael Burton, who discussed the
integration of the POWR program and water conservation. A power point presentation was
given by Ms. Conley and the floor was open to a question and answer period.
Discussion ensued regarding consumption, xeriscaping the front entrance to City Hall,
automatic sprinkler systems, drought resistant grass, and the timetable for a consumption
report or baseline report. City Manager Shapiro stated that a report will be done; however, it
is not ready yet.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made a motion to accept the
CBR Update. Motion carried unanimously.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
Discussion/ Action re: Annual Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel stated that he was available for any questions
concerning this matter. Discussion ensued with regard to school concurrency, developers,
redistricting, school options, developers and school board issues.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, made a motion to direct staff to
prepare a Resolution to officially adopt the Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and
Services and an accompanying Infrastructure Deficiencies Map to include the following
infrastructure deficiencies: (1) Good Homes Road from State Road 50 to Balboa Drive: (2)
Maguire Road from Marshall Farms Road to Story Road: and (3) Old Winter Garden Road
from Professional Parkway to Blackwood Avenue. Motion carried unanimously.
Award of Bid #99-04 - Custodial Services
Buyer Tolbert stated that Staff recommended award of the bid to the lowest bidder. Discussion
ensued regarding low bids, the bid process, and the background leading up to the bidding of
the custodial services.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, made a motion to accept Staff's
recommendation to award Bid #99-04 to CleanNet of Central Florida and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction. Motion
carried 3-2: Commissioners Howell and Anderson voted no.
Award of Bid #00-01 - Printing & Design of Year 2000 City of Ocoee Calendar
Buyer Tolbert stated that Staff recommended award of the bid to the lowest bidder. Discussion
ensued regarding the Commission's desire to have input on the design of the calendar as well
as a request that the specifications be copied and distributed to the Commission for the
The Commission agreed, without obiection, to table this issue until the November 2, 1999
Commission Meeting.
Award of Bid to Maitland-Winter Park Plumbing, Inc. for Hot Water Provision
at City Hall and Police Department with Funding from Contingency
Public Works Director Smith reported that the City was under a time constraint by the
government to complete this project, that Chief Strosnider's memo regarding the inspection
was inadvertently left off of the Staff Report, and that the minimum standard requirements
were waived in order to award this contract. Discussion ensued including the timing of the
project and the bidding process.
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to accept Staff's
recommendation to award the bid to Maitland-Winter Park Plumbing Inc.for the provision of
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
hot water at City Hall and the Police Department with funding from Contingency. Motion
carried 3-2: with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voting no.
Closing of Lakeshore Drive Due to High Water
City Manager Shapiro stated that the closing of Lakeshore Drive was done as an emergency
action after the Traffic Committee comprised of the City Engineer, Police Chief and Public
Works Director reviewed the situation, and recommended that the road remain closed under
the water elevation of the lake is down below the elevation of the road. Discussion ensued.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, made a motion to reopen the road.
Motion carried 4-1: with Commissioner Parker voting no.
Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant Fence Project (B99-06) Bid Rejection and Rebid
Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler recommended that the bids received for this
project be rejected and re-advertised with modifications. Discussion ensued with regard to the
price per square foot of the building, using barbed wire fencing, and tree replacement.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, made a motion to accept Staff's
recommendation to reiect the bid for Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant Fence Proiect Bid
B99-06 and rebid with the recommended modifications including the removal of barbed wire
fencing at the top of the fence. Motion carried unanimously.
Change Order No.1, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 1;
Change Order No.2, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 1;
Change Order No.1, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 2;
Change Order No.2, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 2;
Change Order No.1, Flora Estates Water Main Extension
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, made a motion to approve Change
Order No. L Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 1: Change Order No.2, Water
Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 1: Change Order No.1, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3,
Part 2: Change Order No.2, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part 2: and Change Order
No. L Flora Estates Water Main Extension. Motion carried unanimously.
Authorization to Award Vehicle and Material Storage Building Construction Contract to
General Constructors Inc.
Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler stated that staff recommends the bid to be
awarded to General Constructors Inc. in the amount of $565,403.00 for the facility.
Discussion ensued with regard to the price per square foot, the life expectancy of the vehicles
that would be stored in the facility, and the request for drawings of the proposed facility before
the next Commission meeting.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made the motion to table Agenda
Item VII. N. regarding the authorization to award vehicle and material storage building
construction contract and place it on the November 2, 1999 City Commission Agenda. Motion
carried unanimously.
Appointment to the West Orange-Southeast Lake County Transportation Task Force
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel stated that staff is recommending that a City
representative serve on the Task Force Board of Directors, which includes a $500 annual
membership fee, and that meetings are held at Health Central at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, made the motion to appoint
Mayor Vandergrift as the City's representative to the West Orange-Southeast Lake County
Transportation Task Force and to authorize the City to expend $500 for the annual membership
fee. Motion carried unanimously.
Appointments to Boards
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department
The Commission agreed, without obiection, to table this issue until the November 2, 1999
Commission Meeting.
Education Commission
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Anderson, made the motion to appoint Mr.
Dean Hooper as a Regular Member to the Education Commission, with a two year term to
expire August, 2000. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Howell - none.
Commissioner Anderson
1. Asked if it would be possible to get clip-on microphones
2. Read the call-in from Mr. Hone regarding lights on Montgomery. City Manager Shapiro
stated that he would get with Public Works Director Smith on this.
3. Reminded everyone about Founders' Day
4. Read an e-mail received from Mr. Mickey Spencer regarding schools
Commissioner Johnson - none.
Commissioner Parker - none.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 19, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Reported that he sent correspondence to the other cities regarding cable programming
2. Requested that the City begin construction on the Director's Booth
3. Stated that a Resolution would be on the next agenda regarding the Lake Apopka Basin
4. Reminded everyone to be safe on Halloween
5. Invited everyone to Founders' Day
6. Expressed concern over the accident on A.D. Mims Road and asked for suggestions to
make it more safe. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Johnson stated that a 3-way stop
sign had been placed in the location once before and had created a traffic back-up. City
Manager Shapiro suggested that the Traffic Committee observe the location and make their
The meeting adjourned at 11: 10 p.m.
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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Fran Gosnell, Deputy City Clerk
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