HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-2016 Minutes MINUTES
OCTOBER 18, 1 2 at 7•
2016 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Keller
Proclamations—October and November 2016
> Pastoral Care Week—October 16th—22nd, Read by Commissioner Keller.
> Red Ribbon Week — October 23rd — 31st, Read by Commissioner Firstner and
accepted by Police Chief Brown.
> Week of the Family — November 5th — 12th, Read by Commissioner Wilsen and
accepted by Ocoee Resident,Elizabeth Rahter.
Presentation of Final Downtown Master Plan.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix thanked the Commission for their efforts in allowing staff the
flexibility to work with the team of consultants and for allowing them to have citizen
participation throughout the process of the Downtown Master Plan. What makes or breaks a
good project is the ability to get as many citizens engaged as possible and staff feels this was one
of the most successful public participation programs they have ever hosted. Assistant City
Manager Shadrix expressed that this is a Master Plan and now that the City Commission has
authorized staff to proceed forward with securing funding, the detail work will begin, which
means they will avoid as many conflicts as possible. What will be presented tonight from the
team is a presentation of the Final Master Plan, which contains the transportation network plan,
design plan, the project list that the City Commission agreed to fund, and the design code, which
will be amended into the Land Development Code.
Mr. Blake Drury with GAI Consultants briefly introduced himself before turning the
presentation over to Andrew McCown, who is also with GAI Consultants. Mr. McCown gave a
presentation on the Draft Master Plan for Downtown Ocoee, which covered the following:
• Timeline — Public Kick-off Meeting, Social Media, Walking Audits, Best Fest, Planning
Development Workshop, Planning& Refining Workshop, and Final Presentation
• Character Areas — Silver Star Corridor, Downtown Core, Downtown Neighborhood,
Maguire Corridor, and Industrial Special District
• Urban Standards
• Building Types
• Facade Types
• Architectural Guidelines
• Street Standards
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Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained that the code standards that were shown tonight in
the presentation will come back before the Commission in the form of an ordinance to amend the
Land Development Code (LDC). He further shared under the guidance of the City Attorney he is
asking the Commission to direct staff to proceed forward in such a way that they can continue to
use pending legislation to regulate any new development that comes into the Downtown area
prior to the amending of the LDC.
The meeting was opened to the public for a brief Q&A Session with the consultants and City
staff Questions regarding the timeline, road improvements, highlight of the projections, and
connectivity to Ocoee/Winter Garden 429 Corridor were discussed. After the discussion, Mayor
Johnson announced that citizens are welcome to come to City Hall to schedule an appointment to
go over the project with City staff
Motion: Move to accept the Draft Downtown Master Plan as presented and direct
City staff to continue the process to finalize the Master Plan to implement the
code changes consistent with the adopted Master Plan.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 5-0.
Recess: 8:24 PM— 8:36 PM
Commissioner Keller — Announced it is Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged residents to
please get their routine check-ups.
Commissioner Firstner — Reminded everyone to come out and enjoy the Haunted House as
well as the Founders' Day Event in November.
Commissioner Wilsen — Announced that after tonight's presentation on the Final Master Plan
she would like to express that Ocoee is open for business.
Commissioner Grogan—Reminded residents that applications for consideration of appointment
to the Districting Commission will need to be submitted to the City Clerk's Office by November
18, 2016. Information on the Districting Commission can be found on the City's website at
www.ocoee.org or by contacting the City Clerk's Department at 407-905-3105.
Mayor Johnson—None.
Regular City Commission
October 18,2016
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #6.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held October 4, 2016.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of Reappointment to the Violations Hearing Board (Two-Year Term). (City
Clerk Sibbitt)
The Violations Hearing Board(VHB)was established March 5,2013,by Ordinance No.2013-005. The VHB
hears cases related to violations of the following code provisions: Bowfishing, Cemeteries,Noise, Golf Carts
on Public Property, Parks and Recreation, Alcoholic Beverages and Abandoned Property. The VHB consists
of seven(7)members of which two(2)must be members of the Citizens Advisory Council of the Ocoee Police
Department (CACOPD). Additional members of the VHB may also be members of the CACOPD. All
members of the VHB must be residents of the City of Ocoee, own real property in Ocoee, or be an owner of a
business located in Ocoee. Member Amey has declared an interest in serving another two-year term.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of Reappointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (Two-Year
Term). (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board serve two-year terms. The Ordinance provides that the
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board consists of nine (9) members; and, whenever possible, appointments to
the Board may include one member from each of the following organizations: Ocoee Little League, Ocoee
Youth Soccer League (OYSL), Ocoee Bulldog Pop Warner Football, and West Orange Senior Citizens
Association. Currently the board has eight (8) members and no applications on file. The two-year terms of
Qubeliah Graham, Robert McKey and Jane Rainer ended October 1, 2016. Members Graham, McKey and
Rainer have indicated they are willing to serve another two-year term,if reappointed.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Motor Fuels—Tank Wagon Deliveries. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City is a member of the Central Florida Purchasing Cooperative where Orange County is the lead agency
in solicitations that can benefit multiple municipalities. The City approved utilizing this purchasing power for
petroleum products on May 1, 2012, for bulk transport loads delivered to the Public Works complex and tank
wagon loads delivered to remote sites throughout the City. The County has awarded a new contract for
providing the tank wagon load deliveries and is in the process of executing the new contract. Public Works is
requesting Commission approval to utilize the new contract(Y16-1081)with Atlas Oil Company,and assigned
to Quick Fuels Fleet Services, LLC, for as long as the contract remains valid. The purchase of petroleum
products is adequately funded through the fuel,oil and lubricant line items in the budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
5. Approval of FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Submission. (Fire Chief
The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking grant funding opportunities to supplement the cost of Incident
Command Systems (ICS) training. The training is a critical aspect of incident and emergency management.
The National Fire Academy provides the course free of charges. The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking
financial assistance from the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) grant to pay for the salaries of
firefighters while they attend the 16 hour course. If awarded,there will be a 10%match in funding in order to
receive the grant. The proposed grant opportunity is a 90%/10%grant opportunity and city will be responsible
for 10%of the grant total. Total grant cost is$50,000 with the City of Ocoee responsible for the$5,000 match.
The funds would be utilized from account#001-522-00-5405.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval of Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Escrow Agreement with Concept Development, Inc. for Zaxby's Good
Homes Road. (Development Engineer Womack)
Zaxby's at Good Homes Road is a 72 seat fast food restaurant with a drive-through window located on Parcel
three of the Good Homes Plaza on the corner of State Road 50 and Good Homes Road. The developer has
completed construction of the infrastructure improvements and has requested a Certificate of Completion. The
infrastructure improvements include public potable water line extension, sanitary sewer, and improvements to
the stormwater collection system. All identified punchlist repairs have been completed and the developer is
ready to start the two-year warranty period.As a requirement of the Land Development Code,the developer is
required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during the next two years,
should the developer choose not to make those repairs. Concept Development has provided the City with a
Check in the amount of 10%of the constructed improvements.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. First Reading of Ordinance Proposing Amendment to Chapter 77, Fire Protection
Assessments, in the Code of Ordinance of the City of Ocoee. (Second Reading scheduled for
November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.) (Support
Services Director Butler)
The Ocoee City Commission originally enacted Ordinance 2013-010 to establish a Fire Protection Assessment,
which was codified as Chapter 77 of the City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances. The intent of the assessment is to
better allocate the cost of fire protection services to the property owners of the city on the basis of fire risk and
severity rather than appraised value. After several years of experience, staff has developed a series of minor
adjustments to the Ordinance that simplify the annual adoption process while preserving citizen input
The primary modification offered by the attached ordinance is to reduce the number of City Commission
actions needed to complete the annual adoption process from two to one by eliminating the Preliminary Rate
Resolution. The revised approach matches that used to impose other non-ad valorem assessments, such as
those for stormwater management services, by preserving the adoption of an annual assessment roll. The
annual Preliminary Rate Resolution has been replaced with a Revised Rate Resolution, which needs to be
adopted only when the City Commission wants to change either the Maximum Assessment Rate or the Applied
Assessment Rate. The current Maximum Assessment Rate of$69.50 will become the Applied Assessment
Rate and will remain in effect until changed by the City Commission's adoption of a Revised Rate Resolution.
This practice is also identical to that used by other non-ad valorem assessments levied by the city. Notification
to property owners by U.S.Mail is required only when the Maximum Assessment Rate is to be changed.
Regular City Commission
October 18,2016
Other changes include adjustments to various definitions, minor changes reflecting the new terms, deletion of
the exemptions and hardship assistance provisions (which were never implemented), and endorsement of the
governmental and institutional property exemptions in the ordinance rather than through an annual resolution.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Second Reading scheduled for
November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
8. First Reading of Ordinance Proposing Amending Chapter 21 Purchasing Policy.
(Second Reading scheduled for November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon
thereafter.) (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
Staff recognizes that enhancements and revisions to the existing Purchasing Ordinance are periodically
necessary to streamline the procurement of commodities, construction, and contractual services for the City.
The recommended changes address these issues and the increase in cost of items.
Procedures have been reviewed and will be updated to reflect the changes in this Ordinance once adopted.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Second Reading scheduled for
November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
9. First Reading of Ordinance Proposing a Temporary Moratorium on Development in
Special Overlay Areas. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 22, 2016;
Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at
7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Planner Rumer)
On September 6,2016, City staff made a presentation to the City Commission relating to the development and
redevelopment of parcels within the Special Overlay Areas. Topics of specific concern to staff and the City
Commission is the redevelopment of parcels within the Overlay Areas, density and compatibility concerns
with development and redevelopment, allowable uses in the overlay, and the development of zoning standards
that will enhance economic development and redevelopment in the Overlay Areas with the following uses or
intended uses: pharmaceutical dispensaries, fast food and other drive through restaurant establishments,check
cashing stores, self-storage facilities, vehicle and tire service, sales, and repair facilities, and discount retail
stores. City Staff recommended the City Commission adopt a moratorium in order to allow staff the time to
evaluate the current Special Overlay Area standards and update the standards as necessary. The moratorium
will expire on March 31,2017,unless terminated earlier or extended by action of the City Commission.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
City Planner Rumer advised that this topic was discussed at a City Commission Meeting and
staff was directed to bring this ordinance back before them. This type of ordinance requires a
Public Hearing at both readings.
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
closed. Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for November 1, 2016, Regular City
Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
10. First Reading of Ordinance Proposing a Temporary Moratorium on Above-Ground
Utility Poles. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 6, 2016; Second Reading and
Public Hearing scheduled for November 1, 2016, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon
thereafter). (City Planner Rumer)
The City has received an application for the location of a new 120 foot above-ground utility pole within the
existing City right of way. Upon review of the City Code, the City's Land Development Code, and the
application,City staff and the City Attorney's Office has determined that existing regulations are not adequate
to address this type of request. Therefore, regulations relating to location of an above-ground utility pole
within existing right of way that will meet the City's land development regulations as well as Florida
Department of Transportation safety standards must be created. The City Attorney's Office has been in
communication with other local government attorneys in regards to issuing permits for above ground utility
poles and has found it appropriate to recommend a six month moratorium be established.This moratorium will
cover the processing and consideration of applications for development orders, development permits,and right
of way utilization permits relating to above-ground utility poles within the existing right of way. This
moratorium will allow City Staff and the City Attorney's Office time to establish land development code citing
criteria and right-of-way use permit requirements. The moratorium will expire on April 30, 2017, unless
terminated earlier or extended by action of the City Commission.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
closed. Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for November 1, 2016, Regular City
Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
Mayor Johnson asked Police Chief Brown to introduce the newly-hired Deputy Police Chief
Saima Plasencia. Additionally, the recent promotion of Deputy Police Chief Steve McCosker
was announced.
11. CubeSmart II — West 50 Commercial Preliminary/Final Site Plan Project No: LS-
2016-005. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 29, 2016).(City Planner
The CubeSmart II project is proposed on Lot 4 of West 50 Commercial Subdivision and is approximately 2.56
acres in size and is located on the south side of SR 50/Colonial Drive,north of the Florida Turnpike,east of SR
429. The Applicant has proposed to construct a 49,050 square foot climate controlled storage and indoor RV
parking facility. The project is an expansion of the Cube Smart located on Lot 1. There are no waiver requests
with this site plan. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff
recommends the City Commission approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for the CubeSmart II project,
subject to the resolution of staff comments.
City Planner Rumer gave a brief summary of the Final Site Plan approval for CubeSmart II
project, a 49,050 square foot climate-controlled storage and indoor RV parking facility. The
project will utilize a master stormwater system located on a stormwater tract for the West 50
Commercial Subdivision.
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
Regular City Commission
October 18,2016
Motion: Move to approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for the CubeSmart II
project, subject to the resolution of staff comments.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion
carried 5-0.
12. Resolution Vacating Plat Notes - Villages of Wesmere. (Advertised in the West Orange Times
on Thursday, October 6, 2016). (City Planner Rumer)
On August 21, 2007, the City Commission approved the Plat for Villages of Wesmere. The Phase 2 Plat was
approved by the City Commission on May 17, 2011, and the Phase 3 Plat was approved on September 18,
2012. As a Condition of Approval, each Plat, as well as the Development Agreement for the Villages of
Wesmere PUD, contained a Plat Note requiring that an easement for the use of pedestrians and bicycles be
retained over the paved streets and sidewalks within the Villages of Wesmere. The purpose of the easement is
to allow all students and their parents/supervisors to travel to and from the public school located nearby. The
condition further requires that the private streets within the Villages of Wesmere remain open 90 minutes
before schools open and 90 minutes after the schools close each day the schools are open for use. To facilitate
this requirement, the Village of Wesmere Homeowner's Association (HOA) installed five pedestrian gates in
the community. On August 17, 2016, the City of Ocoee received a letter from HOA President Thomas
Biamonte requesting that this requirement and condition be removed so that the community can lock the
pedestrian gates 24 hours a day. The reason for the HOA request is concern with HOA liability for adults and
students on the HOA property and increased loitering within the community by non-residents. A precedent for
this action was established with the vacating of a similar comment on the plat for the Westyn Bay Subdivision.
The appropriate method by which to remove a Plat Note is to vacate the note following a public hearing.
Therefore,staff has presented for public hearing the proposed resolutions vacating the Plat Note on each of the
three Villages of Wesmere plats and to remove the requirement from the Conditions of Approval for Villages
of Wesmere PUD.Each Resolution will be recorded once it is approved.
a. Resolution for Nat Change on Note 11 and Condition of Approval 66 Phase 1
b. Resolution for Plat Change on Note 14 and Condition of Approval 66 Phase 2
c. Resolution for Nat Change on Note 13 and Condition of Approval 66 Phase 3
City Planner Rumer explained this is a unique request before the Commission. The Phase 2
Plat was approved by the City Commission on May 17, 2011, and the Phase 3 Plat was approved
on September 18, 2012. As a Condition of Approval, each Plat, as well as the Development
Agreement for the Villages of Wesmere PUD, contained a Plat Note requiring that an easement
for the use of pedestrians and bicycles be retained over the paved streets and sidewalks within
the Villages of Wesmere. The purpose of the easement is to allow all students and their
parents/supervisors to travel to and from the public school located nearby. The condition further
requires that the private streets within the Villages of Wesmere remain open 90 minutes before
schools open and 90 minutes after the schools close each day the schools are open for use.
The problem that is occurring is that parents are parking in the privately gated subdivision to
pick up their kids from school which is causing a lot of issues. The City of Ocoee received a
letter from the HOA President requesting that this requirement and condition be removed so that
the community can lock the pedestrian gates 24 hours a day.
City Attorney Cookson announced there are three separate resolutions to delete notes on the
plat. He further read the titles of the resolutions.
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing.
Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
Chris Atkins, 606 Ridgefield Ave., inquired if there was an alternate route that parents could
use. He further shared that he agrees the traffic is horrendous in this subdivision and respects that
the HOA is requesting this.
Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing.
Motion: Move to approve Resolution No. 2016-014 for Plat Change on Note 11
and Condition of Approval 66, Phase 1, Resolution No. 2016-015 for Plat Change
on Note 13 and Condition of Approval 66, Phase 2, and Resolution No. 2016-016
for Plat Change on Note 14 and Condition of Approval 66, Phase 3; relating to
allowing pedestrian and bicycle access over all internal roadways, sidewalks, and
pedestrian easement areas as shown on the Plat for the Villages of Wesmere.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 5-0.
13. Designation of Voting Delegate — National League of Cities, Inc. Annual Business
Meeting. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
The National League of Cities (NLC) is holding their Annual Business Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, on
Saturday, November 19, 2016 at the conclusion of the Congress of the Cities and Exposition. The NLC is
requesting that City of Ocoee's Voting Delegate, as well as two alternates, are designated and received by
November 4,2016.
Motion: Move to appoint Mayor Johnson as the Voting Delegate with
Commissioner Grogan and Commissioner Keller serving as alternates for the
NLC Annual Business Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, November 19, 2016.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 5-0.
14. Code Enforcement Reduction of Fine/Lien for Hatley Partners, LLC - 716 Kellys
Cove. (Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines)
Beginning in March 2016, this property was the subject of multiple state, county and municipal law
enforcement actions involving under-cover agent narcotic purchases, raids and subsequent searches. The
impact on the neighborhood and the overall health of the city was extensive, creating an environment of visual
blight and personal fear.The scope of code violations escalated from routine to encompassing criminal activity
as a nuisance and menace to the public health safety and welfare. On March 22, 2016,the Code Enforcement
Board, in Case 16-012, found the property in violation and set a fine of$250.00 per day per violation. An
affidavit of compliance issued on August 12, 2016 signified the end of criminal activity, including drug use,
sales,storage and delivery returning the residential character back to the neighborhood.The Code Enforcement
Board denied a further reduction than allowed by the lien reduction program. Staff supports the recommended
reduced fine of$5,000.
Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines gave a brief history of the case. He further
advised there is a fine/lien in the amount of$58,750.00 associated with the property. The City
Lien Reduction Program formula provides for one of the following:
Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
1. 85%discount of the total fine to $8,813.00,
2. 15% of the property market value according the Property Appraiser,which is $26,061
3. If 1 and 2 is greater than $5,000, which they are,the program caps at $5,000
Hatley Partners LLC is seeking a fine amount lower than the $5,000.00 provided by the City
Lien Reduction Program.
Mayor Johnson shared that he attended the Code Enforcement Board meeting as well as heard
from many residents who are happy to see this resolved. He further shared that he would like to
see the fine brought down to $2,500.00.
Commissioner Grogan inquired what the City's expenses were. Assistant Director of Support
Services Gaines advised that they do not have a breakdown of expenses, but the scope of the
code violations involved years of code and law enforcement action. The Code Enforcement
Board recommended the fine remain at the $5,000 allowed by the Lien Reduction Program.
Brannon Rue, owner of the property, stated he purchased this property, and it took him several
months to have the previous owners removed from the property as well as many unanticipated
legal fees. He appeared before the Code Enforcement Board, and one of the members had
actually entertained a motion for a fine reduction of$2,500, but other members were against it.
He is hoping the City will consider lowering the fine to compensate for the additional costs and
attorney fees he endured as well as his time and efforts that have been put into this property.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired if he would be putting the house back on the market. It was
answered in the affirmative. She further inquired if Mr. Rue was aware of the $58,750.00 lien on
the house. Mr. Rue shared that he was aware there was a Code Enforcement Lien, but was told
that the lien would be reduced tremendously. Commissioner Wilsen shared that she has a
problem reducing it below the $5,000, because City Officials worked hard to get this lien
program in place. Since the inception of the program, they have not seen many reductions come
before them, which shows that the program is working and people are paying their lien off. She
opined that it is not fair to those residents that are paying the liens. Mr. Rue explained he is not
asking for special treatment, but does feel his circumstance is not a typical case. Further
discussion ensued regarding the circumstances of this case for which both Commissioner Keller
and Commissioner Firstner agreed that this case deserves consideration of a reduction.
Commissioner Grogan commented that he felt the circumstances for this case is very common,
because most people that come before them for reductions are investors that purchase homes to
resell them such as Mr. Rue intends to do. He further shared he was in agreeance with
Commissioner Wilsen to retain the fee at $5,000 as allowed by the Lien Reduction Program.
Motion: Move to retain the fine at $5,000 as discounted by the Lien Reduction
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
failed 2-3 with Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, and Commissioner Keller
Regular City Commission
October 18, 2016
Motion: Move to reduce the fine to $2,500, to be paid within 30 days or fine
reverts back to original amount.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 3-2 with Commissioner Grogan and Commissioner Wilsen opposing.
15. Approval of Home Elevations for Ocoee Crown Point PUD. (City Planner Rumer)
The City Commission previously selected Mattamy Homes as the preferred purchaser of the Ocoee Crown
Point PUD residential property owned by the City on April 21, 2015. At the time of the sale of the property,
the City Manager's Office requested more time to review the proposed product elevations. The contract for
sale was approved with a recommendation to come back at a later date for the home product approval. City
staff and the City Manager's office has reviewed several product elevations and is now comfortable with
bringing a choice selection back to the City Commission for review and approval.
City Planner Rumer explained that it was requested that staff work with Mattamy Homes to
bring back home elevations, and the Home Models were provided to them in their staff report.
Staff is seeking Commission approval.
Motion: Move to approve Home Elevations for Ocoee Crown Point PUD as
presented by staff.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Grogan — Announced Founder's Day is around the corner on November 4th &
5th. The event is listed on the City's website at www.ocoee.org.
Commissioner Wilsen — Suggested the Board consider canceling the December 20, 2016, City
Commission Meeting due to that holiday week.
Motion: Move to cancel the December 20, 2016 Regular City Commission Meeting
due to the holidays.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
Discussion ensued about park hours within the city and believes the parks that are open until 9
pm are open too late, especially the parks without lights, and would like the Board to address this
at some later point in time. City Manager Frank advised he will have Police Chief Brown look
into it and bring it back at a later time.
Regular City Commission
October 18,2016
Commissioner Firstner—None.
Commissioner Keller — Reminded the citizens about the upcoming Founders' Day event;
commented on the fine/lien reduction item and that he believes it is a special exception. He
thanked staff for the work that has been done with the Lien Reduction Program and believes this
is a great program for the City.
Mayor Johnson —Announced the Founders' Day Golf Tournament on Friday, more details can
be found on the City's website. He further commented on the fine/lien reduction item and how
the neighborhood is very grateful that this property is cleaned up. He also announced the
entertainers that will be preforming at the upcoming Founders' Day event.
Attest: 1 e 1 o
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johns i yor
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