HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-2016 Minutes - Budget Workshop Budget Workshop
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL
August 15, 2016 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order starting with a presentation by the Finance Director.
II. FY16/17 Budget Overview -Finance Director Horton
Finance Director Horton provided a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the Proposed
Budget for FY2016-2017. Budget Highlights in the presentation covered:
➢ Personnel
➢ Vehicles
➢ Equipment
➢ Capital Improvements
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Keller
Absent: Commissioner Grogan
III.Introduction—City Manager Frank
City Manager Frank advised that if there is anything in the budget that needs clarification or if
there are any programs or capital projects that are not included in the budget, now would be a
good time for them to discuss. Staff has included everything in the budget that he has had a
chance to discuss with each of them throughout the year. There are some items on the unfunded
list which were brought up within the last few months.
IV. Discussion
Mayor Johnson announced that he will not be going through the budget book page-by-page as
they have done in the past. The Commission has had time to review their budget books; so if
there are any questions pertaining to any area of the budget, he would like to begin with those
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Commissioner Wilsen said she read the budget and it is pretty clear and clean-cut. She
inquired, however, if there is anything they can do with the health insurance and workman's
compensation costs. City Manager Frank said part of the issue with workman's compensation
is that it depleted our reserves. He tasked HR Director Williford to get with the City's
workman's compensation representative to see if it would be less expensive to go with the fully-
insured product, but it came back that it is not. Continuing to self-insure and putting money in a
reserve fund is actually less than a fully-insured product.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the $85,000 Solar Farm and if it could be explained.
Utilities Director Smith gave a brief explanation of the project and advised that in this year's
budget they actually have Solar Farm that they are going to put at the Utility Administration
Building. What is in next year's budget is the 2nd phase that they hope to put in one of the
Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the Conduits program. It was explained that is the lien
search program that will be automated.
Commissioner Keller inquired if they will need as much budgeted for the lobbyist since they
had spoken before about having someone else do the lobbying for the City. City Manager
Frank asked Finance Director Horton to clarify if they did put a line item for lobbyist since they
did include the Economic Development and CRA position. Finance Director Horton advised
there is $48,000 in the budget for a lobbyist. Commissioner Keller inquired if they want to
continue as they have done going into the new budget or do something else with the federal
lobbyist. City Manager Frank advised they do not have to decide that tonight and there is
sufficient funds for them to decide how they would like to move forward.
Commissioner Firstner inquired about the $6.5 million showing in revenues for this year.
Finance Director Horton advised that represents the two land sales for the Crown Point
Property and Silvestri Property. Commissioner Firstner inquired if there is a ceiling on the
City's debt service. City Manager Frank answered a billion dollars, but they would never get
Mayor Johnson inquired about the Facility Manager position and if that would be replacing
someone. Utilities Director Smith explained this is a new superintendent position to supervise
over their facilities.
Mayor Johnson inquired about the Help Desk Technician position. Support Services Director
Butler explained this position is to help alleviate all the overtime that the current staff has to take
on. It would help allow the staff that is currently covering the help desk work on longer term
tasks so that a lower level staff member could assist with the simple help desk requests.
Mayor Johnson shared that one of the things he would like to add to the unfunded list is the life
scan physical for the firefighters. Fire Chief Miller explained that it would be roughly $400.00
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per person, and he would be happy to provide information at the next budget meeting. Brief
explanation was given on the body scan and the benefits of having it done.
Mayor Johnson explained that GAI Consultant is present tonight to give a presentation on the
Ocoee Downtown Master Plan, which will include a project list for them to decide how they
would like to proceed with the budget for this project.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix briefed the Commission on the Ocoee Downtown Master Plan
steps that they have taken thus far, which has included public meetings and residents' feedback.
He further advised that the City has already begun two main efforts in the Master Plan, which are
Maine Boulevard and the Bluford Streetscape. Tonight they will point out the projects that they
feel are necessary to move forward with the downtown redevelopment. They have been informed
by the Finance Department that they have the ability to bond up to $25 million without impacting
the current proposed millage rate. The projects that are decided this evening that are important
will be added to a project list, which would be funded under the bond issue at a later date.
Peter Sechler and Andrew McCown with GAI Consultants provided a PowerPoint
presentation, which gave an overview of the proposed vision for the Downtown Ocoee
Renovation Project and listed the working projects (see below).
Downtown Ocoee Workin: Pro'ect List
IN Cost Estimate from Cost From Other
Priority 5 Project Location
(yes/no) Downtown Budget Funds
1 Bluford Avenue Streetscape from Delaware to Silver Star $2,400,000 $3,000,000
2 Bluford Electric Undergrounding from Delaware to Silver Star $800,000
3 Oakland Avenue Extension,Streetscape,and Trail from Bluford to Bowness $3,000,000
4 West Orange Trail Connector Oakland Ave to City Limits $1,000,000
5 Lakeshore Center Expansion(Add 50 seats) $2,000,000
6 Lakeshore Center Expansion(Add 500 seats) $4,000,000
7 Mc Key Streetscape Refresh from RR to Lakeshore Dr $435,000
8 McKey Realignment and Extension from RR to Gordy Property $1,165,000
9 Major Gateway x 3 $90,000
10 Wayfinding/Minor Gateway $30,000
11 Creek Improvements between Bluford and the lake $150,000
12 Lake Edge Improvements from Lakewood to Lafayette $570,000
13 Master Stormwater System $8,000,000
14 New City Hall assumes>42,000 sq ft $8,000,000
15 Kissimmee Improvements from Franklin to Silver Star $295,000
16 Franklin Improvements from Ocoee-Apopka to Kissimmee $1,100,000
17 Kissimmee Extension from Franklin to McKey $1,340,000
18 McKey Extension from Maguire to Roper/Enterprise $2,955,700
19 Taylor Realignment from Franklin to McKey Extension $1,350,000
20 Code Modernization $500,000
21 Lakefront Park Improvements includes closure of Oakland and Lakeshore $3,363,000
22 Strategic Property Acquisition $2,000,000
23 Contengency $5,000,000
24 Bluford Ave Dual Lefts on to SR 50 @ SR 50 $350,000
25 Signalization Maine&Bluford $350,000
26 Maine Extension $400,000
Discussion ensued and questions were answered in regards to the cleaning up of properties
around town, roundabouts as improved intersections, and citizens' feedback that were received
during the public workshops. Assistant City Manager Shadrix introduced the City's Economic
Development Consultant, Angel de la Portilla, and asked Mr. de la Portilla to give his testimony,
which is relevant to their discussion since he has been meeting with developers, retailers, and
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brokers in support of the Downtown Project. Discussion ensued regarding the benefits of
building a new City Hall on City-owned property located downtown on McKey Street rather than
on the City-owned property located on A.D. Mims/Clarke Road.
Discussion ensued and questions were answered in regards to parking, the trail connectivity into
Winter Garden, and the expansion of the Lakeshore Center. After GAI Consultants concluded
their presentation, consensus of the Commission was to have GAI Consultants move forward
with considering the following working projects:
Downtown Ocoee Workin: Pro'ect List
IN Cost Estimate from Cost From Other
Priority# Project Location
(yes/no) Downtown Budget Funds
1 ';iford Avenue Streetscape from Delaware to Silver Star $2,400,000 $3,000,000
2 ` > Bluford Electric Undergrounding from Delaware to Silver Star $800,000
3 Oakland Avenue Extension,Streetscape,and Trail from Bluford to Bowness $3,000,000
4 ., West Orange Trail Connector Oakland Ave to City Limits $1,000,000
5 Lakeshore Center Expansion(Add 50 seats) $2,000,000
6 Lakeshore Center Expansion(Add 500 seats) $4,000,000
7 ,�.'McKey Streetscape Refresh from RR to Lakeshore Dr $435,000
8 McKey Realignment and Extension from RR to Gordy Property $1,165,000
9 Major Gateway x3 $90,000
10 Wayfinding/Minor Gateway $30,000
11 t=Creek Improvements between Bluford and the lake $150,000
12 "r* s Lake Edge Improvements from Lakewood to Lafayette $570,000
13 '` �� Master Stormwater System $8,000,000
14 r`i' New City Hall assumes>42,000 sq ft $8,000,000
15 Kissimmee Improvements from Franklin to Silver Star $295,000
16 Franklin Improvements from Ocoee-Apopka to Kissimmee $1,100,000
17 Kissimmee Extension from Franklin to McKey $1,340,000
18 McKey Extension from Maguire to Roper/Enterprise $2,955,700
19 Taylor Realignment from Franklin to McKey Extension $1,350,000
20 Code Modernization $500,000
21'` ,"; Lakefront Park Improvements includes closure of Oakland and Lakeshore $3,363,000
22 Strategic Property Acquisition $2,000,000
23 41*<;:'Contengency $5,000,000
24 �` 'Bluford Ave Dual Lefts on to SR 50 @ SR 50 $350,000
25 1� Signalization Maine&Bluford
# a�; '' g $350,000
26,, ., 'Maine Extension $400,000
Total Spent From Downtown Budget $24,718,000 $12,100,000
Total Downtown Budget $25,000,000
Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained that they have a pretty good core set of projects to
work from and refine as they move forward. He further thanked City Planner Rumer for his help
and contribution as they have moved forward with this process and further recognized several
Department Directors who were also involved.
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Mayor Johnson briefly shared he was really impressed with the number of citizens that showed
up for the Downtown Project meetings. Discussion ensued regarding the conceptual planning of
the Lakeshore Center and having staff move forward with looking into funding for this.
Consensus of the Commission was to cancel the August 30th Budget Workshop Meeting and
continue discussion of the budget at the First Public Budget Hearing on September 12th at 6 p.m.
The Mayor encouraged the Commission to meet with staff if they had any questions regarding
the budget and announced to the public that the budget book is available on the City's website or
in the City Clerk's Department. He thanked staff for their participation in the budget.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Adz, / /
Melanie Sibbitt,Acting City Clerk Rusty John Ili ayor