HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-2016 Minutes MINUTES
AUGUST 2, 2016 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. Acting City Clerk Sibbitt called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Keller.
Presentation for Life Saving Award to Ofc. Christopher Kelley. (Deputy Chief McCosker)
Deputy Chief McCosker recognized Officer Christopher Kelley who has been with the Ocoee
Police Department for two years and previously was with the United States Army. While on
regular patrol on June 10, 2016, Officer Kelley responded to a medical call wherein he was the
first to arrive and administered lifesaving CPR and revived a gentleman. The City is honored to
present this award to Officer Kelley. This is his second Life Saving Award in two years.
City Manager Frank stated the staff report for Agenda Item #11 entitled, "Approval to Execute
Purchase and Sale Agreement and all Documents Incident to Closing on Parcels 17-22-28-5504-
02-090 and 17-22-28-5504-02-040 (100 and 112 South Bluford Avenue)" is complete and before
the Board.
Commissioner Grogan—None.
Commissioner Wilsen —Announced the Ocoee Family Fest will be held August 27th from 5:00
to 8:00 on McKey Street.
Commissioner Firstner — Announced that Lieutenant Bruce Bennett with the Ocoee Fire
Department is retiring after 23 years of service. The Fire Department would like to honor his
service with a retirement party on August 27th. They reserved the Ison Center for the party and
ask if the City can waive the rental fee and deposit.
Motion: Waive rental fee and deposit of the Ison Center facility for the Ocoee Fire
Department to hold a retirement party in honor of Lieutenant Bruce Bennett on
August 27, 2016.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Keller—None.
Regular City Commission
August 2, 2016
Mayor Johnson — Announced Radio Station 103.1 The Wolf is hosting BBQ4Blue on August
27th from 11:00 to 2:00 to recognize and honor local law enforcement and treat them and their
families to a free barbecue picnic in the park. This free event will provide barbecue from local
restaurants, non-alcoholic beverages, a bounce house and face painting. They would like to hold
this event at the Ocoee Lakefront Park (Bill Breeze Park) and asked if the City can waive the
rental fee and deposit.
Motion: Waive rental fee and deposit of Bill Breeze Park for 103.1 The Wolf to
hold the BBQ4Blue on August 27, 2016.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion
carried 5-0.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #7.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held July 19, 2016. (Acting
City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of the Holiday Schedule for 2017. (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt)
Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations lists holidays that will be observed annually in the City of
Ocoee. Each year the Commission approves those holidays as well as selects dates for those holidays that fall
on weekend days.
New Year's Day January 1 Monday,January 2,2017
Martin Luther King,Jr.Day Third Monday In January Monday,January 16,2017
Memorial Day Last Monday in May Monday,May 29,2017
Independence Day July 4 Tuesday,July 4,2017
Labor Day First Monday in September Monday,Sept. 4,2017
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday Thursday,Nov.23,2017
Day After Thanksgiving Day after Fourth Thursday Friday,Nov.24,2017
Christmas December 25 Monday,Dec. 25,2017
Day Before or After Christmas As determined by Commission Tuesday,Dec.26,2017
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2 IPage
Regular City Commission
August 2, 2016
3. Approval of Resolution for Extension of Temporary Moratorium on Development
Orders, Development Permits, and Building Permits in the State Road 429 Study Area
until October 31, 2016 Unless Earlier Terminated or Extended by Action of the City
Commission. (City Planner Rumer)
The City has determined a need to create a global vision for the development and redevelopment of properties
located within the City limits at or around State Road 429 (Western Beltway). City staff is in the process of
evaluating this area, called the State Road 429 Study Area or Study Area, and in the future will present to the
City Commission a proposed ordinance or ordinances to amend the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land
Development Code affecting the permitted uses, conditional uses, prohibited uses, supplemental standards,
design standards, and other development regulations governing properties within the Study Area. During this
period of evaluation, City staff recommends a moratorium be established on the acceptance, processing, and
consideration of applications for development orders, development permits, and building permits concerning
properties located within the Study Area. The moratorium is set to expire on July 31, 2016, and the City
wishes to extend the moratorium period described in Ordinance 2016-003 for an additional ninety days until
October 31,2016,unless earlier terminated or extended by the City Commission.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Proposed Policy for City to Absorb Credit Card Transaction Fees for
Products and Services other than Utility Billing. (Support Services Director Butler)
Presently, the City accepts credit cards for various City programs and services. Under the City's existing
credit card policy, the customer is required to pay a service fee imposed on all credit and debit card
transactions to cover the cost of credit card processing. This fee is paid directly to the card processor and is
not City revenue. As the City develops new programs and online services, the objective is to enhance public
services and efficiency. With new software products being implemented to manage a wide range of programs,
including online services, charging customers a credit card processing fee will substantially reduce customer
satisfaction and residents' access to community programs. Some online services being deployed by the City do
not offer the card processing service fee option.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval of Proposed Resolution Supporting the Extension of Old Winter Garden
Road, Modification of the Turnpike Interchange on SR 50 and Related Highway
Construction Projects. (Support Services Director Butler)
Traffic congestion on SR 50 (West Colonial Drive) has been a regional concern for many years. Although
construction to widen SR 50 through Ocoee is presently underway, this effort will do little to address local
circulation needs. One approach supported by the City to provide comprehensive congestion relief is to
construct parallel local streets that will handle short-distance travel, thereby removing this traffic from SR 50.
In particular, the City is currently working with local developers and on its own to construct the multiple
elements of a northern parallel traffic pathway using Blackwood Avenue, Maine Street, Maguire Road, and
Marshall Farms Road. These alternatives/supplements to SR 50 construction were examined by the Florida
DOT and its consultants, who found them to be a sound approach to providing a significant portion of an
overall solution to SR 50 traffic problems. Another element of a complete solution is reconstruction of the
Turnpike Interchange on SR 50 near the western city limit of Ocoee. This is one of the original Turnpike
interchanges and was constructed when this portion of SR 50 was a low-volume rural road.
A resolution has been drafted for adoption by the Cities of Ocoee and Winter Garden and the Town of
Windermere calling for greater coordination between these jurisdictions, MetroPlan Orlando, other local
governments, and the Florida DOT to develop an effective design and allocate the necessary funds to
implement that solution. Such a design effort should consider the extension of Old Winter Garden Road west
from its current terminus at Maguire Road, with appropriate connections to SR 50 and the Turnpike
interchange,and construction of a connection from Tomyn Boulevard to the Turnpike interchange.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
August 2,2016
6. Approval of Grant Easement Agreement to SJRWMD to Establish Wetlands
Monitoring Site with Biological Data Transects at Prairie Lake Park. (Utilities
Director Smith)
The Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) is a collaborative planning effort between multiple regulatory
agencies such as SJRWMD (St. Johns River Water Management District), SFWMD, SWFWMD, FDEP,
FDACS, as well as water utilities and others,to ensure sustainable water supply without causing unacceptable
harm to water resources and natural systems. An objective of the CFWI is to establish a regional monitoring
network in order to support both technical and regulatory activities. On behalf of the CFWI, St. Johns River
Water Management District is requesting an Easement to establish two (2) wetland vegetation transects in
Prairie Lake Park for a Wetlands Monitoring Site. There is already a surficial aquifer monitoring well near the
west property line of the Prairie Lake Park where ground water elevation and samples can be taken to support
the transect areas. Granting of this Easement shall not restrict the City's current or future use(s)of the park's
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval of Sixth Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Ocoee
and Forest Lake Golf Club, LLLP. (Utilities Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee owns the property which the Forest Lake Golf Course currently occupies. The City leases
this property and its improvements to Forest Lake Golf Club,LLLP,to operate and maintain the improvements
made to the property consisting of: club house, maintenance barn, and greens, comprising a complete and
fully-functioning golf course. The City occupies portions of the property for improvements relating to
wastewater effluent treatment and disposal needs. These improvements consist of utility easements, effluent
transmission/disposal piping, and rapid infiltration basins. The City and Forest Lake Golf Club originally
entered into a lease in 1991, and it has been amended numerous times throughout the years as needed. The
City's expansion of reclaimed water service to the northern portions of the City has required an additional
communication tower to ensure proper communication between meters for data transfer. Several potential
tower locations were evaluated for logistics and cost effectiveness. The most appropriate location was decided
to be the Forest Lake Golf Course, on the Western side of the 429, and the Lease Amendment formalizes the
use of the golf course for a tower site.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Daniel/Ray Property—Preliminary/Final Subdivision
Plan Project#LS-2015-010. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 21, 2016)
(City Planner Rumer)
The Daniel/Ray Subdivision is approximately 6.95 acres in size and is located on the south side of SR
50/Colonial Drive, north of the Florida Turnpike, east of SR 429. The Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan
proposes the construction of infrastructure for a three (3) lot commercial subdivision. The Preliminary/Final
Subdivision Plan will be via an extension of Westrun Road. Westrun Road is a 60-foot right-of-way width
leading from SR 50. The road must be completed and dedicated prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
Completion for all subdivision improvements. The lots are going to be under two separate owners. Lot 1 (1.0
acre) and Lot 2 (1.0 acre) is owned by Dr. Daniel. Lot 3 (3.38 acres) is owned by Mr. Ray. The site is
currently vacant and undeveloped. The location is within the City's CRA district. The proposed use for Lot 1
is a 9,700 sq. ft. veterinary clinic. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning
Commission, Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for the
Daniel/Ray Property.
Regular City Commission
August 2,2016
City Planner Rumer presented a summary of the proposed project including site location and
future land use designation. All three parcels were recently annexed into the city and given the
zoning designation of C-3 (General Commercial). The three lots will not be accessed off of State
Road 50, but rather off of Westrun Road, which will be extended to provide access to Lots 1 and
2. There is a tract for a retention pond, which will handle the storm water from the lots. There
are wetlands on the lots, which will not be disturbed. A two-story veterinarian office is being
proposed on Lot 1.
Commissioner Keller inquired about access onto the property and the sand-looking road on the
map. City Planner Rumer indicated there were some small residential uses where the sand road
is located, but they were taken out along with access onto State Road 50 during the State Road
50 widening project.
Commissioner Wilsen said she attended the groundbreaking and mentioned the project is very
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing.
Sayeed Carim, 516 Saddell Bay Loop, inquired further about access onto State Road 50.
City Attorney Cookson explained the access to all three lots will be through the Westrun Road.
City Planner Rumer further explained the extension, which will be built onto Westrun Road for
access onto Lots 1 and 2.
Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing.
Motion: Move to approve Daniel/Ray Property - Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan_
per staffs recommendation, Project#LS-2015-010.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 5-0.
9. Issuance of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Downtown and West Sanitary Sewer and
Silver Star Water/Bluford Streetscape. (Chief Accountant Briggs)
The first phase of the City's downtown improvements will be the utility infrastructure. These projects will
consist of west sanitary sewer to the north and south of downtown, Oakland downtown gravity sewer and lift
station installation,the looping of water supply on Silver Star and completion of our automated meter reading
FlexNet installation. Construction is expected to begin in October with both phases completed in
approximately 270 days. Total borrowing for these utility projects is $8.1M over a 20-year period. The bond
issue also will include a refunding of the Series 2012 and 2013 Water and Sewer Notes. The principal being
refunded totals $16.9M and will generate an annual savings of $111,462. Total annual debt service will
increase an average of $425,000 over the 20-year period. This bond issue is only the utility portion. A
separate General Fund bond issuance request to support funding for the remaining Downtown/Bluford
Streetscape projects will follow as the projects reach final planning and commission approval.
5 IPage
Regular City Commission
August 2, 2016
Chief Accountant Briggs briefly explained that staff is asking the Commission to consider the
issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds as part of the City's downtown improvements project
as well as the issuance of an RFQ for underwriting services for this matter. Over the past weeks
staff has worked with the City's financial advisor and rate consultants to complete the financing
structure and the revenue sufficiency study. The revenue sufficiency study indicates that no
additional revenue enhancements are necessary to fund the bonds so it can be done with the
existing rate structure.
Mayor Johnson inquired on the start date for this project. Utilities Director Smith said they
had a pre-bid meeting this morning, and they should be opening up the 12th bid for the first
phase, also known as the north phase, of the downtown sewer project. Staff will be
recommending that this be approved at the first meeting in September so that contractors can
begin work shortly after.
Motion: M ove to approve Issuance of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds for
Downtown and West Sanitary Sewer and Silver Star Water/Bluford Streetscape.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion
carried 5-0.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the review of the rate structure in order to increase the
introduction of reclaim water into those subdivisions that do not have it. It was asked if a
workshop could be held. Henry Thomas with PRMG was available to address the questions for
this discussion. After the discussion, consensus was to have staff bring this topic back to a future
Commission meeting.
10. Cost-Share Grant from St. Johns River Water Management District to Replace all
Remaining Non-Smart Meters with Upgrade to AMI and Customer Portal. (Utilities
Director Smith)
The Utilities Department began transitioning to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI — Sensus
F1exNet®)communication system in 2010. This was/is a significantly upgraded meter system from the City's
walk-by touch read and drive-by radio read metering systems, allowing for remote reads and simplifying the
Department's operations. The AMI also enables the City to access nearly real-time usage data from the meters
connected to it; as well as facilitates customers to utilize a portal to access their usage data. The Utilities
Department's goal was to complete the transition by no later than 2022, programing approximately $280,000
per year for meter and radio unit replacements. The cost of the final transition is approximately$2.44 million.
Staff submitted an application with St. Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD) for a Cost Share
Grant. As a result, the City was awarded a Cost-Share Grant in the amount of$1,115,282.70 for the Final
Meter Replacement and AMI Implementation. Staff is recommending the City's matching share for the
project be financed through a bond issuance, with funding resources of$1.25 million, and through use of
$75,000 already budgeted in the Lake Olympia Neighborhoods Reclaim Retrofit Project. The retrofit project
included funding to install 189 new reclaimed water meters and replace 189 existing water meters.
Utilities Director Smith said this is the third grant they have received from St. Johns River
Water Management District (SJRWMD), and he would like to thank SJRWMD for all their
efforts in working with the City. He briefly explained the metering systems and how this grant
will allow the City to transition every meter to the FlexNet system. Work will begin October 1St
and will probably take 6-8 months to complete.
Regular City Commission
August 2,2016
Nancy Christman, Intergovernmental Coordinator with SJRWMD, thanked the City and shared
that the District is always pleased to cost-share and partner with those communities who are
innovative and thinking about the future and best ways to supply water. With regards to the
discussion on reclaim water, Ms. Christman shared that they should have a program coming up
in the next few months, and the City's reclaim system may be one of those candidates for another
cost-share. City Manager Frank recognized Utilities Director Smith and his staff and thanked
them for all the work they did in securing this grant.
Motion: Move to approve Cost-Share Grant from St. Johns River Water
Management District to replace all remaining non-smart meters with upgrade to
AMI and customer portal.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion
carried 5-0.
11. Potential Purchase of Real Estate Valued at Less than $250,000. (City Attorney
City Attorney Cookson explained the City staff has expressed an interest in purchasing property
located at 100 and 112 South Bluford Avenue (Property). At this time, an entity called Floriday
Properties, Inc. (Floriday) has the Property under contract. The Floriday transaction is set to
close on August 12, 2016. Floriday has agreed to sell the property to the City, following
• Floriday's closing on the Property, for $225,000.00. The appraisal obtained by the City for the
Property placed a value on the Property at $200,000. The purchase price for the Property would
be $225,000.00. City Staff believes that the Property is an important component in the
downtown redevelopment project and justifies paying $25,000 more than the appraised value.
Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the purchase of the two parcels. If
approved the closing with the City would occur on August 12, 2016.
Support Services Director Butler shared that the property has been inspected and the City has
gone through the due diligence process.
Motion: Move to execute Purchase and Sale Agreement and all documents
incident to closing on Parcels 17-22-28-5504-02-090 and 17-22-28-5504-02-040
(100 and 112 South Bluford Avenue).
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion
carried 5-0.
7 IPage
Regular City Commission
August 2,2016
Commissioner Keller—None.
Commissioner Firstner—None.
Commissioner Wilsen—Announced the upcoming Budget Workshops are August 15th and 30th
at 6:00 pm with the Budget Public Hearing dates set for September 12th and 21st at 6:00 pm.
She urged the residents to attend and participate in saying, "This is your city; this is your budget.
We are here setting it, but we do need your input." The Proposed City Budget can be viewed on
the City website.
Commissioner Grogan—Advised the Board there may not be a quorum for the November 15th,
2016, Regular City Commission Meeting, because the National League of Cities City Summit is
November 16 — 19, which most of the Board members participate in; and further, requested the
meeting be canceled.
Motion: Move to cancel the November 15, 2016 Regular City Commission Meeting
due to the National League of Cities City Summit.
Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 5-0.
Mayor Johnson — 1) Inquired if the City is taking any action with regards to residents roaming
around the Bill Breeze Park/Lakeshore Center due to the Pokemon Go game. He advises the
City that the trashcans are full and trash is on the ground; and further, folks are parking in the
Lakeshore Center parking lot to where it has been full on some occasions. He mentions if there
is an event at the Lakeshore Center, parking may be difficult for the guests who have rented the
facility. City Manager Frank indicated that he also has noticed a big increase in trash and prior
to the meeting asked staff to check that area every morning; and further, said that staff may have
to be present when there is an event to make sure the parking lot is clear. Commissioner
Grogan asked if city property can be taken off the game. Commissioner Keller indicated that
the City can go in and have the GPS coordinates taken off. City Manager Frank suggested
closing off the parking lot if there is an event, but would like any suggestions the Board may
have. Discussion ensued regarding whether to remove the Lakeshore Center GPS coordinates
from the game. Mayor Johnson asked staff to report back on this issue;2) Offers his sympathy
to several City staff whom are out on sick leave. He wants them to know they are family and the
Board and City staff are thinking about them and keeping them in their prayers.
Attest: '' I
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Melanie Sibbitt, Acting City Clerk Rusty John' • ayor