HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-2016 Minutes MINUTES
JUNE 7, 2016 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. Acting City Clerk Sibbitt called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Keller.
Presentation - Officer of the 1st Quarter to Officer Bill Richardson by the CACOPD Board
CACOPD Chair Laney gave a brief summary of events that led to the decision and awarding of
Officer of the 1st Quarter to Officer Bill Richardson.
Mindy Hungerford, 213 Hortsfield Drive, spoke on behalf of the Ocoee Downtown Merchants
regarding the Ocoee Family Fest, which is held once a month on a Thursday evening. Ms.
Hungerford requested to move the monthly event from Thursday evenings to Saturday evenings
so that more vendors can participate and more of the community can attend. She stated their first
event was very successful with around 500 people in attendance. She indicated they are now a
501(c)(3), and asked if the City can assist them with promoting the fest in any way possible.
Commissioner Grogan mentioned there is an advertisement currently running on TV and
indicated he thinks moving the fest to a Saturday is a great idea. Mayor Johnson asked what the
hours will be on a Saturday. Ms. Hungerford said 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The consensus of the
Board was in agreement to move the Ocoee Family Fest from once a month Thursday evenings
to once a month Saturday evenings from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
City Manager Frank announced that the Commission would need to pull Agenda Item #10
from the Consent Agenda to be continued to the June 21, 2016, City Commission meeting.
Motion: Move to pull Agenda Item #10 from the Consent Agenda and be
continued to the June 21, 2016, City Commission meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Grogan -None.
Commissioner Wilsen - Commented about the intersection of Bluford and Orlando Avenue
indicating it is wonderful and very functional.
Regular City Commission
June 7, 2016
Commissioner Firstner — Expressed he is pleased with the outcome of Tropical Storm Colin.
Announced that the Fire Department is having a hurricane preparedness open house this
Saturday, June 11th at Fire Station No. 25.
Commissioner Keller — Announced a Town Hall meeting will take place on June 22, 2016, for
District 4 at the Tom Ison Center.
• + :i `i n — Announced a Public Creative Workshop for the Downtown Master Plan is
taking place on Monday, June 13th and Tuesday, June 14th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with a
public meeting starting at 6:30 pm on Monday. Announced canceling the July 5th City
Commission Meeting.
Motion: Move to cancel the July 5, 2016, City Commission meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #9 with Item #10 being
pulled to be continued to the June 21, 2016 City Commission meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried unanimously.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held May 17, 2016. (Acting
City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. New Appointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department
(CACOPD). (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve a three-year term. The
Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has ten (10)
members. Two applications have been received by Dennis Murray and Cheryl King, who have shown an
interest in being appointed to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending
January 2019.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Reappointments to the Code Enforcement Board (three—year term). (Acting City Clerk
The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board
is to review infractions of the City Technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to
comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven(7)regular members and two(2)alternate members,all
to serve a three-year term. There are no applications currently on file.
Regular City Commission
June 7, 2016
The three-year terms of Members Michael Hopper, Owen Kelley, and Carole Amey ends June 2016. Both
members, Michael Hopper and Owen Kelley, have indicated their willingness to serve another term, if
reappointed.Alternate Member Carole Amey has declined reappointment.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement for Permit Inspection and Review Services
between the City of Ocoee and the Town of Windermere. (Fire Chief Miller)
The agreement in question is a new agreement for the permit inspection and review services between Town of
Windermere and the Ocoee Fire Department. This is a three-year agreement for the provision of permit
inspection and review services commencing on June 8, 2016, and terminating with the completion of the fiscal
year ending September 30,2019. The services to be provided through this agreement include Fire Permits,Fire
Review and Fire Inspections.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval for the Purchase of Fire Department Radios. (Fire Chief Miller) j
The FY 2015/2016 budget provided $31,808 for the purchase of 7 Motorola XTS 5000 digital portable radios
and related accessories. Instead of 7 Motorola XTS 5000 the Fire Department would like to purchase 6 APX
6000XE portable radios. Motorola is a sole source provider for these radios and the attached quote totaling
$30,437.52 reflects the Broward Sheriffs Office contract pricing.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval of the COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Grant. (Police Chief Brown)
The Fiscal Year 2016 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive solicitation open to all state, local, and
tribal law enforcement agencies with primary law enforcement authority. CHP provides funding to hire and re-
hire entry-level career law enforcement officers in order to preserve jobs, increase community policing
capacities and support crime prevention efforts.
CHP grants may be used to (1)hire new officers (including existing vacancies that are no longer funded in an
agency's budget); (2)rehire officers already laid off by any jurisdiction as a result of state, local, or Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) budget reductions unrelated to the receipt of grant funding; and/or (3) rehire officers
scheduled to be laid off by the grantee's jurisdiction on a specific future date as a result of state, local, or BIA
budget reductions unrelated to the receipt of grant funding. The Grant provides 75 percent of the approved
entry-level salaries and fringe benefits of each newly-hired and/or rehired full-time officer, up to $125,000 per
officer position, over the three year(36 month)grant period. The grant would commence on October 1,2016.
The Ocoee Police Department wishes to apply for funding to hire three police officers.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval of the Renewal of the School Resource Officer Agreement between the School
Board of Orange County and the City of Ocoee. (Police Chief Brown)
The Ocoee Police Department provides one (1) DARE officer to five (5) elementary schools, one (1) School
Resource Officer to one (1)middle school,and two(2) School Resource Officers to one(1)high school, all of
which are located within the city limits of Ocoee.An annual agreement between the City and the School Board
of Orange County is required in order for the Police Department to understand its officers'responsibilities and
for the City to be reimbursed by the School Board of Orange County for a portion of the officers' salaries. This
agreement is effective from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2017. A similar agreement was previously reviewed by
the City Attorney and approved by the City Commission for 2014-2015;however, this agreement is for a two-
year period.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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Regular City Commission
June 7, 2016
8. Approval of Change Order #1 to Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility
Improvements Project. (Public Works Director Krug)
The original Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility Improvements Project were comprised of certain roadway,
drainage and utility improvements and was awarded by City Commission to Dewitt Excavating, Inc., on
October 6,2015. The project's utility improvements included the installation of a 16"sanitary sewer forcemain
running the length of Bluford Avenue from Delaware Street to Columbus Street. This main is a part of the
Downtown Sewer Western Transmission Project, which will contain a new sewer conveyance system
collecting flow from the west side of Ocoee and including the south Maguire Road corridor. The transmission
project calls for the extension of a sanitary forcemain from the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility along
Wurst Road,North Lakewood Avenue,Rewis Street,Bluford Avenue,and Columbus Street,which will tie in to
an existing forcemain located on Maguire Road. To receive flows from South Maguire Road, 150 feet of main
has already been constructed under S.R. 50 with the road widening project. The Western Transmission Project
also includes a second 12" forcemain interconnection between Bluford Avenue and Maguire Road within the
Franklin Street right-of-way.
With the completed forcemain under S.R. 50 and the Bluford Stormwater Project, the only segment of the
western transmission main,south of Delaware Street,which still needs to be constructed, is the 740 feet of main
along Columbus Street. This extension is contiguous to the main constructed by the Bluford project. As the
contractor is still onsite and the installation of the main can be generally covered under the existing contracted
unit items and the addition of the work to the current contract will minimize disruption to the area, staff is
recommending the Columbus Street forcemain work be added to the original scope of work through Change
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval of Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc., as Best Source Vendor for Lift Station
Electrical Systems. (Utilities Director Smith)
On May 1, 2012, Commission was requested by Staff to standardize the City's sanitary sewer lift station
mechanical systems; and per recommendation, declared Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. (formerly known as
ITT Flygt)as a best source vendor for such needs. This action should have included a declaration for Xylem to
also provide the electrical system needs to properly integrate with the mechanical systems for their successful
operation. The electrical system includes electrical components,wiring,terminal block,and controls fabricated
into a control panel(s). Therefore, Staff is recommending Commission to amend its previous approved action
and include Xylem as a best source vendor to provide both the mechanical and electrical system needs for City
lift stations.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
10. Approval of the Second Amendment to the Development Agreement for Arbours at
Crown Point Planned Unit Development (PUD). (City Planner Rumer)
On March 15, 2016, the City Commission reviewed and approved the Second Amendment to the Arbours at
Crown Point PUD and corresponding Land Use Plan for the subject property. On April 19, 2016, the
Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Ocoee West Road Charter School at Arbours at Crown Point PUD was approved
by the City Commissioners,as presented. Subsequently,the approval provided for amending certain Conditions
of Approval(COAs)relating to the responsibilities for the Ocoee West Road Charter School.
Continued to the June 21, 2016, City Commission Meeting.
11. Ocoee Landings Planned Unit Development (PUD). (Advertised in the West Orange Times on
Thursday, May 26, 2016.) (Principal Planner Fabre)
a) Vacation of Right-of-Way Resolution for Azalea Ranch Lane and a Portion of Johio
Shores Road.
b) Final Subdivision Plan (FSP). (Not a Public Hearing)
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Regular City Commission
June 7,2016
(a) The Azalea Ranch Lane right-of-way runs in an east-west direction, generally between Johio Bay Drive
and W. Silver Star Road(SR 438)and more precisely described as, lying south of Lots 10, 9, 8,7,6, 5&Tract
A,of the"Johio Bay"
residential subdivision. Azalea Ranch Lane is unimproved and vegetative with a mixture
of matured trees. In addition, the adjacent Johio Shores Road portion, mostly running in a north-south
direction, is also requested for vacation. This portion of Johio Shores Road is the remnant portion of when
Johio Shores Road was realigned with W. Silver Star Road(SR 438). Currently, it is improved with a roadway
ending on a cul-de-sac;however,this portion of roadway is not being utilized for any public access.
This vacation request is petitioned by the applicant/owner of the Ocoee Landings PUD. The Ocoee Landings
PUD is proposed to develop the subject right-of-way vacates for increasing the rear-yards of residential home
lots along the northern portion of the PUD, and for an open space/park, a small portion of the water retention
area, and a portion of the subdivision's cul-de-sac along the eastern portion of the PUD. The Ocoee Landings
PUD calls for removal of this existing roadway portion and properly terminating it with a roadway apron for
maintenance vehicle access.
(b) The Ocoee Landings PUD property is located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Lake Johio
Drive. The subject site is approximately 20 acres in size and is currently vacant,undeveloped and covered with
a mixture of(mostly oak & planted pine) trees. The Ocoee Landings PUD (Planned Unit Development) is a
mixed-use development consisting of 9.15 acres of residential and 6.89 acres of commercial. As shown on the
plans,the four(4)commercial lots will have access on Silver Star Road and Lake Johio Drive. The commercial
portion will consist of 6.89 acres of C-2 (Community Commercial) uses with certain uses (Automobile Sales,
Hotel,Motel)excluded. Special Exception uses allowed under C-2 zoning will require a Special Exception Site
Plan approval before permitting. Moreover, the Final Subdivision Plan as proposed is consistent with the
approved PUD/Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
Principal Planner Fabre explained the Vacation of Right-of-Way Resolution and the Final
Subdivision Plan. He highlighted items of the staff report and noted that staff recommends
approval of the Final Subdivision Plan subject to the approval of the right-of way vacate,
demonstrating ownership of all the vacated tracts, and resolving the last remaining staff
Commissioner Keller inquired if the cul-de-sac by the tot lot will cause parking issues since
there are no parking spaces. Principal Planner Fabre advised this is a small subdivision with
three (3) tot lots so he does not believe there will be an issue with parking since most residents
may walk to one of them. City Manager Frank inquired if the six (6) residential property
owners to the north were made aware of the vacation and that they would be acquiring additional
property. Principal Planner Fabre said that the residents were notified by the standard method
of notification. It was briefly discussed as to what would happen if residents did not want to
acquire that property. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if this was a gated community. It was
answered that this was not a gated subdivision.
7:46 PM Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing.
Chip Bryan, Developer/Applicant, addressed the question of the gated community. He advised
that the current proposal is to not have a gated community and the roads will be public which
means they will be owned and maintained by the City. He further thanked staff for working with
them through this project.
Jan Manson, 2420 Johio Bay Drive, said she is one of the homeowners involved in the right-of-
way vacate. She briefly addressed the Commission regarding concerns she has with tree removal
which will affect the noise buffer from Silver Star Road. As well as her concerns with existing
power lines and the vinyl fence that will be installed verses the continuance of the brick wall.
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Regular City Commission
June 7,2016
Brenda Singleton, 2400 Johio Bay Drive, shared her concerns regarding the mature trees and
trying to save them. Additionally, she opined that a brick wall would give a better definition than
the vinyl fence and would be easier to maintain.
Ken Lasseter, 2510 Johio Shores Road, inquired about the road that will be vacated and who
would be maintaining it. He shared that their HOA currently maintains a small portion of the
City's parcel. The City Manager advised that he would be sure the parcel he is referring to is
added to the City's list for maintenance. The City may have overlooked it since his HOA was
maintaining it.
Socrates Perez, 2412 Johio Bay Drive, said he is one of the homeowners involved in the right-
of-way vacate. He shared that he would be acquiring the additional 30 feet in his yard but wanted
to emphasize that he will now have a power pole with a transformer in the middle of his lot
which he feels is a safety issue and will also affect the resale value of his house in the future.
Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, shared concerns, on behalf of the Silver Bend
HOA, with the egress from Silver Bend especially during peak time.
Both, Principal Planner Fabre and Mr. Bryan, addressed all the questions and concerns that
were shared by the residents that spoke.
8:07 PM Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Firstner.
Approval of Vacation of Right-of-Way Resolution No. 2016-008 for Azalea Ranch
Lane and a Portion of Johio Shores Road. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Firstner.
Approval of Ocoee Landings Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Final Subdivision
Plan (FSP) subject to the Developer acquiring ownership of all the tracts depicted
on the plan and resolving any outstanding staff comments. Motion passed
12. Designation of Voting Delegate — Florida League of Cities, Inc., Annual Conference.
(Acting City Clerk Sibbitt)
The Florida League of Cities (FLC) is holding their 90th Annual Conference at the Diplomat Resort,
Hollywood, Florida, on August 18-20, 2016. The FLC is requesting that the City of Ocoee's Voting Delegate is
designated and received by August 12,2016.
Mayor Johnson indicated he would like to be considered as voting delegate.
Regular City Commission
June 7,2016
Motion: Move to designate Mayor Johnson as the City of Ocoee's Voting
Delegate at the Florida League of Cities (FLC) Annual Conference.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion
carried unanimously.
13. Update on Federal Lobbyist Services, RFP 16-001. (City Attorney Cookson)
On April 5, 2016,the City Commission held a special meeting for the purpose of hearing vendor presentations
in response to RFP 16-001, issued December 20, 2015, relating to federal lobbyist services. At the April 5,
2016, special meeting, the City Commission heard presentations from the following vendors: Global
Development ent Business Consulting,Inc.,Alcalde&Fay,
Ltd.Inc.,and Capitol Counsel,LLC.
After hearing the presentations, the City Commission selected Global Development Business Consulting, Inc.
(Global) as the federal lobbyist firm to provide services on behalf of the City. As had been stated in Global's
presentation, the City awarded the contract contingent upon Global's merger with the law firm, Akerman,LLP.
The vote also provided that in the event the merger did not happen (with no timeframe given for providing
evidence of the merger) the City would award the contract to Alcalde & Fay, Ltd., Inc. To date, Global has
retained Akerman to assist in providing lobbying services to the City of Ocoee; however, the Global-Akerman
merger has not occurred. On June 7, 2016, Mr. Bracy, principal at Global, will provide the City Commission
with an update on the status of the Global-Akerman merger.
Three options are available to the City Commission:
1) Provide a time period during which Global can provide evidence of its merger with Akerman and authorize
staff to negotiate the contract with Global upon the merger occurring;
2) Determine that the Global-Akerman merger has not occurred in the reasonable time period that has
transpired, award the contract to the second ranked firm, Alcalde & Fay, Ltd., Inc., and authorize staff to
negotiate the contract with Alcalde&Fay,Ltd.,Inc.;or
3) Rescind action taken by the City Commission at the April 5,2016,meeting,reject all proposals, and reissue
an RFP for federal lobbyist services at such time as the City Commission determines is required.
Mayor Johnson announced to the Board that Mr. Bracy could not make it tonight; and further,
asked the Board if they want to go ahead and address this item tonight or pull it to be heard at the
June 21st meeting. City Manager Frank confirmed that Mr. Bracy had a calendar conflict, and
Mr. Bracy mentioned to him that he is able to be present at the June 21st meeting. Discussion
ensued among the Board.
Motion: Move to pull Agenda Item #13 and continue it to the June 21, 2016, City
Commission Meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Keller — 1) Advised that the Forest Trails subdivision wishes to eliminate on-
road overnight parking, and the HOA is questioning how to go about implementing this new
HOA rule. Discussion entailed on where signs would be put up. Police Chief Brown suggested
that more research needs to be done on where the signs will go and said the PD will report back
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Regular City Commission
June 7,2016
to the Board on some of the issues 2) Reminded residents of the Town Hall meeting being held
on June 22, 2016.
Commissioner Firstner — Asked about the status of the Click-to-Enter program. Police Chief
Brown indicated that about half of the communities have turned in their paperwork. City
Manager Frank thinks the deadline is September. Police Chief Brown mentioned responses
from communities have been great and it is moving forward. He said Lt. Wagner is on the
project along with the Fire Department who inspects it.
Commissioner Wilsen—None.
Commissioner Grogan — 1) Announced June 17th is Movie in the Park and Food Truck Friday.
2) Reminded residents to not park on lawns as this is being enforced by Code Enforcement.
Mayor Johnson— 1)Announced the City is collecting names for the Charter Review Board until
July 29th; 2) Thanked staff and the crews who worked on the Bluford and Orlando Avenue
intersection, and he asked residents to be patient with the infrastructure renovations and
explained that roadwork has to be done in order to upgrade infrastructure; 3) Asked Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes if there are cameras at Central Park, because it was vandalized over
the weekend. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes indicated there is one camera in the park,
and they are working with the police department to relocate the camera to a more populated area.
Mayor Johnson suggested that the park (basketball court area) be closed for a month since most
1 of the damage occurs there.
Attest: City of Ocoee
' / /11/ 114k
Melanie Sibbitt, Acting City Clerk Rusty Joh I. i n, ayor
8 I P a g c