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FEBRUARY 2, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 19 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers and asked for a moment of silent meditation. Francis Watts led the pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called, and a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Glass, Howell (arrived at 7:20 p.m.) and
Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Clerk Grafton, Community Relations/Projects Shira, City EngineerlUtilities
Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Planning Director Wagner,
Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter and Buyer Meridith.
ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon introduced Chari sse May, co-chairman for the West
Orange Chapter of the American Cancer Society for the Relay for Life. Ms. May explained that
the Relay for Life is the biggest fund raiser in the country, and the goal for the Relay for Life
scheduled for March 26 and 27 at West Orange High School is 50 teams composed of ten to 15
people. She played a video of a relay to explain the event better. The theme of this Relay for
Life is "Lights, Camera, Action."
Supervisor Simon said the employees of the City had formed a team, and she asked the City
Commission for $100 for registration and a $300 donation to set a corporate sponsorship so they
can challenge local businesses to meet this donation.
Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to pay the $100 registration fee
and donate $300 for a corporate sponsorship for the Relay for Life scheduled for March 26 and
27,1999. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Mayor Vandergrift asked for a contact person for anyone interested in sponsoring a team. Ms.
May said to contact Karen Neely at the American Cancer Society, 843-8680. Ms. May can also
be contacted at 876-5723, and she advised she had extra team packets available as well as
brochures. She advised the Relay is in memory of Mr. Harold Cooper. Supervisor Simon
advised she can also be contacted at the City.
Amber Allen, president of the Wrangler 4-H Club, advised that their group is raising a hog to be
shown at the Central Florida Fair, and she asked for support in the amount of $250.00. One item
needed for the club is a scale since the animal's weight and food intake have to be tracked
throughout the whole project. She said they hope to have a celebration of some sort in April or
May to invite the people who helped support them to show them the property and what they have
worked so hard to build.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to donate $400.00 to the
Wrangler 4-H Club. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
William Meginley, Ocoee Middle School, referred to the May 24, 1998, Orlando Sentinel,
"Orange Extra," which contained a front page article about last year's Odyssey of the Mind team
from Ocoee Middle School. He gave a history of the team and introduced Robert Meginley,
Adida Guya and Michael Meginley, team members. He said during the three and a half years the
Odyssey of the Mind team has been in existence, it has placed first or second in the regional
tournament and in the top ten in the state. Last year the structured team won the state title and
was able to go to the world championship. Because of the generosity of the City and IBM,
which was a corporate sponsor at one time, and several other organizations and parents, the
students have been able to participate and produce top-notch teams. Three teams are preparing
for the regional tournament, which is March 6. The program has run out of funds, and at least
$165.00 is required to pay the registration for the three teams for the regional tournament. Other
costs are involved, and each team is allowed to spend a maximum of $100.00 to buy materials to
solve the problems. He requested a contribution of $400.00 from the City.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to donate $500.00 to the
Odyssey of the Mind teams from Ocoee Middle School. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner
Anderson was absent.)
Chuck Olds, Cub Scout leader, invited the City Commission to the Blue and Gold Banquet on
Sunday, February 21, 1999, and distributed invitations. The banquet will be at the Ocoee
Methodist Church at 3 :00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift read the following proclamations:
The consent agenda consisted of Items A, B, C, D and E. Commissioner Glass, seconded by
Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Items A. B. C, D and E of the Consent Agenda as
presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, said she read Pat Cornell's article in the Water Cooler about
the year end. She said she did not know what a Y2K speech is. City Manager Shapiro advised
that Y2K referred to a possible computer problem at the beginning of the year 2000.
Ms. Watts asked about striping on Kissimmee Avenue from Columbus to McKey. She asked if
the striping machine has the capability to do that, and Mr. Shapiro said he believed it could and
said he would find out for her when it was going to be done.
Ms. Watts said she thought Starke Lake was looking good but wanted to know what happened
to the rest room. Mr. Shapiro said the money was still allocated, but it had not been brought
back to the City Commission.
Ms. Watts read Det. Simon's article about picking up litter and thought something should be
done about those who litter.
Dick Luce, Community Emergency Response Team, C.E.R.T., explained C.E.R.T., saying they
are trained in search, rescue and first aid for emergency situations, especially for major disasters
when emergency services are stretched to the limit. Mr. Luce thanked the City for sponsoring
this program, and he also thanked Assistant Fire Chief Firstner for his efforts in coordinating and
training in this program. There are many City subdivisions that have no representation in the
program, and he wanted to make sure they had the City's continued help getting the word out
about this excellent and beneficial program.
Mr. Shapiro said Chief Firstner is trying to get in contact with each of the homeowner
association presidents to be able to speak or distribute pamphlets in the neighborhoods.
Commissioner Parker said the program is excellent because things are taught that can be used
in everyday life. She encouraged participation in the program. Mayor Vandergrift said Susan
Falls, president of the Ocoee Community Alliance, which meets once a month with all the
associations in the City, was present. He said possibly Mr. Luce could coordinate with Ms. Falls,
and he asked Mr. Luce when the next class is scheduled. Mr. Luce said none is scheduled, but
he welcomed any ideas for promoting the program.
Mr. RP. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what the cable is that is being laid
along Prairie Lake Boulevard. Commissioner Parker said Time Warner is laying fiber optic
Mr. Mohnacky asked about the $250,000 road impact fees discussion that was held in the last
Commission meeting. Mr. Shapiro explained that it involved the Central Florida Investments
(CFI) issue and whether CFI should be charged impact fees (upon moving into the General
Elevator Building), and that it would be discussed again February 16. In response to
Commissioner Howell's question about how the impact fees for the CFI building had been paid,
Mr. Shapiro said that there were no impact fees in 1979 when the building was constructed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift said the City Commission would take it under advisement to look at the
possibility of imposing impact fees on the resale of houses and businesses.
Commissioner Howell
1) Announced the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for February 19, 1999, at the
Garden Grille at Health Central, invitation only.
2) Explained he was late because his wife had to take his son to the hospital because of severe
headaches, sweats, etc. As she started to go to the doctor, his condition worsened, so she
took him to the Clarke Road Fire Station. She wanted him to convey how great they were
there with their examination and how much she appreciated their help and kindness. They
transported him to the hospital, where the diagnosis was childhood migraine. Mr. Howell
believes the City has the best fire department and personnel and expressed his appreciation.
3) Announced the after school program at Ocoee Middle School, which is funded by the Board
of County Commissioners and is free. There are 90 students enrolled. Contact Ocoee
Middle School for information. He thanked the Board of County Commissioners and
Chairman Martinez for their support. City Manager Shapiro advised this is one of six middle
schools chosen to be the pilot for the program. Different events such as photography are
offered, and he understands the students are being given the opportunity to be their own
board of governors.
Commissioner Glass
1) Announced there is a casino night at the West Orange Junior Service League the same night
as the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Any Service League member can be contacted to find
out about tickets. His wife Kathie can be reached at 877-0661 for information about the
West Orange Junior Service League, which raises money for many worthwhile projects.
2) Thanked Mayor Vandergrift for going to the Board of County Commissioners meeting that
afternoon and speaking regarding the Clarcona-Ocoee Road widening project, saying he did a
good job of representing the City. Brad Friel from Planning also spoke and did a good job.
3) Advised Thursday, February 4, is Commissioner Anderson's birthday and wished him a
happy birthday. His suggestion to have Ocoee Rent-a-Choir sing was immediately quashed.
Commissioner Parker
1) Announced the new Oakland Nature Preserve, 95 acres of wooded uplands. Construction of
nature trails, boardwalks, etc., is in progress. FOLA and the Town of Oakland have gotten
together to purchase and preserve this area for public use for learning and fun outings. For
more information call the town of Oakland. Annual membership is $10.
2) Announced Chief Strosnider is running for second vice president of the Florida Fire Chiefs
Association. She wished him luck in his candidacy and said they are very proud of him.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Mavor Vandergrift
1) Reminded audience of the RSVP line, 656-2218.
2) Received a letter with no address or phone number from Ronnie Davis asking why Orange
County does not have its name on City fire equipment. The Mayor said the fire department is
the City's, and Orange County pays nothing to support it. Mr. Shapiro said the City has a
contract with the county to provide service in the unincorporated areas for them.
3) Reported the County Commissioners voted to move forward without monetary benefit from
the City on the Clarcona-Ocoee Road. It looks like it will be 2003 before completion.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 99-08: An ordinance of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, relating to the zoning district in which borrow pits are permitted as a special exception;
amending provisions of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, by
revising Section 5-3(B)(14) of Article V relating to the description of 1-2 General Industrial
District Zoning with respect to borrow pits; amending Table 5-1 entitled "Use Regulations" to
permit borrow pits as a special exception only in the 1-2 district and to prohibit borrow pits in all
other districts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing an effective date.
Planning Direction Wagner advised he gave the staff report at the last meeting and was present
to answer questions.
Mayor Vandergrift explained this is barring borrow pits from the City, and he opened the
public hearing.
In response to a question, Mayor Vandergrift explained a borrow pit is a hole from which dirt is
taken to be used some other place.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked if the City is required to accept a borrow
pit. City Attorney Rosenthal said there is presently no regulation of borrow pits, which raises
an ambiguity as to whether one can be put in the City. In the absence ofthis ordinance, it would
be difficult for the City to prohibit or regulate borrow pits. This ordinance allows borrow pits in
an 1-2 zoning district only as a special exception. The City Commission would then have the
opportunity to impose additional conditions. There is limited 1-2 zoning in the City. Mr.
Mohnacky asked if language could be inserted in the specifications requiring the developer to
leave it the way it was found. Mr. Rosenthal said there are state regulations that deal with what
you have to do with a borrow pit in terms of restoration. When the City Commission deals with
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
a special exception, it typically imposes numerous specific conditions on a special exception, and
he was sure that would be one of them if there were an application. Mr. Mohnacky asked if the
City could overrule the state, and Mr. Rosenthal said the City can be more restrictive than the
state as a general statement in terms of restoration requirements, etc.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Howell moved that borrow pits not be allowed in the City of Ocoee. Motion
died for lack of a second.
Mavor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt Ordinance 99-08,
Permitting Borrow Pits only within the Ocoee 1-2, General Industrial District. as a Special
Exception. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the original Ordinance 99-09: An ordinance of the
City of Ocoee, Florida, relating to the appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning
Commission; amending Section 3-2.A and Section 3-2.C(3) of Article III of Chapter 180 of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee to increase the membership of the Planning and Zoning
Commission from 7 members to 9 members, to establish circumstances under which alternates
may participate and vote as a member and to increase the quorum requirement to members or
alternate members; providing for severability; providing for an effective date.
Mr. Rosenthal advised that an ordinance in the agenda packet was a second version of
Ordinance 99-09 with a slightly different title. Pursuant to the direction of the City Commission
at the last meeting, the revision of that ordinance would increase the membership of the Planning
and Zoning Commission from 7 to 9 members and eliminate alternates. It would have the effect
of terminating the terms of the two existing alternates upon adoption of the ordinance. Should
the City Commission choose to take that action, they would make a motion to adopt the revised
Ordinance 99-09 as set forth in the memorandum from the attorney. If they chose to keep
alternates, they would move to adopt the one originally advertised and in the agenda packet.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing.
The public hearing was closed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt the version of
Ordinance 99-09 referenced in the City Attorney's memo of January 28, 1999, removing the
alternate positions. Motion carried 3-0. (Commissioner Howell was away from the dais;
Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Mr. Rosenthal advised that following the adoption of Resolution 99-04, the City received
correspondence from its bond insurer, Financial Security Assurance, which indicated there were
additional terms and provisions they felt needed to be in the resolution. Those additional
conditions were reviewed by the staff and the City's consultants and bond counsel. Everything
was reasonable. The nature of the emergency is that the bonds are being closed prior to the next
regularly City Commission meeting. Therefore, he was requesting the Mayor declare this an
emergency item so it could be considered by the City Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift declared the adoption of Resolution No. 99-06 an emergency item.
Mr. Rosenthal read the title of Resolution 99-06: A resolution amending and supplementing
Resolution 99-04 regarding the issuance of $11,405,000.00 City of Ocoee, Florida, capital
improvement refunding revenue bonds, Series 1999, providing for certain terms requested by
Financial Security Assurance, Inc., the bond insurers providing certain other matters in
connection therewith and providing an effect date.
Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to adopt Resolution 99-06.
Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Mayor Vandergrift referred to page 2 of the Quarterly Report regarding franchise fees. He
advised AT&T is going into City neighborhoods with wireless television. They cannot be
franchised, and he felt there had to be a way to tax them to make them on a level playing field
with the cable company. He suggested seeking a channel for public access so the Commission
meetings can be broadcast on it.
Commissioner Glass commended Finance Director Horton for the report, complimenting the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to accept the Quarterly
Report First Quarter Fiscal Year, 1998-1999. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was
absent. )
Commissioner Glass said before discussion started on this issue, he wanted to address a memo
regarding it. The first option indicated Mary Doty, assistant City attorney, might be coming to
the Commission on February 16 knowing at that time whether the land will be purchased or
condemned. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira advised that when he spoke to her about a
week before, she thought by that date the City would have one or the other option nailed down.
Commissioner Glass recommended that this issue be deferred to the meeting on February 16 so
there would be more information available. Mr. Shapiro said there would be police officers
working the intersection during the two major peak traffic times.
Mr. Rosenthal said staff also wanted them to act on the purchase of the controller.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize staff to take
appropriate action to have police officers at the intersection of Roberson and Maguire Roads for
the high traffic peak times as delineated in the staff memo of January 27, 1999: that staff be
authorized to proceed with the purchase of the controller and the cabinet and defer action on the
remainder until the February 16, 1999, meeting. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson
was absent.).
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira advised that DEP wanted them to change a number for
permitted capacity. The City has a permit application pending. The concern of DEP about the
water quality of Lake Apopka is such that they prefer for the City to reduce the potential loading
from Ocoee to Winter Garden site to .25 from .75 mgd on an annual average daily basis. The
actual effect to the City is not anticipated. The DEP is allowing "wiggle" room in the permit,
and if the City can discharge to their ponds and have no permit violations, both the City and
Winter Garden have the option in the proposed permit and in the Agreement to modify that .25
number in any given year as needed.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City can close its ponds. Mr. Shira said eventually, not
immediately. Mayor Vandergrift asked if Winter Garden treats their ponds with alum, and Mr.
Shira said he did not know. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City treats theirs better. Mr.
Shira said the City needs to start alum injections because that is the method by which the
phosphorous content of the effluent is reduced. The phosphorous is what they do not want going
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
into the lake because it is a good fertilizer and causes the algae to multiply at a precipitous rate.
The DEP has imposed the requirements of alum injections on the City. Mr. Shapiro asked if the
alum injections are part of what Winter Garden is paying in design. Mr. Shira said that is a City
cost. Winter Garden is paying for a portion of the interconnect and all the improvements on their
plant site.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the revised
Ocoee/Winter Garden Reclaimed Water Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
This change order request was initiated by City staff to allow for the working around of existing
utilities on Flewelling Drive which were not provided to the design engineer and to allow for a
better overall project with better drainage enhancements on Ocoee Hills Road. Sprint buried
cables were located directly in the designed construction area and Sprint will reimburse the City
$7,848.00 for the additional work on Flewelling Drive. The total cost for this change order with
Prime Construction Group, Inc. is $20,495.00 (to come from the project's construction
contingency) with a time extension of fourteen days on the contract time.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Change Order
No.1 with Prime Construction Group, Inc. in the amount of $20.495.00 and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute as recommended by staff. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner
Anderson was absent.)
Mayor Vandergrift invited comments from the Commissioners regarding his proposed
celebration for New Year's. Commissioner Howell suggested combining the celebration with
Founder's Day instead of doing it New Year's Eve. Commissioner Glass concurred with
Commissioner Howell. Commissioner Parker concurred, saying she would like to combine the
past with the move into the future. She suggested possibly having something after New Year's
Eve, such as a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park for families that would be marking the new
millennium. She would like Founder's Day to be a big event as the last one of this century.
Mayor Vandergrift conceded no consensus.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2,1999
City Attorney Rosenthal referred to his memorandum dated January 28, 1999, and the letter
from Brian Forbes, the attorney for Olympia Development Group. In the City's Comprehensive
Plan there is a provision that says where commercial development is allowed at the intersection
of major roads, no more than two quadrants will be approved for gas stations or auto-related
activities. The issue has arisen regarding the definition of a quadrant. The purpose of this
discussion was to define quadrant.
Brian Forbes, Lowndes Drosdick Doster Kantor & Reed, attorney for the Olympia Development
Group, the developer of the parcel located southeast of Clarke and Silver Star Roads, advised
that pending before the City was an annexation petition, Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a
PUD zoning for the property and said a question had arisen regarding the interpretation of a
provision of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan provision reads that commercial development is allowed at the
intersection of roads but no more than two quadrants will be approved for gas stations or auto-
related uses. Mr. Forbes displayed several diagrams of possible options on the overhead, and
extensive discussion regarding the options ensued.
After a lengthy discussion regarding directional turns, Commissioner Glass said he would
propose they interpret quadrant to be the distance from the corner to a directional left or full
access along each of the roads that comprise the corner, whichever is less. Mr. Wagner said he
thought that would be workable.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to define quadrant as the
distance from the corner to that point where a directional left or full access drive would be
allowed, whichever is less. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Mayor Vandergrift asked under whose authority it would be. Commissioner Glass said it
would be under the authority of whoever has jurisdiction of the roadway to permit access points.
Mr. Shapiro said the motion made by the Commission is the auspices. Mr. Rosenthal
Mr. Forbes said that was acceptable to them, and he thought it was a workable definition. He
thought it could be applied consistently, and he had no objection.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to appoint Robert McKey
and James E. Golden to serve as full members of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2, 1999
two new slots approved by the City Commission in Ordinance No. 99-09. Motion carried 3-1.
(Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Commissioner Glass said he wanted to see Mr. McKey appointed as a full member. However,
the City adopted an ordinance with the purpose of establishing greater geographic diversity. He
wanted either to leave that slot open and get someone from the north side or, if someone could
not be found from the north side, he wanted to recommend Rosemarie Morganto for the position.
He said four of the seats are expiring in July 1999, and he would like to see Jim keep his
application on file in case there are vacancies.
Commissioner Howell moved to reconsider. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Anderson was
absent. ).
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to appoint Robert McKey to
one of the new positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission and defer filling the other
position until the February 16, 1999, City Commission Meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
(Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Mayor Vandergrift said Robert McKey volunteered to go to Leadership West Orange. Mr.
Shapiro said he had not funded anyone, but if the City Commission wanted to take it out of their
account and make that motion, Mr. McKey would go. He thought it was a good idea, but the
only place the money could come from in the budget was from the legislative travel account.
Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to send Robert McKey to
Leadership West Orange and fund it from the contingency fund. Motion failed 2-2.
(Commissioner Anderson was absent. ).
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to send Robert McKey to
Leadership West Orange and fund it from the Commissioner's travel fund. Motion carried 4-0.
(Commissioner Anderson was absent.)
Commissioner Howell
1) Reported some neighbors had called regarding the corner of Lady and Marlene. There are
sidewalks all the way down Lady up to Ursula Drive. Then there is about a 50-foot section
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 2,1999
on each side of the road where there are no sidewalks before the sidewalks start again. Mr.
Shapiro said he would ask staff to look at it to make sure the City owns the public right-of-
way. If so, the sidewalks will be constructed.
2) Received many complaints about the 35-mile-an-hour speed limit on Clarke Road past the
fire station. The speed limit on A.D. Mims is 45 miles an hour. Mr. Shapiro explained why
the speed limit was lowered from 45 miles an hour.
Commissioner Howell moved to change the speed limit to 45 miles an hour on Clarke Road
beyond the Fire Station. Motion died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Parker
1) Wants the police department to do a study on the speed limit on Clarke Road. Mr. Shapiro
6said the City has a board made up of the City Engineer, the Public Works Direction and the
Police Chief and said that board should be allowed to do a study and make a
recommendation. Mayor Vandergrift said, without objection, to direct them to do the study.
Mayor Vandere:rift
1) Asked where we stood with stopping the school buses from using Lakeshore Drive and
suggested imposing a weight limit or using "no thru traffic" signs. City Manager Shapiro
advised that, although it had been discussed with the City Attorney on several occasions, no
conclusion had been reached. He said that the problem of determining how to deal with the
traffic may be resolved with closing the road in order to pier the back part ofthe building.
2) Asked if the City had a Y2K plan, and after hearing the response that staff was working on it
and would make a presentation to the City Commission, he asked for a written report soon.
3) Reported lights out (1) in the back of Commission Chambers, (2) on the Clarke Road and
State Road 50 sign and (3) on the City Hall sign out front.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayo