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HELD MARCH 2, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7 :20 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Pastor Luis Pluguez, New Life Christian Church, led in prayer, and Frances Watts
led the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called, and a quorum was declared present.
Commissioner Glass advised he was present for the last time.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell (arrived 7:23 p.m.)
and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal,
City Clerk Grafton, Planning Director Wagner, Director of Community
Relations/Projects Shira, Police Chief Mark, Building Official Flippen, Human
Resources Director Psaledakis, Public Works Director Smith, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira and Human Resources Specialist McDonald.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E and F.
There was discussion of several of the items, and Mayor Vandergrift asked that staff in the
future provide more information regarding items on the consent agenda.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to approve Items A B. Co D,
E and F as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Regular Meetine: of
February 19. 1999.
B. Approval and Authorization for Re-evaluation of Occupational Licensine: Fee Tax
. Ocoee Code, Chapter 119-7(A) and 119-7(B) requires that the Occupational License
Fees be reviewed and a recommendation to increase or not increase the fees be
presented to the City Commission in March of alternate years. Upon comparing
Ocoee's fees with other local cities, Building Official Flippen has recommended that
no increase be adopted at this time.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Prairie Lake Village
Phase 4 - Final Plat and Easement Ae:reement.
1. Wall and Landscape Easement Agreement. - A wall and landscaping will be
installed on property which is located along Hackney Prairie Road to the east of Phase
4 and owned by the City of Ocoee. This grants the easement to the Association to
install and maintain the wall and landscaping, requires the Association to maintain the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2, 1999
wall and landscaping, and cannot be assigned or amended without the consent of the
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Admiral Pointe Phase
II - Final Plat and Reulat Agreement for Admiral Pointe Phase II Subdivision.
1. Replat Agreement for Admiral Pointe Phase II Subdivision. - This Agreement
allows the builder to pull permits for all except lots 13 through 22 until such time as
all concerns regarding lots 13 through 22 have been resolved. At that time the builder
will submit a replat of lots 13 through 22 for approval.
E. Approval and Authorization to Use Forfeiture Funds for First Year Lease Purchase of
Four (4) Police Package Vehicles.
. This authorization includes approval to (1) use forfeiture monies in the amount of
$55,000.00 to cover the cost of the first year's lease payment on four (4) police
package vehicles, including the purchasing and installation of necessary equipment
and (2) authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the standard Credit
Company lease/purchase documents with the City Attorney's approval.
F. Approval and Authorization to Use Forfeiture Funds to Purchase A Crime Capture
. This authorization provides for the use of forfeiture funds not to exceed $17,000.00
for the police department to purchase a Crime Capture System (XImager) to produce
images utilized for identifying suspects or creating photo line-ups of suspects.
Lester Dabbs, Jr., 619 Caborca Court, spoke regarding the activities of the Ocoee Education
Commission and asked the City Commission to follow the educational testing process. He said
the Education Committee voted conceptually to approve the relationship the City has with the
school system. He also suggested that questions regarding the consent agenda be addressed prior
to the City Commission Meeting.
Jim Beech, 1206 Kimball Drive, thanked Commissioner Scott Glass for his efforts in making
Ocoee a better City for those who live here and for those who will live here.
George Laberee and Travis Porter, officers of the Winter Garden Elks Lodge, 700 South Ninth
Street, Winter Garden, requested $200.00 in support of the Elks Charity Ball Fund.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to give B.P.O. Elks of Winter
Garden $200.00 to go toward their Charity Ball. Motion carried 5-0.
Dr. Sonia B. Warner, assistant principal of Spring Lake Elementary School, asked the City to
fund the survey for the "pig" trail and said the Orange County Schools will be paying for the
fence. City Manager Shapiro explained that the "pig" trail is a path children will use going to
and from Spring Lake elementary School and that the path will be secured during non-school
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to provide funds, not to
exceed $8,000.00, from the Contingency Fund to pay for the surveys needed for the "pig" trail
for children walking to and from Spring Lake Elementary School. Motion carried 5-0.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked if the City will have ozone treatment for
the water. City Engineer Shira said no.
Commissioner Glass
1) Announced the Big Orange Games Golf Tournament to be held Sunday, March 14,1999, at
Green Spring Valley in Clermont with an 11 :30 a.m. lunch and a 1 :00 p.m. shotgun start.
The cost is $50.00 per player, and an entry form and more information can be obtained from
Mr. Jim Beech or Ms. Vicki Prettyman at the Recreation Department.
Commissioner Parker
1) Announced that the Fire Department has a new fire rescue truck, the best one in Central
Florida for the best department, and offered her congratulations.
2) Advised Saturday, March 6, 1999, will be Family Reunion Day on the grounds of Health
Central starting at 8:00 a.m. with a yard and craft sale. From 11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., there
will be food, fun and entertainment. Admission is free.
3) Said on Monday, February 22, she was privileged to attend the service in Winter Garden
remembering the devastating tornadoes of 1998. She wanted to make sure everyone knew
how well the City staff performed during that emergency and announced her thanks to
everyone in Public Works, the Recreation and Parks Department, the Building Department,
Utilities, the Fire Department and the Police Department for rising to the occasion and going
to the aid of their neighbors.
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, thanked Commissioner Glass for all his help and wished the
best for him and his family.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Announced Little League opening day is Saturday, March 6, 1999, at 8:00 a.m. beginning
with a parade leaving Ocoee Middle School, winding through town and ending at the Little
League field for the opening day ceremony. Games will be played all day.
2) Reminded the citizens of the RSVP line, 656-2218, which can be called 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
3) Asked for assistance judging a speaking contest at 8:30 a.m. Friday, March 5, 1999, at the
Ocoee Elementary School since he has to take his wife to the airport.
Second Reading of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 99-10, Meurett Sign Company - Annexation, Case No. AR-98-11-14.
Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 99-10: An ordinance of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, annexing into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, certain real property
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
containing approximately 1.83 acres located directly south of the existing Meurett Sign building,
approximately 500 feet east of Marshall Farms Road pursuant to the application submitted by the
property owners; finding said annexation to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan,
the Ocoee City Code, and the Joint Planning Area Agreement; providing for and authorizing the
updating of official City maps; providing direction to the City Clerk; providing for severability;
repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing for an effective date.
Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report noting that the property will become part
of the overall sign company site and be predominantly utilized for additional parking. He stated
that the Development Review Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission and staff
recommended approval of the request.
Mayor Vandergrift left the dais and turned the meeting over to Commissioner Glass.
The public hearing was opened.
Joan Fitzpatrick, 851 Maguire Road, the owner of the land and Meurett Sign Company, advised
she believed John Carter, who represented Meurett Sign Company at the Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting, did not understand the intentions of the company for the land. She said
ultimately they plan to utilize Maguire Road for access, but until the time comes that the
company can afford to change the grade and develop the land more, they want access for sign
trucks, which leave early in the morning and come back late at night.
Mayor Vandergrift returned to the dais.
Janet Rohe, 821 Marshall Farms Road, owner of Sunspots Productions, expressed her concerns
about the impact of sounds from vehicles on her business.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Anderson asked that the record reflect that the Planning and Zoning
Commission did not get the same information before they voted unanimously to recommend
approval of this ordinance.
Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt Ordinance 99-10,
Meurett Sign Company - Annexation, Case No. AR-98-11-14. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 99-11, Meurett Sign Company - Zoning, Case No. AR-98-11-14.
Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 99-11: An ordinance of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, changing the zoning classification from Orange County A-I, Citrus Rural District, to
Ocoee 1-2, General Industrial District, on certain real property containing approximately 1.83
acres located directly south of the existing Meurett Sign building, approximately 500 feet east of
Marshall Farms Road pursuant to the application submitted by the property owners; finding such
zoning to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the Ocoee City Code, and the Joint
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Planning Area Agreement; providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City Zoning
Map; repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing for severability; providing for an effective
Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report noting that this parcel is an extension of
the portion of the site already zoned 1-2 utilized for sign fabrication and that the proposed zoning
is legally allowable and follows sound zoning practice.
The public hearing was opened and, since no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to find that the application is
consistent with (1) the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, (2) the Future Land Use Map, (3) the Ocoee
Land Development Code and (4) the requirements of the JPA Agreement and to adopt Ordinance
No. 99-11, Meurett Sign Company - Zoning, Case No. 98-11-14 as presented. Motion carried 4-
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the same testimony made for Ordinance 99-10 applied to
this ordinance as well.
Ordinance No. 99-12, Personnel Rules and Regulations.
Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance 99-12: An ordinance of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, relating to Personnel Rules and Regulations, repealing Ordinance 93-18, as it may have
from time to time been amended; adopting and approving the City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and
Regulations; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing
an effective date.
Human Resources Director Psaledakis introduced Human Resources Specialist McDonald
and expressed appreciation for her many hours of typing and retyping as the document went
through ten months of revisions, beginning with a Commission work session, then several
Employee Committee meetings, Personnel Board review and back to the Commission. She
thanked the Commission for this process and praised the Employee Committee for their input.
The public hearing was opened and, since no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 99-
12, Personnel Rules and Regulations. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointment of Commissioner to Serve on RFP Committee for Architectural Service for
New Police Building
Commissioner Parker volunteered and, without objection, was appointed.
Selection of Public Relations Firm for Water Conservation Program
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira recommended that the City Commission
consider three public relations firms in the following order: (1) Carlman Booker Reis, (2)
Bitner.com and (3) Patterson/Bach and that the City Commission allocate $125,000.00 from the
water revenues to a specific public relations account to cover anticipated costs through the 1998-
99 fiscal year. She then introduced presenters in that order.
After five-minute presentations by each firm, the Commission ranked the firms as follows: (1)
Carlman Booker Reis, (2) Bitner.com and (3) Patterson/Bach.
Recess 9:17 p.m. to 9:26 p.m.
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to authorize staff to
negotiate with Carlman Booker Reis first with Bitner.com second and Patterson/Bach third, if
negotiations should fall through, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an
agreement to be finalized by staff also to allocate $125,000.00 from the water revenues to a
specific public relations account to cover anticipated costs through the 1998-99 fiscal year.
Motion carried 5-0.
Request to Waive Bid and Purchase Process to Buy Backhoe
Public Works Director Smith requested that the City Commission authorize waiving the bid
process for the Public Works Stormwater Division to purchase a backhoe and approve
transferring $9,500.00 from the contingency fund in addition to the $37,500.00 approved for the
purchase of a backhoe in the 1998/99 budget.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve waiving the bid
process and to approve the transfer of$9,500.00 from the contingency fund. Motion carried 5-0.
Change Order No.1 for Beech Recreation Center
Public Works Director Smith presented his staff report, requesting authorization to negotiate a
design change in the existing contract with D. J. Haycook Construction Co. for the Beech
Recreation to include swimming pool support facilities and other multi-purpose rooms.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to authorize Change Order
#1 to D. J. Haycook Construction Co. for the Beech Recreation Center. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked that a study be done and the City Commission take under advisement
the possibility of utilizing the YMCA or a similar group to help the City man the pool when it is
completed. City Manager Shapiro said he did not know if the insurance company for the City
would allow the City to have a liability policy that did not have City-trained people manning the
pool or contracting with someone who has his own liability insurance. Mayor Vandergrift
advised he had a name and number for reference, and Mr. Shapiro asked him to provide
Recreation Director Nordquist with the information since budgeting would be started in about
three months.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2, 1999
Authorization to Close Old Maine Street West of Richmond Avenue and Repair Maine
Street East of Richmond Avenue
City Manager Shapiro advised more bricks had been stolen from Maine Street, and the road is
deteriorating due to age and excessive use, which precipitated the request to close and fence
Maine Street west of Richmond A venue. He said attempts had been made to contact the six
people who live in the area to no avail. He suggested if the decision were made to close it and
the residents were in disagreement that the subject be put back on the agenda on March 16, 1999,
to allow them to discuss why they disagree. Ingress and egress are possible from Blackwood
A venue.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to close and fence Maine
Street west of Richmond Avenue subiect to communicating with the residents involved. Motion
carried 5-0.
Capital Purchases for Water Treatment Plants
Assistant City EngineerlUtilities Director/Construction Administrator Wheeler presented
the staff request to (1) waive the requirements of the Purchasing Manual that require formal
advertisement for the purchase of equipment over $10,000.00 in value and the requirement to
secure three competitive quotes for equipment over $250.00 in value, (2) approve the purchase of
the upgrade parts and installation for the three high service pumps at the South Water Treatment
Plant from Ingersoll-Rand, Inc. through Carter & VerPlanck, Inc. in the amount of $25,034.00 to
be funded from the Reserve and Replacement Account, (3) approve the purchase of capacity
upgrade equipment and installation for the hypochlorite generator at the South Water Treatment
Plant and purchase of upgrade equipment and installation for the hypochlorite generator at the
Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant from Exceltec, Inc. through Carter & VerPlanck, Inc. in the
amount of $87,560.00 to be funded from the 1997 Utility Bond Account, and (4) approve the
purchase of four feed pumps to be installed at the South WTP from Granzow, Inc. through Carter
& VerPlanck, Inc. in the amount of $22,390.00 to be funded from the 1997 Utility Bond
Mayor Vandere:rift, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to approve staff
recommendation to (1) waive the requirements of the Purchasing Manual that require formal
advertisement for the purchase of equipment over $10,000.00 in value and the requirements to
secure three competitive quotes for equipment over $250.00 in value, (2) approve the purchase of
the upgrade parts and installation for the three high service pumps at the South Water Treatment
Plant from Ingersoll-Rand, Inc. through Carter & VerPlanck. Inc. in the amount of $25,034.00 to
be funded from the Reserve and Replacement Account. (3) approve the purchase of capacity
upgrade equipment and installation for the hypochlorite generator at the South Water Treatment
Plant and purchase of upgrade equipment and installation for the hypochlorite generator at the
Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant from Exceltec, Inc. through Carter & VerPlanck, Inc. in the
amount of $87.560.00 to be funded from the 1997 Utility Bond Account. and (4) approve the
purchase of four feed pumps to be installed at the South Water Treatment Plant from Granzow,
Inc. through Carter & VerPlanck, Inc. in the amount of $22.390.00 to be funded from the 1997
Utility Bond Account. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Construction Award to Milmir Construction Co. for Reuse Treatment Plant.
Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director/Construction Administrator Wheeler presented
the staff recommendation for the City Commission to execute a contract with Milmir
Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,928,000.00 for the Reuse Treatment Plant -
Reuse Storage and Pumping System Project in accordance with the following: (1) authorize the
Engineering Department to execute the Notices ofIntent To Award and secure executed contract
documents, bonds and insurance from the contractor and (2) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute the contracts with Milmir Construction Company, Inc. at such time as the contract
documents are reviewed for compliance by staff and legal counsel, as needed.
Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to approve the staff
recommendation that the City Commission execute a contract with Milmir Construction
Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,928,000.00 for the Reuse Treatment Plant - Reuse Storage
and Pumping System Proiect in accordance with (1) authorizing the Engineering Department to
execute the Notices of Intent To Award and secure executed contract documents, bonds and
insurance from the contractor and (2) authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
contracts with Milmir Construction Company, Inc. at such time as the contract documents are
reviewed for compliance by staff and legal counseL as needed. Motion carried 5-0.
First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 with PEC in the Amount of $71,497.54 for
Stormwater Capital Improvement Program
In his memorandum, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira requested the City Commission
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the First Amendment to Work Order No. 10 with
PEC in the amount of $71,497.54, which includes (1) additional work to produce design and
permitting services, $10,596.81, (2) additional construction administration, certification and
record drawing preparation and submittal, $59,854.00 and (3) additional direct costs, l.e.,
surveying, copying courier, etc., $1,046.73.
Mavor Vandere:rift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Work Order No.
10 with PEC in the Amount of $71.497.54 for Stormwater Capital Improvement Program as
presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if City Engineer Shira had looked at the possibility of adding another
lane to Orlando Avenue at Bluford Avenue. Mr. Shira said adding a lane would require
removing a tree and taking four to five feet from yards of two homes right next to Bluford
Avenue. Discussion followed. City Manager Shapiro suggested proceeding with a survey of
the intersection, estimated to cost $3,000.00, discussing it with City Attorney Rosenthal and
reporting back to the City Commission, allowing them to decide whether they want to continue.
Appointment to CACOPD Board - Member Dorfman resigned - Term expires February 1,
No action.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Commissioner Howell
1) Asked about the RSVP line. Said they receive the reports a month after they are handled. He
wanted to be notified as soon as possible so he can follow up. Mr. Shapiro said a COpy of the
report will be put in the Commissioner's box when it is completed.
2) Remarked about the railroad ties along A.D. Mims Road and said the railroad advised the ties
will be picked up within 30 days. He also said persons unknown are throwing limbs and
grass clippings along the tracks. Mr. Shapiro said an announcement could be put on the
water bills asking citizens to keep the right-of-ways clean.
3) Said he would miss Commissioner Glass, whom he considered very honorable and a pleasure
to work with.
Commissioner Anderson
1) Thanked Bob Smith for working on a solution for disposing of the contents of the street
sweeper. A discussion followed regarding the problem of said disposal since the waste is
classified as Class 3 Hazardous Waste.
2) Announced the corn beef and cabbage lunch/dinner on Friday, March 12, 1999, at the
Women's Club.
3) Said Commissioner Glass is the most qualified and best Commissioner they have. He said he
was sad to see him go and said he had learned from his wisdom.
Commissioner Parker
1) Advised she thought the employee survey was about ready. Requested changes had been
made, but another clarification had to be made regarding layers of supervision. There is one
question regarding the City Commission.
2) Said it had been an honor to sit next to Commissioner Glass, commenting that she would
miss him, his wit and his wisdom and was sad to see him go. She wished him the best.
Mavor Vandergrift
1) Said it was refreshing to have Commissioner Glass on the Commission and expressed his
admiration for him.
2) Advised he spent two days in Cocoa Beach the past weekend for the Advanced Elected
Officials School and recommended it to the Commissioners. Said many of his fellow
students remarked that their commission meetings sometimes go to 1 :00 or 2:00 a.m. Said
that had not happened with this Commission in some time and thanked the Commissioners
for their astuteness in getting things done.
3) Reminded citizens of the election on Tuesday, March 9, for District 3 Commissioner and for
Charter amendments.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 2,1999
Commissioner Glass
1) Read from a prepared statement, thanking the employees of the City, gave a special thanks to
Commissioners Anderson, Howell and Parker, City Attorney Rosenthal, Mayor Vandergrift,
City Manager Shapiro and City Clerk Grafton, thanked Orlando Mayor Glenda Hood and the
Commissioners of the City of Orlando, as well as his co-workers, for their support and
understanding for the past four plus years and thanked his supporters in Ocoee and outside
the City limits. He said he hoped he had lived up to their expectations. He thanked his
opponents without whom this job would not have been as interesting and said he hoped he
had exceeded their expectations. Finally he thanked his family.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:33 p.m.
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor '~\