HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held January 3, 2017 MINUTES
JANUARY 3,2017 at 7:15 P.M.
6:45 P.M.
Presentations - Christmas Parade Trophies Presentation (Ocoee Lions Club)
Commercial: Youth:
1. Martial Arts World of Metro West 1. West Orange High School Warrior Band
2. All-In-One Entertainment 2. Ocoee High School Marching Knights Band
3. Brookdale Ocoee 3. Boy Scout Pack 217
Honorable Mention: Honorable Mention: Ready, Set, Dance
WOKB 1680 AM Radio
Non-Commercial: Church: Knights of Columbus Resurrection Church
1. West Orange Seniors
2. Holiday Express Train Overall: Starke Lake Baptist Church Live Nativity
3. Bahia Shrine
7:15 P.M. AGENDA
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Keller
Commissioner Keller-briefly shared for those inquiring about his cane, that he had a left knee
replacement the day after the last Commission Meeting and is glad to announce he is making
progress. He further wished a Happy New Year to everyone.
1 Page
Regular City Commission
January 3, 2017
Commissioner Firstner — Announced the Community Grant Program is accepting applications
for the month of January. The deadline to submit applications is January 31, 2017.
Commissioner Wilsen —Thanked the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for driving through
the City for two nights searching for homes that were wonderfully decorated for the Holiday.
Those residents that were chosen woke up to a sign in their yard thanking them for lighting up
Commissioner Grogan — Gave a Special Thanks to Executive Aide to the Mayor and
Commissioners, Tiffany Shafer, for her years of service to the City, as today is her last day.
Mayor Johnson—None
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#15.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held December 6, 2016.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of Contract with Central Florida Strategies for Economic Development and
Legislative Affairs Consulting Services. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix)
Economic conditions, the State Road 429 Study, and the Downtown Master Plan all contributed to a renewed
interest in economic development by the City Commission in 2016. At the time, the City Commission sought
an individual or firm to assist in promoting economic development in the City and promoting the City in
regional, state and national venues. Responsibilities desired included recruitment of quality employers and
businesses to the City through various contacts with trade industries and associations including: National
Association of Industrial Office Parks, Greater Orlando Builder's Association, International Council of
Shopping Centers,and Urban Land Institute.
The City Commission also desired that the economic development consultant would endeavor to expand the
City's tax base through the pursuit of strategic annexations and attraction of high-end development to the City,
as well as serving as an advocate for City projects. In addition, this consultant would direct resources toward
securing grant funds at the regional, state and federal level for capital projects. The City Commission
ultimately decided to hire Central Florida Strategies(Angel de la Portilla)to fulfill this role on a contract basis
during the last several months of the year. Staff has worked closely with Mr. de la Portilla during this time and
has experienced great success in several project areas, such as the City's Community Redevelopment Area
(CRA), the West Oaks Mall, and multiple other projects. City staff recommends that the City Commission
waive the purchasing code requirements and authorize the City Manager to execute the scope of services with
Central Florida Strategies for a one-year contract for$60,000 with automatic annual renewal for three years.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
January 3,2017
3. Approval of Terminating the 1987 Stipulation and Settlement Agreement between
Orange County and the City of Ocoee Relating to Sawmill Subdivision. (City Planner
In 1987, Orange County filed an action against the City of Ocoee with respect to various development issues
relating to the Sawmill Subdivision ("Sawmill"). The litigation resulted in a Stipulation and Settlement
Agreement ("Settlement Agreement") between the parties, which was accepted by the Court on August 7,
1987. This Settlement Agreement prohibited the City from allowing a portion of Sawmill to develop at a level
more intense than"one dwelling unit per acre." Over the years,the City and County have agreed to amend the
Settlement Agreement on two occasions to allow more intense development on certain lots in Sawmill.
Recently,the City received and reviewed a Lot Split Plan Approval Application for Lot 17 of Sawmill Phase 1.
Since Lot 17 is limited to one dwelling unit per acre, pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, City staff began
working with Orange County staff to prepare an amendment to the Settlement Agreement. Upon review of the
historical data and the proposed amendment relating to Lot 17, City and County staff agreed that the
Settlement Agreement is no longer necessary.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of the Reimbursement Resolution for FY 2017 General Fund and
Stormwater Expenditures/Downtown Ocoee Infrastructure. (Chief Accountant
Expediting General (2017 Bonds) and Stormwater (2017 Note) funded Downtown/Bluford infrastructure
projects can be achieved with approval of a Reimbursement Resolution. The Resolution allows the City to
temporarily fund initial progress payments on related capital projects from existing cash resources in
anticipation of receiving the Series 2017 Bond, and Stormwater 2017 Note proceeds. Once the additional
funding is received, any interim expenditure amounts would be reimbursed to their original sources and
charged to the Bond/Note Funds restricted cash account.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval of Donation from the West Orange Seniors Association to Expand the Audio
Visual System at the Tom Ison Senior and Veterans Center. (Parks and Recreation
Director Hayes)
Since 2008 the West Orange Seniors Association (WOSA) has been conducting a variety of programs and
activities for its 300+ members at the Tom Ison Senior and Veterans Center on Adair Street, which includes
line dancing, chair exercise classes, dominos, Tai Chi classes, crafts, choir, movies, luncheons and bingo. In
2012, the City completed improvements at the Center under a Federal grant to assist the West Orange Seniors
Association with the offering of these programs. Since that time,participation in the programs offered through
the WOSA has continued to increase; and as a result of this, the WOSA have expressed an interest in
expanding the audio visual system at the center to provide improved visual aspects for some of the
programming. The WOSA is requesting an additional ceiling mounted projector and motorized screen be
installed to meet the needs of its participants. The City has obtained a proposal from the contractor who
installed the original system at the Center. This proposal is to install an additional screen and projector to the
existing audio visual system at a cost of$6,750.15. The WOSA has agreed to donate funds to the City totaling
$6,750.15 to pay for the installation of this system.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
January 3, 2017
6. Approval to Award RFQ #1701 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping
Services to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp., Amec Foster Wheeler
Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., and Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City's continuing contracts for surveying and mapping services have expired. In compliance with the
Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21 of the
City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from qualified professional
surveying and mapping firms or individuals that are interested in providing general surveying and mapping
services for various planning, design, development review, and construction phase projects. The firms selected
by the City will provide professional surveying and mapping services to the City on an as-needed basis based
upon task orders to be issued by the City under the continuing contract. The City intends to award continuing
contracts to the top three (3) firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services.
The continuing contracts shall automatically be renewed annually, unless terminated by the City in writing, for
a total of five(5)years from the date of execution,plus a one(1)year optional renewal at the City's discretion.
The RFQ was advertised on October 30, 2016, and was publicly opened on November 22, 2016. There were
eight (8) responses submitted. The Finance Department and Support Services Department reviewed the
qualification statements and all were considered responsive. The eight (8) responses were evaluated by the
RFQ Evaluation Committee. The public RFQ Evaluation Committee meeting was held on December 13,2016,
with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short-listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. Staff
recommends that the City Commission award RFQ #1701 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping
Services to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp., Amec Foster Wheeler Environment& Infrastructure,
Inc., and Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. As budgeted each fiscal year; there was approximately $11,000
expended for surveying and mapping services last fiscal year.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval to Award RFP#17-001 Solar Farms to ESA Renewables LLC in the Amount
of$165,000. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
In compliance with Chapter 21 of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited proposals from qualified
and licensed Contractors that have experience in providing the necessary services for the installation of two
turnkey Solar Farms with an option to supply additional farms within the next two years. The Contractor's
efforts shall include all design, permitting, and training and post-construction maintenance support for two
years, for the implementation of two City-owned and maintained Solar Farms. In addition, the Contractor's
effort shall include all work and coordination with Duke Energy to assure a monthly power credit is obtained
for the Solar Farms; and provide limited coordination assistance to assist City Staffs effort to seek outside
funding such as from the state, federal government, and/or other funding agency. The RFP was advertised on
September 25,2016 and was publicly opened on October 25,2016. The pre-proposal conference and site visits
were held on October 11, 2016. There were four (4) responses submitted. The Finance and Utilities
Departments reviewed the proposals and all were considered responsive. The four (4) responses were
evaluated by the RFP Evaluation Committee. The first public RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held
on November 15, 2016, with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short-listing the firms on specific
evaluation criteria. The second public RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held on December 1,2016,for
the purpose of interviewing the top two ranked firms. Staff recommends that the City Commission award RFP
#17-001 Solar Farms project to ESA Renewables, LLC in the amount of$165,000 for two solar farms with the
option to purchase additional budgeted solar farms within the next two years.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
January 3, 2017
8. Approval to Award Bid #B17-01 White Road Roadway & Drainage Improvements
Project to Stage Door II, Inc., in the Amount of $405,960.00. (Purchasing Agent
The City of Ocoee, Florida (City) solicited bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, supervision,
materials, equipment, supplies and incidentals to construct the White Road Roadway & Drainage
Improvements Project. The White Road Stormwater Retrofit Project primarily consists of the installation of an
exfiltration trench system with required pipe connections for subsurface storage and treatment. The project
location is at the White Road intersection of the White Hill and Cambridge Subdivisions. Pipe diameters,
including 15-inch and 18-inch, will be required to drain and minimize the flooding at the subject intersection.
In addition,the project includes removal of existing asphalt areas, construction of a landscape island on White
Road, and 3-inch milling and resurfacing along White Road. The bid was publicly advertised on October 23,
2016, and opened on December 14, 2016. A pre-bid conference was held on November 16,2016. There was a
total of Seven (7) bids received ranging from $405,960.00 to $620,635.01. The Public Works and Finance
Departments reviewed the bids received and all were considered responsive. Staff recommends awarding the
bid to Stage Door II,Inc., for$405,960.00 as the most responsive and responsible bidder.All bids are available
in the Finance Department for review.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval of 2016/2017 Budget Vehicle/Equipment Purchase."(Public Works Director
The City traditionally purchases vehicles and equipment through bids from the Florida Sheriffs Association's
annual contract. Public Works has researched pricing throughout the State and has found the Florida Sheriffs
Association continues to provide the lowest competitively bid pricing for vehicles. Public Works recommends
approval to purchase the vehicles below from the Florida Sheriffs Association annual contract based on the
2016/2017 published pricing.
The following vehicles and equipment are incorporated in the approved budget for purchase:
• (1)Ford F-150 4x4 Ext. Cab$23,918.00(Building—New)
• (1)Ford F-250 SD 4x2$22,172.00(Parks—Replacement)
• (1)Ford F-150 4x4 Short Bed$23,169.00(Utilities Admin—Replacement)
• (1)Ford Escape 4x4$22,553.00(Utilities Admin—New)
• (1)Caterpillar 416 Loader/Backhoe$92,224(Utilities—New)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
10. Approval of Proposed Inter-Governmental Agreement with the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security for Cyber-Security Services. (Support Services Director Butler)
The City is a member of the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), which is
funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The City is also involved in other programs involving
the U.S. Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in addition to local and regional organizations
involved in cyber-terrorism, both foreign and domestic. These various programs inter-operate with our own
internal controls and devices, in addition to those of the companies that provide telecommunications services
to the city, such as CenturyLink and Spectrum(fka Bright House Networks)to protect the City from damaging
attacks. The city will need to become a member of the Protected Critical Information Infrastructure (PCII)
Program prior to executing the agreement. Due to the nature of these investigations, the methods and results
affiliated with PCII are protected from public disclosure. Many of the communications and technical
documents provided by MS-ISAC and other cyber security organizations are also subject to federal security
laws and may not be disclosed. Portions of the proposed agreement have been redacted in compliance with
these requirements.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
January 3, 2017
11. Approval of Proposed Lease of City-Owned Property at 15 South Kissimmee Avenue
to DG Doughnuts for a Term of One Year with a Lease Rate of $650 per month.
(Support Services Director Butler)
The City acquired the property located at 15 South Kissimmee Avenue as part of a larger purchase that also
included the adjacent parcel located to the west. This acquisition was a strategic purchase for future use, and it
is presently used only for storage of City documents and files. The construction of a roundabout at the
adjacent intersection of McKey Street, Kissimmee Avenue, and Taylor Street, which is expected to start in 12-
15 months, may impact the building due to the required realignment of Kissimmee Avenue to the west. DG
Doughnuts, a local start-up bakery and retail business, has approached the City about renting the northern
building and parking lot located on the northern half of the 15 South Kissimmee Avenue parcel. A proposed
12-month lease at a monthly rent of$650 plus $42.25 sales tax(total of$692.25)has been drafted by the City
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
12. Approval of Proposed Lease of City Hall Annex Space to State Senator Randolph
Bracy for a Term of One Year (with renewals) at a Lease Rate of $1,000 Per Month
Plus Applicable Taxes ($1,065 Total Rent). (Support Services Director Butler)
The City provided space to former-State Representative, now State Senator, Randolph Bracy over the last
several years and has been asked to continue this arrangement. It is proposed that he continue to use the same
space in the City Hall Annex. An agreement for a 12-month lease at a monthly rent of$1,000.00 plus $65.00
sales tax(total of$1,065.00)has been drafted by staff and reviewed by the City Attorney. This lease continues
the same terms and conditions as the previous one except to explicitly include sales tax as a direct payable.
As the newly elected State Senator from District 13, Senator Bracy has an additional staff person to
accommodate in the district office compared to when he was a State Representative. Discussions as to how
this need for increased office space may be accommodated are ongoing. Additional space, as available, may
be provided near the current location.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
13. Approval of Proposed Lease of City Hall Annex Space to State Representative Kamia
Brown for a Term of One Year and a Lease Rate of$1,000 Per Month Plus Applicable
Taxes ($1,065 Total Rent). (Support Services Director Butler)
The City provided space to former-State Representative, now State Senator, Randolph Bracy and has been
asked to do the same for his successor, State Representative Kamia Brown, who represents House District 45.
Suitable space is available in the City Hall Annex to do so. A proposed 12-month lease at a monthly rent of
$1,000.00 plus $65.00 sales tax (total of $1,065.00) has been drafted by staff and reviewed by the City
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
14. Approval of Purchase of Lift Station #63 Emergency Power Generator and Automatic
Transfer Switch, and Associated Placement as Part of the "Downtown Sewer &
Western Transmission Main Project" (Utilities Director Smith)
The Downtown Sewer&Western Transmission Main Project includes a new sewer conveyance system,which
will collect flow from the west side of Ocoee including the south Maguire Road corridor. The transmission
project calls for the extension of a sanitary forcemain from the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility along
Wurst Road, North Lakewood Avenue, Rewis Street, Bluford Avenue, and Columbus Street, which will then
tie into an existing forcemain located on Maguire Road. Part of the project entails a new master lift station
(#63), which will be constructed at the intersection of Lakewood Avenue and Security Circle. Due to the
Regular City Commission
January 3,2017
volume of sewage to be pumped, the station is required to be equipped with a backup power generator and
automatic transfer switch.
Staff recommends the direct purchase of the generator and transfer switch utilizing the Florida Sheriff's
Association Cooperative Purchasing Program. Exercising this method yields cost savings due to the program's
buying power and exemption from paying state taxes. This will be the third generator purchased through the
Sheriff's program.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
15. Approval of the Replacement of the Lift Station #2 Emergency Power Generator.
(Utilities Director Smith)
Impacts from Hurricane Matthew resulted in multiple electrical power outages throughout the Little Spring
Hill neighborhood, which also affected the City's Lift Station #2. The station is equipped with an emergency
genset (generator and motor), which failed to start upon loss of power requiring staff to respond to the station
due to extremely high wastewater levels. The 40-year-old genset, fueled by propane,has reached the end of its
service life with a planned replacement date of Fiscal Year 2018. The continued successful operation of the
genset is doubtful as parts for both the generator and motor are difficult to procure. The Fleet Maintenance
Division of the Public Works Department has recommended expeditious replacement of the genset. Staff
recommends the direct purchase of a replacement 65 kW Tradewinds Power Corp Generator Set utilizing the
Florida Sheriffs Association Cooperative Purchasing Program. Exercising this method yields cost savings due
to the program's buying power and exemption from paying state taxes. This will be the fourth genset Utilities
has purchased through the Sheriffs program.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
16. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Capital Improvements Element Update Addition
of the Fiscal Years 2016/2017—2020/2021 Capital Improvements Program. (Advertised in
the West Orange Times on Thursday,December 22, 2016). (City Planner Rumer)
The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) of the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is a requirement of
Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS) and enables implementation of the Plan goals, objectives, and policies
needing capital funding for a 5-20 year planning horizon. Each year, the table section of the CIE will be
updated to ensure that the adopted list of capital projects in the CIE matches the City's newly-adopted fiscal
year budget and approved five-year Capital Improvements Program(CIP). The CIE does not propose any new
projects not previously reviewed and approved by the Commission.
The Florida Legislature enacted legislation allowing adoption of the annual amendment to the CIE to be
accomplished with a single public adoption hearing. Additionally, State Statute no longer requires a copy of
the Ordinance to be transmitted to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FKA: Department of
Community Affairs"DCA"). Therefore,adoption of this Ordinance is final in its form and content.
City Planner Rumer briefly explained the 5-year Capital Improvement Program was adopted
with the City budget, and by statute they have one reading of the ordinance for adoption, which
places the Capital Improvement Plan into the Capital Improvement Element of the City of Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
Regular City Commission
January 3,2017
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan, moved to adopt
Ordinance 2017-003, Capital Improvements Element— Amendment Addition of the
Fiscal Years 2016/2017 — 2020/2021 Capital Improvements Program. Motion
carried 5-0.
17. First Reading of Ordinance for Innovation Montessori of Ocoee - Annexation and
Initial Rezoning to A-1 "Agriculture," Project No(s): AX-10-16-59/RZ-16-10-05.
(Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for January 17, 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15
p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Planner Rumer)
The subject property is located on the west side of N Lakewood Ave, 575 feet south of Fullers Cross Road and
1,555 feet north of Wurst Road. The subject parcel for the Innovation Montessori School is located on 17.6
acres. The parcel is heavily wooded and contains five (5)acres of wetlands. The site plan proposes to develop
and mitigate a small section of isolated wetlands to facilitate the retention pond. The site does contain some of
the Wekiva Study Area environmental indicators such as "A" soils on a portion of the site. Adherence to the
Wekiva Study Area requirements is required. The Applicant is requesting annexation of the subject site for
connection to potable water and sewer. In addition, the Applicant has requested a City of Ocoee zoning
designation of A-1 (Agriculture), which is consistent with the zoning of the properties to the north, east and
west. If approved,the school will consist of 800 students with four(4)buildings in two(2)phases. The Phase
1 building will be an 8,400 sq. ft. Pre-k and kindergarten with parking, master stormwater pond, and vehicular
access. Phase 2 will consist of a one story multi-function building, one story art building, two-story, 1st—8th
grade building for a combined total 52,000± sq. ft. Additionally, an outdoor classroom and environmental
playground will be provided. Stormwater retention will be located on the west side of the property. Access to
the site will be provided via two entrances on N. Lakewood Avenue. A left-turn lane and right deceleration
lane will be installed in Phase 2.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b)First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
City Planner Rumer announced that at the second reading and public hearing scheduled for
January 17, 2017, he will present the annexation ordinance, rezoning ordinance, large scale
preliminary site plan and development agreement.
18. First Reading of Ordinance Establishing a Code Enforcement Special Magistrate.
(Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for January 17 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15
p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Attorney Cookson)
On October 25, 2016, the City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Board (CEB) considered an action brought by
Code Enforcement on property located at 1 Taylor Street. Following a CEB ruling finding a violation but
allowing an unprecedented 22 months for the property owner to come into compliance with the City Code,
City staff began exploring options and alternatives to ensure more consistent and reasonable code enforcement
adjudication in the future. A previous memorandum to the City Commission was circulated by the City
Attorney on November 1, 2016, summarizing the matter and offering some options that the City might
consider with regard to future code enforcement adjudication. Following a brief discussion at the November 1,
2016, City Commission meeting, the Commission requested additional information on the City's options to
support and encourage more meaningful enforcement of the City's codes while maintaining the CEB. On
December 6, 2016,the City Commission discussed options relating to abolishing the CEB and/or establishing
a Special Magistrate for code enforcement matters. At the end of the discussion, the Commission voted to
retain the CEB to hear primarily residential violations and, in addition, to establish a Special Magistrate to
primarily hear matters relating to violations on properties zoned other than residential.
Regular City Commission
January 3,2017
This proposed ordinance will allow the City to retain the CEB and also establish a Special Magistrate for code
enforcement matters. The proposed ordinance provides that the jurisdiction of the CEB and Special Magistrate
is nonexclusive; however, gives primary jurisdiction regarding violations relating to residentially zoned
properties to the CEB and primary jurisdiction regarding violations relating to properties zoned other than
residential to the Special Magistrate.
City Attorney Cookson explained at the last City Commission Meeting they had a discussion
regarding the Code Enforcement Board (CEB) and whether or not the City would like to keep the
CEB and/or engage a Special Magistrate. At the end of the discussion, the Commission voted to
retain the CEB to hear primarily residential violations and, in addition, to establish a Special
Magistrate to primarily hear matters relating to violations on properties zoned other than
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Johnson announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for January 17,
2017, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
19. Second Reading of Ordinance for a Temporary Moratorium on Development Relating
to Medical Cannabis Activities. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, December 22,
2016.) (City Planner Rumer)
In the 2014 legislative session, the Florida Legislature passed CS/CS for Senate Bill 1030 allowing for the
compassionate use of low-THC and medical cannabis by qualifying patients. This bill,now codified in Section
381.986, Florida Statues, allows for the establishment of approved dispensing organizations around the state.
At the general election on November 8, 2016, Florida voters approved a Constitutional Amendment to allow
the use of marijuana for debilitating medical conditions. Implementation of the Constitutional Amendment will
increase the opportunities for the establishment of dispensing organizations around the state.
Dispensing organizations are a new and unprecedented land use in the state of Florida. For this reason, City
staff has determined that the City's existing land development regulations must be amended to address this
type of use. For example, regulations relating to zoning location must be created. In order to develop such
regulations, City staff recommends a one-year moratorium be established on the processing and consideration
of applications for any City approval, including, but not limited to, development orders, development permits,
and building permits, relating to establishment of medical cannabis activities, as this term is defined in the
City Planner Rumer explained in the 2014 legislative session, the Florida Legislature passed
CS/CS for Senate Bill 1030 allowing for the compassionate use of low-THC and medical
cannabis by qualifying patients which had strict limits. Amendment 2 that was passed at the
general election on November 8th has a less stringent requirement than the 2014 Bill. This
ordinance will allow the City to look at appropriately locating and establishing criteria for this
type of establishment.
The Public Hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Regular City Commission
January 3, 2017
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2017-004, implementing a temporary
moratorium until December 31, 2017, on the processing and consideration of all
applications to the City, including but not limited to applications for Development
Orders, Development Permits, and Building Permits, where the application relates
to medical cannabis activities.
Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Grogan — gave a shout out to his colleague/friend David Harper who has taken
up an interest in city government and watches our City Commission meetings.
Commissioner Wilsen — announced March 11th is the 12th Annual Spring Fling Event. This is a
fun free event that is filled with games, activities, and live demonstrations all reinforcing safe
behavior by our youth and family. Additionally, they are looking for new program sponsors that
may want to present their activities that day. Should you be interested please contact
Commissioner Wilsen at 407-948-2855.
Commissioner Firstner— invited everyone to come out to the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade on
Monday, January 16th starting at Citrus Elementary at 10am and ending at the West Oaks Mall
parking lot.
Commissioner Keller—None
Mayor Johnson — thanked everyone for the last year. Further asked Assistant City Manager
Shadrix to give a brief overview of what is to be expected in the next few months for Ocoee
during our Downtown Redevelopment.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor
10 IPage