HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-92 '- KINUTES or THE CITY or OCOEE BOARD OF COKKISSIOHERS REGULAR KEETING HELD October 6, 1992 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. CODlJlissioner Woodson led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also presen t were City Manager Shapiro, Assis tan t Ci ty Attorney Duke Woodson, Administra ti ve Services Director Beamer, City Engineer /Utili ties Director Shira, Building Official Flippen, Senior Planner Harper, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Kayor Dabbs read a Proclamation proclaiming Florida City Government Week - October 4-10, 1992. CONSENT AGDDA The consent ~ ~ agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Acceptance and Approval of Kinutes of Reaular Commission Keetina of September 1 and 15, 1992 and Special Session Kinutes of Septeaber 1, 15, and 24, 1992. ~oval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Railroad Crossing Aareeaent with rlorida Central Railroad for a Paved Road Crossing for the Entrance Road to WWTP 12 off A D Kims Road and also Authorize Expenditure of $4,900 from Project Funds for those Costs. Approval and Authorization to Extend to December 18, 1992 the Finalization of the License Aareeaent with rlorida Telephone Corporation and Subsequently with United Telephone of Florida. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement with Co.-unity Kap Company. .......... ~ D. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Coabs, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COKKEHTS rROK CITIZENS/PUBLIC Kr. R.P. Kohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked a few questions about PUD zoning which were answered by Staff. Kr. S. Scott Vandergrift, 2625 Cedar Bluff Lane, addressed Commission regarding the rules concerning the placing of candidate's campaign signs along the road rights-of-way, and asked that consideration be given to waiving the restrictions until election day in order to inform the citizenry that there is an election going on. During a discussion regarding the history of the ordinance, Commissioner Woodson moved to suspend the enforcement of the ordinance regarding campaign signs until November 5, 1992 and ask the candidates to pick up their signs at that time. Motion died for lack of a second. '-" Kr. Vandergrift said that his signs were lacking the required information: "Paid Political Advertisement, Paid for by Campaign Account of S. Scott Vandergrift" '-'", .'-" ~ Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 1992 and asked for that requirement to be waived. (106.143) rather than a city ordinance, such Commission's province. As that is a state statute action is not within the PUBLIC HEARINGS Wesmere, Village 5 - Final Development Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan. Senior Planner Julian Harper pointed out a typo in the staff report, noting that the Gross Density should read 0.94 DU/AC rather than .094 DU/AC, and then presented the staff report showing that there were no outstanding issues. Kr. Harper advised that the Development Review Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff all recommended approval of the plan as presented. Kr. Joe DoBosh, Project Manager for Arvida/JMB Partners, was present to answer any questions. The public hearing was opened, and no one wishing to speak, was closed. Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Combs, moved to approve Wesmere, Village 5 Final Development Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. OTHER BUSINESS Withers-Maguire Construction - Phase I. Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the staff report, advising that the three pre-qualified contractors had submitted their bids which were opened on September 25, with Mitchell Building Contractors, Inc. low bidders at $87,276. Other bidders were Collage Design Build Incorporated - $135,088 and Polyphase Construction, Inc. - $119,893. Ks. Beaaer noted that there is $112,000 on hand for historical preservation which must be used in the construction of the restoration/renovation of the Withers-Maguire House. Mr. Steve Provost, Yeilding and Provost Architects, was present to answer questions. COl1llissioner Combs expressed concern regarding the great difference (over $30,000) between the high and low bids. Kr. Provost said that the low bidder spent more time on site than the others and really understood what they were looking at and that also they have had recent experience with a project this size. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Coaaissioner Foster, moved to award bid to low bidder Kitchell Building Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $87,276 and to approve and authorize the Mayor and Clty Clerk to execute the contract. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Yeilding & Provost Work Order '6 - Construction Administration - Phase I Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Yeildinq and Provost Work Order '6 in the amount of $4,800 for Construction Adainistration -Phase I. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Recess 8:09 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. Progress Report on City Hall and Police Department Capital Improvement Project. Ks. Beamer introduced Mr. C.T. Hsu, Architect for the project. C.T.Hsu, C.T. Hsu + Associates, introduced Ms. Mari Haeflein, Director of Interior Design, and Mr. Tim McNicholas, Project Designer. Mr. Hsu said that, as instructed, they have taken PDR's space plan and have completed the analysis and the update from this information. After working with geotechnical engineers ~ '-" '-' Page 3 Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Keeting October 6, 1992 and other consultants a report on existing soil conditions confirms that there is some muck at the site and also, to some degree, under the existing building. Kr. Hsu said that they have also worked with consultants, looking at the existing city hall structure, to determine whether it is best to follow the original plan incorporating the existing city hall structure as part of the future police station or to build a new one. Based on the results of the studies, Kr. Hsu recommended demolishing the existing ci ty hall rather than attempting to underpin it, getting rid of all the muck, bringing in clean fill, then building as planned. Kr. Hsu said that an attempt to shift the buildings and the complex to avoid the muck presented more problems than it solved. Kr. Hsu displayed a completed schematic based on the original configuration design and said they are still working with PEC to get the road right and take full advantage of the site. Kr. Hsu said they proposed to shift the drainage channel a little bit which will afford a little more parking space and provide a connection roadway to the back of the police department for police vehicles as well. In the future, with more funding, the parking can be expanded. The savings with putting the drainage underground will offset the demucking and the other extra costs. Based on the current scheme there are approximately 50 parking spaces in this complex plus what is already behind the community center, providing plenty of parking for staff and police department, as well as visitors. Ks. Haeflein took over at this point and reviewed the plan in more detail, showing that the plan retains the L configuration which was initiated in the original concept and how the major masses of buildings fit into that configuration. City Kanager Shapiro pointed out that the departments have been placed in a manner to conserve energy as the second level offices are generally accessed on an appointment basis and first level offices are those activities which the average citizen will come into city hall for. The building permit office will be off to one side with an auxiliary parking lot so that it can be left open on Saturday without affecting the rest of city hall. The antechamber in the front can be left unlocked for posted notices and will act as a buffer for heat/cold as well. There are several conference rooms which will accommodate several boards meeting at the same time. The police department is stationed where they had originally designed as a replacement of city hall and has its own public lobby entrance. The police functions will be remote from the city hall facili ty. Kr. Hsu said this is not in final form as it must go to design development to work out the details, and he is working on the budget to be sure that what they are showing will be within the budget. City hall will be two story, the police department one story and they will work out a way to highlight the commission chambers. Kr. Hsu said they expect to come in either in or under budget. They talked about the schedule presented. Kr. Shapiro said they are looking for space available to move into (6,000-7,000 sq ft) or maybe several double wide trailers. Commissioner Woodson suggested putting the building on the ball lot next to the lake and stay in the city hall until finished and make a park on this site. Coamissioner Combs agreed. Kr. Hsu said that area is low and has a potential to have muck also. Coamissioner roster suggested using the community center site for city hall. Kr. Shapiro pointed out that there may be a flood plain problem with the gazebo area, and also that has been a recreation area in daily use. Co_issioner Johnson asked how much it would cost to test for muck. Commissioner roster said they should authorize staff to look into the '- Page 4 Ocoee City Co..ission Regular Keeting October 6, 1992 rental of an area to house staff during the construction. Kr. Shapiro said that staff will check into the gazebo area and if they see that it will be a flood plain level problem or a drainage problem they will just report back with that and do no more with it. He asked that Commission be prepared to give their comments on the schematic just presented at the October'20 meeting. Aaendaent to Developers' Agreements with Prima Vista Developers: (Nos. OVV 87-2, OVV 87-3, OVV 87-4, OVV 87-5, OVV 87-8, OVV 87-10, OVV 87-11, AND OVV 87-12). Assistant City Attorney Duke Woodson explained that this amendment amends the Developers' Agreements entered into by the City at the time of the purchase of the Prima Vista Sewer Utility in 1987. The Amendment addresses the revenue and maintenance fee which was adopted by Resolution on August 18, 1992, and provides that the City will provide for a time of payment for the Prima Vista Developers which equitably reflects the payment schedule provided for in the existing Developers' Agreements. The Amendment provides that the City will not selectively enforce the charging and collection of the revenue and maintenance fee, and also provides for a waiver of the extension fee which the developers would have to pay in 1997 if they wish an extension of the capacity allocation. Kr. Tom Cloud, Gray, Harris & Robinson, was present to represent the developers and to answer questions. co..issioner roster, seconded by Coaaissioner Combs, moved to approve the amendment to the developers' agreements as ~resented and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. ~ Clarke Road Change Order 11 in the Aaount of $222,480. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report, explaining that these changes were required in order to accommodate the development or access needs of property owners along Clarke Road and a good portion of the changes have been paid for to the City by the property owners. Coaaissioner Woodson, seconded by Coaaissioner Combs, moved to approve the change order as recommended. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Resolution No. 92-20, adopting Infrastructure Deficiencies Kap. The Resolution was presented by title. City Planner I Resnik advised that there were no deficiencies found and the map reflects that. However, if/when something is found later on the map will be updated and presented again as this is a constantly monitored system. COll1llissioner roster, seconded by Co..issioner Woodson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 92-20 as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Kayor Dabbs commended staff for the good job. Resolution No. 92-21, approving the Lease Purchase of 2 1992 Lodal EVo-KAG-20TS Refuse Collection Trucks at a cost of $14,716.71 each quarter. Adainistrative Services Director Beaaer explained the need for this equipment and City Kanager Shapiro noted that the cost of these trucks is equal to the manpower reduction. Coaaissioner Coabs, seconded by Co..issioner Johnson, moved to approve the lease purchase as recommended and to authorize execution of the necessary papers by Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. ....... '-" Page 5 Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Keeting October 6, 1992 Appointaents to Boards. Planning and Zoning Coamission - Appoint 2nd Alternate. Consensus was that an engineer should be appointed to this position and this appointment was postponed in order to give time for a search. Code Enforceaent Board - Reappointment of Robert Imes Coaaissioner Johnson, seconded by Couissioner Woodson, moved to reappoint Mr. Imes for another 3 year term beginning November. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Code Enforcement Board - Appoint 2nd Alternate. Coaaissioner Foster, seconded by Coaaissioner Coabs, moved to appoint Mark Slaby to serve a 3 year term as 2nd Alternate on the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study. (Commissioner to replace John Bateman.) KaIQr Dabbs, seconded by Coaaissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Commissioner Combs to serve on the Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. \, " STAFF REPORTS City Kanager Shapiro announced that the video tape of the Denmark trip would be '-" shown immediately following the meeting and that the report had been distributed. COKKEHTS rROK COKKISSIONERS Kayor Dabbs welcomed Assistant City Attorney Woodson to the meeting and then called for Commissioners' comments. Coaaissioner Coabs: 1) Inquired about the Vandergrift tax bill issue. Was a code error rather than a tax error~ 2) Asked if Mayor Dabbs contacted County Administrator Chapin regarding Johnson Car Lot. No, but he will. 3) Wants Garage Sale sign ordinance to be readdressed, as he thinks it is unfair to permit only one sign and that one be confined to the lot where the sale is. 4) Asked about the Ocoee Chamber of Commerce. Nothing we can do about the name...unless they use license wrongly. 5) Wants rules for building in trailer parks to be reviewed and changed. Coaaissioner roster: No comments Commissioner Johnso~: 1) Please fill in potholes in Pioneer Key Park II again. 2) Lee Street ditch is clogged up and overflowing. 3) Tiger Minor Park - trash is still there and weeds are growing under playground equipment. Mayor Dabbs confirmed receiving complaints as well. '-' '-' Page 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting October 6, 1992 Commissioner Woodson: The pond behind Hardee's overflows into the parking lot and runs into Highway 50. Kayor 1) 2) Dabbs: Read a letter from Orange County Public School Superintendent asking for citizens to be appointed to a Business Advisory Board for the School Board. Announced Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament coming up and recommended that the City buy an ad. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner roster, moved to buy a $100 ad as recommended. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Announced on that the Thanksgiving meal distributed by Sysco will be at 10:00 a.m. on November 25, and the Christmas dinner on December 21 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 3) Commissioner Johnson advised that the West Orange Band will be leading the Macy parade and that they will be televised and he thinks the City should donate to their fund for the trip. Consensus was to direct staff to research what other entities are giving and put on next agenda. ADJOURRlIDT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. '-- Attest: '-'