HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-92 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD October 20, 1992 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. After leading in the prayer and pledge of allegiance, Mayor Dabbs called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Engineer /Utili ties Director Shira, Administrative Services Director Public Works Director Brenner, Chief Boyd, and City Clerk Grafton. Also City Beamer, ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Dabbs read a proclamation proclaiming United Nations Day - October 24, 1992. Request for Donation to West Orange Band for the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade Mr. rredBrown, 909 Lake Sherwood Drive, advised that the West Orange High School Band has been invited to lead the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade and that they need to earn $150,000 to make the trip possible. Mr. Brown requested $2,000 from this Commission which would help send 4 members of the 250 member band on the trip. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to authorize a dona t iOri. ofS2~-OO(f Ior--this--piirpo-se~-wiHi-monTes --comI-ng-TrOmtliecommiiiilty PronioHori~_ Fundf601:'5ii -8200~ Motion - carrIed-- with 4':1 vote in favor ._ ~ommission-er- Foster. v6-te~--rici. Commissioner Fosfer s-tated-agaiilT6i-Yhe record tlia-t he - was---agaIiisf-the----use- of taxpayers' money for chari ties. Commissioner Combs pointed out that 88 of the 250 band members are Ocoee residents and many of those need help to make the trip. Commissioner Johnson said that he has no problem with the donation, and stated for the record that he is paying his daughter's way but there are many who are not able to do that. Mayor Dabbs asked Mr. Brown to advise Mr. Cooper that he would have liked for a band member to be present at this meeting as scheduled. Golf Course Update - Mr. Ken Ezell. Mr. Ezell did not appear. CONSENT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Mayor Dabbs said that he did not wish to pull item B but he did want to know why the signal at Spring Lake Elementary School was not included on the list. City Manager Shapiro said he would research. A. Acceptanc_~ and _~H:r9val 21__Minutes of Regular_ COJ!!!llission _!f~_~tin~_Qi Octob~!, 6, 1992. B. ~~roval and_~uthori?atio~ for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Traffic Signal Service Agreement with Orange County to Replace the ~gre~_ment Apprqyed ~un_~_~_~~!- C. Approval to Extend ~HQJntment~_Ms. Tan~Miller as General ~m~Q~_~ _~~Il,~~ll,nl!oa~g ..'!'~_~~!~~...t() .$e~~~er~~4~ '- Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 20, 1992 Commissioner Combs~conded by Commissione~ Foster, moyed_to approve and accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COKKEBTS FROK CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Holly Blankenship, 2201 Lauren Beth, spoke regarding the closing of Lauren Beth saying that the barricade was put in place in order to end the misuse of the road. The road in question is an extension of Lauren Beth north of Nicole Boulevard which crosses an unincorporated area and which gives access to Ocoee- Clarcona Road. Krs. Blankenship expressed her family's appreciation for the closing as the noise from the continual partying that had been going on in that area made life at home very uncomfortable. Kr. Thoaas W. Davis, 2100 Lauren Beth, supported Mrs. Blankenship's remarks, saying that the traffic coming from Lauren Beth was very heavy with reckless drivers from Friday evening to Monday morning and that he had not slept in several years because of the traffic. Krs. Jane A. Davis, 210 Lauren Beth, said that they were unable to live in their house due to the reckless drivers and heavy traffic. Mr. Gary Bryant, 2002 Lauren Beth, said that the quality of life in their neighborhood has improved since the closing and he thanked the City for taking such steps. Mr. Bryant said there was a serious problem with kids under 16 years ~ of age as well as adults riding dirt bikes and off-terrain vehicles in the area accessed by that road. Ks. Athena Cronnen, 1002 Idaho Court, said that she respects the opinions of those who spoke before but that young mothers need the extra 5 minutes the shortcut road provides. Ks. Cronnen said that she has presented a petition requesting reopening of the road with the signatures of 52 families who are adversely affected by the closure. Kr. Daniel Tuttle, Ms. Carol Tuttle, Kr. Charles Dewberry, 1001 Marlene Drive, and Ks. Linda Robinson, 918 Marlene Drive, all spoke against the closure. Mr. Ray Gonzalez, 1002 Wyoming Court, said that the road should be left open and penalize those who are breaking the law, rather than inconvenience all the citizens who use the road. City Kanager Shapiro advised that this issue blossomed in the last couple of days and staff is not prepared to give a report at this time. Mr. Shapiro said that he gave the order to barricade the road because of the reports of danger to the children and the lack of cooperation from the sheriff's department. '-' Chief Boyd said that most of the problem has been caused by citizens from neighboring counties gaining access to the Lake Meadow area by way of the county road and he hopes, with the assistance of the sheriff's department, to eliminate some of the cause of the problem within the next two weeks. In the meantime, Chief Boyd said that he would meet with Mr. Shapiro to see what they could work out. '-' Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 20, 1992 PUBLIC HEARINGS - None OTHER BUSINESS City Hall and Police Department Capital Improvement Project. Continuation of Update from Previous Keeting Administrati ve Services Director Beamer reported that, upon review of the additional costs and time for the alternate site, staff recommended rejection of the alternate site and requested authorization to continue with the current schematic. Commissioner roster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to reject the alternate site and authorize staff to continue with the original schematic. Motion carried with 4-1 vote in favor. Commissioner Woodson voted no. '-' Relocation of City Hall runctions Administrative Services Director Beaaer reported that it would be most cost effective to raze the present City Hall and demuck the site before beginning construction on the new structure. In order to accomplish this several sites had been reviewed for possible relocation of the City Hall functions, and the use of the Community Center with the addition of a portable rental unit appears to be the most feasible. Commissioner Johnson said that he would prefer to leave the Community Center as it is and rent more modular units to house the City Hall function. Mayor Dabbs, seconded by Coaaissioner Combs, moved to authorize staff to continue to review the Community Center as the relocation site for the City Hall functions as requested. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Work Order No.3 for C.T. Hsu and Associates. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve and authorize execution of Work Order No.3 in the amount of $16,000 for C.T. Hsu and Asso~iates. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Work Order No.4 for C.T. Hsu and Associates. COllllissioner roster, seconded by Commissioner Combs moved to approve and authorize execution of Work Order No.4 in the amount of $44,800 for C.T. Hsu and Associates. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time. COMHEBTS rROK COIDHSSIONERS Commissioner Combs: 2) 3) MPO advised that the appointed member must not be an elected official and so he is now unappointed, and he nominated Harold Switzer to serve on the Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study. Commissioner Johnson seconded the nomination and vote was unanimous in favor. Quoted from Planning Director Behrens' report that the City is now ahead of last year building permits for single family residences. Asked City Attorney Rosenthal to make his announcement and so Mr. Rosenthal announced his engagement to Dr. Kaxine L. Silverman. 1) ~ '-' 1) 2) 3) '-- 4) Mayor 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting October 20, 1992 Commissioner Foster: 1) Said the trash ordinance should be revamped in order to take care of citizens' needs better. City Manager Shapiro responded that he is workin9 on a solution, possibly will gO to weekend crews at certain times of the year. 2) Displayed his hat from Florida League of Cities and compared it to Commissioner Woodson's hat. Commissioner Johnson: 1) Wants to see the mulcher being used to help citizens with the limbs, etc. as the mulch can be used in City parks. 2) Reported that the sidewalks were broken when new phone lines were put in at 602 Sullivan and 1412 Kirby. Mayor added 800 Ridgefield to the list. Public Works Director Brenner advised that Telesat has been notified__ to contact homeowners. Commissioner Woodson: Reported that Florida Power trucks broke the sidewalks when installing new poles on Orlando Avenue. Moved that a 1/4 page ad be purchased for the Department of Community Affairs annual banquet for Head Start. Mayor Dabbs seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Moved to send a letter to the parole board protesting the release of Kenneth Ray Wright who was put in prison for life for the murde~_~~ child in Ocoee. Motion died for lack of a second, but each Commissioner agreed to send a letter personally in protest. Said that his hat was prettier than Commissioner Foster's hat and besides they gave him a dozen roses. Dabbs: Stated for the record that this is the first meeting in 6 1/2 years that Mr. Mohnacky has been present and has not spoken. Wants official expression of assistance sent to AAI, as they are considering consolidation of their organization. Reported that he had sent a letter to Dr. Bryant regarding the census and received a letter from Jim Bacchus appreciating his attitude. Received a letter from Senator Graham re: post office. Noted that Johnson's Auto Sales looked better. Commissioner Combs said they had only put another row of cars in front of the grass instead of cutting it. ADJOURDEln' The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. '-' '-' '- ! I ~ '-" ,.; ~ .... .II*' 1!#r(~6 j)V ~O!> R' y~ ~-~ ~~31-)toL ~fi--<-/&/1/<:"'- <L,z. tPL&>C:--~ 37'7b/ ~~~c:::- OA..c t:PCI&r '5~/(?/ ?1"JiIt~J..~ PC' ?r de;~d.-C ?~?~/ < / ,!1 ;l1~~h1!- fl),r; I f)c:o~e- 577( I /l, . ~~~---f J 7 /1 A~( &/J/t ()((J(;c ..]'/7&/ ~. ry~ 91'7 7r7MdtJrJt/)R-lv~ ()@"'~ lJ'I7t,l ; J)c;vt.,D~ !rO~ ";}currvrJ seitt ftv~ Ocoe~'3lfl2bl . 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