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January 19, 1993
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order
at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Vandergrift in the commission chambers. Pastor Burgess led
in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll
was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Behrens, City Engineer/Utilities
Director Shira, Building Official Flippen, Public Works Director Brenner, and
City Clerk Grafton.
Absent: None
Proclamation - Bill Breeze
Mayor Vandergrift presented a proclamation to Bill Breeze proclaiming January 11
to be Bill Breeze Day in Ocoee in honor of his 75th birthday.
Presentation of 5 Year Awards:
In recognition of their five year anniversary of employment with the City, Mayor
Vandergrift presented a City of Ocoee watch to Kim Kirkland, Janet Resnik, Sherry
Seaver, Kenneth Strickland, Jr. and Glenn Treanor. Others who were eligible but
not present were: Jerry Bolton, Bruce Combs, Dennis McDaniel, and Fred Ostrander.
Presentation for Youth Center Expansion.
Sherry Wise, Mona Best, and Commissioner Johnson presented a check in the amount
of $20,000 to the City to be used for the Youth Center Expansion project. This
group had sponsored youth dances and other projects to raise money for this
purpose for several years. Mrs. Wise announced that she was retiring from the
sponsorship and introduced her successor, Yvette Hurst.
State of the City Address - Mayor Vandergrift.
Mayor Vandergrift delivered the State of the City address as prescribed by the
City Charter. A copy of the address is on file.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A and B.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Regular Meeting of
December 14, December 15, and December 16, 1992,
and January 5, 1993.
B. Approval and Authorization to Expend the Amount of $2,800 from Water
Contingency Account for Vater System Improvements Required Due to
Orange County's Lakewood Avenue Sidewalk Project.
Commissioner Foster, seconded by COllDlissioner Combs, moved to approve the consent
agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. James R. "Ray" Meeks, 102 N. Cumberland Avenue, said that he has lived here
many years and the Code Enforcement Inspector has been harassing him regarding
doing minor repairs on his property, telling him he must have a permit for work
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January If 1993
he feels should not require a permit. Mayor Vandergrift said that the matter
will be reviewed by staff and someone will get back in touch with him.
Eaergency Repairs - Jamela Vater Treatment Plant.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, in his staff report, described a problem
with the Jamela water treatment plant which must be repaired in a timely manner
to ensure that the plant is operating reliably before the work is started for the
third well at Forest Oaks. Mr. Shira recommended that this repair be declared
an emergency and that Layne Atlantic be authorized to provide the needed repair
services as a sole source, due to their knowledge of the plant, and the
availability of backup equipment, in an amount not to exceed $10,000. funded from
the Water Repair and Renewal account. Commissioner Combs, seconded ~
Couissioner Woodson, moved to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
RECESS 8:20 - 8:35 P.M
Discussion on Minimum Standards Codes.
Mayor Vandergrift said there has been some confusion regarding the purpose of
this meeting with the owners/residents in the trailer parks as he had intended
to have a forum for those with concerns to be heard and the City Staff is
prepared to present the Minimum Standards Code document for review. Mayor
Vandergrift said that as the Minimum Standards Code will be presented at two
meetings in February he felt it appropriate to continue with the forum as he had
intended, as he wished to try to work with the citizens to make those areas more
li vable.
Couissioner Woodson remarked that a citizen had just handed him a document which
appeared to have deed restrictions that applied to Pioneer Key Parks and
Commissioner Combs said that he had been given a copy of that document some time
ago but he has not completed his research on it. City Manager Shapiro said that
those documents were copies of Ordinance No. 620 and that ordinance included
certain statements that were not enforceable.
City Attorney Rosenthal confirmed that the City does not have the authority to
adopt deed restrictions and he said that Ordinance No. 620 may have been passed
but it was unenforceable. The enforcement authority is the homeowner association
rather than the City. Mr. Rosenthal stated further that the Minimum Standards
Code will address some of the issues regarding the trailer park problems and that
a review of those points possibly would reduce the scope of the matters to be
brought up by citizens at this meeting.
The issues raised by citizens follow with the staff response underlined:
Bart Rostiser, 90 E. Circle Key, said that the property value and safety of the
area both keep going down.
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Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Meeting
January If 1993
Raymond Daniel, 232 Security Circle, said that the loud sounds, radio and
otherwise, are difficult to live with. The City does have a noise ordinance but
the police officer has to be there and hear the noise to determine whether or not
it constitutes a nuisance. Mayor Vanderarift said that another city has an
ordinance stating that the a noise is considered a nuisance if it extends beyond
the property line. Consensus was that this possibility should be investiqated
further in the restruc~urinq of the City's ordinance.
Raymond Cooper, 46 Coral Key Drive, had many issues to raise:
1) They have a street that is almost a dirt road again. When will it be
resurfaced? Must solve the drainaqe problem before the street can be resurfaced.
2) There have been no recycling tubs delivered to their neighborhood, yet
they are being charged for the service. Recyclinq is not yet mandatory for the
whole city and that area is scheduled to begin on the program next year. Ther~
is no change in the sanitation charqe for recycling.
3) There is only one police patrol in the area and that is early in the
4) They have been charged for the maintenance of the drainage system for
several years and the ditches are never trimmed. The drainage in this area is
definitely a problem, and the City is still doing planning of that entire basin
to determine a solution.
5) Because the street is flooded most of the time when it rains he cannot
cut his grass. See response to #4.
6) Utility men cut the fence at the ditch during Hurricane Andrew and said
they did it to help the water flow through the drain. It is still open.
7) He has reported the garbage piling up at a neighbor's house to Code
Enforcement and they have not yet been cited. The paperwork starts with the
report and drive through and it does take some time for the issue to come before
the Board. Need to add another code enforcement officer next year.
8) Does the State have a code regarding the number of people who live in
a dwelling? The City will include that in the Minimum Standard Code.
Toaaie Sanders, 96 Deer Key Court, said that:
1) People park on the streets and block traffic;
2) At 92 Deer Key Court a Blazer is parked and the residents at that
address use it to hold garbage. City Manaaer Shapiro said that he will create
a task force to take care of the problems and he will personally accompany them
to see that all the violations in the trailer parks are noted and that action is
taken to correct them.
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court:
1) Wants something done about the kids and dogs, as she thinks people just
bring them into the parks and leave them;
2) A CB radio antenna in the neighborhood interferes with TV reception.
Commissioner Combs said it happens in his neighborhood as well and will be
reported to the proper authorities.
3) Mrs. Watts will bring her copy of the Minimum Standards Code in to Mr.
Shapiro's office to discuss it with him.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
JanuarY;f 1993
Williu Harness, 610 E. Lakeshore Drive, said that our City has the best
representation around and they should be reimbursed for their expenses.
.Nancy Wiggins, 13244 Lake Butler, Winter Garden, said that she owns rental
property in the parks and is interested in the upkeep. She said that the cost
of services in Ocoee is higher than in neighboring towns and Ocoee's services
have been cut, i.e. no more furniture pickup, etc., which works a hardship on her
when renters move out leaving a mess. She suggested a neighborhood organization
to promote good care of property. Commissioner Johnson suggested that Mrs.
Wiggins verify some facts with the City of Winter Garden and compare rates. He
said that he rents property as well and does not expect the City to haul off his
excess garbage when renters move out and leave a mess because it is his
responsibility to take care of that as the property owner. Commissioner Johnson
said that he wants to have a meeting with each park separately to review the
problems in each area.
Joe Karbais, Sr., 702 Sullivan Avenue:
1) Said he is proud to say he is a citizen of the City of Ocoee.
2) He lived in Pioneer Key Park #1 ten years ago and the entrance was
never brought up to grade, that he adopted the park, cutting the grass and
picking up trash every week. He sees to it that there are no violations on his
property and he hauls away his own trash when renters move out.
3) He wants to go to the park with Mr. Shapiro on Wednesday to review the
general conditions of the park.
4) Said that the police want a visible place to put officers and he will
donate a trailer for that use.
5) Said he feels that city employees out on jobs should stop and pickup
trash when they see it, rather than riding by and ignoring it.
Kayor Vandergrift said that he would go and help clean up the park and paint with
volunteers on a weekend. City Kanager Shapiro cautioned the Mayor about making
promises that the City cannot respond to.
City Attorney Rosenthal reviewed some of the points covered in the new Minimum
Standards Code and noted that the first and second readings will be held during
the February regular Commission meetings.
The City Clerk was directed to have copies of the Minimum Standards Code prepared
and available for the public to either buy or temporarily take to read at no
RECESS 10:05 - 10:12 P.K.
Report on Orange County Complaint re: Rezonings on .New Annexations
City Attorney Rosenthal reported on the complaints filed by Orange County against
the City for the recent annexations.
There were no staff reports at this time.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January.8; 1993
Commissioner Woodson:
1) Reported that a Citizen had suggested glvlng citizens an opportunity to
sponsor (pay for) the rocking chairs to be placed on the new city hall
2) Asked for a three-way stop sign at First Street & Center Street
intersection if it can be approved by the City Engineer.
3) Asked that PRIDE furniture be considered for the new buildings as well.
Ms. Beamer advised they are already on the list.
4) Thanked Public Works for cutting the tree he had reported and for fixing
the school signs.
5) Said the ditch at the Church of God of Prophecy has not been taken care of
yet. Public Works Director Brenner advised they could not find the
6) Need a citizen's work day to prepare for Memorial Day.
7) Lions Club is doing the Ocoee booth for the Central Florida Fair which is
to be held February 25 - March 7.
8) Was serviced by the new orange garbage truck today and noticed the doors
should be painted and also the safety sign was covered up by the welding.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Welcomed Judy Henry back to work after her illness.
2) Asked somebody to find the orange truck for him.
3) Appreciated quick response from Police Department when he reported someone
lifting something from Mr. Poston's car.
4) Complimented Public Works for the Adopt-a-Road signs.
5) Appreciated Public Works for taking care of the tire tracks in the road
right-of-way in Lewis Whitehead's yard.
6) Reported that he will be in the hospital soon and will miss the February
2 meeting, but he still wants the packets delivered to him.
Commissioner Foster:
1) His comments are already covered-and he has not seen the orange truck
either. He asked Public Works Director Brenner for a picture of it.
2) When the citizens sponsor the rocking chairs for the new city hall, he
would like for several to be motorized for himself and Commissioner
3) Supports using PRIDE for the furniture supplier for the new city hall.
4) Appreciated the Adopt-a-Road signs and food at the kick-off ceremony for
the program.
5) Thanked the horticulturist for the flowers near the lake.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Welcomed Judy Henry back to work.
2) Wants all of us to take pride in our town.
should all work together to make it a good
We all live and work here and
and clean place.
Mayor Vandergrift:
Congratulated Commissioners for not tapping on the table and interfering with
audio reception for clerk's benefit.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
January -8", 1993
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.