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Item #07 Approval of Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Feasibility
ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 7, 2017 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Stephen C. Krug Department Director: Contact Number: 6002 City Manager: ,f&�«� Subject: Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan with Pegasus Engineering. Commissioner Wilsen, District 2 and Commissioner Firstner, District 3. Background Summary: The City Commission approved the Downtown Master Plan in October 2016 and the project list associated with the plan. A key component to the Plan is the development of a master regional stormwater facility. The first step in the process of taking the master plan from concept to reality is to conduct a feasibility study. Public Works contacted the continuing engineering services firm, Pegasus Engineering, to handle this task as several key people that were involved with the evolution of the City's Stormwater program are part of the Pegasus design team. This feasibility study will establish the parameters for the design, then construction, of the regional stormwater facility for development. Public Works worked with Pegasus to develop a meaningful scope for the study by breaking the work into tasks for; existing conditions analysis, proposed conditions analysis for Study Area 1 (City Hall complex east of Bluford Ave.), proposed conditions analysis for Study Area 2 (Taylor St. to Bluford Ave.) and the final summary report. These tasks will provide deliverable reports that can then be used to solicit Engineering services for the final design and construction. The City is currently performing an existing conditions survey of the City Hall Complex which can also be used by Pegasus for the Existing Conditions Analysis of Task 1 leading to additional time and cost savings. The $150,098.04 for the study is available in the Stormwater Capital Improvements. Public Works recommends approval of the work with Pegasus Engineering. Issue: Request the City Commission to approve the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Feasibility Study with Pegasus Engineering. Recommendations: Recommend the City Commission approve the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Feasibility Study with Pegasus Engineering, for the not to exceed cost of $150,098.04 as funded in the Stormwater Capital Improvements. Also recommend the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders to this contract up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: Pegasus Engineering Scope of Services. Financial Impact: The cost of the feasibility study is adequately funded in Stormwater Capital Improvements. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading A Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. , N/A Review ed by ( ) N/A 2 3Pega1!iFuN EN&INEERING November 29, 2016 P-229361 (Revised January 19, 2017) Mr. Stephen C. Krug, P.E. Public Works Director City of Ocoee 301 Maguire Road Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study Dear Steve: Per your request, please find enclosed two (2) revised copies of the following documents for your review for the above referenced project: • Exhibit "A" (Scope of Work); • Exhibit "B" (Manhour and Fee Estimate); • Exhibit "C" (Subconsultant Fee Proposals); and • Exhibit "D" (City Hall Ditch Photographs). As discussed during our two (2) previous scoping meetings, as well as a recent conference call, it is our understanding that GAI Consultants has recently completed the development of the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan. In addition, it is our understanding that the City of Ocoee is in the process of securing a $25,000,000 bond to implement several high priority projects associated with the Downtown Master Plan such as the new City Hall, the Lakeshore Center expansion, and the Bluford Avenue streetscape and utility improvements. One of the key elements of implementing the Downtown Master Plan, and specifically the Oakland Avenue, Bluford Avenue, McKey Street, and Lakefront Park projects, is the development of a stormwater master plan. As requested, the attached proposal is intended to evaluate various stormwater alternatives to address water quality and flood protection associated with the future redevelopment within the "Downtown Core" and to identify project costs and land acquisition requirements in order to implement the stormwater master plan `Enn inee ino a.Higher Standard" 301 West State Road 434.Suite 309, Winter Sp,ings. FL 32708 s 407-992-9160 =Fax 407-358-5155 ,vws ee_asuse qg%veering,,,r Mr.Stephen C.Krug,P.E. Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan—Phase 1 Feasibility Study November 29,2016(Revised January 19,2017) Page 2 facilities. We look forward to serving the City of Ocoee on this important project. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 407-992-9160,extension 309,or by e-mail at david @pegasusengineering.net. Very truly yours, PEGASUS ENGINEERIN t, LLC David W. • - a, P.E., CFM Sto .ter Department Manager Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study Approve for Pegasus Engineering, LLC tJ IN Principal January 19, 2017 Fursan Munjed, P.E. Officer's Title Date Proposal is hereby accepted and authorization to proceed is hereby given. (Please return one executed copy of this proposal for our Pegasus Engineering records). Authorized Signature Officer's Title Date Exhibit "A" Scope of Work DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT OBJECTIVES During March 2016, the City of Ocoee retained the services of GAI Consultants to undertake the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan. After several community participation forums, walking tours, and creative workshops, GAI Consultants and the City of Ocoee developed various concept plans and estimated project costs, as well as a master project list, for the Downtown Master Plan. On October 4, 2016, the City Commission approved the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan and the master project list and authorized staff to pursue a $25,000,000 bond in order to implement the various approved projects. y� .,,fE4Qi ck-Off Publ,c Nrch "i "'' , + Woreshop#3 rf y 111 ii. ,f! .,v i , . - "- '1 1 _$ l# e OEE is: JOCOEE Prior to initiating the Downtown Redevelopment Program, the City of Ocoee and their consultants must design, permit, and implement various infrastructure related elements such as roadway, utility, and streetscape improvements. These improvements will lay the groundwork in,order to encourage and support redevelopment opportunities. One of the key elements is to evaluate and develop a stormwater master plan. The City of Ocoee has requested Pegasus Engineering to prepare a proposal under their current continuing contract to perform a Phase 1 Feasibility Study. The objective of the Phase 1 Feasibility Study is to address .. the following: • Perform a detailed hydrologic / hydraulic analysis associated with the City Hall Ditch drainage basin to reflect current conditions. • Establish flood stages and floodplain limits for the City Hall Ditch, between the Florida Central Railroad and Starke Lake. • Determine water quality (pollution abatement) requirements for various redevelopment scenarios and right-of-way improvements within the study areas. ��rar�erwl� P-229361 I A-1 I Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study • Conceptually design stormwater management facilities and conveyance systems to address current and future conditions within the study areas. • Establish the approximate area(s) to implement the stormwater master plan in order to identify parcels required to construct stormwater ponds and conveyance systems. .'""7777-714,, 11, F- 0 ' "' L+ Between Tayfor and Bluford ' I , t .y, Estimated Cost • S •.^ss s.t. t , .• • 9,000,080 Istormwater bond) ^kr ,1 -1 , y. - %. • $180.000(gen e ra 1 fund bond) #H. ``*"fit ..� +•. ., z Proiett Start 3tt.-,?.i,6a 'p!ti_ aF y.r- <4 years 2 Description P 1 '-ey r," a ,, ., - ---- Master rtormwater system for f downtown,incorporating park features j .."x,, f�— I' .,t and recto ed hrscoric creek �} �' ` .[ _ L L I_ Pot ential Features: F�'r ''F 4 t- .` ", i - • Ponds and trunk collection system 4.Z ,4'I I �' Creek/wetland restoration I4 _ • eoardwalsjpmmenadetr,ail Mks YY.A.. �" • Franklin St.improvements I _� i Precursors/Molar factors .- . ... i -"- iS • Malor property acquisition , tw • Handal.. — ---- - r,' pOCOEE It is worth noting that even though the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan encompasses a large area, the focus of the Phase 1 Feasibility Study is to concentrate on the "Downtown Core" area which is bounded by Lakeshore Drive to the east, McKey Street to the south, Taylor Street to the west, and Franklin Street to the north. It is envisioned that, in the future, the study area will expand west to Maguire Road / Ocoee-Apopka Road and north to Silver Springs Road. For the purpose of this assignment, the Downtown Core area will initially be broken down into Study Area 1 and Study Area 2 (refer to Figure 1 on Page A-3). In regards to the regional stormwater characteristics, the MAIN LA AJO=W,L Downtown Redevelopment Area is located within the 894-acre m44140E ermwaruor OCOEE noAra4 Starke Lake watershed. Starke Lake serves as the City's ------ �7,---, centerpiece and the focus of several planned lakefront park ",, improvements such as the Lakeshore Center Expansion, the :.a Amphitheater, and the relocation / enlarged boat ramp to name a IIIMIXIMIXO. r few. Therefore, it is critical that the master stormwater system wa�EI r rte. properly address future redevelopment in order to demonstrate a — --- net improvement with respect to the pollutant loads to Starke rea. r PEC Lake. It should be noted that the Phase 1 study area falls within ---:;- 7 the 273-acre City Hall Ditch drainage basin (refer to Exhibit 1). ____ Pll P-229361 I A-2 Document PYq:KAPropoob120181P-229X1 Downtown Redev eiopment SA, s•_ccee,Fputn`Oco••11x17naa 1 I JJ / Q I': ..'i- r i , 1 /Maguire Road Ocoee Apopka Road —_.. 1 1 (o I I- i I •It,,, IIf • ( I_____L__— • 1• — � t� � \ r , D '9 x ' \ � "1 v. _C] ' / ks,C) 1 \ \ \ \vo,-■ _ 3i 0 c �S Bay Street m 7" --- .���� • --"`y I �•i I 4 W rt Iii, L,! � 1 1 ��� _ , J- --L._ _S'KisinmeeAvenue j_ _ N-Kissimme=Avnue ` O O z — c_ iS. S Cumberland Avenue N Cumberland Avenue -�f m 0C— y I ...j 1 ___— _f X 0 C -- n �1 I — 1 >� Omr l ,~ ~� �ro n<O A I ._. „ — --' S Bluford Avenue r .... _l rj"4"„tP ;S Zr ari l � •-e+oWl ford Avenue m ' 1 11 1 l � I 1 � x I i 1 1 I P, I 2: r r-., `—_i ? I I _ ° ( °rte 1 ■I—_ I v +r' o ( S Lakewood Avenue l •N_Lakewo:lye nue ti Illit ♦ / I /— \\ •� ot�Dn� ✓e i Pcl \ \ a�¢�S E3}, D D TO to, , ‘,:, 5 �alov> Q� m� �� / © y F. m DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT D, -n m 0 Pegasus STORM WATER MASTER PLAN EN61NEERlN6 !^ t J PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY p,./ 301 WEST STATE ROAD 434,SUITE 309 m 8 8 WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 ro TEL407-992-9160 • FAX:407-356-5155 Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA N ° WEB:WWW.PEGASUSENGINEERING.NET I Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study The City Hall Ditch originates near the intersection of Maguire Road and the Florida Central Railroad. The ditch system generally flows east/ northeast from the Florida Central Railroad to a midpoint approximately 300-feet downstream (east) of Taylor Street, then flows east towards Starke Lake for approximately 1,500 linear feet (refer to Exhibit "D" for a photographic documentation of the existing conveyance system). PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES This section expands upon the basic engineering services which are necessary to accomplish the project approach and successfully satisfy the objectives for developing the Phase 1 Stormwater Master Plan in support of the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan. Pegasus Engineering (Consultant), and their sub-consultants, shall provide the engineering services enumerated below. Engineering services for Phase 1 of the project shall include, but are not limited to, the following tasks: 1. Prepare for and conduct a project kick-off meeting with City staff. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the scope of work and clearly understand the various conceptual alternatives to be evaluated. 2. Collect and review the following information in order to gain a thorough understanding of the existing drainage and conveyance systems within the City Hall Ditch drainage basin: • Construction plans and as-built drawings, as well as drainage maps and stormwater calculations (if available), associated with development since 1996 (e.g., Ocoee Business Park and Crawford Tires); • GIS data, Orange County topographic data, aerial maps, St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and Ocoee land use maps, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soils maps, and Orange County parcel maps; • Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Drainage Basin Study- Volumes I, II, and III prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC) (dated March 1996) 0121legEfialimu IMINEeNnos P-229361 I A-4 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study • Correspondence files, maintenance records, complaint logs, and/or work order logs provided by City staff; and • St.Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) permit files. It should be noted that the Consultant shall prepare and submit Data Requests to various City Departments to assist with obtaining the requested documents. The documents provided by City staff can be hard copies, scanned copies, and/or digital files. 3. Conduct detailed field reviews to establish /confirm the following: • Verify existing information obtained during the data collection, review and assimilation task; • Drainage basin and sub-basin boundaries, as well as drainage patterns and land use; and • Identify stormwater elements to be surveyed. 4. Prepare a survey scope of work in order to supplement critical hydraulic information (e.g., pipe diameters, pipe lengths, invert elevations, and edge of pavement elevations). Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. (SSMC) will conduct traditional survey services and provide reduced survey notes that contain horizontal locations, dimensions, and elevations in order to properly model the existing drainage conveyance systems. In addition, finished floor and garage elevations may be required to confirm the depth of structural flooding. 5. The Consultant shall coordinate with GAI Consultants / Lotspeich and Associates to assess the ecological elements of the City Hall Ditch and investigate potential impacts and mitigation measures. 6. Revise the node/ link relationship for the City Hall Ditch Drainage Basin based on the 1996 PEC model to reflect current conditions. 31PlegPelgamiammums lo P-229361 I A-5 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study 7. The Consultant shall revise / update the 1996 PEC existing hydrologic characteristics for each drainage sub-basin that includes based on current conditions: • Drainage sub-basin area (acres) • Time of concentration (Tc) • Weighted runoff curve number(CN) • Hydrograph peak rate factor (K) • Directly connected impervious areas (DCIA) The Consultant shall compute the weighted runoff curve numbers (CN) and the times of concentration (Tc) based on Win TR-55 (Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds) (January 2009). 8. The Consultant shall revise / update the 1996 PEC stormwater model of the existing primary drainage and conveyance systems within the City Hall Ditch drainage basin in order to analyze various storm events, some of which may include: • 10-year, 24-hour storm event b This standard is used to establish the tailwater conditions associated with the adequate performance of secondary storm sewer systems; roadway profile grade lines; minimum level of service (LOS) standard for non-critical facilities; etc. • 25-year, 24-hour storm event b This standard is typically used to establish the LOS standard for primary drainage and conveyance facilities such as roadway cross- culverts; stormwater ponds; etc. • 100-year, 24-hour storm event b This standard is used to establish finish floor elevations of residential and commercial structures, and are often used to define the base flood elevation (BFE) for flood maps and official revisions to FEMA's Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). The 100-year, 24-hour storm event applies to open basins with a positive outfall, which is the case for the City Hall Ditch conveyance system, even though Starke Lake is a land-locked lake. opegagi..ugs. P-229361 I A-6 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study The revised/ updated stormwater model will consist of hydrologic and hydraulic elements. The hydrologic element will encompass the drainage sub-basin areas, weighted runoff curve numbers, times of concentration, and peak rate factors. The hydraulic element will consist of the storm sewer pipes, culverts, ditch cross-sections, and control structures, all of which represent the conveyance elements. The hydraulic element will also encompass the stormwater ponds, wetlands, and depressional areas, all of which represent the storage elements. It should be noted that the Consultant shall utilize the 1996 Starke Lake Drainage Basin Study to establish the tailwater/boundary conditions for the City Hall Ditch system. 9. The Consultant shall utilize a computer program entitled Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR, version 3.0) to evaluate the primary drainage and conveyance systems as part of the existing conditions analysis. It should be noted that the 1996 PEC ICPR model is based on adICPR, Version 1.4 and will need to be re-entered into Version 3.0. Some of the most important reasons and merits for using ICPR to develop the stormwater master plan include: • ICPR is widely used and accepted by engineers, the SJRWMD, the FDOT, various government entities and most importantly FEMA. • ICPR can simulate a wide range of simple and complex hydraulic connections (e.g., weirs, orifices, gates, pipes, irregular channels, pump stations, control structures, etc.). Other programs (e.g., XP-SWMM) have to assume equivalent configurations, lengths, and/or losses to simulate various hydraulic elements that cannot be analyzed directly. • ICPR can simulate actual field conditions with respect to siltation, crushed pipes, reduction of flow area due to utility pipe obstructions, vegetation and other foreign matter. �rrr�wer�e�a P-229361 I A-7 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study It should be noted that the Consultant will not analyze the performance of minor storm water ponds (e.g., water quality ponds associated with small commercial developments), storm sewer pipes or roadside swales, but rather to evaluate the primary drainage and conveyance facilities associated with the City Hall Ditch to determine peak flood stages, discharges and duration of flooding. Examples of what elements will not be modeled include the storm sewer/swale system within Franklin Street, between Ocoee- Apopka Road and Taylor Street; the storm sewer / swale system within Taylor Street, between Franklin Street and City Hall Ditch at Crawford Tires; and the storm water ponds associated with the Kangaroo convenience stores. 10. Based on results of the stormwater modeling and the aerial topographic mapping, the Consultant shall develop floodplain maps that delineate special flood hazard areas (SFHAs) for the City Hall Ditch drainage basin within the "Downtown Core" area. These maps will graphically illustrate the approximate number of residential dwellings and other structures that are horizontally located within the SFHA, as defined by the predicted base flood elevation (BFE) for the 100-year storm event. 11. After the stormwater modeling for the existing conditions analysis is complete, the Consultant shall conduct a coordination meeting with City staff to present the flood routing results and any potential impacts to the Downtown Stormwater Master Plan. 12. The Consultant shall evaluate various alternatives associated with Study Area 1 and Study Area 2 in order to properly convey upstream flows and provide adequate water quality volume to address redevelopment opportunities (refer to Figure 1). It is anticipated that the following alternatives will be investigated three (3) alternatives for Study Area 1 and three (3) alternatives for Study Area 2): O Conceptually design stormwater ponds to accommodate the redevelopment areas only and by-pass the upstream flows. © Provide water quality treatment for the older urban areas to offset the redevelopment areas. 30e �i� iwarerrraia P-229361 I A-8 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study © Divert the Cumberland Avenue storm sewer system from Bluford Avenue to the future stormwater ponds to reduce the pollutant loads to offset the redevelopment areas. O Convert the City Hall Ditch, between Bluford Avenue and Lakeshore Avenue, to a series of cascading stormwater ponds to serve Study Area 1. The alternatives must address water quality conveyance and floodplain compensating storage besides traditional rate attenuation. In addition, the Consultant shall coordinate with City staff to take into account hardscape features to support the Downtown Redevelopment program. 13. For each alternative, the Consultant shall prepare a figure depicting the conceptual design and depict the required parcels and easements in order to properly construct. In addition, an Order of Magnitude cost estimate will be prepared for each alternative. 14. The Consultant shall conduct five (5) coordination meetings with City staff during the duration of the feasibility study to develop conceptual designs of the master stormwater system. 15. Prepare a draft Letter Report with supporting figures, exhibits, and modeling that documents the existing conditions analysis, and describes the conceptual stormwater master plan alternatives and the project costs. 16. Conduct a presentation to the City Commission to solicit feedback and comments pertaining to the draft Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan. 17. Finalize the Letter Report based on comments and feedback from City staff and the City Commissioners. OPESeHUgg.inerwmar P-229361 I A-9 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study FUTURE PHASES At the conclusion of the Phase 1 Feasibility Study, and upon a request from the City, the Consultant will prepare proposals for the following future phases. • Phase 2 — prepare and submit a Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application to the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) in order to "lock-in" the stormwater master plan for a 20-year period. • Phase 3 — Prepare and submit a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). • Phase 4— Final design and permitting services in order to implement the recommended stormwater master plan. BASIS OF PROPOSAL, CONDITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS The following conditions and assumptions are noted as qualifications to the scope of work for this Phase 1 proposal. 1. This scope of work does not include final design and permitting services. It is understood that a future scope of work and fee estimate will be prepared upon completion and approval of the Phase 1 Feasibility Study. 2. The Letter Report will include narrative discussions, graphical figures, printouts of the stormwater modeling input data and flood routing results, etc. The electronic files will include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and PDF formats, and five (5) signed and sealed hardcopies. 3. A complete PDF document containing the final deliverables (Letter Report, modeling, and mapping exhibits) will be assembled and will be provided to the City along with all of the electronic files on compact disc (CD or DVD) at the conclusion of Phase 1. egPan.w� P-229361 I A-10 Exhibit "A" Scope of Work for the Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study 4. All figures and exhibits will be prepared in AutoCAD and/or ArcGIS. 5. This scope of work does not include the following professional services. In the event that any of these services are required in the future, it is assumed that an amendment will be processed to encompass the required additional services. • Ecological services related to formal delineation of wetlands and surface waters or formal wetland mitigation. • Geotechnical investigations and explorations. • Preparing maintenance of traffic plans, utility relocation plans, etc. • Pollutant loading or nutrient removal computations. • Preparing permit applications. • Preparing legal sketches and descriptions for proposed permanent easements. • Preparing information related to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and specifically a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Notice of Intent (NOI), and Notice of Termination (NOT). • Final design and permitting services. • Post-design services such as shop drawing reviews, addressing Request for Information (RFI), and certifications. • Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) services. ape ....golous,....... P-229361 I A-11 i Exhibit "B" Manhour and Fee Estimate DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 0 ° o 0 o O o vi vi o O o O o O o Vi C o 0 0 0 ° C o 0 0 CM O N to a O tO N V N O M N Cr N ° O O M M O vt 0 0 CO M V N m to Q O01 T l0 N O1 0 Ol m Ol co 10 lO LO N M 001 1 Mr. l0 l0 N 1 V N h N N N O R N H in to' N in N a 0 tO N E , N N N t/1 V1 to N in N in N N to N N N in to in <� V m N m M LO l0 M N M O N N ✓Nl NO tw/1 CO O NJ R) m N N �„� iN(1 VN1 N a ,-t ,- .■ .. an 0 co l0 v ti .-■ CO N 0 N `.0 .y 11'' a a N LO b a V ri N O N N N Z , 5 a cc W H Q N ,wy 1, CO N C CO a N N a N co V w N N co V 0 ° N N M 2 W 0: Q 1- 2 3 N H W CC T N m LL a+ Q O m1- 9 .� .0 v N 0 7 00 V V c Z m at = N Mme. W a) m 2 W a w ] o m O O =• W o CQ W a C W F- Z -o "' 1- 1- O a a f O Z C• M E o a a o rj p o Z o m E u m S > v c 0 - j ? d W j ? a) a > > O N 'co > «• 2 A c U m v c U O a, `1 « . 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O V 9 O CO V o O m F .N CO K N Cl N n O, a a CC NI = ILO w W Z ea N .m -I OI x ce 2 W ti N a W , 0. o O W L fa z o. 4 W 2 o cc z v >- 0 ~ N 3 Y ' a x o z 0 c a, a y _m • a E E m o L C ° 5 7 2 7 U O U K o m -O 5 y O 0 t V 2 Y m O Q >. - -Y o no C7 a t t' c' ▪ a, K U 2 3 V E o = m E 2 ° a ° ° 3 N E ° a O o vo0 0 .y n cc C 5 _ V N m a N N W d C 2 V N o. > d °' r Gi a E w " « ' a n v ; v . ° v m a■ z v 0 v CC LL1 m y a o °. v a U a z Y O A O m m H ti «. 0' u 3 r.E,- G w • m o o it i E. a ` `O °° n �: w u0 2 `y° In , `�° 3 W a N f -VAN C a{ -U°a w n 1- z = i ti O Y O r ° N 3 rot '" G 0 ' u° - u a 2°, Cl^ o 0 Y • v N w v v . 5 'o 2 0 N c. all 0 x o CO Li o - a o 'a o . E. o 0 m O J r a o 0 o E v o z E z o I- m m m o > , I- ¢ ¢ u tO r = a w a CL z ~ ~ z 1OQ a ' a a y `o ° O O I- F- d LL Exhibit "C" Subconsultant Fee Proposals DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY Steven L.Anderson,Jr.,PSM,PLS James L.Petersen,PSM Charles M.Arnett,PSM William C. Rowe,PSM Michael L.Dougherty,PSM ��� ��N Tony G.Syfrett,PSM,PLS James M.Dunn,II, PSM iiiaramma �waskl John S.Thomas,PSM Thomas F.Ferguson,PSM Edward W.Wackerman,PSM Ronnie A.Figueroa,PSM,GISP Sou e . ���p7 Thomas P.Young,Jr.,PSM,GISP Tate B.Flowers,PLS i � r r r . • r �' Kirk R. Hall,El,GISP Robert W.Gardner, PSM il� • - if / Is_\ Brad A.Stroppel, El,GISP Brian R.Garvey,PE,GISP `. LM_ Cheryl A.Isenberg,GISP Daniel J.Henry, PSM,PLS -_ \® Brian E. Latchaw,GISP Matthew G.Jennings,RLS Patrick J.Phillips,GISP Gary B.Krick,PSM Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Donna L.Hendrix,CST IV Brad J.Lashley,PSM,PLS Serving the Southeast Since 1972 Frank B.Henry,CST IV Myron F.Lucas,PSM g Mark W.Klaers,CST IV James E.Mazurak,PSM www.southeasternsurveying.com David M.Rentfrow,CST IV Thomas K.Mead, PSM,PLS Infoesoutheasternsurveying.com Steve D.Smith,CST IV Timothy 0.Mosby,PSM Celeste B.van Gelder,CST IV Land Surveying&Mapping Services•Sub-Surface Utility Designation&Location Services•Geographic Information Systems•GPS Asset Inventories January 16, 2017 VIA EMAIL: david(a pegasusengineering.net Mr. David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM Stormwater Department Manager Pegasus Engineering, LLC 301 West State Road 434, Suite 309 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Ocoee Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Mater Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study Section 18, Township 22 South,Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Dear Mr. Hamstra, We are pleased to submit our revised proposal for Surveying Services for the above referenced project. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide Surveying Services in accordance with Chapter 5J-17 F.A.C. to include the following: 1. Perform supplemental survey of drainage structures and pipes that have been installed and/or replaced since the 1996 PEC Starke Lake basin study. The final product will be reduced field notes for your use. Our fee for the above referenced will invoiced hourly at the rates referenced on the attached fee sheet at a cost not to exceed: Survey Services (Not to Exceed) $13,440.00 We anticipate completion of the above described work to be consistent with your schedule needs pending receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. 6500 All American Blvd 1130 Highway 90 Cypress Business Center 119 West Main Street 10 East Lake Street University Corporate Park Orlando,FL 32810 Chipley,FL 32428 8301 Cypress Plaza Drive, Tavares,FL 32778 Kissimmee,FL 34744 10770 North 46th Street 407.292.8580 850.638.0790 Suite 104 352.343.4880 407.944.4880 Suite C-300 407.292.0141 Fax 850.638.8069 Fax Jacksonville,FL 32256 352.343.4914 Fax 407.944.0424 Fax Tampa,FL 33617 904.737.5990 813.898.2711 904.737.5995 Fax 813.898.2712 Fax Licenses:PSM:Florida Professional Surveyor&Mapper•PLS:Alabama Professional Land Surveyor•RLS:Georgia Registered Land Surveyor•PE:Professional Engineer Certifications:El:Engineering Intern•GISP:Geographic Information Systems Professional•CST:Certified Survey Technician Page 2 Mr. David W. Hamstra, P.E., CFM Ocoee Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan January 16,2017 We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, (714-: James L. Petersen, P.S.M. Vice President/Project Manager T:\Proposal\Pegasus Engineering,LLC\Ocoee Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan 1-16-17.Docx U?"Z T. - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O L4 o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cg w U Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q T N O O O O O O O O O O O T al N CO Cl CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Cg 4 C s 0 c • di O _ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O U Z O O O O O O O O O O O O .• Q G r _ O O O O O O O O O O O W W T N O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 b U x c4 z F g a •5x co 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 C. 0 C. 0 C. 0 0 co ;j� c• o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC C Cg w o 0 o Y r\ O O co c O Z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T N O O O O O O O O O O O i .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O: 7 O r CO CO N N - ,N- CO C C O O O O O O O N 0000 O O O O O O w F N .O N O 7 (ti 00 C— ‘o o0 7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 M — 0 t+., O O O O O O O O O O O O p" = £ Z N N O O O O O O O O O O N ^ '''l w 4.• ct Z 0., - - U O O O O O O O O O O O d QZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 U Z '-"' R cn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 = x a. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W dl U EA EA EA EA EA EA v W F 2x" di c O O O O O O O O O O O O s O O O O O O O O O O O O A Z 8 .d 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .o w r, on Q' C U O O O O O O O O O O O i I.. ~ O O O O O O O O O O O y z - R 7 V V V 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 M. d W W x ,4 c. Q. Q, O. C O. C O. O. O. C yr U L. W v y F ca 3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p Q cil N m O O O O O O O O O O m / CA i z' 00 0 k N Od OO W O O O O O O O O O O O 0. T y O O O O O O O O O O O Cl) W a .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O .O Op W > Q A P4 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N > //�� � ci) y C r 0.i 4 x a ° a Z c o � a c.4 o. c ° z o r■i o 0 E'* A C c Z U W c O • E- g .a F 2 E- r F w w .2 q o E W 4 >, w a 5 Q 3 s o w • a Q '] w a. v) U F H w Gz Cd a z00 F W 0 U V a U d F a. d. Wp CO Orlando Office T 407.423.8398 618 East South Street F 407.843.1070 Suite 700 gal consultants Orlando, Florida 32801 November 28, 2016 GAI Project No.A161274.00 Mr. David Hamstra, P.E. Pegasus Engineering, LLC 301 West State Road 434, Suite 309 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Proposal for Ecological Consulting Services Ocoee Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Phase 1 Feasibility Study City of Ocoee, Florida Dear Mr. Hamstra: Per your request, GAI Consultants, Inc. is submitting this proposal for the performance of the professional services described below in the Scope of Services for the project stated above. Project Understanding We understand that Pegasus Engineering, LLC has a Continuing Services Contract with the city of Ocoee for engineering services, and that the City is interested in studying the potential for the development of a stormwater master plan to serve the proposed redevelopment of the city of Ocoee's downtown area. We also understand that the city desires to focus on the area associated with the City Hall Ditch, extending from the Central Florida Railroad track on the west to Starke Lake on the east. This contract will address the ecological consulting support necessary for compliance with the potential permitting requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District (District), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(Service), and the city of Ocoee in compliance with existing rules, regulations, and policies as of the date of initiation of this Agreement. Scope of Services Provide necessary ecological support data in order to represent the Client's interest in the study of the project area for stormwater master planning, determine the extent and quality of jurisdictional wetlands and other surface waters, as well as conducting a qualitative review for listed plant and animal species, in compliance with existing rules, regulations, and policies as of the date of initiation of this Scope of Services. Task 1 — Preliminary Ecological Assessment/Report 1.1 Research existing published literature and available documents pertinent to the project area. 1.2 Review existing databases from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)for the presence of federal and state listed plant and animal species, including a database search of the FWC for the presence of Southern Bald Eagle nest(s) on site or within a one mile radius of the project area. 1.3 Conduct one site assessment to evaluate the presence of threatened and endangered species, critical habitat, and natural communities, including the presence of wetlands potentially within the jurisdiction of governmental agencies with statutory permitting authority following the 2010 Final gaiconsultants.com Mr.David Hamstra,P.E. Page 2 November 28,2016 GAI Project No.A161274.00 Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineations Manual (1987) and the Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology for the State of Florida dated 1 July 1994. The field investigation will also allow GAI staff to confirm or amend the information collected from database searches and the review of published information. 1.4 Prepare a report outlining the findings of the on-site field investigation. Included will be a discussion of the existing site conditions and any opportunities and/or constraints posed by the presence of wetlands and threatened and endangered species, or species of special concern, and recommendations for further investigation and/or management guidance. A discussion of potential impacts to wetlands and other jurisdictional surface waters, as well as available options for compensatory mitigation (if required), would also be included. 1.5 Coordination with the Client, City, and/or Project Team. Schedule GAI will begin work upon receipt of a copy of this Proposal executed and authorized below. GAI will endeavor to complete its Scope of Services and deliver the project deliverable in accordance with the Client's schedule, subject to excused delay occasioned by factors beyond GAI's reasonable control. Compensation Compensation for services rendered by GAI will be in accordance with the rates agreed to and incorporated into the Agreement between GAI and Pegasus for the services performed under this Proposal. Compensation for due diligence and coordination services rendered by GAI will be provided on a lump sum basis. The total estimated cost of GAI's services under this Proposal is listed below. The total estimated cost of GAI's services under this proposal shall not exceed the compensation noted below without written authorization. Task Method of Fee Payment 1: Preliminary Ecological Assessment/Report Lump Sum $4,358.34 Total Estimate $4,358.34 Payment Unless otherwise specified in Pegasus' Subcontract for Professional Services, GAI will prepare invoices monthly and payment will be due within seven (7) days of the receipt of payment from the City. Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable expenses may include in house and out of house projected costs such as postage, courier services, overnight deliveries, mileage, and minor reproductions. Reimbursable expenses are included as part of the overall project compensation and will be invoiced on an actual cost basis. Additional Services The following additional services may be provided at the Client's request and authorization.Additional services are not covered under the limiting fee for this Scope of Services. On written authorization, these services shall be provided by the Consultant and billed to the Client in accordance with the current year's Fee Schedule: • Meetings with Agencies, Client, or designated representatives beyond those stated above. • Conduct quantitative population surveys for any on-site protected plant and/or animal species. ©2016 GAI Consultants gaiconsultants.com Mr.David Hamstra,P.E. Page 3 November 28,2016 GAI Project No.A161274.00 • Develop and/or implement management plans to satisfy permitting requirements relevant to listed species impacts. • Agency field meetings to verify site conditions or discuss specific development proposals. • Field flag the landward extent of wetlands potentially within the jurisdiction of governmental agencies with statutory permitting authority following the 2010 Final Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineations Manual (1987) and the Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology for the State of Florida, dated 1 July 1994, or other methodologies as dictated by the presence of prior approvals, if required. • Develop mitigation plans for any on-site protected plant and/or animal species, uplands, or wetlands. • Request and conduct site reviews with the appropriate agencies for verification of the landward extent of jurisdictional limits. • Assist in the preparation of permit documents. Assumptions and Understandings GAI's Scope of Services, Schedule, and Compensation as set forth above have been prepared on the basis of the following assumptions and understandings: 1. Access to the project site(s) or other land upon which GAI is to conduct any field work will be available to GAI personnel in a timely manner. 2. Client has provided all its requirements for GAI's scope of services and all criteria and/or specifications that GAI should utilize at the time this Proposal is authorized. This includes any requirement for any statement of professional opinion or certification. 3. Client has provided all available information pertinent to GAI's scope of services, including previous reports/drawings; utility information; topographic information, etc. at the time this Proposal is authorized. Unless otherwise noted, GAI may rely upon such information. 4. Client will give GAI prompt notice whenever it observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of GAI's performance. 5. Client will examine and provide comments and/or decisions with respect to any GAI interim or final deliverables within a period mutually agreed upon. 6. Any of Client's other consultant(s)/contractor(s)will cooperate and coordinate with GAI in a timely and efficient manner. 7. GAI's proposed compensation and schedule are based on receipt of authorization to proceed within thirty(30)calendar days of the date of this Proposal. GAI reserves the right to adjust its compensation if authorization to proceed is not received within thirty (30)calendar days. 8. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 558.0035(1 )(C), TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CLIENT AGREES THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE OR AGENT MAY NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE. ©2016 GAI Consultants gaiconsultants.com Mr.David Hamstra,P.E. Page 4 November 28,2016 GAI Project No.A161274.00 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 321.319.3077 if you have any questions or wish to discuss this Proposal. If this Proposal is acceptable, please sign where indicated below and return one copy for our file. This also will serve as authorization for GAI to proceed. Sincerely, REQUESTED AND AUTHORIZED BY: GAI Consultants, Inc. Pegasus Engineering, LLC cic)..„ . /0 BY: 41) PRINTED NAME: Don J. Silverberg Assistant Environmental Manager TITLE: Environmental Services DATE: xciye Karl G. Lotspeich Senior Environmental Manager KGUDJS/... Attachment: Exhibit A- Man-hour Calculation Spreadsheet 2016 GAI Consultants gaiconsultants.com Mr.David Hamstra,P.E. November 28,2016 GAI Project No.A161274.00 EXHIBIT A Man-hour Calculation Spreadsheet ©2016 GAI Consultants gaiconsultants.com Co C.m m m O c a O a _ N ptG O N g MOM N h N AmM N M M n U p N N H w Q N M N M 0 H m 00 0 0 0 0 � M N t0 N 17 11'; _ r r M 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 666666 O J U Q U 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 dg 0 m m 0 m m 0 0 m ...... 0 0 T -a ^ 0 0 0°°° O 666666 i 4.. UO U co L.11 t7(O Z 0.000'0 0 0 0 a2 0 0 0 0 0 'y U N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O LPL 223:28:2 O O O O N N r" ..6-CO() m m n Y d b d U U p o = o 03 u_0- yy mmm 'Or.: 1.t. cl e e t"I 8 m m 2 m0 J E a a —040to Co m E m c '12c2,2 ^!4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — H O O m 0 0 2 m N oou:1166 ii to L Z U tap tap tap C O o Cl.) x C H '47,o y o .J S y .ex W a m m m R (Q v m m O E N N 2 ■ = U 2 y m m ro m E «N M N^ W W,2 c .a da d a 30 03 1.1 C i+ () Witty j 2 oz, a -, 0..00. m L Q o 9 E d 00 O a b [ L 83F28,1 Co O . a 0 r ]ONrOn . WO 2 Q �n o Q ,ii,,, O N N C m N 0 CD R Co 9, d 6 22222 E ,„U " N N N N N Q- Do o O 20 ui d CO ' H 0 0 0 0 0(0 CI M r O O N 6 N N ,n N P. c U N h 3 �ct W O w 0 Y Q 22222 88888 ” c m a, ,- �NNN N 0 0 n CI 12 N�oo6 m m G) x o a 8 3 8°o e e 0 0 o m O _ O O O O N CO ' U y N A J N 1 O 0 N H v_ U 88282 Z °? m C F,e v a v v a 000'-o� 83888 S o 0 0 o N N z E .- v v F E t0 v "v m m a v a° « a ... 13A AN! E 2 e Lq .w N 7.D 6.2Q E 40 mm• pa ¢ O U d a-Ps o a b W w c y L 2.-102Z N W a V m . c u i mc"_ i� 10 p@ c + E � Minn o � •c-.E W 1 .0 N H _00 QUK Y y N M a m F Exhibit "D" City Hall Ditch Photographs DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 1 0/30/1 6) � 1±.51' , . .� .,..; •, t Ot ftr; s ya` / r i�t Photograph #1 — City Hall Ditch (standing on Lakeshore Drive, facing west towards Bluford Avenue). ^�� -7 g' :, �..�r Y? - "}!. v or .. e,. t � . { r ,�,,�r- = k r-yr,. f$` '49..,3-e.,1*- '.suers Photograph #2 — Bluford Avenue outfall pipe at the City Hall Ditch (standing east of Bluford Avenue, facing south). PegEasus 1 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) .. .'' - r 4iyd • -a.r.y may ; +. Photograph #3 — City Hall Ditch (standing on Bluford Avenue, facing east towards Starke Lake). �• •-°-x -t _ iI s if �# -,N of-� Photograph #4 — City Hall Ditch (standing on Bluford Avenue, facing west towards Cumberland Avenue). Pegasus 2 ENGINEERING DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) . 3 OW- �-< .• • 4- ,N ' e 3 Photograph #5 — Existing culvert under Bluford Avenue (standing west of Bluford Avenue, facing southeast). :7 \_ a 1 y ` ( Photograph #6 — City Hall Ditch (standing on Cumberland Avenue, facing west towards the railroad). 3PegEasus 3 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) 4�, �: "..?...a.• ori.Ot 4 : i ,, -f � \ . 4 ' *V _ r '' !; a f �i iv- r; s `. .. a 4 r" �n - �� ,• . .wz. Photograph #7 — Existing culvert under Cumberland Avenue (standing west of Cumberland Avenue, facing southeast). AI : ,1c. .' �. `_ ,y, 4q `" a? .. 1 \ a ai ' _ :_-- . } 'i9 Photograph #8 — City Hall Ditch (standing on the railroad, facing east towards Cumberland Avenue). Pegasus 4 EN6/NEER/N6 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) dotli P r {S, °t,, • it., 0 i . Photograph #9 — City Hall Ditch (standing on the railroad, facing west towards Taylor Street). A ! .4 r 4 . • 1'1 4kle • Photograph #10 — Existing culvert under the right-of-way (standing east of the railroad, facing southwest). Pegasus 5 DOWNTOWits. REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) .. ,1144. " 1-4 ) - F �4 ;-k + i,114"*. , z � qm ` , fiat! v- �**—YYq '-',1j;� 7*. _ r_s. y; P , ....400r. r' It t� �sr h'!i�, �• _ is a e`er k '.. .. ;,....4-1,:.... , ,JE�''''''',..47- 1 Photograph #11 - Existing culvert under the railroad (standing west of the railroad, facing east). 4, 1 ‘ iryw .:e.x - S. v ' \ 2 ' i -.1- * S -I-€yy ate' '. t. Photograph #12 - City Hall Ditch (standing between the railroad and Taylor Street, facing west). Pegasus 6 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) 4 -- 5 ‘f:::,,.• �, 2 '..4-, N t ' ua4`; - „ ,.-- ) e - s _ 7 ic ...- K. T Photograph #13 — City Hall Ditch (standing between the railroad and Taylor Street, facing east). ',e ys:+, k. z ,v` * qr ,t i. ij 1 ,.■• _ *.w'0 --.:-1.,4** - ..1...-1'..- '' '1.:::;-‘1,:ta.:V.0* f „�' - may''' ,' tritkii,' :,•''r a , t 44b.", - Y # . Photograph #14 — Existing Taylor Street outfall pipe (enclosed portion of the City Hall Ditch). Pegasus 7 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) 4. fi ti t V i w�i ♦ ! ti !�� --...:„:'-‘,.-‘*r y s t ,b.- C „,''-4'1',:y 1 4 1 x y 3 `�+�1 ` 'i 2. ' l Y ' r v y . y '.is �. .r �; r f i t y��( � a@ y i a� y ♦� r�•' h b 4 �' �aa �,.� ',7i tit ''''4;.‘t” rr f S�e i :� i`S w.s jrr •_'Wa } ``,: M1,,1 . . 'it,.: A. _ ,�,' .-_ ,1x .fir''.1"`..k:- .. a . ,r '1,t ` -s. .raw_ . i .� i� 66.',..,',"7- r "'[�' it `a. }} • �9 Photograph #15 — Existing culvert located south of Oakland Av and north of the railroad. r y ,,,Avenue y �4 -:-..c::::"'*:''' , X18 . r , { t• Its. /-. . ; L., r ti ...,- . � V , • i `1$.F .''A A Slt d` Photograph #16 — Existing culvert under the maintenance berm along the railroad ditch (located between Taylor Street and Maguire Road). Pegasus 8 EN6/NEERIN6 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 1 FEASIBILITY STORMWATER STUDY MASTER PLAN (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) _ . , - , 3A104,:V'V '.. '14 —— 'J.." *,,t 5/''' '' lcfi; yl ' X ;��r .aY 8, , ,„;M, 4 - _, tl _ 1R a 4 c. F '+;44'. • s isisvilit. I ,ter j t _ ` ----Is .. r 1.-- t ;+lfi` ;'! �„ �.. t1?�t At 4ilk ,� `•iv ,,..);:,.. ..e:f ` p ry 14' R'f� y ` 17,'•Y ♦ ,,; �.:. ;""" . .f• a 1. a.Y! 6_r -k;4, ,.404,4 t `Y l '4,,,1: i re „ ': - ' rp -1-x ta { a ,.'... y Photograph #17 - Existing culvert under the railroad (located between Taylor Street and Maguire Road). 4.A- x iff r.9 , f..4(." , E rn T ; ' -Itt,,..,qt,..Q -'. '/,' , "'4 ' I ',4 A°`' S {,t a ' ��.... Photograph #18 — Existing drainage ditch along the south side of the railroad (standing between Taylor Street and Maguire Road, facing west towards Maguire Road). Pegasus 9 9 ENEINEERINE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MASTER PLAN PHASE 1 FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 10/30/16) w:°.rte ,,, :: 4. tea, -,,-- r ..... ,-„, ...,..- - ,, ,-..-„,.. taro* , .. . - - \-. - . i'-,' ,,. , , - -,:...,-,r .,,.., - -., - . , .0,,,,,w. , „ . . . _ . --„... ..... , r' .. ..>y ••may.-"-' „---- ,.._.:__---,&.. , .,.. Tp=.... ...,-._ . .. ,, , _ . .,.... - ,/^.sariw+taf. ElEXD‘ Photograph #19 — Existing drainage ditch along the south side of the railroad (standing between Taylor Street and Maguire Road, facing southeast towards Taylor Street). . . C.pAi ..*k. ' 41' fl Y Tb fti.lV it, J' - -7 41 rf e A X1 Photograph #20 — Existing drainage ditch along the east side of Maguire Road (standing on the railroad, facing south). Peg 10 Easus