HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-27-2016 MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD OCTOBER 27, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Santana called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Member King led the invocation and Vice-Chairperson Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called, and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Member Ball, Vice-Chairperson Santana, Member Hill, Member Murray, and Member King. Also present were Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi, Commissioner Grogan, and Recording Clerk Garza. ABSENT: Chairperson Laney (excused), Member Clark (excused), Member Titus (excused), Member Watson (unexcused), Member Seebeck (excused), Member Heard (unexcused), and Member Vines (excused). Approval of the Minutes from the July 28,2016 Meeting Member Hill made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 28, 2016 Meeting, seconded by Member Murray. Motion passed unanimously. Approval of the Minutes from the August 25, 2016 Special Session Member King made a motion to approve the Minutes from August 25, 2016, seconded by Member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Budget Update Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members the balance for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is $1,000. Vice-Chair Santana asks for an update on the dinner for the officers responding to the Pulse shooting and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies there were some issues with Finance, the balance and how the moneys could be used. Recording Clerk Garza explains there were two $50 gift cards left from the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for quarterly awards that were not used, and the approved motion called for four $50 gift cards; therefore, only two $50 gift cards were allowed to be purchased. 7 Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains gift cards do not roll over to the next fiscal year and the dinner planned for the officers responding to the Pulse shooting was taking place after the end of the fiscal year; therefore the money could not be used. Discussions ensued on the budget and the dinner for the officers. Member King asks if the C.A.C.O.P.D. has a budget meeting to which Vice-Chairperson Santana replies it is up to the treasurer but in regards to the dinner for the officers, it is up to the board members to decide. Vice-Chairperson Santana made a motion to cancel the previously approved motion to use $59 to purchase dinner for the Pulse Shooting Officers, seconded by member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Vice-Chairperson Santana made a motion to use $100 to purchase dinner for the Pulse Shooting Officers, seconded by Member Murray. C.A.C.O.P.D. October 27,2016 Meeting Vice-Chairperson Santana amended the motion to use up to $100 to purchase dinner for the Pulse shooting officers, seconded by Member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Vice-Chairperson Santana also states for the record that Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi will inform the board members by email of a good date to hold the dinner for the officers responding to the Pulse shooting. Subcommittee Reports Vice-Chairperson Santana asks if there are any updates from the Safety Summit Subcommittee to which Member Murray replies the subcommittee met on September 15, 2016 and the members were tasked with finding topics to be covered at the summit and one of the members thought it a good idea to meet with police officers to ask them and then bring the information to the board to make a decision. Vice-Chairperson Santana continues by saying the C.A.C.O.P.D. Recruiting Video Committee will get together at the Police Department with Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to get a schedule of events taking place this upcoming year for the video footage. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reminds the board members to keep track of what each subcommittee needs financially for their projects and to not wait until the end of the fiscal year. She continues by saying she thinks it a good idea to use the October meeting to plan the budget for the year and to think of ways to obtain funding to carry out the projects. Discussions ensued. Coffee with a Cop Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members it will take place on Wednesday, November 2 from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Critics Café. She encourages the board members to come to this event. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks for a reminder email and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will, and reminds the board members it will also be posted on social media. Member King asks if there is a schedule for the rest of the year and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she does not because it is held at different locations throughout the city. Discussions ensued. Poker Tournament Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members it will take place on Saturday, November 5th at the Lakeshore Center. Previously, the event was the Poker Run as opposed to now the Poker Tournament. Pre-registration begins at 11 AM; the Tournament begins at noon, and will end at about 5 PM. The Police Department is working with a company called Big Stacks Poker League. They will be bringing the tables, personnel and everything needed for the Tournament, and the Police Department will be holding be raffles and giving prizes. The registration fee is $50 which includes 7500 chips and lunch. Jesse Taylor Catering will be providing the food, and it includes two drinks, a bratwurst, salad and chips. Furthermore, for every toy brought in, the person gets 1000 additional chips, up to five toys. All proceeds go toward the Toys for Kids in Need program and help is always needed. Anyone living in the City, regardless of need, can register for the toy program. The money for the program comes from donations, fundraisers held throughout the year, and Poker Tournament. The sorting and bagging of the toys will begin the second week of November and the toys are handed out on December 15th. Shop with a Cop will take place at Walmart in Ocoee on December 2 C.A.C.O.P.D. October 27,2016 Meeting 1st; usually there are 42 kids that shop with an officer. This is a great opportunity to reach out to the community and help is always needed. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks if she needs volunteers for November 5th to help with the Poker Tournament registration and she replies she does, and requests anyone volunteering email her for further instructions. Staff-Liaison Iannuzzi tells Chairperson Santana Founders' Day also takes place on November 5th but that is a City event not a Police Department event. Discussions ensued. Commissioner Grogan tells the board members if they want a booth or tent, to please let him know and he will help with that. Discussions ensued. Founders' Day Discussed under Poker Tournament. Officer of the Third Quarter 2016 Award Vice-Chairperson Santana tells the board members to take some time to read the only nomination. 7:45 PM Vice-Chairperson Santana asks for any discussion or a motion. Member King made motion to select the Officer in the only nomination for Officer of the Third Quarter 2016 Award, seconded by Member Murray. The motion passed unanimously. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reveals the name of the Officer of the Third Quarter 2016 Award as Detective Andrew Motes. She continues by saying he is a newly promoted detective and very deserving of the award. Removal of Members Vice-Chairperson Santana asks Recording Clerk Garza for the names of the members that will be removed from the board because they have not been attending the meetings. Recording Clerk Garza states Member Renee Watson and Member Carol Heard have not attended any meetings for the past year. Vice-Chairperson Santana makes a motion to remove Member Watson and member Heard from the C.A.C.O.P.D., seconded by Member Murray. Motion passed unanimously. Member Hill asks when the Officer of the Third Quarter Award will be presented at the Commission Meeting and Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will let them know. Discussions ensued. Police Department's 2016-2017 Budget Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi does not have the information available. Vice-Chairperson Santana tables this item to the next meeting. Additional subcommittees Vice-Chairperson Santana tells the board members to bring any ideas for other subcommittees to the January 2017 meeting for discussion and Member Hill replies he had suggested this item to get an idea of how the public feels about the Police 3 C.A.C.O.P.D. October 27,2016 Meeting Department. Commissioner Grogan replies he does not believe a subcommittee is needed for this specific event but rather take it on as the whole board. Member King adds she would like to use the subcommittees to set goals, get feedback from the Police Department, and the public to identify needs. Commissioner Grogan adds he believes the feedback needs to highlight the positive and not the negative to help the Police Department build a better relationship with the community. Member Hill agrees and adds he would like this to be ongoing; he continues by saying he likes the idea of questionnaires or Survey Monkey to get the information. Commissioner Grogan reminds the board that any questionnaire or survey has to be approved by Chief and the City Manager. Member King asks Commissioner Grogan if during his tenure and experience, he has come across a specific need for the City of Ocoee. Commissioner Grogan explains how the City's participation in the Florida League of Cities and such, puts them in touch with what is going on in the State and then the information gets brought back to the City. This information is then discussed at the Commission Meetings where it can be used to help the citizens and the City. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks about the cameras and Commissioner Grogan replies the City already has the cameras but the logistics of their use is still being discussed with the Police Department; he adds these are tag-reading cameras. Discussions ensued on the cameras. He also states the use of the cameras will increase the workload of police officers; the City of Ocoee currently has approximately 42,000 residents and when it reaches 50,000, access to more Federal Programs will be available to help with the growth of the City. Discussions ensued on where these cameras are placed. Commissioner Grogan continues by saying when these are put to use the citizens will be informed as well as the public. Member Hill continues by saying that these are the questions and concerns the citizens have and maybe these can be addressed with the recruiting and information video. Commissioner Grogan replies the video should not contain anything that has not happened yet or that the Police Department does not do, and Member Hill continues by saying it would include what the Police Department is currently doing; furthermore he says if the board members have these questions, most certainly the citizens have the same questions, but the issue is how can the board get the message out. Member King suggests the Safety Summit be the platform for this discussion and instead of a presentation let the citizens bring their concerns and questions to the summit and have the board members answer questions. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds this is a great idea. Commissioner Grogan states this can be promoted using the Orange Times Observer, Social Media, etc. Discussions ensued. Member Hill expresses the importance of knowing what the community is feeling and he continues by saying there was news of an officer getting indicted for shooting into the wrong home, and also the officer involved in the crash. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds she can answer any questions or concerns about anything happening in the department. There may be some information she cannot share but she can keep them informed via email; she stresses the fact that the C.A.C.O.P.D. members are part of the Police Department's family and wants to keep them included. Discussions ensued. Vice-Chairperson Santana states that before, the C.A.C.O.P.D. members used to receive updates from the Police Department even before the news so members could be aware. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi asks the preferred method to get this information aside from Social Media and Vice-Chairperson Santana replies by email. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying sometimes is impossible to beat the news or Twitter; 4 C.A.C.O.P.D. October 27,2016 Meeting she will do her best to keep them informed. Discussions ensued. Member King adds she would also like to hear about the good things and Commissioner Grogan agrees; he furthermore recommends the board members not comment on any ongoing investigations or serious circumstances and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi will do her best to keep the board members informed. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds, if approved by Chief, after investigations have been completed, she can provide the board members with the outcome and share the information that is public record. Member King also would like to hear about outcome of missing kids that have been recovered and such; communicate the positive. Discussions ensued. Member King asks for help on how to get the ongoing feedback needed. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies another good idea would be to use the food truck night and movie night where the board members can talk to people. Commissioner Grogan adds the Parks and Recreation Department for the City has the schedule of events. Member King asks if the C.A.C.O.P.D. can be advertised using the water bill and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will find out from Cathy Sills what needs to be done. Discussions ensued. Commissioner Grogan tells the board members he is very excited to hear the C.A.C.O.P.D. wants to be active in the community and suggests the board meets more often to accomplish what is needed. Vice-Chairperson Santana makes a motion to include advertising of the CACOPD in the water bill, seconded by Member King. Motioned passed unanimously. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies to Vice-Chairperson Santana by saying she will do her best to send the officer nominations ahead of time so the board members have time to read the nominations before the meeting; also she reminds the board members during the January meeting, the C.A.C.O.P.D. elects its officers as well. Events to support the C.A.C.O.P.D.'s goal Discussed under additional subcommittees. C.A.C.O.P.D. Charter No discussion. Activity Report No discussion. Comments/Questions from the Public Member Ball would like to discuss the possibility of meeting monthly. Commissioner Grogan tells the board members the City Clerk's Office will have to inform the board of a day in the month to meet since there already are other scheduled meetings in the calendar. Vice-Chairperson Santana requests Sgt. Iannuzzi find out if the fourth Thursday of every month is open to use the Commission Chambers for the meetings. Discussions ensued on how often should the board meet. Member King asks if it is okay to have the subcommittees come up with ideas of what information can be gathered from the community and if those questions need to be approved by Chief. Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the only time approval is needed is when Chief or his representative has to address the questions; she also reminds the board members the subcommittees are fact- 5 C.A.C.O.P.D. October 27,2016 Meeting finding only. Furthermore, she requests the board lets her know if the members will be attending any of the movie night or food truck night events so she can get started with getting approval to advertise it on the water bill; she also requests those findings be brought in writing to the next meeting. Member King suggests leaving that for the January meeting and meanwhile the subcommittees can meet to find out information on the questions for the survey or questionnaire and report back to the board at the January meeting. Discussions ensued. Vice-Chairperson Santana makes a motion to meet monthly after the January 2017 meeting, seconded by Member Ball. Motion passed unanimously. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi introduces the Police Department's new Deputy Chief, Saima Plasencia. Deputy Chief Plasencia agrees with what the board is looking to accomplish and she values the information and feedback from the community; she continues by saying she is looking forward to serving the community and the City of Ocoee. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying the City of Ocoee Police Department has two Deputy Chiefs; Deputy Chief McCosker was promoted recently, and everyone is very excited the new structure. She continues by saying Deputy Chief Plasencia comes from Miami-Dade and has 30 years of experience. Member King asks about obtaining grants for more officers to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the Police Department is constantly looking for grants. Member Ball asks for an update on the accreditation process and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains there is a Sergeant working on the accreditation process but it is a very lengthy process. Discussions ensued. Set Agenda Budget Update Police Department Budget Update Subcommittee Reports Coffee with a Cop Update on Poker Tournament Update on Shop with a Cop Update on additional Subcommittees Officer of the Fourth Quarter Award Officer of the Year Award Civilian of the Year Award Volunteer of the Year Award Meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM. Respectfully Sub itted: —4(1-b14 "k, ific `-. /C1,14') Madeleine Garza Victoria Laney Recording Clerk Chairperson 6