HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-17 Minutes MINUTES
FEBRUARY 7,2017 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Keller.
Absent: Commissioner Firstner
Proclamations—February 2017.
> Crossing Guard Appreciation Day-February 3,2017, Read by Commissioner Keller.
➢ Black History Month, Read by Mayor Johnson.
Presentation of Check to the Christian Service Center as the Beneficiary of the Proceeds
from the Chick-fil-A 5K Run and Kids Fun Run During the 2017 Founders' Day
Celebration, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Mark Johnson introduced the
Chick-fil-A representatives. Beth Otts with Chick-fil-A thanked several organizations and City
staff for their support in their event. The next Chick-fil-A 5K Run will be on November 4, 2017.
Every year a local non-profit organization can apply to be a beneficiary of the proceeds;
applications can be found on the City's website. A check in the amount of$909.00 was presented
to the Christian Service Center.
Mark Pester, 3390 Fawnwood Drive, thanked the City for helping with the free baseball camp
that they sponsored last fall. They are looking to do another free event for the citizens in the area,
The Empowering Women's Seminar. This event is scheduled for Saturday, May 13th for which
they would like to host at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center. Their request this evening is if the City
would consider waiving the fees for use of the facility for that event.
Mayor Johnson inquired from Parks and Recreation Director Hayes if the facility would be
available for that date and if he has spoken with Mr. Pester regarding this event. Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes answered in the affirmative and advised that the date is available.
Motion: Move to rent Ocoee Lakeshore Center for the Empowering Women's
Seminar scheduled for May 13th for an amount not to exceed the City's cost of
Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller;
Commissioner Wilsen shared that she would not like to give away the Lakeshore Center on a
weekend. There is also the issue of food and how that will fit in with the catering requirement of
the Lakeshore Center. She further shared that they have offered some of the other City facilities
at no charge; and if one of those facilities can accommodate this event, she would like to start
seeing those facilities provided at no charge as an option. Commissioner Keller shared as long
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Regular City Commission
February 7,2017
as the City is recouping their cost he does not have a problem letting this organization use it. He
feels this is a good free program being offered to citizens. Mayor Johnson inquired if this event
was just for City residents. Mr. Pester said it is open to all citizens. He further shared that he
feels the $450 is a fair cost.
Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
Mike Alexander, 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway, approached the podium. City Attorney
Cookson clarified if Mr. Alexander would be addressing the Commission tonight regarding the
PBA. Mr. Alexander answered in the affirmative. City Attorney Cookson advised the City
Commission that they are in the insulation period and there is a hearing date set for the Impasse
Hearing. He believes and has been advised by the City's Labor Counsel that it is a violation and
unfair labor practice to have any discussions without the parties' represented. Should Mr.
Alexander choose to speak, that falls on the union, but he cautions the City Commission not to
respond, ask questions, or engage in the discussion.
Mike Alexander, 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway, gave his history with the City and
employment with the Police Department. He shared the stresses of battling with the City over
fair benefits and the City's hiring of a Labor Attorney to fight against them. He further spoke
about the dangers of the Police work and the benefits he feels that are being denied. The main
issue they are at impasse over is a retirement benefit. They have asked for 2% cost of living in
their retirement and agreed to increase their contribution but were met with firm resistance. He
shared information on other agencies that provide COLA in their retirement, which is why he
feels they are not asking for something out of the norm.
David Ogletree, 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway, said he is the Vice-President of Central Florida
PBA as well as an Officer with the Ocoee Police Department. He shared that he cares deeply
about the Department and is excited about the growth of the City. His message tonight is to the
public and that it be known that there are some nights the Police Department is understaffed and
it has been that way for 10+ years. With the growth in the City, response time may slow down
which is a concern. They are in need of more officers and the City may be aware of this and
working on a plan to resolve this issue. Another concern he has is that during contract
negotiations there have been discussions that some of their officers' top-out pay is not as good as
other City employees such as a Code Enforcement Officer, Crime Scene Investigator, and
Community Service Officer. They just want the same benefits as those employees. They have
been working since 2015 without any raises and are currently in negotiations with the City. He
further shared that they would like to move on with something that is fair. He concluded by
thanking all those in the audience for their time.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix announced that Item #5 on Consent Agenda - Approval of
Most Valuable Partnership Grant — Cycle 2016/2017 had a duplicate entry in the original staff
report for the Lake Olympia HOA. The total amount of money recommended for award was not
affected by the duplicate entry and remains correct. The duplicate entry has been removed from
the version now on file with the City Clerk.
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Regular City Commission
February 7,2017
Assistant City Manager Shadrix further announced that Item #10 - The Park at 429 Planned
Unit Development (PUD) (FKA East Crown Industrial PUD) — Preliminary/Final Site Plan;
Project No.: LS-2016-010 will be postponed and re-advertised. City Attorney Cookson
reiterated that this item is postponed so they will not be discussing this item tonight. There is not
a date set at this time but it will be re-advertised when that date is determined.
Commissioner Keller—None
Commissioner Wilsen—None
Commissioner Grogan—None
Mayor Johnson — 1) announced Charter Review Commission Meeting meets every 3rd
Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm here in City Hall. The next scheduled meeting is
Wednesday, February 15th. 2) Food Truck and Movie in the Park is Friday, February 17th from
6:OOpm-9:OOpm at Bill Breeze Park. This month's movie is "Finding Dory". Movie starts at
7:30pm. 3) Each February, the City of Ocoee formally recognizes Black History Month. The
city's Human Relations Diversity Board holds an essay contest for Ocoee schools. A special
ceremony is held to announce the winners of the student essay contest. This year's Black
History Essay Contest Awards Ceremony will be held at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center on
Thursday, February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. 4) The Districting Commission has been formed to serve as
an advisory body to the City Commission with respect to the redistricting of the 4 single-member
districts of the City of Ocoee. The First Districting Commission Meeting is scheduled for
Monday, February 27th at 6:30 pm here in City Hall.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#9.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held January 17, 2017.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
Regular City Commission
February 7, 2017
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve a three-year term. The
Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has nine (9)
members. One application has been received by Cory Garone who has shown an interest in being appointed to
the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending January 2020.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
3. Approval of New Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. Currently the Human Relations
Diversity Board has eleven(11) members, and their resolution allows no less than seven(7)members and no
more than thirteen(13)members. An application has been received by Ruby"Lori" Hart, who has shown an
interest in being appointed to the Human Relations Diversity Board for a term ending May 2020.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
4. Approval of New Appointment and Reappointments to the Planning and Zoning
Commission. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
On February 9, 1999, Ordinance No. 99-09, was adopted requiring nine (9) members, who are City residents
and geographically diversified, to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Members of the Planning
and Zoning Commission serve three-year terms. Currently, the board has eight (8) members with three (3)
members from District 1, two (2) members from District 2, two (2) members from District 3, and one (1)
member from District 4. Three members have terms expiring February 2017, and only two wish to be
reappointed. Robert McKey and Milton West have stated their interests in being reappointed for another term;
however, Teska Dillard declined reappointment leaving one vacant position within District 4. One application
has been received by a District 4 resident Robert Henderson who has shown an interest in being appointed to
the Planning and Zoning Commission with a term ending February 2020.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
5. Approval of Most Valuable Partnership Grant — Cycle 2016/2017. (Community
Relations Manager Wright)
The Most Valuable Partnership Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The grant program
assists Ocoee neighborhoods and organizations with projects that will enhance property values and improve
the quality of life in Ocoee. The MVP grant program is a matching grant program held annually in November.
The maximum matching grant award is $2,000. Funding is not given up front, but is reimbursed at the
completion of the organization's project.Applicants pay for their improvement projects and then get a portion
back, up to a maximum of$2,000. Four (4) applications were submitted. The following organizations are
recommended to receive grants: Admiral Pointe; Silver Bend; Sleepy Harbour and Lake Olympia. The four(4)
organizations are requesting a total of$7,363.There is$12,000 in grant funding available.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
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Regular City Commission
February 7, 2017
6. Approval to Expend Forfeiture Monies to Law Enforcement Related Equipment
Needed to Outfit One Additional City of Ocoee Police Department Member of the
Central Florida Metro S.W.A.T. (Police Chief Brown)
The role of law enforcement in all cases, including riotous activity, anti-terrorist activities, insurrection,
barricaded subjects, execution of narcotics warrants, arrest of dangerous felons and the rescue of hostages or
endangered persons, is for the protection of lives and property. In the pursuit of this goal,the City of Apopka,
the City of Winter Park, the City of Maitland, the City of Ocoee, and the City of Winter Garden Police
Departments have integrated their officers to provide combined S.W.A.T. services in all five jurisdictions as
the Central Florida Metro Swat Team. The integrated team of selected and trained police officers from each
participating political subdivisions will respond to any incident where special weapons and tactics are needed
within the member jurisdictions. The City of Ocoee needs to outfit one additional selected officer with the
required special equipment and weapons and train the respective officer.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
7. Approval of Downtown Redevelopment Stormwater Master Plan Feasibility Study
with Pegasus Engineering. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved the Downtown Master Plan in October 2016 and the project list associated
with the plan. A key component to the Plan is the development of a master regional stormwater facility. The
first step in the process of taking the master plan from concept to reality is to conduct a feasibility study.
Public Works contacted the continuing engineering services firm, Pegasus Engineering, to handle this task as
several key people that were involved with the evolution of the City's Stormwater program are part of the
Pegasus design team. This feasibility study will establish the parameters for the design, then construction of
the regional stormwater facility for development. Public Works worked with Pegasus to develop a meaningful
scope for the study by breaking the work into tasks for; existing conditions analysis, proposed conditions
analysis for Study Area 1 (City Hall complex east of Bluford Ave.), proposed conditions analysis for Study
Area 2(Taylor St.to Bluford Ave.)and the final summary report. These tasks will provide deliverable reports
that can then be used to solicit engineering services for the final design and construction. The City is currently
performing an existing conditions survey of the City Hall Complex, which can also be used by Pegasus for the
Existing Conditions Analysis of Task 1 leading to additional time and cost savings. The $150,098.04 for the
study is available in the Stormwater Capital Improvements.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
8. Approval of Reclaimed Water Main Extension by the Arbours at Crown Point
Apartments. (Utilities Director Smith)
To provide customers with cost-effective utility services and conserve valuable potable water, the City of
Ocoee has been maturing the North Utility Service Area by constructing a looped system of reclaimed water
mains. Currently the loop is constructed on Ocoee-Apopka Road, West McCormick Road, Ingram Road, and
the Northern portion of Clarke Road. Having a mature reclaimed system will allow the City to adequately
provide reclaimed water to the current neighborhoods in the North Part of the City and the neighborhoods
currently under construction such as Crown Pointe Cove, The Preserve at Crown Point, Westyn Bay
Commercial, Forest Lake Estates, Arden Park, Oak Trail Reserve, McCormick Reserve, and the Arbours
Apartments at Crown Point.City Staff worked with the developer of the Arbours at Crown Point PUD,Arbour
Valley Development, LLC, and agreed to construct a portion of the loop north of Fountains West Blvd
provided the City reimburse the developer for the improvement. The portion of the main constructed by
Arbour Valley Development was 540 linear feet of twelve (12) inch reclaimed water pipe and will stub out
near the City of Winter Garden property to the north. A connection from this reclaimed water main to the
City-Owned Forest Lake Golf Course property will be constructed in the future. The Utilities Department
recommends the acceptance of the Proposal submitted by Arbour Valley Development, LLC for the reclaimed
water main extension north of Fountains West Boulevard and that the funds in the amount of$33,272 be
released to reimburse Arbour Valley Development,LLC accordingly.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
Regular City Commission
February 7, 2017
9. Approval of License Agreement between Florida Central Railroad Company, Inc.,
(FCEN) and the City of Ocoee for Use of FCEN's Right-of-Way in Conjunction with
the Construction of the Downtown West Sanitary Transmission Project. (Utilities
Director Smith)
As part of the new Downtown by the Lakeshore Project the Utilities piece of the project requires access to a
portion of the Florida Central Railroad Company's (FCEN) right-of- way to complete the Downtown West
Sanitary Transmission Project. The proposed license agreement will allow the City of Ocoee the authority to
enter upon, construct and maintain an underground Forcemain Pipe under FCEN's right-of-way in the vicinity
of Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida sixty feet northeast of Milepost MP-ST 832.9, FDOT Crossing Number
621878V.The City of Ocoee is to install a 20"Forcemain along Bluford Avenue which will require a jack and
bore underneath the railroad near the Intersection of Bluford Avenue and Rewis Street. The License
Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City's Attorney, Dana Crosby-Collier and by the City's
Risk Manager.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
10. The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD) (FKA East Crown Industrial PUD)
— Preliminary/Final Site Plan; Project No.: LS-2016-010. (Advertised in the West
Orange Times on Thursday, January 5, 2017. Public Hearing continued from the January
17, 2017, City Commission Meeting) (City Planner Rumer)
The Park at 429 PUD Project is located on the North side of Palm Drive on the west side of SR 429 (Western
Expressway) and the east side of East Crown Point Road. The parcel is 45.54 acres in size. The Applicants
propose to develop the 45.85 acres as a Light Industrial/Flex Office development consisting of five (5)
buildings totaling a maximum of 645,600 sq. ft. This provides for a maximum floor area ratio of 0.037. The
Applicants propose to develop the 45.85 acres as a Light Industrial/Flex Office PUD consisting of five (5)
buildings totaling a maximum of 645,600 sq. ft. This provides for a maximum floor area ratio of 0.037. The
permitted uses will be limited to those uses permitted within the I-1 (Light Manufacturing and Warehousing)
except automotive sales (new and used), boat sales and service, mobile home and travel trailer sales,
monument sales, motor vehicle wholesale, lumber yard. Access from the site will be via two(2)access points
on Palm Drive and three (3) access points on East Crown Point Road. A left-turn lane is proposed on Palm
Drive turning left onto East Crown Point Road and a right and left-turn lane is proposed on East Crown Point
Road. The Preliminary/Final Site plan provides for dedication of ten (10) feet of additional right-of-way on
Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road. A future segment of the West Orange Trail Connector will run along
Palm Drive. Buffers are being provided on East Crown Point Road of 25 feet and 35 feet along SR 429. A
master stormwater system is proposed. The proposed PUD accesses East Crown Point Road and Palm Drive.
East Crown Point Road and Palm Drive have a measured Level-of-Service "C." Neither roadway is
programmed for improvement in the County or City of Ocoee 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. The City
of Winter Garden and City of Ocoee have agreed to a cost share in a new signalization of the intersection of
East Crown Point Road and Palm Drive/Crown Park Circle. Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City
Commission approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for The Park at 429 PUD Project.
City Attorney Cookson announced if there is anyone present tonight regarding this item, there
will be no discussion as this item has been postponed. It will be re-advertised when a date is
determined for the public hearing.
Regular City Commission
February 7,2017
11. First Reading of Ordinance for Silver Star Road Planned Unit Development (PUD) -
Annexation and PUD Rezoning, Land Use Plan (LUP) and Preliminary Subdivision
Plan (PSP); Project No(s): AX-01-16-57/RZ-16-01-01 & LS-02016-011. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing Date to be Determined) (City Planner Rumer)
The subject property is located on the south side of Silver Star Road, approximately 1,200 feet east of Johio
Shores Road and 900 feet west of Good Homes Road.The subject site is approximately 10.91 acres in size and
is currently undeveloped with planted pine trees. The parcel ID number is 15-22-28-4716-00-142 with a
physical street address of 8600 Silver Star Road. The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is"Low
Density Residential," which allows up to four (4) dwelling units per acre. The requested rezoning would be
from Orange County "Agriculture" (A-1) to City of Ocoee "Planned Unit Development" (PUD) with a
corresponding"Land Use Plan"(LUP).
The Silver Star Rd PUD is a planned residential subdivision that proposes a total of 43 single-family
residential lots with a requested density of 3.12 units per acre.The residential street(50' wide)is planned to be
designated as public right-of-way. The residential lots will be approximately 42.5 feet by 115 feet. The PUD
has a minimum living area set at 1,500 square feet. The development is proposed to be developed in one (1)
phase. The subject subdivision will have one(1)access point on Silver Star Road. This main entrance will be
aligned with the existing Coventry at Ocoee subdivision entrance across Silver Star Road. The Plan also shows
a 6-foot high wall with landscaping will be installed along Silver Star Road. Landscaping, columns and
aluminum railings are proposed along the open space portions of the site. Potable water, sewer, solid waste,
reuse water (when available), police and fire protection will be provided by the City of Ocoee. Based on the
recommendations of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends the City
Commission approve the Annexation,PUD Rezoning,Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the
Silver Star Road PUD,subject to the resolution of staff comments.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
c) Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
City Planner Rumer announced that the second reading and public hearing date is to be
determined, as there is a school board meeting they have to attend for this site. The City will
advertise for the second reading and public hearing very soon.
12. First Reading of Ordinance for Amending City Code Chapter 115 to Provide for Code
Enforcement Abatement Cost Recovery through a Citywide Special Assessment
District. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for February 21, 2017, Regular
Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter) (Support Services Director Butler)
Chapter 115 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee authorizes the city to identify and abate nuisances
and hazards. Cost recovery is presently limited to placing a lien on the property to encourage payment of the
City's costs. Staff proposes to provide an additional cost recovery mechanism through establishment of a
citywide special assessment district by modifying Chapter 115.The special assessment district would cover the
entire city,but only those properties with an unpaid code enforcement abatement invoice would be included in
the assessment roll provided to the Orange County Property Appraiser as part of the annual property tax billing
Regular City Commission
February 7,2017
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Support Services Director Butler explained this will add the ability to put special assessments
on the tax bills to collect for code enforcement abatements.
Mayor Johnson announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for February 21,
2017, Regular City Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
13. Discussion Regarding Designation of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate
Pursuant to Ordinance No.2017-005. (City Attorney Cookson)
On January 17, 2017, the City Commission approved Ordinance 2017-005, which established an office of
Special Magistrate to hear code enforcement matters. Though the ordinance provides that the jurisdiction of
the existing Code Enforcement Board and Special Magistrate will be nonexclusive, primary jurisdiction
regarding violations relating to properties zoned other than residential will be referred to a Special Magistrate.
Per Ordinance 2017-005,the City Commission is now authorized to designate a Special Magistrate,who must
be an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida. On September 16, 2014, in response to an RFQ for hearing
officer services for red light camera violations,the City Commission approved a response by and entered into a
subsequent agreement with Shepard, Smith & Cassady, P.A., Attorney Andrew Hand, for hearing officer
services.Mr. Hand has agreed to amend his existing agreement with the City so that he can serve as the City's
Special Magistrate for code enforcement matters at the rate of$180.00 per hour until September 30,2017.
City Attorney Cookson shared that at the last meeting they adopted an ordinance which
established an office of Special Magistrate to hear code enforcement matters. Though the
ordinance provides that the jurisdiction of the existing Code Enforcement Board and Special
Magistrate will be nonexclusive, primary jurisdiction regarding violations relating to properties
zoned other than residential will be referred to a Special Magistrate. The next step is to appoint a
Special Magistrate for which the City already has a Special Magistrate on staff to hear Red Light
Violations. Staff's recommendation is to move forward with retaining the same Special
Magistrate on a trial period through September 30, 2017. Mr. Hand has agreed to amend his
existing agreement with the City so that he can serve as the City's Special Magistrate for code
enforcement matters at the rate of$180.00 per hour. In addition, the Code Enforcement Hearings
would be held on the same day as the Red Light Violation Hearings. The attorney to the Code
Enforcement Board is currently paid $190.00 per hour. Since the Special Magistrate will also
hear code enforcement matters, thus reducing the time needed for Code Enforcement Board
hearings,the fiscal impact for payment to the Special Magistrate is anticipated to be minimal.
Commissioner Grogan inquired if there was a residential code enforcement issue that the Code
Enforcement Board hears and makes a determination on, but is found to not be consistent with
what a recommendation should be, can the magistrate overrule that decision. City Attorney
Cookson said the Special Magistrate is not to be treated as an appellate so that could not be
done. He further shared that there is some flexibility in the ordinance that was passed; and if
they feel there is not a case appropriate for the Code Enforcement Board, then there is some
discretion for the City Manager to send that matter before the Special Magistrate.
Regular City Commission
February 7, 2017
Motion: Move to designate Mr. Andrew Hand as a Special Magistrate for code
enforcement matters and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to
the City's Hearing Officer Services Agreement with Shepard, Smith & Cassady,
P.A., to allow Mr. Hand to serve as Special Magistrate at an hourly rate of$180.00
per hour for Special Magistrate services.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
Commissioner Grogan—None
Commissioner Wilsen — Announced they are taking applications for the 12th Annual Spring
Fling which will be held on March 11th from 10am - 3pm. The applications are available on-line
on the City's website. This is a free program that is being offered at the Bill Breeze Park and
focuses on safe behavior and enlightens our community. There will be various vendors, free
activities and free food and drinks.
Commissioner Keller — Announced the Little League Parade is February 25th at 8am. The
parade will be starting at Ocoee Middle School.
Mayor Johnson — Commented that there are a lot of misconceptions going on with the
Downtown Masterplan and further asked Assistant City Manager Shadrix to explain how staff
will announce the next public community meeting for the Downtown Masterplan. Assistant City
Manager Shadrix shared that they may recall that he and Support Services Director Butler
presented an update on the project list that was approved by the City Commission for the
Downtown Masterplan. One of the things he mentioned was that they were planning a major
public community meeting in which they will have that date out soon. It will be advertised on all
the various forums and media that they use to create a widely successful round of public
engagement. He further shared they would like to dispel any misconceptions that are being
shared. Support Services Director Butler briefly shared that at this time they are trying to
solicit proposals from design professionals to help them get started on the various projects. Until
they have designs there is no way they can identify any specific properties that they may need to
acquire. City Attorney Cookson commented that he has been involved in a lot of projects like
these, and City staff has really gone out of the way to advertise, inform and involve the public in
this process; more so than he has ever seen in other municipalities. It is a shame when
misinformation is going out. Assistant City Manager Shadrix shared with the Commission that
if they are receiving calls from residents who have received letters from various legal
consultants, please direct them to City Hall so appropriate staff can sit and spend quality time
making sure they understand what the actual truth is. Mayor Johnson briefly addressed some of
the misinformation that has been posted on several social forums, and briefly shared his
Regular City Commission
February 7,2017
frustrations with regards to residents that feel they can ask the City to pay five times what their
property is worth when the City is just trying to develop the downtown. He shared that it is
offensive since the City worked with the citizens that attended the public community meetings to
revitalize the downtown. He encouraged residents to come to City Hall to speak with staff if they
have questions.
est: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty John ol(14 ayor