HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-2017 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD JANUARY 26,2017 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairperson Laney led the invocation and Member Titus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called, and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Member Ball, Chairperson Laney, Member Bray, Member Titus, Member Hill, Member Vines (late arrival), Member Murray, and Member King. Also present were Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi, Recording Clerk Garza and Deputy Chief Plasencia. ABSENT: Vice-Chairperson Santana(excused). Approval of the Minutes from the October 27, 2016 Meeting Member Ball makes a motion to approve the minutes for the October 27, 2016 Meeting, seconded by Member Bray. The motion passed unanimously. Member Bray tells the board members about himself, that he is a volunteer at the police department and how excited he is to be part of this board. Recording Clerk Garza reminds the board members the by-laws state officers shall be selected the first meeting of the year although the item is not on the agenda. Chairperson Laney replies she is not sure the board can proceed since the item is not on the agenda and the board may be violating the sunshine laws, to which Recording Clerk Garza replies the by-laws state officers shall be elected. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi interjects and asks Chairperson Laney what her concerns are regarding the sunshine laws to which Chairperson Laney replies it is not on the agenda. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states the meeting is recorded and sees no issue with it but she will verify, read the bylaws, and will have an answer before the end of the meeting. Discussions ensued. Budget Update Staff-Liaison Iannuzzi states two additional C.A.C.O.P.D. shirts will be purchased aside from the ones already reflected in the budget. Police Department Budget Update Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi asks if everyone has a copy of the budget and welcomes any questions the board members may have. She continues by saying this information in online in the City website for anyone to read. Subcommittee Reports Member King tells the board members at this time there are no updates. Coffee with a Cop Member Titus tells the board members he attended this event and it was very busy and people were talking to several officers. Member Murray adds he was there as well and C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 would have liked to see more people interact with the officers. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members the next Coffee with a Cop will take place on February 3rd at Starbucks in Ocoee from 3:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Also, there is another one scheduled for March 16 at the McDonald's on Clarke Road and Silver Star from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Discussions ensued. Update on Poker Tournament Member Bray tells the board members he attended this event and estimates approximately 33 participants were present. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying it was a very successful event. There were raffles, 50/50 and door prizes; this event raised approximately $5000 for the Holiday Toys for Kids in Need program. The Ocoee Police Department will maybe hold another one in July and also another one before Founders' Day because it was very successful. Discussions ensued. (Member Vines arrives at 7:15 PM). Update on Shop with a Cop Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members this event took place on Saturday, December 16 at the Walmart in Ocoee where 42 kids participated; each kid gets to spend about $75 worth of toys at Walmart paid for by money received through grants. It is always a very successful event. Chairperson Laney asks if the board members are able to attend and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies absolutely the members are welcome and help is always needed. Update on additional Subcommittees Member King states this item was intended for a fact-finding subcommittee relating reaching out to the community. This item was tabled to the next meeting. Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2016 Award Chairperson Laney reads the nominations into the record. Member Bray makes a motion to select the Sergeant in the first nomination for Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2016 Award, seconded by Member Titus. Member King likes the fact that the sergeant's actions impact the youth. Member Murray agrees. A vote was called and the motion to select the Sergeant in the first nomination for Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2016 Award passed unanimously. Officer of the Year 2016 Award Chairperson Laney reads the nominations into the record. Member Bray makes a motion to select the officer in nomination #3 for Officer of the Year 2016 Award, seconded by Member Ball. 2 C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 Member Hill makes a motion to select the Officer selected as Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2016 Award,for Officer of the Year 2016 Award, seconded by member Titus. Member King likes the officer in nomination # 3 because the officer identified an issue considered a national crisis and that deals with opiates; the officer also went above and beyond to accomplish this. A vote was called and the motion to select the Officer in nomination #3 for Officer of the Year 2016 Award passed 6 to 2, with Member Bray, Member King, Member Murray, Member Ball, Member Vines and Chairperson Laney voting in favor; and Member Titus, and Member Hill voting for the Officer selected as Officer the Fourth Quarter 2016 Award for Officer of the Year 2016 Award. Deputy Chief Plasencia reveals the name of the Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2016 as Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi, and Officer Brandon Kerr as the Officer of the Year 2016. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying that Officer Kerr is very deserving of this award for his actions. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi also reveals the names of the other nominees for Officer of the Year 2016 as Officer Bill Richardson and Detective Andrew Motes. Member Bray asks if there is anything the C.A.C.O.P.D. or the City does to recognize all officers to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies there are several things done such as supervisors getting emails, letters or compliments that are added into the officer's file; also, the City has a WOW award. Chief also has a Chief's Commendation Award and also a Commander's Commendation Award. Discussions ensued. Civilian of the Year 2016 Award Discussed under Volunteer of the Year 2016 Award. Volunteer of the Year 2016 Award Chairperson Laney reads the only nomination into the record for the Police Department's six Chaplains. Chairperson Laney asks how is this going to work since there are six chaplains and Recording Clerk Garza states the volunteer of the year gets a $25 gift card. Member Bray makes a motion to select the six Chaplains for the Volunteer of the Year 2016 Award, seconded by Member Murray; the motion passed unanimously. Member Bray asks when the awards will be presented to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies most probably the second Commission Meeting in February. Discussions ensued. Member Hill makes a motion to allocate $6.00 to purchase gifts for the Volunteer of the Year 2016 Award to be spent as Sgt. Iannuzzi deems appropriate, seconded by member Bray. 3 C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 Discussions ensued as to what can be purchased for the Chaplains. Chairperson Laney suggests the Civilian of the Year Award be selected before deciding on the gift cards for the Volunteer and Civilian of the Year 2016 Awards. Chairperson Laney reads the only nomination for Civilian of the Year 2016 Award into the record. She also asks what the amount for the gift cards is and Recording Clerk Garza replies the Officer of the Year gets a$100 gift card, the Officer of the Quarter gets a $50 gift card, and both the Volunteer of the Year and the Civilian of the Year, each get a$25 gift card. Member Bray makes a motion to select Dawn Carlton for the Civilian of the Year 2016 Award, seconded by Member Ball. The motion passed unanimously. Member Bray asks if the C.A.C.O.P.D. can get additional funding to honor the Chaplains as Volunteer of the Year 2016. Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds there are items for $10 that can be purchased. Discussions ensued. A vote was called on the motion to allocate $60 to purchase gifts for the Volunteer of the Award as Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi deems appropriate. The motion passed unanimously. Member Ball asks if Aux. Sgt. Chedwick has retired to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies yes. Member Ball makes a motion to write a Letter of Commendation to recognize Sgt. Chedwick, seconded by Member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Member Hill asks who will be writing the letter. Chairperson Laney says she and Member Ball will be writing letter. Member Ball continues by saying he would like this letter be presented and read at a Commission Meeting; he adds Auxiliary Sgt. Chedwick served the Police Department and the City for more than 20 years and deserves to be recognized. Chairperson Laney makes a motion to recognize Auxiliary Sgt. Chedwick at a Commission Meeting by presenting him with a letter of commendation, seconded by Member Bray. Motion passes unanimously. Activity Report Tabled to the next meeting. Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states Chairperson Santana emailed her to request she provides the members of the video subcommittee with a list and dates of the Police Department's events. Member Titus asks about the Police Department budget; there is an item allocating $6000 to the Advisory Boards. Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will find out and will inform the board members. Member Hill would like to add in the agenda activities to facilitate communication between the C.A.C.O.P.D. and the 4 C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 community and requests members bring suggestions to the next meeting. Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members Spring Fling is coming up and this could be a good opportunity to reach out into the community and perhaps have a booth set up. She continues by saying that it is important to recognize that the board members are the Police Department's eyes and ears in the community and encourages their participation in any and all community events. This also helps the Police Department address any issues and problems in the community; she adds social media is a great tool. Discussions ensued. Member Vines asks if it is acceptable to comment on social media. Deputy Chief Plasencia replies the Police Department posts all events on social media as well as any important information for the community. The Police Department uses Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor. Discussions ensued. Member Vines asks if people can comment on events or posts made by the Police Department on Social Media to which Deputy Chief Plasencia replies yes; transparency is very important. She continues by saying not all of the comments are kept visible, some are hidden but there is a disclaimer that states it can be done. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi asks the board members about the booth for Spring Fling; she states it will take place on March 11 from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. She continues by saying the same photo booth from last year's Spring Fling will be used this year. Member King makes a motion to have a booth at Spring Fling, seconded by Member Bray. Member Vines asks what the purpose of the booth is and Chairperson Laney states the C.A.C.O.P.D. will have educational materials and also brochures explaining the purpose of the board. Member Vines reminds the board members last year he had an idea or suggestion of presenting a skit or "in your shoes" presentation depicting real-life scenarios of what police officers go through every day. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies this will need approval from Chief. Member King adds maybe it is mostly explaining the reason why certain things have to be done in a certain way or why is it important to follow instructions from a police officer in any given situation. Staff- Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it can be handled by having a box where people can write down questions and then have officers respond to the questions. Discussions ensued. Member Vines believes a video would be boring as opposed to have people act scenarios of common questions people have for officers. Member Hill agrees and maybe use the simulator and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states she would have to have Chief s approval to use the simulator. Member Vines continues by saying the C.A.C.O.P.D. has to take the initiative by approaching people instead of the other way around if the word is going to get out about the board, and to help breach the gap between police officers and the public. Chairperson Laney says she likes the idea of the box with questions at Spring Fling. Discussions ensued about the Spring Fling. Member Titus reminds the board members they still have to vote for officers and Chairperson Laney says that can be done next month since it was not noticed on the agenda. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi says she has had a chance to review the by-laws and they state officers on the board shall be selected on the first meeting of every year, and do not address if any items discussed have to be on the agenda. 5 C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 The motion to have a C.A.C.O.P.D booth at the Spring Fling passed unanimously. Chairperson Laney says she would prefer the selection of officers be done at the next month's meeting so it is noticed on the agenda. Member Murray makes motion to select the C.A.C.O.P.D officers, seconded by Member Ball. Member Ball says he has two major concerns: number one is that there are officers not present today and had they known the board was going to elect officers maybe they would have been here. The second is that the charter clearly states it shall be done the first meeting of the year. He continues by saying he believes the charter takes precedence. Discussions ensued. A vote was called and the motion to select C.A.C.O.P.D. officers passed 5-3 with Member Titus, Member Bray and member Laney opposing. Member Ball makes a motion to select the chairperson first, the vice-chairperson second, and then the treasurer, seconded by Chairperson Laney. Motion passed unanimously. Member Hill makes a motion to select Member King as the chairperson, seconded by Member Murray. Member King asks what are the requirements for chairperson and 9:00 PM Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reads into the record the requirements for all the officers. Member Ball makes a motion to select Vice-Chairperson Santana for chairperson, seconded by Chairperson Laney. A vote was called to select Member King as chairperson. The motion did not carry, 2-6 with Member Hill and Member Murray voting in favor and Member Vines, Member Ball, Member Laney, Member Titus, Member Bray, and Member King opposing. A vote was called to select Vice-Chairperson Santana as chairperson. The motion carried 6-2 with Member Vines, Member Ball, Member Laney, Member Titus, and Member Bray voting in favor and Member King and Member Hill opposing. Member Bray makes a motion to select Member King for Vice-Chairperson, seconded by Member Hill. The motion passed unanimously. Member King makes a motion to select Member Hill for Treasurer, seconded by Member Ball. The motion passed unanimously._ Set Next Agenda Update on Spring Fling 6 C.A.C.O.P.D. January 26,2017 Update on Community Picnic Update on Pulse shooting responders recognition Fact-finding activities Subcommittee Reports Set Next Agenda Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reminds the board members the Citizens' Safety Academy begins February 3`d if anyone needs to register since it is a requirement for the C.A.C.O.P.D. board members. It lasts 10 weeks. Discussions ensued. She continues by saying the Handgun Safety Class is held monthly every last Saturday of the month and pre-registration is a requirement. The class size is 12 participants and it is free for Ocoee residents. Discussions ensued. Meeting adjourned at 9:19 P.M. Respectfully submitted, t , Made -ine • va, Re • g Clerk - . ..-:,I'A• K I i(\j J 7