HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) based Comprehensive Plan Amendments (a) First Reading of Ordinance (b) Transmittal Public Hearing Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment \r/
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Meeting Date: April 4, 2017
Item #
w�Y� Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Michael Rumer ,' Department Director:
Contact Number: (407) 905-3100 x 018 City Manager.
Subject: EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) Based Amendments
(Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments)
Background Summary:
Under State law, every jurisdiction in the State of Florida must evaluate how well it has performed at
meeting the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The City must also determine
what changes are needed in the plan to reflect the community's vision for the future. The result of this
evaluation process is an official report known as the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The
purpose of the EAR is to review the adopted Comprehensive Plan to determine how well the City is
meeting State mandated planning requirements, implementing the Goals, Objectives, and Policies as
set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, and addressing major growth management issues within the
City. Various tools are then proposed to address the issues raised by the community and public
The outcome of the EAR Process is to:
1) Evaluate the effectiveness of the City's current adopted Comprehensive Plan in
achieving the City's established Goals, Objectives and Policies;
2) Create a composite set of critical issues regarding growth management that the City
will evaluate during an update and amendment to its Comprehensive Plan; and
3) Identify alternatives/potential tools that the City will evaluate with regard to each of
those issues.
The EAR adopted by the City of Ocoee includes a major issues list that was approved by the Florida
Department of Community Affairs on May 29, 2009. The attached ordinance has proposed revisions to
the Comprehensive Plan based on the recommendations brought forth in the adopted EAR. The
Major Issues identified include:
1) Community Character and Design
2) Transportation Connectivity
3) Utility Infrastructure
4) Mixed Use Employment and Commercial Centers
5) Neighborhood Revitalization/Housing
6) Conservation
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider adoption of an ordinance that
includes: 1) Amendments to the Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, Housing Element,
Conservation Element, and Intergovernmental Coordination Element, for the purpose of implementing
recommendations from the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) Report, and 2) Direct staff to
transmit the proposed amendments to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for review and
Planning and Zoning Commission:
On January 31, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission acting as the Local Planning Agency met
and reviewed the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments at a public hearing (minutes attached)
and voted unanimously to recommend with conditions, the City Commission approve per staffs
recommendation. The condition was that staff looks at keeping the original language of Transportation
Element Policy 1.2.2.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider adoption of Ordinance
2017-013 to approve a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment which includes: 1)
Amendments to the Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, Housing Element,
Conservation Element, and Intergovernmental Coordination Element, for the purpose of implementing
recommendations from the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) Report, and 2) Direct staff to
transmit the proposed amendments to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for review and
Ordinance 2017-013
Exhibit "A" Proposed EAR Based Amendments
Summary Table of the EAR Issues and How they are Addressed
Draft Minutes of January 31, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x')
X Public Hearing For Clerics Dept. Use:
X Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading )( Public Hearing
Resolution Regular Agenda
Commission Approval
X Discussion&Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A
Reviewed by 0 N/A
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-013
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee (City) has adopted the City's
Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, the Growth Policy
Act (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs, now known as the
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, has previously determined that the City's
Comprehensive Plan is in compliance with the Act; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3174(4)(a), Florida Statutes, the City's Local
Planning Agency (LPA) conducted a public hearing on January 31, 2017, to consider
amendments to the text of the City's Comprehensive Plan that are necessary as a result of
the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR); and
WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the LPA recommended those
amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan that are set forth in Exhibit "A", which is
attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3184(11), Florida Statutes, on April 4, 2017,
the City Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the
amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and, after consideration of public
comments, authorized its transmittal pursuant to Section 163.3184(4)(b), Florida Statutes.
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and confirmed as
true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the
authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State
of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes.
Section 3. Amendments to Comprehensive Plan. The City's Comprehensive
Plan is hereby amended as set forth in "Exhibit A", which is attached hereto and by this
reference made a part hereof.
Section 4. Transmittal. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit the
required copies of the amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan to the Florida
Department of Economic Opportunity and all other parties as required pursuant to
Section 163.3184(4)(b), Florida Statutes.
Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or
portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court
of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and
independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion hereto.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective pursuant to
Section 163.3184(4)(e)5., Florida Statutes.
PASSED and ADOPTED on this day of , 2017.
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor
this day of , 2017.
City Attorney
Exhibit "A"
Future Land Use Element amendments to include new Goals, Objectives and
Policies as follows:
O'jective 2.1: Economic Centers and Community Redevelopment Area. To
create distinctive places of unique character and identity, maximize their
economic benefit, and create more walkable and transit supportive places.
Policy 2.1.1 Special Area Plans, Economic Development Plan, and
Overlays. The City shall support economic development opportunities
within Economic Centers and Economic Districts through the creation of
Special Area Plans and/or Overlays for these areas which shall provide
detailed planning of these areas to provide a special land use plan and
economic development incentives for these specific areas. The Special
Area Plan and/or Overlay may include proposed revisions to the future
land use map as well as accompanying objective(s) and policies which
may identify special conditions, options, uses, heights, densities,
intensities, restrictions, or requirements for activities within the area. The
Community Redevelopment Area and Interchange Impact Areas Plans
have been created and should be supported through this policy.
Policy 2.1.2 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). The City shall
support the concept and ideas expressed in the adopted Community
Redevelopment Plan and CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan
with a vision committed to creating a future for the Ocoee CRA that will
include centers of vibrant, urban, mixed use development that ensure
enhanced pedestrian and automobile connectivity, flexible land uses, a
diverse economic base, a mix of housing types, a shared responsibility of
infrastructure financing, open space as a public amenity, and enhanced
image and development form.
Objective 2.2 Support Business Creation and Future Economic Development
Opportunities and foster economic development activities that focus on business
creation and expansion and protection of future economic opportunities.
Policy 2.2.1 Economic Development Strategy. The City shall continue to
coordinate with and support the communities of West Orange County,
such as Apopka, Oakland, Windermere and Winter Garden in the pursuit
of a coordinated economic development program that includes the
following strategic actions:
Exhibit "A"
1. Target Businesses and Economic Development Districts: Identify
the types of businesses and locations that will meet the City's
economic development goals.
2. Recruiting: Recruit target businesses to locate within the City.
3. Retention: Assist target businesses with start-up or expansion
4. Infrastructure: Provide the public infrastructure necessary to
support economic development and existing businesses along
major corridors.
5. Intergovernmental Coordination: Explore programs that may
include a variety of private or public incentives and identify
existing disincentives in order to attract companies through a
collaborative process with the municipalities in West Orang
6. Workforce Development. Forge partnerships to identify and
develop needed workforce skills and innovations.
7. Marketing:Market Tri-City Area as a High-Tech Business Location.
Policy 2.2.2 Role of City and Economic Development. The City shall
develop and implement programs that encourage the growth and success
of target businesses, communicate the opportunities available in the City
to businesses, and to enhance the pro-business image of the City, by:
1. Networking through local, regional, state, and national
organizations to identify and serve prospective target businesses.
2. Adopting a marketing plan with a variety of methods to promote
the business advantages and opportunities available to expanding
and relocating target businesses.
3. Leveraging local marketing dollars by partnering with the Tri-City
Partnership, regional and state organizations.
Policy 2.2.3 Permitting and Development Process Guidelines
The City shall develop a streamline review and permitting process for
targeted businesses. This process should be a clearly defined, step-by-
step development guideline process that assists in site review, permitting,
concurrency and inspection of new-targeted businesses and the
expansion/relocation of existing targeted businesses.
Objective 3.1: Reinforce Community Character for distinct areas within the city.
To create functional, sustainable communities that reinforce and support the
unique character of the City's Historic Downtown and Community Redevelopment
Exhibit "A"
Policy 3.1.1 Create Community Character Design Guidelines. The City has
distinct areas within the CRA and the Historic Downtown that lend
themselves to a more urban style of development which should protect,
preserve, and enhance the existing urban design of the area. The
guidelines may include design and maintenance criteria for new and
redeveloped properties, streets, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, signage,
and public areas within the development. The design guidelines should
address the incorporation of human-scale aesthetics into street and
building design, by developing guidelines that address:
1. Basic building design features for site design and location that
reinforces a pedestrian-oriented character;
2. linkages between land uses through a complete streets approach
that provides for all modes o.
3. Public gathering places that are incorporated within each distinct
4. Provide incentives for green development design that may include
expedited permitting, density/height bonuses or tax incentives.
Policy 3.1.2 To implement the CRA's Target Areas Special Development
Plan, the City shall adopt zoning regulations for the Development Plan as
adopted in ordinance and amended from time to time. The zoning
regulations should include design and development standards for
redevelopment and infill as outlined in the Special Development Plan that:
1. Provides for a mix of uses and range of building types.
2. Creates an integrated street network.
3. Develops an open space system that relates to an urban
Policy 3.1.3 Wayfinding Signage Program. The City shall develop a
comprehensive approach to wayfinding and signage throughout the CRA
that supports and enhances the character and distinct vision for the area.
Objective 3.2: Support Neighborhood and Area-wide Planning
Programs. The City shall recognize, support and reinforce the unique
community character of various neighborhoods, revitalizing
neighborhoods, revitalizing centers, economic development districts,
and other large mixed-use areas within the City through a focused
planning initiative that provides a level of planning review, analysis,
and recommendations for these areas.
Policy 3.2.1 To implement Neighborhood and Area-Wide Plan's, the City
should develop a process for creating these Plan's. The processes should
be unique to the scale and type of area that supports the existing context
of the area that is under review and may include the following types of
1. Neighborhood Plans: A community-based planning process that is
designed to address the community character issues of a specific
neighborhood or neighborhoods and is focused on the establishment
Exhibit "A"
of community goals, the identification of neighborhood issues of
concern, and developing specific strategies to resolve these issues
and achieve these goals through healthy community principles.
2. Economic Development/Special Area Plans: A community and
stakeholder based process that is designed to help create incentives
in support of economic development initiatives.
Policy 3.2.2 Neighborhood Plans. The City shall support a community-
based Neighborhood Planning Process that responds to individual
neighborhood requests to create a Neighborhood Plan through technical
support from the City staff. When requested, the City shall initiate a
process within the neighborhood to establish community goals, identify
issues of concern and to develop strategies to resolve these issues and
achieve these goals within a five-year period.
A Neighborhood Plan should identify the neighborhood service area and
may include an evaluation of some or all of the following neighborhood
characteristics based upon the neighborhood issues of concern:
1. Crime and Public Safety.
2. Housing.
3. Code Enforcement.
4. Neighborhood Character and Identity.
5. Parks and Recreation.
6. Infrastructure (transportation, sidewalks, utilities, etc.)
7. Redevelopment.
Policy 3.2.3 Neighborhood Planning Programs: Method of Introduction
Any Neighborhood Plan may be initiated by either the City Commission,
when funding is available, or through a citizen-based planning initiative.
Policy 3.2.4 Economic Development Plans for Activity Centers,
Interchange Impact Areas. The City shall consider Economic
Development Plans through a collaborative community visioning and
participation process and to create additional redevelopment incentives
for these areas. The City shall ensure that clear standards are prepared
for the associated Centers that are designed to create walkable and
pedestrian oriented places with the size of individual centers limited to
support a ten minute walk or 1/4 mile radius from the edge to the center.
These Plans will also address the planning and design of public spaces
such as streets and parks to create walkable public infrastructure and
define rules for private development that specify design, placement, and
ground-floor use of buildings to create active streets.
Each plan shall include, but not be limited to the following opportunities
to introduce sustainable urban character through redevelopment and
1. Alternative redevelopment opportunities.
2. Transitional land uses by transect based planning.
Exhibit "A"
3. Sustainable mixture of land uses, including sustainable options
that address densities, intensities and height.
4. Context sensitive infrastructure.
Policy 3.2.5 Economic Development Plans, Special Area Plans. Any
Economic Development Plan or Special Area Plan, may be initiated by
either the City Commission, when funding is available; a citizen-based
planning initiative; or landowner.
Transportation Element, amend Goals,objectives as follows:
Objective 1.2 amend policies:
Policy 1.2.2: The City shall maintain a balanced multimodal network
through coordination and partnerships with both private and public
Policy1.2.3: The City shall facilitate transportation improvements in
coordination with FDOT and other jurisdictions with road maintenance
responsibilities to avoid disruption of existing land uses and to improve
the safety of the multimodal network including intersection improvements,
traffic calming measures, bicycle and pedestrian designated facilities, and
access management strategies.
Goal 1, Objective 1.3, amend Policy:
Policy 1.3.3: The City shall ensure transportation improvements that
enhance the function of planned activity areas that support multimodal
strategies such as the City's Special Area Plans and Community
Redevelopment Area(s).
Goal 2, Objective 2.1 and Policies:
Objective 2.1: The City shall annually monitor and maintain quantitative
indicators from the Transportation Master Plan including adopted Levels of
Service (LOS) and number of miles of non-automotive facilities on all arterial,
collector, and local roads in the multimodal network. The City shall provide
adequate capacity on Ocoee's arterial and collector roadways to accommodate
projected traffic volumes.
Policy 2.1.1: The City shall monitor and annually evaluate roadways with
current tools and needs as updated to maintain overall levels of service
that balance a multimodal approach to transportation .
Exhibit "A"
Objective 2.2: The City shall develop corridors to meet the City's future
multimodal needs.
Policy 2.2.1: The City shall provide adequate east-west travel that
incorporates multimodal strategies where appropriate.
Policy 2.2.2: The City shall provide adequate north-south travel that
incorporates multimodal strategies where appropriate.
Policy 2.2.3: The City shall continue to adopt access management
Ordinances to ensure access management control on roadways in the
Objective 2.3: The City shall assist in improving access to and operation of
Florida's Turnpike, expressways, and other components of the Florida Intrastate
Highway System.
Policy 2.3.1: The City shall support Transportation Demand Strategies
targeted at the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FINS) and
interchanges including the Florida Turnpike and expressway.
Policy 2.3.2: The City shall facilitate transportation improvements in
coordination with FDOT which improve the safety of the multimodal
network including intersection improvements, traffic calming measures,
bicycle and pedestrian designated facilities, and access management
Objective 2.4:
The City shall advocate for increasing multimodal connectivity through
transportation and transit improvements that increase accessible modes of travel,
especially in key corridors, the downtown area, and planned developments.
Policy 2.4.2: The City shall ensure streetscape improvements that
accommodate multimodal activity and encourage the use of transit.
Policy 2.4.3 The City shall maintain a balanced multimodal network
through coordination and partnerships with both private and public
Policy 2.4.4 The City shall develop and adopt a complete streets policy in
cooperation with Orange County and Metroplan Orlando.
Exhibit "A"
Objective 2.7 policies:
Policy 2.7.2: The City shall coordinate transit planning with LYNX to
address the design of new facilities near existing and planned trip
generators and attractors.
Housing Element, amend Goals, Objectives and Policies as follows:
Objective Affordable Housing 1: The City shall ensure that affordable
housing is provided to all residents by coordinating with the private sector as
provided under Objective 1 and protecting existing neighborhoods through
implementation of Codes. This shall be implemented through the following
Policy 1.1 Development Incentives: The City shall review ordinances,
codes, regulations, and the permitting process for the purpose of updating
and amending, in order to increase private participation in meeting the
affordable housing needs of the City, while continuing to ensure the health,
welfare, and safety of the residents.
Policy 1.2 Elimination and Replacement of Affordable Units. The City of
Ocoee shall require that any public development which eliminates
affordable housing units shall replace at least 100% of the housing units
or provide sufficient support to local affordable housing projects and
Policy 1.3, Building Technology. Continue to review new construction
techniques, materials, building codes and the minimum housing codes in
order to determine where housing costs can be reduced without
sacrificing the quality of housing and energy efficiency.
Policy 1.4 Codes and Regulations. The City of Ocoee shall continue to
review ordinances, codes, regulations and permitting process to eliminate
excessive requirements facilitating the supply of affordable/workforce
Policy 1.5 Quality Rental Units. The City of Ocoee shall continue to
facilitate the provision of a stock of quality rental units.
Objective 2 Housing Conditions: The City of Ocoee shall continue to develop
and implement activities and programs that eliminate and prevent substandard
housing conditions as measured by the following policies:
Policy 2.1 Substandard Housing: The City shall actively pursue adequate
means and methods of upgrading existing substandard housing to City
Exhibit "A"
standards where it is not within the reasonable capability of the individual
housing owner. This shall be accomplished by obtaining information on
the availability of rehabilitation assistance programs and distributing of
such information to eligible homeowners. In addition, the city shall
annually monitor needs for rehabilitation based on enforcement activities
and shall supply this information to agencies, which deliver housing
rehabilitation services.
Policy 2.2 Hardships: The City shall continue to ensure that, in the
implementation of any program to eliminate substandard housing, no
individual owner-occupied housing is subject to unnecessary or undue
hardships as a result of upgrading to City standards.
Policy 2.3 Code Enforcement The City of Ocoee shall continue to
implement the Code Enforcement Program which systematically reviews
housing conditions to ensure the necessary corrections so that they are
kept in a safe, decent, and sanitary condition.
Policy 2.4 Funding. Continue to explore and pursue funding opportunities
to eliminate substandard housing (e.g. Neighborhood Stabilization
Program, Community Development Corporation, and foundation grants).
Policy 2.5 Rehabilitation Program Maintain the housing rehabilitation
assistance programs as a partner with Orange County (Section 8, HOME
and CDBG) to include owned and rental units.
Policy 2.6 Housing Inspection. The City shall continue to implement its
minimum housing inspection program that requires anyone opening a
water or sewer account to have the residence inspected for compliance
with the City's Codes
Objective 3 Housing Suooly: The City shall ensure that diverse housing
opportunities are available to meet the City's residential and economic needs
including: single and multifamily, ownership and rental, special needs group
housing and affordable/workforce housing.
Policy 3.1 Fair Housing. The City shall promote the Fair Housing Act
which ensures that a variety of housing choices are available to
households without regard to religion, handicap, age, race, national
origin, or marital status.
Policy 3.2 Housing and Future Land Use. The City of Ocoee shall
facilitate through its Future Land Use Element the provision of existing
and future housing needs by:
• Maintaining sufficient residentially zoned land
• Allowing higher densities in the Downtown area, the CRA's and
those Downtown areas that are targeted for annexation
Exhibit "A"
• Facilitating the development of accessory dwelling units in
residential zoning districts and mixed use developments, especially
in the downtown area
Policy 3.3 Housing and Private Sector Participation. Encourage the
involvement of private sector financial institutions in recognizing and
meeting the community's housing needs
Objective 4 Housing Implementation Programs: The City of Ocoee shall
cooperate and coordinate with Federal, State and local entities to ensure the
availability of adequate and affordable housing for the existing and future
residents as further described in the following policies
Policy 4.1 Federal and State Funding: The City shall continue to pursue and
maximize the utilization of applicable Federal and State programs to provide
housing assistance, especially to very low, low, and moderate income
households. These funds include but are not limited to the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, State Housing Initiatives
Partnership (SHIP) program, State Apartment Incentive Loan program
(SAIL, and Section 8 Rental Assistance program. The City shall facilitate the
securing of necessary and appropriate Federal and State assistance and
funds designed to provide adequate housing, community services and
public facilities to all persons living within the City.
Policy 4.2 Section 8 County Coordination: The City of Ocoee shall continue
to cooperate with the Orange County Community Development Department
on a variety of County initiatives such as any Section 8 projects proposed
for the City, a citywide housing assistance program, and as an entitlement
community of the Community Block Grant Program.
Objective 5 Relocation Housing: The City shall ensure uniform and equitable
treatment for persons displaced by State and local government programs
consistent with Florida State Statutes.
Policy 5.1: The City shall ensure that reasonably located, standard housing
at affordable costs is available to persons displaced through public action
prior to their displacement that ensures displaced individual and/or
families have access to a safe, decent, affordable, and reasonably located
standard housing unit. conservation, rehabilitation, and preservation of
the existing housing stock to reserve the health, safety and image of the
City's neighborhoods.
Exhibit "A"
Objective 6 Special Needs Housing: The City of Ocoee shall continue to
provide housing opportunities for special needs population including the elderly,
farm workers, handicapped, very low, low and low moderate income families
Policy 6.1 Land Use and Regulation Continue to provide zoning and land
use regulations which allow the appropriate location and distribution of
group homes, foster care facilities, farm worker housing, and
mobile/manufactured homes.
Policy 6.2 Location Criteria Establish a location criteria for special needs
housing that includes but is not limited to the availability of infrastructure
services and the proximity to public transportation, health, recreation,
shopping and employment facilities.
Policy 6.3 State Standards Meet the minimum Florida State requirements
and standards in the provision and location of group homes, foster care
facilities, farm workers housing, and mobile/manufactured homes.
Policy 6.4 Code Enforcement Continue to monitor the placement of
mobile homes, manufactured, and prefabricated housing, to maintain
them as affordable, safe and sanitary standard housing options for low
and moderate income homeowners and renters. Ensure that all
manufactured homes are evaluated for Code Compliance to eliminate
deficiencies and substandard living..
Objective 7 Housing Conservation and Rehabilitation: The City
shall promote the identification, preservation, and redevelopment of
neighborhoods, historically significant houses and other buildings in the
City, through the following policies
Policy 7.1 Historical and Significant Housing. The City shall continue to
promote a means to identify and preserve historically and architecturally
significant housing for residential uses.
Policy 7.2 State and Federal Assistance Programs The City shall provide
property owners with assistance in applying for and using state and
federal assistance programs for rehabilitation of housing, including
historically and architecturally significant housing.
Objective 8 Housing and Services: The City shall continue to ensure that the
adopted levels of service are maintained, through the following policy.
Policy 8.1 Housing and Public Services. Ensure that the development of
housing units and the delivery of public infrastructure and facilities such
as utilities, roadways, parks, schools, community centers, and shelters
are consistent with the City's adopted level of service standards..
Exhibit "A"
Conservation Element amendments to include new Policies as follows:
Policy 2.1 The City shall regulate development activities to protect
natural water-cleansing features and reduce or prevent discharges of
contaminants from urban and agricultural land uses through the land
development regulations. The land development regulations include
provisions such as (but not limited to) the use of such natural features in
the treatment of stormwater runoff, limitations on destruction of native
vegetation and/or land clearing within such natural features, and
maintenance of upland buffers and/or environmental swales within a
minimum width of 15 feet and an average twenty-five (25) feet
surrounding such natural features. For the purposes of this policy,
natural features shall include DEP jurisdictional wetlands (9J-
5.013(2)(c)(3), FAC).
Policy 2.3 As of the effective date of this Comprehensive Plan, future
development, as defined by the Ocoee Land Development Code, shall not
occur within a 15 feet minimum and an average 25 feet width of an
approved 100-year floodplain elevation or jurisdictional wetland boundary
except where exempted by State Statute or in cases where offsetting on—
site environmental mitigation or enhancement of these areas is
demonstrated to improve natural functions or to provide low-impact uses
or recreational amenities which encourage enjoyment of such areas.
Policy 4.3 The City shall continue to utilize standards and guidelines
through Land Development Regulations to protect wetlands, including:
a) Prevention of excavation or filling unless the City Commission finds,
on the basis of reasonable evidence, that there are no practical
alternatives to the filling;
b) Where wetland disturbance is permitted, requiring two-for-one
replacement of area, maintenance of proximal locational relationship
and functionality, and enforcement of alternative mitigation
requirements if necessary;
c) Retention of buffer areas in their natural state surrounding connected
wetlands at a minimum width of 15 feet and an average width of 25
feet unless the City Commission finds that width impractical to
d) Modifications in wetlands shall ensure that predevelopment water
flow (rate and quantity) is maintained to preserve wetland viability;
e) Wetlands management shall conform to standards included in the
Comprehensive Plan.
Exhibit "A"
Policy 6.2 The City's land development regulations include provisions for
the protection and conservation of the natural function of existing soils,
wildlife habitat, lakes, floodplains, wetlands and ecological communities
by the following methods (9J-5.013(2)(c)6 & 9, FAC; ECFRPC Policies
4.29 & 4.31).
a) Identify and preserve the most sensitive portions of each ecological
b) Provide for a development plan which promotes clustering of dwelling
units away from sensitive portions of the community associations.
c) Discourage the fragmentation of large ecological community
d) Provide for buffers with a minimum width of 15 feet and an average
width of twenty-five (25) feet adjacent to the ecological community.
e) Require sustainable management to restore affected disturbed
f) Provide comprehensive mitigation measures where environmental
impacts are unavoidable.
Recreation and Open Space Element amendments to include new Policies as
Policy 7.5 The city shall enhance the recreational potential and aesthetic appeal of
lakes, waterways creeks, floodways, utility easements, storm water ponds, and
wetlands where possible.
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\ Mayor Commissioners
,' Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
O C Q P Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
florida Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
January 31, 2017
I. CALL TO ORDER - 7:04 pm
A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman McKey, Vice-Chairman Marcotte, Member Dillard, Member
Evans, Member Keethler, Member Richemond, Member Sills, Member West
and Member Wunderlich. Also present were City Planner Rumer, City
Attorney Scott Cookson and Recording Clerk Heard.
Absent: None
A. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting held December 13,
Member Keethler discussed the portion within the minutes he requested to be revised.
7:07 pm
Motion for Approval of the Consent Agenda: Moved by Member Keethler, Seconded
by Member West; Motion carried 9-0.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
January 31,2017
A. Resendiz Property — 272 East Silver Star Road, Annexation & Initial Zoning to
R-1AA; Project No(s): AX-12-16-60 & RZ-16-12-06 — Public Hearing
City Planner Rumer
City Planner Rumer presented a summary of the subject property, which is located on
the north side of Silver Star Road and south of Rewis Street, northeast of the
intersection of Bluford Avenue and Silver Star Road. This parcel is two acres and
currently contains one (1) single-family residence. With respect to the annexation, the
subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by
property located within the City limits on the east, west, and northern boundaries. This
proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, potable water services can
be provided by way in the back of the property, but sewer is not provided, and the
annexation meets state and local regulations. With respect to the rezoning, City staff
has requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1AA (Single-Family Dwelling),
which is consistent with the adopted future land use designation of Low Density
Residential shown on both the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint Planning Area
Future Land Use Maps.
Development Review Committee (DRC) Recommendation:
On January 24, 2017, the DRC met to determine if the proposed annexation was
consistent with the City's regulations and policies. When the discussion was finished,
the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the annexation and rezoning for
the Resendiz property.
Staff Recommendation:
Based on the above analysis and the subsequent DRC recommendation, Staff
recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning
Agency, recommend approval of the Annexation and Rezoning of the +1-2 acres parcel
of land known as the Resendiz parcel.
Discussion: 7:12 pm
Chairman McKey clarified that the parcel has access to water, and City Planner
Rumer explained the parcel has access to City water in the rear of the property, but
sewer is not available.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
January 31,2017
Member Sills inquired about the verbiage in the staff report stating an extension is
needed for the water main and asked if the City is responsible for that. City Planner
Rumer explained there may be a little extension of the water pipe to hook it to the
meter, but it is not an extension of a water main.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
7:14 pm
Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning
Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Resendiz
Property — 272 East Silver Star Road Annexation and Initial Zoning to R-1AAi
Prosect No(s): AX-12-16-60 & RZ-16-12-06, subiect to resolution of the remaining staff
comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Keethler,
Seconded by Member Marcotte; motion passed unanimously 9-0.
7:15 pm
B. City of Ocoee Proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based
Amendments to the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan pursuant to EAR Report
Adopted on September 21, 2010 — Public Hearing
City Planner Rumer
City Planner Rumer introduced the City's consultant, Tara Salmieri of PlanActive
Studio. He explained that City staff and different consultants have worked on the EAR
based amendments in years past, and Ms. Salmieri came aboard a couple of years ago
to assist with completing the EAR.
City Planner Rumer presented a timeline of the steps taken to create the EAR and
announced this report was last seen by the Planning and Zoning Commission back in
September of 2010, where it was subsequently adopted as Resolution No. 2010-013
on September 21, 2010. Since 2010, updating the EAR was put on hold due to the
economic downturn and only amendments required by law were updated. The following
six key issues were identified from the September 21, 2010, EAR and need further
• Character and Compatibility
• Transportation Connectivity
• Utility Infrastructure
• Mixed Use Employment Commercial Centers
• Neighborhood Compatibility & Housing
• Conservation
• Changes to Chapter 163 Florida Statutes (FS)
31 Page
Planning and Zoning Conunission Meeting
January 31,2017
City Planner Rumer explained the next steps of this process will be as follows:
• Planning & Zoning Board recommends transmittal to the Florida Department of
Economic Opportunity (DEO)
• City Commission approves transmittal to the DEO
• Reviewed by appropriate state and regional agencies
• Receive Objections, Revisions and Comment Report (ORC) from DEO
• Answer ORC or Adopt Ordinance
• Comprehensive Plan update to the 2020 Plan.
City Planner Rumer further explained to the Board the spreadsheet entitled "EAR
Based Amendments by Issue and Changes to FS/9J5" (attached) was created to
summarize the EAR that was submitted to the DEO in 2010. He further explained the
transmittal process, which will include the Board's recommendation to transmit to the
City Commission.
Ms. Salmieri explained in more detail the spreadsheet, which will ultimately be sent to
the State with the transmittal. She further explained the City has completed some items
on the spreadsheet, but it has to be documented and updated within the EAR, which
will further update the City's Comprehensive Plan. She indicated currently the City's
Future Land Use Element (FLUE) only has one goal, but two additional goals need to
be created in order to satisfy the EAR issues, which were identified in the Community
Character and Design, Neighborhood Revitalization and the Mixed Use Activity
Centers. Further, two new goals need to be created such as economic strategy and
community character or protection and reinforcement, which will satisfy the majority of
the three issues. Within the goals will have objectives and policies to meet such goals.
Member Keethler questioned Issue #5, Neighborhood Revitalization and Housing
EAR Change #38 regarding Neighborhood Plans, "A community-based planning
process that is designed to address the community character issues of a specific
neighborhood or neighborhoods and is focused on the establishment of community
goals, the identification of neighborhood issues of concern, and developing specific
strategies to resolve these issues and achieve these goals through healthy community
principles," and asked how this will work with communities with HOAs. City Planner
Rumer indicated that most HOA communities do not want a neighborhood plan, but
this plan is primarily for homes without HOAs. Ms. Salmieri pointed out to Member
Keethler the language within Policy 3.2.2 states "When requested."
Member Keethler expressed his main concern, Issue #2, Transportation Connectivity
EAR Change #14, Policy 1.3.3. He mentioned the term "multimodal" being the new
terminology for transportation plans and questioned why the sentence, "The City shall
provide transportation improvements, which avoid disruption of existing and uses" is
scratched out to be deleted just because the City now has a multimodal plan. City
Planner Rumer explained the changes over the years with transportation planning and
conveyed that the City's vision is a more urban look with constrained roads and
4 ' Page
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
January 31,2017
multimodal transportation across the city to change the travel habit, which will lower
traffic count. Ms. Salmieri reminded the Board that the Comprehensive Plan should
remain basic in nature, which will give the City more flexibility. Chairman McKey
clarified that the Land Development Code is more detailed-oriented than the
Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Rumer further clarified that the Comprehensive
Plan is much more precise, because it is implemented through the Land Development
Code. Member Evans expressed that the new trend is to be more people focused
instead of auto focused.
Member Wunderlich pointed out an error within Issue #2, Transportation Connectivity
EAR Change #14, Objective 2.1, Policy 2.1.1 where it now reads, "The City shall
monitor and annually roadways." Ms. Salmieri responded that the word "evaluate"
should not be stricken and the language should read, "The City shall monitor and
annually evaluate roadways." City Planner Rumer further explained this updated
policy to indicate that the City will continue to evaluate the roadways, but the goal will
be different, because of the multimodal strategies.
Member Wunderlich asked for clarification regarding a phrase used throughout the
EAR describing the city as "An invisible city of 35,000 people hidden inside a small
town of 5,000 people." He asked if the purpose of this update is to change that
description so that Ocoee is recognized as a vibrant, attractive and modern city, which
will attract more residents and businesses. City Planner Rumer answered in the
affirmative indicating that is the plan with the new downtown development. With the
new downtown development the City is attempting to create new opportunities for
residents to work in the city instead of remaining a "bedroom community."
Chairman McKey inquired if the Board will get a chance to look at the proposed
revisions and come back to discuss it again. City Planner Rumer indicated that the
February 14, 2017, meeting is canceled. So there will not be a formal meeting, but he
advised that this can come back under "Old Business" in the March meeting; and
further, the transmittal of the EAR will be on the March 21, 2017, City Commission
Member Richemond advised he has not seen anywhere within the report that
discusses diversity and asked whether there is such a section. City Planner Rumer
explained that diversity is not an EAR issue, but diversity will be an issue within the
next updated 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Chairman McKey asked for clarification between the language "quality of life" and
"livability." City Planner Rumer indicated there is a definition difference between this
language. He explained that the emerging "livability" trends are the characteristics of
cities/towns with the longevity of life in which will be seen with the new downtown
development in such ways as the farm-to-market stores, the emphasis on trails and
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
January 31,2017
Member Keethler inquired about Issue #2, Transportation Connectivity, EAR Change
#15 & 16, Goal 1 "Develop a transportation system that facilitates creation of a unique
character for Ocoee that supports the quality of life its residents desire," and asked how
they identify what residents desire. Ms. Salmieri mentioned that was specifically
entered into the EAR word-for-word and needed to be put in, because the
recommendation was to amend the goal and add that language.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
Member Wunderlich brought up a phrase somewhere within the EAR in which the
purpose was to facilitate raising noncommercial fowl and animals on residential
property, and asked if he is the only person who thinks that is an odd goal for a city
striving to be an attractive venue. City Planner Rumer explained that is already
allowed by a city ordinance.
8:11 pm
Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning
Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Transmittal of the proposed
Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based Amendments to the Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan pursuant to EAR Report Adopted on September 21, 2010, for
Transmission to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO); and further, the
Planning and Zoning Commission can offer changes prior to the next City
Commission's consideration of the proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report
f EAR) Based Amendments; Moved by Member West, Seconded by Member Evans:
motion passed unanimously 9-0.
A. Project Status Report - City Planner Rumer advised the Board that the City had
a preconstruction meeting today with Popeyes. There were two ground breakings;
one with City Center and one at the corner of Clark and 50. One possible use for
the corner of Clark and 50 that has not been approved, but is on the flyer was a
storage facility. He advised that nothing has been submitted for approval with this
parcel except Popeyes at 50 and Maguire. There is a retail strip building proposed
with a restaurant on each side and a dentist in the middle. On Maguire and State
Road 50 will be two buildings with four units. The first building will be on the road
with Orlando Health Urgent Care Center along with three more units in the
building. The second building with four units may have some restaurants.
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
January 31,2017
B. February Calendar
Kathy Heard, Recording Clerk Rob McKey, Chairman
7 ' Page
Date Published and Media Name
4,3 V;P
ing an ordinance thereby adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendments related to a large
scale amendment to the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan,establishing and amending
elements for the purpose of incorporating the recommendations of the Evaluation and
Appraisal Report(EAR)into the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
The OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on the proposed large
scale amendment on TUESDAY,APRIL 4,2017,at 7:15 PM or as soon thereafter as
practical. The public hearing will be held in the City Hall Commission Chambers locat-
ed at 150 North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee.
Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the
proposed ordinance. The complete case file, including a complete legal description by
metes and bounds,may be inspected at the Ocoee Planning Department located at 150
North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, Florida between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday,except legal holidays.The Ocoee City Commission may con-
tinue the public hearing to other dates and times,as it deems necessary. Any interested
party shall be advised of the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or
continued public hearings shall be announced during the hearing and no further notices
regarding these matters will be published.You are advised that any person who desires
to appeal any decision made at the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings
and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing a special accom-
modation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the City
Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at(407)905-3105. as