HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-2017 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 23,2017 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson King called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice-Chairperson King led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the roll was called, and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Member Ball, Member Hill, Member Murray, Member King, Member Bray, Member Laney (late arrival), and Member Garone. Also present were Deputy Chief Plasencia and Recording Clerk Garza. ABSENT: Chairperson Santana (excused) Member Titus (excused), and Member Vines (unexcused). Approval of Minutes from the January 26, 2017 Meetino Member Bray makes a motion to approve the Minutes from January 26, 2017, .seconded by Member Hill. Motion passed unanimously. Update on Spring Fling Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members the Spring Fling will take place on March 11 at Bill Breeze Park from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. This event is all about safety; the Fire Department will be setting a structure on fire; there will also be other demonstrations including vehicles not following a safety route, and your attendance is encouraged. She continues by saying she believes the board voted to have a booth at this event. Vice- Chairperson King adds there will also be a kids' hearts booth. Deputy Chief Plasencia states this booth is sponsored by another organization and they will be testing kids for heart conditions. Update on Community Picnic Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members it will take place on May 6 at Tiger Minor Park. She does not have the hours yet but the information will be posted on the Ocoee Police Department's Facebook page shortly. Member Hill asks what the board is doing at Spring Fling to which Vice-Chairperson King replies it was to have a presence and talk to people. Member Hill asks if there are any volunteers to which Member King replies she had volunteered but she cannot because of an unexpected situation and she will not be in town. Member Hill states he will probably be there but will not be able to stay the whole day(Member Laney arrives at 7:08). Discussions ensued. Update on Pulse Shooting Responders Recognition Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members she does not have an update yet but she will inform them when she does. C.A.C.O.P.D. February 23,2017 Meeting Fact-finding activities Vice-Chairperson King states this item is related to the CACOPD members going out into the community and finding out what is the board's role in the community and with the Police Department. She continues by asking Deputy Chief Plasencia how it was done in Miami and if she had any ideas. Deputy Chief Plasencia responds in Miami everyone is neighborhood based and so the members would be the eyes and ears in their neighborhood and would bring forth concerns. Those concerns were then brought back to the Police Department and were addressed for a month and then the Police Department would report back to the committee. Basically their role was to bring forth concerns in the community. Member Bray says he does not think many people know about the CACOPD to which Deputy Chief Plasencia suggests taking a picture and uploading to Facebook without using full names so the community knows about it. Vice-Chair King asks if because she has access to Nextdoor and that gives her access to her neighbors, is there a problem using her personal Nextdoor access and state she is a CACOPD member. Deputy Chief Plasencia replies that is a really good questions and she will find out if it is possible. Discussions ensued. Member Laney adds she paraphrases issues that come up on Nextdoor to keep the Police Department informed when she deems it appropriate. Subcommittee Reports Vice-Chair King asks if there are any members of the video subcommittee and Member Hill replies Member Titus is a member. Vice-Chairperson King continues by saying that the safety summit subcommittee came to the conclusion that the tasks can be done by the entire board and that no subcommittee is necessary. Discussions ensued. Member Murray asks if there is a Homeowners' Association List and Recording Clerk Garza replies the City Clerk's Office has one. Activity Report Member Bray tells the board members Coffee with a Cop will take place March 16 at the McDonald's on Silver Star and Clark Rd., and Deputy Chief Plasencia replies the location has changed and she does not know where yet. Member Laney shares that she enjoyed the presentation of Awards because it was re-written to include personal details about each person getting an award. She continues by saying she also attended the CBA meeting held and points out there is an article on the West Orange Times that talks about it. Member Carone thanks Member Laney with her informative email. Vice- Chairperson King says she would rather any email be sent to the board members through Staff-Liaison Sgt. lannuzzi. Member Laney replies she has never had a problem with this and she has been doing this for 19 years; the board will never vote on any issues concerning officer's benefits. Vice-Chairperson King replies she is grateful for all of the information but she would much rather it be sent by Staff-Liaison Sgt. lannuzzi. Discussions ensued as to how to send emails and communications to the board members. Set Next Agenda A. Update on Spring Fling B. Community Picnic C. Update Pulse Shooting 2 C.A.C.O.P.D. February 23,2017 Meeting D. Coffee with a Cop E. General discussion F. By-laws review Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members about the Little League Parade on February 25 at 7:45 a.m. and also a handgun safety class on Saturday which is already full. She continues by asking the board members if anyone is attending the Citizen's Public Safety Academy and Member Garone replies he will attend the August Academy but wanted to ask if he is required to attend since he is retired law enforcement. Member Laney states the board may look into giving him an exception and vote on it next meeting. Member Hill states it is a great experience. Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members the City is conducting a Charter review with the Commission and this may be a good opportunity for the board to look at the by-laws to maybe enhance or change them if needed. Member Laney replies it is a great idea and members can read the by-laws before the next meeting and bring any ideas then. Deputy Chief Plasencia tells the board members the CACOPD. Budget is $2,000. Recording Clerk Garza tells the board members that they can't abstain from voting unless there is a legitimate voting conflict. There is a form that needs to be filled out and turned in to the City Clerk's Office. If any member does not vote it will be counted as a no. Member Hill asks what the turnover rate is with officers in Ocoee Police Department. Deputy Chief Plasencia replies she did not bring her chart but the turnover rate is excellent. She believes last year one person retired and one left for another reason; the previous year one person retired, another retired for medical reasons, and one more for other reasons. No one has left to gain employment within our region. Member Ball asks if the Police Department has Mutual Aid Agreements to which Deputy Chief Plasencia replies many: Orange County Sheriff's Office, SWAT, WONTF and many others. Vice- Chairperson King asks if there are still complaints about parking at the schools Deputy Chief Plasencia states the Police Department is conducting an educational campaign but anyone living near a school is going to be faced with this issue. Discussions ensued. Member Hill asks is the Citizens' Advisory Council in Miami Dade participates in the Internal Affairs Investigations at the Police Department to which Deputy Chief Plasencia replies no. Member Garone tells the board members he was a Police Officer at Lake County before, now lives in Ocoee and would like to participate in the community. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 Respectfully Submitted: 11\1113)u,LLA Madeleine Garza ose San ana Recording Clerk "Chairperson 3