HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
4.04r Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
o c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
March 27,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Recording Clerk Heard called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. She further called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Vice-Chairman James Thomas, Member Lou
Forges. Also present were GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana
Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Member Michael Hopper(A/E), Member Edward Strickland (A/U)
Guest: Beverly Willis, Mapping Department Supervisor, Orange County Supervisor of
II. Brief Introduction of Members
Member Keethler introduced himself. He has resided in Ocoee since 2005, and currently
lives in Westyn Bay, District 1. He is a retired Air Force Officer and executive with
Lockheed Martin. He is currently a board member on the Planning & Zoning Commission.
He has two sons and four grandchildren.
III. Election of Officers
Member Thomas stated he would like to nominate Member Keethler as Chairman.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Keethler as Chairman; Moved by Member Thomas,
seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried 2:1 with Member Keethler opposing.
Member Forges stated he would like to nominate Member Thomas as Vice-Chairman.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Thomas as Vice-Chairman; Moved by Member
Fortes, seconded by Member Keethler; Motion carried unanimously.
Districting Commission Meeting
March 27,2017
IV. Approval of Minutes for February 27,2017
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of February 27, 2017; Moved by Vice-
Chairman Thomas, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried 2:1 with Chairman
Keethler abstaining. (Form 8B not submitted with the Clerk's Department due to no financial
V. Update Since the Last Meeting
GIS Analyst O'Halloran described what he will be discussing tonight. He provided a
PowerPoint presentation and mentioned he will be reviewing the last meeting and how the
population data was formulated for the districts. He advised he took the last census data,
which was done in 2010, and updated the numbers using Certificates of Occupancies. He
informed the Board he will be discussing the work they requested of him since the last
meeting with the updated results. He concluded that he will show the Board the numbers
with the current status of the districts and whether they need to make any revisions; and
further, with his software he will be able to adjust the districts accordingly.
Chairman Keethler asked for clarification on what a census block is. GIS Analyst
O'Halloran advised that the census block level is the lowest level derived from the Census
Bureau data. He described the census blocks and advised that each block contains a
population number. He further explained that the districts can be shifted with the census
blocks, but the census blocks cannot be shifted apart or cut in half. Vice-Chairman
Thomas inquired if Mr. O'Halloran can come up with a percentage of census blocks that
are questionable. Mr. O'Halloran indicated he is able to do that.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran updated the Board on the work he has done since the last
meeting. He explained to the Board that at the first meeting he announced he was using the
population data from a halfway point between the last census of 2010 to the next census
date of 2020, which happens to be April 1, 2015. He updated the Board with a request that
was made by them to bring the numbers more up to date, from April 1, 2015 to March 1,
2017. He indicated that ten (10) more annexations and 625 more Certificates of Occupancy
(CO's) were added after April 1, 2015. He explained he came up with the Certificates of
Occupancy number by going from census block to census block and counting the CO's.
Discussion ensued regarding the added annexations and CO's. Mr. O'Halloran indicated
the average persons per household is 2.78 percent across the city. He presented
Commission District Population graphs entailing the differences of the population data
from April 1, 2015 and March 1, 2017 (below).
Commission District Po.ulation, A 1, 2015
1 9765 9886 121 1.24
2 9765 9081 -684 -7.00
3 9765 10250 485 4.97
4 9765 9843 78 0.80
39060 39060
2 ' Page
Districting Commission Meeting
March 27,2017
Commission District Population, March 1, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained what the percentage of deviation means; and further,
indicated five (5) percent deviation.means the population can range from 9,662 to 10,679
for any district. Member Forges asked what population number they will be using, the
2015 or the most updated, 2017. Discussion was had on what number they will use, and it
was the Consensus of the Board to use the most updated numbers of 2017.
Mr. O'Halloran indicated that they can use the most updated numbers. He concluded and
qualified that persons per household are summarized by census blocks and applied to new
certificates of occupancy; and further, assuming occupancy rate has not changed from
2010. Discussion ensued regarding population data for the school board compared to the
commission district population and how both are obtained.
VI. Trials of Various District Boundaries 7:31 pm
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly demonstrated the Esri Districting ArcGIS software and
discussed how the districts can be manipulated with this software. He displayed the
districts along with the incumbents' residents, which are marked with an "x" on the map.
The Board had discussions with each other on manipulating the districts. Assistant City
Attorney Crosby-Collier reminded the Board that it should be their intent to preserve
communities and subdivisions and to not split them up. Discussions ensued regarding
moving all census blocks within District 3 that are located East of South Bluford Avenue,
South of Orlando Avenue and North of Maine Street into District 2 along with census
blocks located North of Old Winter Garden Road and East of Blackwood Avenue. It was
the Consensus of the Board to save this map plan, as detailed above, as Board Plan 1.
Discussions further ensued regarding the deviation percentage of Board Plan 1; and further,
the Board concurred on moving more census blocks within District 3 over to District 2. The
Board asked Mr. O'Halloran to utilize Board Plan 1 and move more census blocks between
North and South Kissimmee Avenue and South Bluford Avenue over to District 2 along
with one census block located South of Old Winter Garden Road in between Citrus Medical
Court and Matador Drive. It was the Consensus of the Board to save this map plan, as
detailed above, as Board Plan 2. Further discussion and manipulations entailed regarding
moving census blocks from District 1 into District 2 to which no plans were saved.
Discussion ensued about Commissioner Grogan's residence being close to the border of
Districts 1 and 2, which is deterring them from moving census blocks from District 1 to
District 2 within that vicinity.
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Districting Commission Meeting
March 27,2017
Orange County Mapping Department Supervisor Willis indicated population and voter
population are mirrored and are basically the same. Chairman Keethler asked whether
she would expect District 2 to improve with more census blocks, and Ms. Willis indicated
it will improve with District 2 obtaining more voters, but she emphasized this process is
about population, not voters.
Chairman Keethler inquired what the next step is and whether members of the board can
meet with city staff to devise more board plans on their own. Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier stated the board cannot sit down together to discuss, but they are able to
individually. GIS Analyst O'Halloran indicated he can meet with them one-on-one to
devise different plans, and in the past those plans were named "Public Plans." Member
Forges indicated he is fine with that, but he prefers the meetings.
VII. Public Comments 8:35pm
Recording Clerk Heard opened the meeting for public comment; and further, closed
public comment as no one came forth to speak.
VIII.Direction to Staff 8:35pm
Chairman Keethler advised that the Board asked for staff to research the school numbers
and methodology. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier agreed and indicated they will
look into how the School Board generates their population numbers.
Recording Clerk Heard advised the Board that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday,
April 24, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., which was an agreeable date with the board members.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
/ ♦ .1,.
K thy Hea ., 'ecording Clerk i 0 ///
Greg, �_g-ethler, Chairman