HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Approval of Ocoee Town Center Plat – Phase 2 (Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments)law g OCOPP nmma AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 16, 2017 Item # & 'i71� Reviewed By: Contact Name: Milen Womack Department Director: Contact Number: (407) 554-7081, ext. 1506 City Manager: Subject: Ocoee Town Center — Phase 2 Plat (Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments) Approval — District 3 (Commissioner Richard Firstner) Background Summary The subject property is located on the southeast corner of S. Bluford Avenue and Maine Street. The lots are identified as parcel numbers 20-22-28-0000-00-068, 20-22-28-6156-04-000, and 20-22-28-6156-03-000. The total of the lots affected is 11.91 acres in size. The Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments is comprised of 302 multi- family units. This plat is being required in order to reflect the improvements constructed as part of the Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments development and to combine two lots platted previously in the Ocoee Town Center— Phase 1 plat. Lots 3 and 4 of the Ocoee Town Center — Phase 1 plat will be combined into one large lot. This plat includes easements for public utility improvements, drainage, and sidewalk along S. Bluford Avenue. The Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments has received a Certificate of Completion prior to this replatting; therefore, the developer is not required to provide a Surety since all public improvements have been completed and are covered by a Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement. Issue: Should the City approve the Ocoee Town Center — Phase 2 Plat (Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments)? Recommendations The Development Services Department recommends the approval of the Ocoee Town Center — Phase 2 Plat (Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments) by the City Commission and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Plat. Attachments: 1) Ocoee Town Center — Phase 2 Plat Financial Impact: There is no financial Impact related to this plat. Type of Item: (please mark with an x ) Public Hearing fror Gerk's Dent Use: Ordinance First Reading " Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document(Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by p N/A OCOEE TOWN CPNTER - PHASE 2 A PORTION OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, MANGE 28 EAST AND A REPLAT OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, OCOEE TOWN ENTER -PHASE I AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PAGES 37 THROUGH 41 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA City OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION -' LOT 1 A parcel of land comprising a portion of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the most Westerly corner of Ocoee Town Center Boulevard according to the plot of OCOEE TOWN CENTER — PHASE 1 as recorded in Plat Book 77. Pages 37 through 41 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, also being' a point on the Easterly right—of—way line of South Bluford Avenue according to Deed Book 430, Page 30 of said Public Records; thence run North 40' 03' 24' West along said Easterly right—of—way line for a distance of 12.32 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 5735.72 feet, with o chord bearing of North 38' 04' 12' West, and a chord distance of 397.65 feet; thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03' 58' 23" for an arc distance of 397.73 feet to a point on a non tangent line; thence run North 36' 01' 13' West for a distance of 286.99 feet to a point on the Southerly right—of—woy line of Maine Street an 80.00 foot wide public right—of—w ay. thence departing aforesaid Easterly right—of—way line of South Bluford Avenue run along said Southerly right—of—way line of Maine Street the following courses: North 08' 53' 54' East for a distance of 38.11 feet; thence run North 53' 50' 03" East for a distance of 7.87 feet to the point of curvature, of a curve, concave Southeasterly having a radius of 460.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 72' 05' 41', East, and a chord distance of 288.27 feet; thence run Northeasterly along the are of said curve through a central angle of 36' 31' 16" for an arc distance of 293.21 feet to o point of tangency, thence run South 89' 38' 41" East for a distance of 409.61 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 890.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 86' 51' 19" East, and a chord distance of 10$.66 feet; thence run Easterly along the are of said curve through 'a central angle of 06' 59' 59' for on arc distance of 108.73 feet to a point of tangency, thence run North 83' 21' 20' East for a distance of 53.51 feet to a point on the Westerly line of vacated Richmond Avenue, according to City of Ocoee Resolution No. 99-08 and Official Records Book 5689, Page 830 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida; thence run South 00' 31' 13" East along said Westerly line for a distance of 458.86 feet; thence departing sold Westerly line run North 89' 56' 50" West for a distance of 86.75 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 197.50 feet, with a chord bearing .of South 69' 59' 53" West, and a chord distance of 135.45 feet; thence run Southwesterly j along the arc of sold curve through a central angle of 40' 06' 34' for an arc distance of 138.26 feet to a point of tangency, also being a point on the Northerly right—of—way line of aforesaid Ocoee Town Center Boulevard; thence run South 49' 56' 36" West along said Northerly right—of—way line a distance of 295.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 1 Containing 9.11 acres j Together with, LOT 2 i A parcel of land comprising Lot 4 and a portion of Lot 3, OCOEE TOWN CENTER — PHASE 1 as recorded in Plat Book 77, Pages 37 through 41 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, ' Being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the most Westerly comer of Ocoee Town Center Boulevard according to the aforesaid plat , of OCOEE TOWN CENTER — PHASE 1, also being a point on the Easterly right—of—way line of aforesaid South Bluford Avenue; thence run South 40' 03' 24" East along sold Easterly right—of—way line for a distance of 70.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, also being a point on the Southerly right—of—way line of said Ocoee Town Center Boulevard; thence run North 49' 56' 36" East along said Southerly right—of—way line for a distance of 278.50 feet; to the most Westerly corner of Tract A, OCOEE TOWN CENTER — PHASE 1; thence run South 40' 03' 24" East along the Westerly line of said Tract A for a distance of 294.22 feel to the point of curvature of a curve, concave Westerly having d radius of 25.00 feet, with a chord bearing of South 04' 56' 36' West, and a chord distance of 35.36 feet; thence departing said Westerly line of Tract A run Southwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90' 00' 00" for an are distance of 39.27 feet to a point of tangency, thence run South 49' 56' 36" West parallel with and 14.00 feet North of (perpendicular measure) the Southerly line of said Lot 3 for a distance of 223,50 feet to the point of curvature of a curve, concave Northerly having a radius of 30.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 85' 03' 24" West, and a chord distance of 42.43 feet; thence run Westerly along the are of sold curve through a central angle of 90' GO' 00" for an arc distance of 47.12 feet to a point of tangency, also being a point on aforesaid EasterlyI right—of—way line of South Bluford Avenue; thence run North 40' 03' 24' West along said Easterly right—of—way line for a distance of 289.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.03 acres _ SHEETINDEX SHEET 1 of 4 — legal description, dedication Surveyors notes & legend SHEETS 2 of 4 — title Information SHEETS 3 and 4 of 4 — boundary & geometry Information SURVEYOR'S NOTES SHEET 1 OF 4 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Northerly right—of—way line of Ocoee Town Center Boulevard being a bearing of South 4956'21C West per record plat. . 2. All llnes are radial, unless otherwise noted non —radial (N.R.). 3. All platted utility easements shall also be easements for the construction, Installation, maintenance, and operation of cable television and data services; provided, however, no such construction, Installation maintenance, and operation of cable television services shall Interfere with the facilities and services d an electric, telephone, gas, or other public utility. In the event a cable television company damages the facilities of a public utility, it shall be solely res dneible for the damages. This section shall not apply to those private easements granted to or catered by a particular electric, telephone, gas, or other public utility. Such construction, installation, maintenance, and operation shall comply with the National Electrical Safety Code as adopted by the Florida Public Service Commission. 4. Elevationsbased on Orange County benchmark #S1529025 described as "set 3" Orange County aluminum disk on a concrete curb Inlet on the west side of the Intersection of Central Commercial Lane and Ocoee Commercial Boulevard, having an elevation of 121.681 feet, (NAVD 88). 5. The City of Ocoee Is subject to the terms, provisions and restrictions of F.S. Chapter 163 concerning moratoria on the Issuance of building permits under certain circumstances. The City has no lawful ,authority to exempt any private entity or Itself from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein shall be considered as such on exemption. 6. All development shall be in accordance with and sub )eci to the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, as amended from time to time, and all Federal, State, County and City Rules, Regulations, Ordinances and Approvals.. 7. A perpetual, non—exclusive easement for access over all Internal roadways and paved areas Is hereby granted to the City of Ocoee and other applicable Authorities for Law Enforcement, Fire and 'other emergency services. ' B. The property Is subject to the terms of the Ocoee Town Center Declarations of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions recorded In Official Records Book 10384, Page 7793: First Supplemental Declaration to Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions recorded April 20. 2016 in Instrument 20160200082; First Amendment to : Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions recorded April 20, 2016 in Instrument # 20166200083; Assignment and Assumption of Decloront's Rights under Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions In favor of The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC 'recorded April 2b, 2016 in Instrument $ 20160200088; and Partial Termination of Wall and Landscape Easement recorded April 20, 2016 in Instrument ;l20160200094, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 9. Except as shown on this -plat, all access rights from South Bluford Avenue, Maine Street, Richmond Avenue, Ocoee Town Center Boulevard and Tract A Ocoee Town Center —Phase 1 Private Access, Ingress/Egress, Drainage and Utility Easement ore hereby dedicated to the City of Ocoee. 10. This site Iles In Zones "X" and "AE", based on Flood Insurance Rate Map, Panel No. 12095CO220F, having an effective date of 09/25/2009, City of Ocoee, Orange Gounty, Florida. ll.The 15.00'x25.00' utility easements shown on lots 1 and 2 aad the 10.00'x15.00' utility easement shown on lot 2, being created by this plat, Is dedicated to and maintained by the City of Dcoee. . LEGEND: N.R. denotes non —radial O.R. denotes Official Records Book denotes centerline P.C. denotes point of curvature- R/W denotes right—of—way P.T. denotes polnt,of tangency CCR # denotes Certified Comer Record Number P.I. denotes point of Intersection PG(S). denotes Page(s) CH denotes chord length P.B. denotes Plat Book N.T. denotes non tangent D.B. denotes Deed Book CB denotes chord bearing ORB. denotes Official Records Book e denotes central angle denotes set 4' x e concrete R denotes radius ■ Monument LB 6723 permanent L denotes arc length reference monument, P.R.M. NAVD 88 denotes 1988 North American Vertical Datum LLC denotes limited liability company TBM . denotes temporary benchmark • denotes change of direction, no corner set or found ' EAST GENEVA STREET ♦�♦&I . ..� �.♦ \\ SHEET 3 G m MAINE STREET N \ \ \SHEET 4 '� y SITE w LOT 1 i, G� LOT 2 z \ WEST COLONIAL DRIVE o o \ � U m\ 16 EAST PLANT STREET WWRR 6AR001, FLOFMA 34787 ¢ OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD < (407) 654-5355 KEY MAP ( not to scale) LQCATION MAP ( not to scale ) OFFICIAL OCOEE TOWN CENTER - PHASE 2 D E D I C A T I O N KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Oasis of Lake Bennet, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, being the owner In fee simple of oil of the lands described In the foregoing caption to this plat, hereby dedicates said lands and plot for the uses and purposes 'therein expressed, Including the plat notes. No part of said lands are dedicated to the City of Ocoee or Orange County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,, the undersigned, The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC, has caused these presents to be executed and acknowledged by Its undersigned Authorized Signatorryy thereunto duly authorized on this 29 day of rely 2012,. The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By. The Oasis at Lake Bennet OP, LLC,, a Florida limited II Ilty company, its Manager . By. Name: Robert M. Piceme �'�-,,,/ ,�_?�//u,r�;4�. Title: Manager Signature of Witness siZ>'HcrJ N. N-0-G % Printed Name of Wigs Signature of witness I Printed Name of Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF S-_C11L-VJ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, before me personally appeared Robert M. Piceme. as Manager of The Oasis at Lake Bennet GP, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, the Manager of The lOasis at Lake Bennet, LLC, a Florida limited liability company who Is `b) personally known to me or ( ) produced as identification, and did/did not take an oath, the Individual and officer described in'and who executed the foregoing conveyance and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his free act and deed as such officer thereunto duly authorized, and the sold conveyance Is the act and deed of said company. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 28 day of Fex3 20111 �^ •Y•✓'^y+ MLHELE LYNNE VICE Signature of Notary Public ;F' 't Nmvy weLc-s. drimu. thif �vv�P�2 (\x\� LLi Y eaPm Ery ,0d 30, 2018 V ��1""`����`,�"d„`Le' Lommissipa s FF 110095 Printed Name of Notary Public Notary Public In and for the State of Florida My Commission Expires: %­ `Of? Commission Number: 'FF tq-C'or15 CERTIFICATE OF,APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR Examined and Approved Development Services Director CERTIFICATE OF REVIEW BY CITY SURVEYOR This plat has been reviewed for conformity. with chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Date Timothy O. Mosby, PSM 4732 Southeastern Surveying and Mapping, LB# 2108 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, FL 32810 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that on the foregoing plat was approved by the City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida. QUALIFICATION STATEMENT OF SURVEYOR AND MAPPER City Attorney Mayor of Ocoee KNOW ALL YEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I the undersigned, being o Ilppcns d surveyor and mapper, do hereby certify that on Z/Zo 1� I completed the survey of Attest: the land�ae shown In the foregoing plat or plan: that said plot Is a true and correct representation of the lands surveyed and City Clerk y platted and•.was prepared under my responsible direction and supervision; ;.that permanent reference monuments have been placed as shown thereon; and this plat complies with oil the survey requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes and that CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMPTROLLER said la is'� Ioc tad in the City of Deoee oEgn'gU )rounty, Florida. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing plat was ` Z7 Y in the Orange County Official Records By. Date: James L. Rickman P.S.M. # 5633 .recorded on as File No. Allen & Company s1A1 tOr Licensed Business � 6723 ccmoti c Count Comptroller In and for Orange Count Florida. Y P 9 y _ 16 East Plant Street, +s„.,. Winter Garden, Florida 34787 By OCOEE TOWN CENTER - PHASE 2 A POR11ON OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND A REPLAT OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, OCOEE TOWN CENTER -PHASE 1 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PACES 37 THROUGH 41 OF THE PUBLJC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF 4 THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW IS BASED ON CERTIFICATE OF,TiTLE INFORMATION FOR THE FILING OF A SUBDIVISION PLAT, OCOEE TOWN CENTER -PHASE 2, PREPARED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FATIC FILE NUMBER; 2037-3497880, THROUGH FEBRUARY 15, 2017 AT 8:DO AM. THIS PLAT IS AFFECTED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. E, Underlying rights of way, easements or plats affecting said property are as follows: 1. Easement Agreement by and between Cambria and the City of Ocoee recorded May 15, 1991 In Official Records Book 4287, Page 2313, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 2. Easement Agreement by and between'Wllllom E. Colburn and Lieser M. Colburn, his wife and The City of Ocoee recorded May 15, 1991 In Official Records Book 4287, Page 2317, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 3. Provisions contained In the plat of O'case Town Center - Phase I recorded May 31, 2012 in Plat Book 77, Pages 37 through 41, Inclusive and Partial Termination of Wall and Landscape Easement recorded April 20, 2016 In Instrument No. 20160200094, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 4. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements of Ocoee Town Center recorded IMay 31, 2012 In Official Records Book 10384, Page 7793; Frst Supplemental Declaration to Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions recorded April 20, 2016 In Instrument #20160200082; First Amendment to Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions recorded April 20, 2016 in Instrument # 20160200083; Assignment and Assumption of Declarants Rights under Ocoee Town Center Declaration of Easements, Covenants and Restrictions In favor of The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC, recorded April 20, 2016 In Instrument $ 20160200085; and Partial Termination of Wall and Landscape Easement recorded .April 20, 2016 in Instrument #20160200094, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. F. Other information regarding sold property Includes; 1. Sewer Service Territorial Agreement by and between Orange County and Prima Vista Utility Company, Inc recorded June 10, 1987 in Official Records Book 3894, Page 1363; First Amendment recorded February 23, 1994 in Official Records Book 4702, Page 2589; Amendment recorded 'October 20, 1992 In Official Records Book 4476, Page 1320; Second Amendment recorded December 7, 1999 In Official Records Book 5896, Page 3531; Third Amendment recorded January it, 2002 In Official Records Book 6432, Page 2130, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 2. Developer's Agreement by and between the City of Ocoee, Cambria Partnership and Cypress Nursery, Inc. recorded December 31, 1987 in Official Records Book 3947, Page 1188; Amendment recorded October 20, 1992 in Official Records Book 4476, Page 1320, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 3. Waste Water Developers Agreement by and between the City of Ocoee, BML Investments and Jerome Feinstein recorded December 31, 1987 in Official Records Book 3947, Page 1429; Amendment recorded December 20, 1992 in Official Records Book 4476, Page 1320, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 4. Intentionally Deleted 5. Construction Agreement by and between the City of Ocoee and West 50 Water Line, Inc, recorded August 1, 1989 In Official Records Book 4102, Page 33% Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 5. Water Service Territorial Agreement by and between Orange County and the City of Ocoee recorded August 1, 1989 in Official Records Book 4102, Page 367; First Amendment recorded February 23, 1994 in Official Records Book 4702, Page 2576; Second Amendment recorded January 11, 2002 in Official Records Book 6432, Page 2116, Public Records of Orange County, Florida 7. Development Agreement by and between. William E. Colburn and John D. Colburn, CCN Investments, Inc. formerly known as Cypress Creek Nursery, Inc. and the City of Ocoee recorded November 24, 1998 in Official Records Book 5623, Page 2313; Addendum to Agreement recorded February 23, 2011 in Official Records Book 10176, Page 7236; First Amendment recorded August 25, 2011 in Official Records Book 10258, Page 8199, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 8. Resolution No. 99-08 Vacating a Portion- of Richmond Avenue recorded February 23, 1999 In Official Records Book 5689, Page 830, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 9. Development Agreement (Opoee Town', Center) by and between Colonial Buford, LLC and the City of Ocoee recorded December 15, 2011 In Official Records Book 10307, Page 396; First Amendment to Development Agreement recorded November 6, 2015 In Official Records Book 11009, Page 7473 and Quit Claim Assignment and Assumption of Property Interests In favor of The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC recorded April 20, 2016 in Instrument #20160200089, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 10. Recorded Notice of Environmental Resource Permit recorded April 14, 2016 to Instrument #2016D186714, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 11. Landscape Easement Agreement In favor of The Oasis at Lake Bennet, LLC recorded April 20, 2015 in Instrument # 20160200087, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 of 4 - legal description, dedication Surveyors notes & legend SHEETS 2 of 4 - title Information SHEETS 3 and 4 of 4 - boundary & geometry information OCOEE TOWN CENTER — PHASE 2 SHEET 3 OF 4 A PORTION OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND A REPLAT OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, OCOEE TOWN CENTER -PHASE 1 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PAGES 37 THROUGH 41 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA i CALCULATED SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH TH S THE NORTHWEST 20 THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20-22-28 ////----SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THEOF THE NORTH EST OF SECTIONOFH20-22-20 S89'3B'33'E _� TBM #5, SET X-CUT IN TOP OF CONCRETE 1329.69' CURB, ELEVATION = 124.07 NAVD 88 3 MAINE STREET 80.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH- $ o o _ _ NOT PLATTED — — t - / $ OR . 5623, PG. 72,3 ORB. 10176, PG. g g go _ 53.55,' \ 'Ay1 ' 58938'41°E ORB.8199 1025B, PG. 8199 409.61' p•Ng3'21'20°I e. e• SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAINE STREET R=B90.DO' I �` \ \ °o• > gM CB=N86'51'19°E 's'�• 0 R=460.00' o C8=N72'05'41°E A=06'69'69' °o• o• CH=288.2r M p• L=108.73' 3'54°E I1=38'31'18' \ 8.11, \ L=293.21' \ N89'31'14'E 40.64' }d) ,\\ \ Soo \\ 3 \ may\ WESTERLY LINE OF RIITY OFO AVENUE VACATED 1ERO.EASEMENT AGREEMENT PER 8, R OCOEE RESOLUTION PER O.R. 4287, PG. 2373 N0. 99-D8, PER O.R. 5689, PG. 630 "6y� WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 LOT 1 K15.00' X 25.00' OF SECTION 20-22-28 \ \� UTILITY EASEMENT AS• 'Y \ �P RIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASTERLY LINE OF SOUTH BLUFORD AVENUE \ ys p \ \ R=197.5C CB=S69'59153°V CH=135.4: SOUTHEAST CORNER THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF \ - 1'- IN SECTION 20-22-28 FOUND \ \ CR 166 41 WELL BOX NO IDENTIFICATION; CCR g66541 \ \ n�E 2661.07_� \ Y \ \ SOUTHWEST CORNER THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION \ \ PAVEMENT FOND RAILROAD SPIKE IN PAVEMENT NO WENTFlCATION; CCR 1 66541 \ \ R=5735.72'' /\ CB=N38'04'12°W N4003'24°\ 12.32 \ POINT OF BEGINNINGLOT 1 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT LOT 2 MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF OCOEE TOWN CENTER BOULEVARD, P.B. 77, PGS. 37-41 POINT OF BEGINNING L=138.26' 1 I Q 6 I O o ( Z0 I I I c=i % Ins I I (7 IN a I o I L---I I I I I I p� 86.75' N89'56'50°W NOT PLATTED 'EOAL WARRANTY DEED PER DOC/20160200079 GRAPHIC SCALE W 0 eo ( IN FELrf ) I inch = 60 fL EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 of THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTGN 20-22-28 NOT PLATTED RICHMOND AVENUE VACATED PER RESOLUTION NO. 99-08. PER O.R. 5689, PG. 830. TBM #I TOP OF IRON ROD AND CAP LB ®6723, ELEVATION = 124.07 NAVD 88 TRACT B OCOEE TOWN CENTER PHASE P.B. 77, PGS, 37-41 yq`�' 9\ 4j0F0 LINE TABLE p' 10' DNE BEARING LENGTH L2 53• , 5 00' L2 S3613' `E 20.00' a L3 53' 9'E 15.00' L4 S36 3' 'E 2 0 ' LOT 2 SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 \ AUTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT PER ESE \ � EASEMENT AGREEMENT O.R. 4207, PG. 2377 SHEETINDEX SHEET 1 of 4 - legal description, dedication Surveyor's notes & legend SHEETS 2 of 4 - title inform.0.n SHEETS 3 and 4 of 4 - boundary & geometry Information ZVI 16 EAST PLANT STREET WINTER GARDEN, ROIWA U787 (407) 654-5355 .00OEE TOWN CENTER - PHASE 2 A PORTION OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST AND A REPLAT OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, OCOEE TOWN CENTER -PHASE 1 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PAGES 37 THROUGH 41 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA I I I 5.00' UTILITY—{ EASEMENT CURVE TABLE ..._ CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEAPoI DELTA C401 30.00' 15.71' 16.63' 6-56'36'E 30n.T. C402 3OGG 31. 2' 1 30.00' 1 S7WOS24'E 60n0'00' C403 162.50' 1 15.20' 1 1520' S52'3'25" 05'2'38" p. I e• , NOT PLATTED P.T. SPECIAL WARRANTY GEED PER DOC#20150200079 LOT 1�.} SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 .,. {J 3 } - \\ G 'a� / ge y't �� �{ TRACT B STORMWATER POND OCOEP.B.077, PGS. 37CENTER P41 SE i EASEMENT PER \�O.R 4287, PG. �l\\1\l\ YT PQ.O 0Ct1`� •l /{y40i \y65, vv CP 0� e- \ WESTERLYLINE TRACT A P.B.B. 77, PGS 37-41 15.00' EASEMENT ETY N AGREEMENT D SIDEWALK EASEMENT LOT PER O.R. 4287, PG. 2317 2 }} \ X UTILITY i ie' \\ \ +0 Q�5}.\ \ tl q, q \ '� \ �\l\ \ 10.DoTILIT X EASEMENT \ "1�! �unuTr EASEMENr LOT 2 /A\ ` N;e --------- \ ; �\ \ \7g aav 'A UnOI AND \ SIDEWALK EASEMENT i �15.00' EASEMENT AGREEMENT ,``` 1 \ a \teP.T. 1 \ \ \ d] \ 1 �C. �P1.4� ' \ PER O.R. 4287, PG. 2377 P.T. \ ` \ � }'10 lip M1A 14, 4' ' p EAST DNE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 20-22-28 LOT 2 OCOEE TOWN CENTER - PHASE I P.B. 77, PGS. 37-41 \ I \ \ \ \ \ LOT 2 oF„ OCOEE TOWN `o CENTER — PHASE I C402 �'' \ P.B, 77, PGS. 37-41 CB=N CH=42.43' DETAIL A (not to ecGle) \ \ \ LP90'00'OW \ \ \ L=47.12' SHEET 4 OF 4 I PLAT BOOK GRAPHIC SCALE w 0 ( R1 Feet ) I tech = 40 it. LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L403 39 00' 0'03'2 ' L404 -OV 0n3'2 L405 15.00' 49'56'36'E NOT PLATTED L408 25.00' S4o'03'2'E L407 6 DO' 9'56'36'E L408 26.00' n3'24'E L409 5.00' 49'56'36'E 1_410 loow N40'03'2eW L411 15.w 49'SB'3B'E L412 I low Gn3'2a" \ SHEET 3 NOT PLATTED N EET_4.` KEY MAP ` (not to scale) LOT 1 OCOEE TOVM CENTER — PHASE 1 P.B. 77, PGS. 37-41 PAGE SHEET INDEX `\ SHEET 1 of 4 — legal description, dedication Surveyor's notes & legend SHEETS 2 of 4 — title information WINTER CARD AST PLANTFLORIDA 33i ei SHEETS 3 and 4 of 4 — boundary 4 geometry information (407) 854-5355