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Member Scalzo conducted roll call and called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm in the Station 25 Training
Room located at 563 South Bluford Avenue.
The Pledge of Allegiance was performed
Board Secretary Hall declared a quorum was present.
PRESENT:Members: Chairman Scalzo, Channell,Lawrie, Vaughn, Titus,Richardson, Commissioner
Firstner and Deputy Chief Hoover
ABSENT: Member Carbone and Member Hodge
GUEST(S): None
Approval of Minutes: August 11, 2016 minutes were approved.
Motion by Member Richardson seconded by Member Titus-carried 6-0.
Old Business:-
Chairman Scalzo mentioned Spring Fling and that it was a success.
New Business—
Chairman Scalzo discussed the Firefighter of the Year and the Open House.
Deputy Chief Hoover presented the candidates nominated for Firefighter of the Year there were 5
nominations. FF/PM Matt Jones was nominated by Eng. Outland, Eng. Atalski was nominated by Lt.
Nazario, FF/PM Ponzini was nominated by Lt. Cullen and Lt. Ellis was nominated by FF Rodriguez and FF
Deputy Chief Hoover discussed everyone that was nominated in depth so the members could make a
Chairman Scalzo discussed with the members about each one of the nominations.
Chairman Scalzo had everyone write down who they wanted to vote for and Board Secretary Hall collected
votes and counted them Lt. Ellis will be the Firefighter of the Year for 2017. There will be a lunch sponsored
by the VFW on April 19, 2017.
Chairman Scalzo asked the members about purchasing a plaque for the Firefighter of the Year.
Motion by Member Titus seconded by Member Channell carried 6-0.
Minutes of Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
April 3,2017
Chairman Scalzo discussed the open house being held on April 29, 2017. Discussion ensued on what was
needed who would be available to help out Member Titus, Member Vaughn and Member Richardson.
Deputy Chief Hoover explained what we would be doing at the open house. Member Titus asked that she
could bring her popcorn machine instead of getting recreations. A union member will cook the food.
Chairman Scalzo asked members about purchasing the food for the open house.
Motion by Member Richardson seconded by Member Lawrie carried 6-0.
Deputy Chief Hoover discussed our ISO rating and the new engine that will be going to Station 26.
Discussed the Safer Grant that Commissioner Firstner took to Washington D.C. to give to Marco Rubio.
Deputy Chief Hoover informed the members of the transport that we are trying to get started. Deputy Chief
Hoover also discussed the new hire that we are hiring on April 17,2017.
Commissioner Firstner discussed the bonding that the city has received. The bonding projects will have to be
completed by 2019. Member Vaughn inquired about the West Oaks Mall and Commissioner Firstner
discussed everything going in there.
Date May 11,2017 at 7:00pm
A.Old Business—Open House
B. New Business-
C.Other Business-
Adjournment: 8:35 pm -Motion by Member Vaughn seconded by Member Richardson carried 5-0
Attest: Approved:
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