HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-24-2017 Minutes 1VOIrMayor Commissioners Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 `� �! City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3 O C O e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4 florida Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order—6:35 pm Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm, in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman Keethler led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence was had. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and declared a quorum to be present. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Michael Hopper, Member Lou Forges. Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, City GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard. Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas (A/U), Member Edward Strickland (A/U) II. Approval of Minutes for March 27,2017 Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of March 27, 2017; Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously. III. Old Business 6:34 pm 1. Update on Orange County Public Schools' Methodology Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier presented a handout regarding The Cohort Survival Ratio (CSR) Method, which is the method by which Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) establishes their baseline and projected enrollments. She further explained the Student Generation Rate (SGR), which is how OCPS assesses student numbers based on land use and the type of unit they reside in. She explained the difference in that the City uses the census blocks to estimate total population. Chairman Keethler asked how the OCPS numbers compare to the City's numbers that they are currently using. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier explained that GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran contacted the University of Florida Bureau of Statistics whom informed him the most accurate estimate in between censuses is the BEBR method to calculate estimated population. GIS Analyst Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 Mike O'Halloran explained to the Board that in 2007 he estimated the total population in a similar fashion to OCPS' method, but his estimates today were derived differently. 2. Review Maps of Board Plans 1 & 2 with Legal Principals a g Chairman Keethler reviewed and updated the Board on Board Plans 1 & 2 (attached hereto), which were created by the Board at the last meeting and have been brought forward by GIS Analyst O'Halloran in paper format with the districts' populations and deviation percentages, which were derived from modifying the 2010 census data to March 1, 2017 (graphs below). Discussion ensued amongst the Board members regarding new and upcoming development, which will affect the districts'population. Commission District Population, 2010 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 8893 8908 15 0.17 2 8893 8875 -18 -0.20 3 8893 8931 38 0.43 4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40 35571 35571 Commission District Po sulation, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170_ 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27 3 10170 11148 978 9.62 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 Chairman Keethler advised the Board that he met with GIS Analyst O'Halloran today and he worked with the Esri Districting ArcGIS software by himself and came up with two maps, which he entitled Public Plans 1 & 2 (attached hereto). Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier advised the Board of the practical guidelines when considering new district lines such as utilizing major roads and water features for boundary lines, utilizing the census tract lines, avoiding lines that are not physical features, anticipate future growth and encourage public input. She continued with emphasizing the legal principals to follow when creating new boundaries such as equal population, districts to remain compact and contiguous, preserve political boundaries, staying in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, preserving communities of interests and observe partisan and incumbent interests. Chairman Keethler thanked Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier, but indicated if all of the restrictions were strictly followed, it may become over-constrained, and a little bit of flexibility may be warranted. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier indicated if they were challenged, those are the questions that would be asked. Discussion ensued regarding subdivision boundaries with regards to the guidelines that the Board should consider. Member Hopper commented that the less impact to the boundaries and residents the Wage Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 better; and further, he indicated he likes Board Plan 2, because it is not a large impact, and it does a lot of good without impacting a lot of people. Discussion ensued regarding boundary line changes with the effects of current/future growth within districts. Chairman Keethler concluded with advising the Board that they currently have Board Plans 1 & 2 and Public Plans 1 & 2 and inquired of the Board what else there is to explore. Member Forges indicated their task is to stay within the five percent deviation. Member Hopper commented on Chairman Keethler's Public Plans 1 & 2 indicating he would not even take his plans to the City Commission, because it is too much change; and further, he indicated he is in favor of both Board Plans 1 & 2, but more so with Board Plan 2. Further discussion ensued regarding Chairman Keethler's Public Plans 1 & 2 with regards to district changes. Discussion ensued regarding districting deviation percentages in regards to attempting to keep Districts 1 & 3 at a lower deviation percentage and Districts 2& 4 at a higher deviation percentage, because of where they currently stand with anticipated future growth. IV. New Business - Trials of Various District Boundaries 7:20 pm 1. Creation of Additional Board Plans Including Assessment of Legal Principals GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly updated the Board about the last meeting indicating at the first meeting he brought forth 2015 data, which were estimates of population based on a method and not an actual population counts from the 2010 census. He informed the Board that the Supervisor of Elections has advised him that the City of Ocoee is the only municipality that redistricts every five (5) years; and further, surrounding municipalities conduct redistricting every ten (10) years, which correlates with the national census. He further discussed ten (10) census blocks within the city which he believes to be incorrect and hopes this can be fixed before the next census in 2020. He further states there are currently 161 people who have been incorrectly assigned outside of the city whom should be inside of the city, and 60 people who are incorrectly assigned inside of the city whom should be outside of the city. Census Shows In Census Shows Out GEOID District but Should be Out but should be In 120950150021004 1 60 120950175012132 1 49 120950175013082 1 9 120950181001051 2 33 120950149061067 2 32 120950150031088 3 10 120950149061089 3 8 120950171041112 3 8 120950150041053 4 _ 7 120950150041036 4 5 Totals 60 161 Mr. O'Halloran explained it was the consensus of the board last meeting to use the most updated numbers from March 1, 2017. Chairman Keethler interjected asking if the Board wished to make an official motion to use the most updated numbers from March 1, 2017. Due to no response from the Board, no motion was made. Assistant City Attorney Wage Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 Crosby-Collier shared that at their last meeting by consensus, they had preferred using the 2017 data. GIS Analyst O'Halloran discussed Board Plan 1, which map was on display and handed out to each member with correlating districts' population and percentage deviations, which are listed below and are attached hereto. Board Plan 1, March 1, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48 3 10170 10559 389 3.82 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 GIS Analyst O'Halloran discussed Board Plan 2, which map was on display and handed out to each member with correlating districts' population and percentage deviations, which are listed below and are attached hereto. Board Plan 2 March 1 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34 3 10170 10240 70 0.69 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 GIS Analyst O'Halloran presented the Board with three graphs comparing the differences of the current districts today to Board Plans 1 & 2 (below). Current Districts, 2017 Data t n$Comnsslon Dlstnd,,2017 Dab Board Plan 1, 2017 Data Board Plan 2, 2017 Data Board Plan 1,2017 Data Board Plan 2,2017 Data Wage Districting Commission Meeting April 24 2017 Commission District Po.ulation, March 1, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL °A) DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27 3 10170_ 11148 978 9.62 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 Board Plan 1, March 1, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48 3 10170 10559 389 3.82 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 Board Plan 2, March 1, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 0.43 2 10170 10135 -0.34 3 10170 10240 70 0.69 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained Board Plans 1 & 2 indicating the solid blue lines are the current district lines, and the dotted blue lines are the requested changes from the Board. He indicated the two plans are alike in that the existing line from Orlando Avenue is brought down along South Bluford Avenue and then following east along Main Street. This change would move Prima Vista subdivision from•District 3 into District 2. Another change on both plans is moving the census blocks located North of Old Winter Garden Road and East of Blackwood Avenue from District 3 into District 2. GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained Board Plan 2, which was derived from Board Plan 1, but moving the blue dotted line further to the West from South Bluford Avenue to Kissimmee Avenue including Bay Street. Mr. O'Halloran asked the Board if they have any questions about Board Plans 1 & 2. Member Forges indicated he likes Board Plan 2, and asked the Board if they would like to spend more time on that; and further, he suggested at the next meeting they define. the lines on Board Plan 2 to make sure no subdivisions are split in half. Mr. O'Halloran advised the Board that it was his understanding the Board was going to make more draft plans. Mr. Forges indicated that he believes Board Plan 2 is on the right track; and if they have the numbers for Public Plans 1 &2,they could incorporate those into Board Plan 2 to create a Board Plan 3. GIS Analyst O'Halloran turned on the Esri Districting ArcGIS software and explained it to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding new and upcoming developments within the city. Discussion entailed the following new developments: District 1, Arbors at Crown SIPage Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 Point and Forest Lake Estates; District 3, Oasis at Lake Bennet and City Center; District 4, Arden Park GIS Analyst O'Halloran shared the population numbers for Chairman Keethler's Public Plan 1 &2. Public Plan 1, 2017 Data IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10186 16 0.16 2 10170 10172 2 0.02 3 10170 10203 33 0.32 4 10170 10119 -51 -0.50 40680 40680 Public Plan 2, 2017 Data IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10029 -150 -1.47 2 10170 . 10522 352 3.46 3 10170 10062 -108 -1.06 4 10170 10076 -94 -0.92 40680 40680 Chairman Keethler asked the Board what else they want to do. He advised the Board that the plans have not been adopted and asked if anyone would like to adopt the plans at this time. Motion: Move to Adopt Board Plans 1 & 2 as Official Plans of the Board: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Keethler asked the Board what direction they would like to go in. He reminded the Board that Board Plan 2 is an evolution of Board Plan 1. He suggested to the Board to create a Board Plan 3 in an attempt to decrease the numbers for Districts 1 & 3 in anticipation for future growth. Member Forges indicated he liked the idea of increasing the numbers for Districts 2 & 4. Discussion ensued regarding creating a new board plan to attempt to move more census blocks from Districts 1 & 3 into Districts 2 & 4. It was the consensus of the Board to create a Draft Board Plan 3 from Board Plan 2. Discussion was had between the Board and GIS Analyst O'Halloran about making a modification to the census block area from Burnt Tree Court running south to Mack Street, which contains single-family homes on Burnt Tree Court and a mobile home park on Mobile Lane, Security Circle and Mack Street. GIS Analyst O'Halloran advised the Board that in the past modifications or splitting census blocks have been done, but it is not recommended. Member Hopper requested GIS Analyst O'Halloran if he could work with this specific area during the next month and bring back some numbers to the Board. GIS Analyst O'Halloran indicated he.does not wish to come up with his own plans outside of the presence of the Board. Chairman Keethler advised the Board they may meet with Wage Districting Commission Meeting April 24,2017 Mr. O'Halloran at City Hall and work with the software to create new plans. GIS Analyst O'Halloran advised the Board that if he were to make that change, it would be a change similar to that of an annexation from 2010 to 2017 or to modify the census data to reflect the existing districts that the census data did not already have; and further, he told the Board he will be taking the current census data in that area and splitting it and making assumptions on the population by counting houses instead of counting population, which he emphasized to the Board a good reason needs to be in place in order to split a census block. Chairman Keethler suggested to Mr. O'Halloran that it will be more efficient for him to work with the numbers to find out what the dynamics are in terms of moving census blocks around instead of the Board doing it during the meetings. GIS Analyst O'Halloran indicated he can bring the updated numbers to the next meeting to which the Board can move the census blocks from there. He inquired of the Board where they would like him to split the census block. Chairman Keethler asked for him to split it at Burnt Tree Subdivision; and further, asked him not to limit himself to just that area. City Clerk Sibbitt suggested to the Board to consider holding a public hearing on the plans they intend to go before the City Commission; and further, she advised them this public hearing is not on their timeline, but the deadline for the public hearing would be the middle of August. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier advised the Board that the City Commission should hear their recommended plans by September 5, 2017, and no later. Discussion ensued regarding the timeline. City Clerk Sibbitt advised the Board that the next regularly scheduled meeting is on Memorial Day. She asked the Board if they are able to meet on Monday, May 15th, Tuesday, May 30th or Wednesday, May 31st. It was the consensus of the Board to meet on Monday, May 15th at 6.•30 pm. V. Public Comments 8:11 pm Chairman Keethler opened the meeting for public comment. As no one came forward to speak,public comment was closed. VI. Direction to Staff 8:12 pm Discussion ensued on the timeline for the public hearing. VII. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm. 4 .4.4,—a' "AY Kat y He. 4, Recording ClerGrego firiper, Chairman • 71 Page Existing Commission Districts Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017 Sources:2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee 9 e :•,,,'5\ 4`-.'.. Population: 10091 '',-1117-5.:,-.. woo Deviation from Ideal: -79 District. 1 - LcvE Percent Deviation: 0 78% Population: 10214 ," I Deviation from Ideal: 44 '4 Percent Deviation' 0.43% off', ✓ S I____ , - '.1 -- 1,. �; .ems r i NFA r1 / npoprwLAKE .IIIIIII 'I i l �t=''' T -- % .s --�--r-- — i ` Ili y" }, rte'.; --� � Y� . i II y F �w w; T �_l I- j .: �l Jl j ( �" y . � LAKE ` - 31 . j 11AcniEY ' yy a II {X�3 4{r -tr E :p z -,"� ji- , 1_ y . T,*,�c ter' :. 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IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 • 2 101709816 -354 -3.48 3 10170 10559 389 3.82 • 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 Board Plan 2 Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017 Sources.2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee ---IT-- -Ii-,- -1.41,',W2 . 4e: : d `-Lit ,"_ 6I 1 iv IL —F-� moi `✓ District: 4 �„ r,-jr� I d� ><`r ��� � - i Population: 10091 1 r u.9 .- nnou Deviation from Ideal: -79 2� istri I `� Q � ,7r )�+ d 7 ct /— 4`z ye j 11,A , f,!ra"r Percent Deviation: -0.78% Population. 10214 y/%' V1 ` I', -.t 13--'; I_ t aT - - - ,, Deviation from Ideal: 44 r X11' - Et ry we �'- ---� 1= Percent Deviation 0 43% 'fi ,, I g,t we I n^.,__ ■s 911 It 1r:" i ��� i , APOPKA /LAKE / ,U�€ n..�t 7 & 'i' \ _ —_—� •I I I 1 -f lit rio,E 1 1 ! r i , -,:.21.c24,-.-- -1� ��-� -� 1p. o4:h� .�. -- `1 I • li ' J---1�,_'^ r c t-+ Ali 7/ �� \4 , .y-'- I �=_ MEADOW V �'TL� 1111, r.1--� N�nYnB r, 1� / � •r1"�� I •.�;..�. . . .,n��lYlir,_ `-t7�r�1' II 1... if .,.1 z/ ( __. 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[ - • „..; ••'!'"i17:1 Li r _.•1 II Existing Commission Distdds: -,]=1._Il -T 3, ' _. • : �"'1_i i Public Plan 1 "1r II( rii V/ �'� D4 1,441_,Ii Doma , tip. 4r.,,../7 -- . . � ,�idia r. .IR leg D4 �,t r fri D1 lamimm 0 �adi LP I "111°"04 QP 0 4 rim 111.7.1101111 ---1 III. ��rV'IO � � �� III1 Itihni wThu - &di 26-pa pwww0D121kb •Q 0 , . I-� o li ! i. ..i iq MSS `�� B ° 4 4 4,_ 1 4N. 8:r4P \D3 r (�, 1 III II AI mirr.m •i o D3 Ir' % wi .;,. .ilig 7d g IR 1 AU Public Plan 2 r te ir-y - ft. j� � 1 ED q ',,,r c, . ‘ irpir-iil A , 7)/ D1 a II Iliter 0411 1111: -• i 1-.1 „nil ,A ,T),_. _._ a ' r �, � — r „ Ire D4 •� I 'D :: [1 IT 3 -;_,6 riji � D1 ���j I11� O p _p I 1 IVIIit1 :!1rr uii: 11ru j4RL Prillifli ti lb ° I r- _ DII 3 141 ��lar ie �i MEI mormakii ripPgr al Ade mu Ns, ki *WO 1114L 4av tra41 • o D3 �P _% Ill o ' �j �i`♦ d ��' 1 ani 67114".