HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-2017 Presentation of the Districting Commission Recommendation Report – Chairman Gregory Keethler 0;
City ofOcoee
2017 Districting Commission
Recommendation Report
July 18, 2017
Board Members
Gregory Keethler, Chair
James Thomas, ViceChair
Lou Forges
Michael Hopper
Edward Strickland
On December 6, 2016, the City Commission voted to create the Districting Commission in
accordance with the City of Ocoee Charter, Article XI, Section C-66. The Districting
Commission Board (hereafter "Board") began meeting in February 2017 and held five (5)
meetings, including a Public Hearing which was held on June 5, 2017. At their first meeting on
February 27, 2017, the Board examined population data from 2015, the half-way point between
the 2010 census and the 2020 census. After considerable discussion, it was subsequently decided
by consensus of the Board to leverage data that was updated by the City's GIS Analyst, Mike
O'Halloran, considering such factors as annexations, certificates of occupancy, and updated
information on residents per dwelling, as of March 2017. Using this data, the Board endeavored
to revise the district boundaries so as to achieve a balance of population within the legal
guidelines and requirements of the City Charter. The Board created three (3)plans of its own and
considered two (2) plans submitted by the public, after which it held a public hearing on Board
Plans 1 and 2. Prior to the public hearing, the Board unanimously voted to adopt a new, final
Board Plan 2, which incorporated a minor change from Board Plan 3, thereby revising a small
section of district boundary to better follow natural features. At the conclusion of the Public
Hearing, the motion adopted by the Board was to recommend the final Board Plan 2 to the City
Commission as the most preferred plan.
Ocoee City Charter Article XI, Section C-66(D)
Recommendations to the City Commission. All reports of the Districting Commission shall be
available to the public and submitted to the City Commission in accordance with such reasonable
deadlines as may be established by the City Commission or as may otherwise be required by law.
Within two (2) months of the receipt of any such reports, the City Commission shall accept or
reject the recommendations contained therein, or the City Commission may send such reports
back to the Districting Commission for further study and consideration. The establishment of the
initial geographic boundaries of the four (4) single-member districts and any subsequent
redistricting of such boundaries shall be done by ordinance by the City Commission; provided,
however, that the City Commission shall not establish or redistrict such boundaries until after
receipt of a report from the Districting Commission containing recommendations relating thereto,
unless the Districting Commission fails to deliver its report by the deadline established by the City
By unanimous vote, the Districting Commission recommends the City Commission adopt Board
Plan #2.
Current District Boundary Map
Board Plan#2 Map (recommended by Districting Commission)
Minutes of the Districting Commission
Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources. 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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'%k � I.!�i :. a.r;.
0 reel _--fl Updated March 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources:2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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C �-y ,'_ { Population. 10135
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O Feet .. _ v" R \ t i p - '-t-,,,..:,,, updetea.tune 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
404 City Manaaer Richard Firstner, District 3
O c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Board
February 27,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
Recording Clerk Heard called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. She further called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Member Lou Forges, Member Michael Hopper and Member James Thomas.
Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-
Collier, GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Member Gregory Keethler, Member Edward Strickland.
Guests: Beverly Willis, Mapping Department Supervisor, Orange County Supervisor of
II. Brief Introduction of Members
Member Thomas introduced himself He resides in Arden Park, District 4, and has been
living in Ocoee for approximately a year and in Florida for 15 years. His background is in
computer science and environmental management, and he's currently a professor at DeVry
Member Hopper introduced himself. He resides at 240 E. Silver Star Road and has been
an Ocoee resident all his life. His background is in engineering and construction, and he
previously worked for CenturyLink for 36 years.
Member Forges introduced himself. He resides at 130 Clowson Court and has lived there
since 2003. He has two children; one attending Ocoee High School, and one attending
Ocoee Middle School. He has been a real estate professional for 14 years.
III. Election of Officers - Continued to Next Meeting.
Districting Commission
February 27,2017
IV. Sunshine Law/Public Records Law Overview(City Attorney)
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier introduced herself and presented an overview of
the Florida Sunshine Law and Florida Public Records Law.
V. Overview of Charter Provisions and Legal Recommendations(City Attorney)
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier presented an overview of the Charter provisions
along with the duties of the Districting Commission. The Districting Commission is
established in the City Charter (C-66) and serves as an advisory body to the City
Commission, which is appointed every five(5)years.
The duties of the Districting Commission are as follows:
• Will review the geographic boundaries of the four(4)single-member districts.
• Review most current,official census data
• Review all other data relevant to the redistricting of geographic boundaries
• Building permits
• Zoning approvals
• Future growth
• Will prepare a report to the City Commission.
• Summarizing recommended changes, if any
• Include a map of proposed boundaries
• The City Commission will consider the report.
• May accept or reject recommendations
• Must approve at least four months prior to election(before qualifying date)
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier went over the Timeline with the Board(below).
Date Boardor Responsible Authority
12-6-2016 City Commission District Commission Members C-66 Charter
2-27-2017 Districting First meeting of Districting
Commission Commission
847-2017 Districting Finalize Report with map; C-66 Charter City Commission has 2 months to accept or reject
Commission Transmit to City Commission recommendations
10-17-2017 City Commission First reading of Ordinance C-71 Charter Boundaries must be established no less than 4
months prior to election
11-7-2017 City Commission Public hearing/adoption of C-71 Charter Last public hearing date prior to boundary due date
Ordinance per Charter
11-13-2017 City Commission Boundaries must be established C-71 Charter District boundaries cannot be changed less than 4
months prior to election
1-19-2018 City Clerk Qualifying period begins s.5-3,Code Qualification period begins 5 business days prior to
the date 46 days prior to election
1-26-2018 City Clerk Qualifying ends s.5-3,Code Qualifying ends at noon 46 days prior to election
3-13-2018 City Clerk Election day C-45 Charter Election held on second Tuesday in March of each
Districting Commission
February 27,2017
VI. Briefing on Current Status of Districts
Beverly Willis, Mapping Department Supervisor with the Orange County Supervisor of
Elections Office introduced herself. She presented a PowerPoint presentation, which
included Current Voter Statistics by District, Redistricting Guidelines and a Census
Update. She displayed maps of the four(4)districts along with their voter registration data
by race and party.
Ms.Willis displayed Redistricting Guidelines, which are as follows;
• Best practice is to use Census population and block lines for districts. Voter data is
only for reference and should not be used for district counts.
• City districts that do not follow census blocks will require more research and
• Most current Census counts are large area estimates and do not go down to the block
• Future growth can be hard to estimate for small area population counts.
Ms.Willis concluded with a Census Update,which is listed below:
• Census population counts for redistricting will be released in March 2022, per Public
Law 94-171.
• State Legislature, Orange County Commission, School Board and City of Orlando will
wait for that data release to begin their redistricting.
• The Elections Office is working with the State to suggest census block boundaries for
future precinct and/or district lines. The Ocoee district line in the Spring Lake area
has already been submitted.
• Future census lines can still be suggested.
Mike O'Halloran, GIS Analyst with the City of Ocoee introduced himself. He presented a
PowerPoint presentation, which included How the Redistricting Population Data was
Created and the Current Status of Commission Districts. He explained what census blocks
are and exhibited with maps which blocks were changed at the last Districting Commission
meeting, which was in 2011. He explained that the last census was effective in 2010, but
the data was not published until 2012, and the next census is scheduled for 2020. He
indicated he decided to use the date April 1, 2015, as his half-way point to calculate the
census data for this Districting Commission. He further indicated he updated the current
census data by adding in annexations and new development (Certificates of Occupancies).
He shared by his calculation as of April 1,2015,his population count for the City of Ocoee
stands at 39,060; whereas, the April 1,2010, Census population count stood at 35,579, and
the April 1,2015, Bureau of Economic and Business Research(BEBR)stands at 40,171.
Districting Commission
February 27,2017
Mr. O'Halloran continued to show Commission District Population graphs depicting
deviation percentage differences and comparing 2010 with 2015 (see below). He explained
to the Board that they should be looking at the"Percent Deviation." The percent deviation
for each district should be under five (5) percent with obtaining the goal of equivalent
2010 Commission District Population
1 8893 8908 15 0.17
2 8893 8875 -18 -0.20
3 8893 8931 38 0 43
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571
2015 Commission District Population
1 9765 9886 121 1.24
2 9765 9081 -684 -7.00
3 9765 10250 485 4.97
4 9765_ 9843 78 0 80
39060 39060
Discussion ensued with the Board regarding dividing districts and what transpired at the
last districting review in 2011. Member Thomas clarified that the next election is in 2018,
but they will be using population data from 2015. Mr. O'Halloran indicated that is correct,
but he is able to update the data to a closer date, if they wish. Member Hopper inquired if
he is able to obtain the growth rate to present date. Mr. O'Halloran said he is able to
obtain current numbers. Member Hopper indicated to Mr. O'Halloran that he would like
to see the most current population numbers, and Mr. O'Halloran said he will bring the
updated numbers to the next meeting.
Mr. O'Halloran briefly described various maps that were displayed around the chambers
for the Members to view. He also discussed new developments within the city. He further
presented and explained the GIS application software, which will be used in future
meetings to move boundaries and view adjusted population.
VII. Schedule Meeting Dates
Discussion ensued regarding scheduling upcoming meetings. It was the consensus of the
Board to meet the fourth(4 ) Monday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm.
Districting Commission
February 27,2017
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
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• TOTAL — 5,897 • TOTAL — 5,897
• White — 52.0% • Democrat — 41.5%
• Black — 20.0% • Republican — 28.2%
• Amer. Indian — 0.4 % • Other, NPA— 30.3%
• Asian/Pacific — 3.3%
• Other, Multi — 3.4% Voter increase from
• Not Given — 4.4% January 2013 to
January 2017 +20.9%
• Hispanic — 16.6%
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• Asian/Pacific — 4.0% ___.______ ___ -
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• TOTAL — 6,041 • TOTAL — 6,041
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• Black — 10.4% • Republican — 37.7%
• Amer. Indian — 0.3% • Other, NPA— 29.2%
• Asian/Pacific — 4.4%
• Other, Multi — 2.4% Voter increase from
• Not Given — 3.5% January 2013 to
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• TOTAL — 6,616 • TOTAL — 6,616
• White — 39.2% • Democrat — 48.1%
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• Amer. Indian — 0.4% • Other, NPA— 27.7%
• Asian/Pacific — 5.4% . — ,
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• Other, Multi —
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• Hispanic — 12.2%
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Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to April 1. 2015
Sources: 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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4 1t- '� Population. 9843
jJ[` ��.I Deviation from Ideal. 78 �'
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Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
it City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
o c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
March 27, 2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Recording Clerk Heard called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. She further called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Vice-Chairman James Thomas, Member Lou
Forges. Also present were GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana
Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Member Michael Hopper(A/E), Member Edward Strickland (A/U)
Guest: Beverly Willis, Mapping Department Supervisor, Orange County Supervisor of
II. Brief Introduction of Members
Member Keethler introduced himself. He has resided in Ocoee since 2005, and currently
lives in Westyn Bay, District 1. He is a retired Air Force Officer and executive with
Lockheed Martin. He is currently a board member on the Planning& Zoning Commission.
He has two sons and four grandchildren.
III. Election of Officers
Member Thomas stated he would like to nominate Member Keethler as Chairman.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Keethler as Chairman; Moved by Member Thomas,
seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried 2:1 with Member Keethler opposing.
Member Forges stated he would like to nominate Member Thomas as Vice-Chairman.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Thomas as Vice-Chairman; Moved by Member
Forges, seconded by Member Keethler; Motion carried unanimously.
Districting Commission Meeting }:
March 27,2017
IV. Approval of Minutes for February 27,2017
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of February 27, 2017; Moved by Vice- ?:
Chairman Thomas, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried 2:1 with Chairman }
Keethler abstaining. (Form 8B not submitted with the Clerk's Department due to no financial
involvement.) r
V. Update Since the Last Meeting
GIS Analyst O'Halloran described what he will be discussing tonight. He provided a
PowerPoint presentation and mentioned he will be reviewing the last meeting and how the i
population data was formulated for the districts. He advised he took the last census data, r
which was done in 2010, and updated the numbers using Certificates of Occupancies. He
informed the Board he will be discussing the work they requested of him since the last
meeting with the updated results. He concluded that he will show the Board the numbers 1
with the current status of the districts and whether they need to make any revisions; and
further, with his software he will be able to adjust the districts accordingly.
Chairman Keethler asked for clarification on what a census block is. GIS Analyst i
O'Halloran advised that the census block level is the lowest level derived from the Census
Bureau data. He described the census blocks and advised that each block contains a
population number. He further explained that the districts can be shifted with the census T
blocks, but the census blocks cannot be shifted apart or cut in half. Vice-Chairman
Thomas inquired if Mr. O'Halloran can come up with a percentage of census blocks that
are questionable. Mr. O'Halloran indicated he is able to do that.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran updated the Board on the work he has done since the last
meeting. He explained to the Board that at the first meeting he announced he was using the
population data from a halfway point between the last census of 2010 to the next census
date of 2020, which happens to be April 1, 2015. He updated the Board with a request that
was made by them to bring the numbers more up to date, from April 1, 2015 to March 1,
2017. He indicated that ten (10) more annexations and 625 more Certificates of Occupancy
(CO's) were added after April 1, 2015. He explained he came up with the Certificates of
Occupancy number by going from census block to census block and counting the CO's.
Discussion ensued regarding the added annexations and CO's. Mr. O'Halloran indicated
the average persons per household is 2.78 percent across the city. He presented
Commission District Population graphs entailing the differences of the population data is
from April 1, 2015 and March 1, 2017 (below).
Commission District Posulation, Aril 1, 2015
1 9765 9886 121 1.24
2 9765 9081. -684 -7.00
3 9765 10250 485 4.97
4 9765 9843. 78 0.80
39060 39060
21 Page
Districting Conunission Meeting
March 27,2017
Commission District Po•ulation,March 1,2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained what the percentage of deviation means; and further,
indicated five (5) percent deviation.means the population can range from 9,662 to 10,679
for any district. Member Forges asked what population number they will be using, the
2015 or the most updated, 2017. Discussion was had on what number they will use, and it
was the Consensus of the Board to use the most updated numbers of 2017.
Mr. O'Halloran indicated that they can use the most updated numbers. He concluded and
qualified that persons per household are summarized by census blocks and applied to new
certificates of occupancy; and further, assuming occupancy rate has not changed from
2010. Discussion ensued regarding population data for the school board compared to the
commission district population and how both are obtained.
VI. Trials of Various District Boundaries 7:31 pm
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly demonstrated the Esri Districting ArcGIS software and
discussed how the districts can be manipulated with this software. He displayed the
districts along with the incumbents' residents, which are marked with an "x" on the map.
The Board had discussions with each other on manipulating the districts. Assistant City
Attorney Crosby-Collier reminded the Board that it should be their intent to preserve
communities and subdivisions and to not split them up. Discussions ensued regarding
moving all census blocks within District 3 that are located East of South Bluford Avenue,
South of Orlando Avenue and North of Maine Street into District 2 along with census
blocks located North of Old Winter Garden Road and East of Blackwood Avenue. It was
f I
the Consensus of the Board to save this map plan, as detailed above, as Board Plan 1.
Discussions further ensued regarding the deviation percentage of Board Plan 1; and further,
the Board concurred on moving more census blocks within District 3 over to District 2. The
Board asked Mr. O'Halloran to utilize Board Plan 1 and move more census blocks between
North and South Kissimmee Avenue and South Bluford Avenue over to District 2 along
with one census block located South of Old Winter Garden Road in between Citrus Medical
Court and Matador Drive. It was the Consensus of the Board to save this map plan, as
detailed above, as Board Plan 2. Further discussion and manipulations entailed regarding
moving census blocks from District 1 into District 2 to which no plans were saved.
Discussion ensued about Commissioner Grogan's residence being close to the border of
Districts 1 and 2, which is deterring them from moving census blocks from District 1 to
District 2 within that vicinity.
3 ' Page
Districting Commission Meeting
March 27,2017
Orange County Mapping Department Supervisor Willis indicated population and voter
population are mirrored and are basically the same. Chairman Keethler asked whether
she would expect District 2 to improve with more census blocks, and Ms. Willis indicated
it will improve with District 2 obtaining more voters, but she emphasized this process is
about population, not voters.
Chairman Keethler inquired what the next step is and whether members of the board can
meet with city staff to devise more board plans on their own. Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier stated the board cannot sit down together to discuss, but they are able to
individually. GIS Analyst O'Halloran indicated he can meet with them one-on-one to
devise different plans, and in the past those plans were named "Public Plans." Member
Forges indicated he is fine with that,but he prefers the meetings.
VII. Public Comments 8:35pm
Recording Clerk Heard opened the meeting for public comment; and further, closed
public comment as no one came forth to speak.
VIII.Direction to Staff 8:35pm
Chairman Keethler advised that the Board asked for staff to research the school numbers
and methodology. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier agreed and indicated they will
look into how the School Board generates their population numbers.
Recording Clerk Heard advised the Board that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday,
April 24, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., which was an agreeable date with the board members.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
K. by Hea 4, 'ecording Clerk GregV0-ethler, Chairman
Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1. 2O17
Sources 201uUnited States Census Bureau and CA/*Ocoee
— �
District 1 ((:,;' r ,'i tdillir 1
1 Devotion from Ideal -79
' Percent Deviation -0 78'
Population 10214
Deviabon from Ideal 44 ''''% I
% 1 4.
j il'-,--
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Ell 4
0 I :`- o• 14 tli'll' -f7,01f-'
and Other Mumcoalities
Lakes and Water Bodies
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 f9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0 78
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1. 2017
Sowces 2010 Untied States Census Bureau and C1,of Oaten.
r- f 7- Wit: y- ,••-•),••-•)•��, �_ �"11 (, �' 1� '"7-•-•-••
/ Uistnct: 4
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1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0 78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1. 2017
Sources- 2010 U-=ted States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
�� I I e DisVid. 4
I Ik Pnrulalinn :0091 .
1 ': - , *-au Deviation from Ideal: -79 7"-..:"'
Dstnct 1 -.- - Ewe Percent Deviator -078!,
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Deviation from tdeat. 70 - 1-'i * Pprulabon 70135
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1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0 34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
,\ ed4PP
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner,District 3
o C o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order—6:35 pm
Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm, in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman Keethler led the Pledge of
Allegiance and a moment of silence was had. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Michael Hopper, Member Lou Forges.
Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, City GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran,
Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas(A/U), Member Edward Strickland(A/U)
H. Approval of Minutes for March 27,2017
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of March 21 2017; Moved by Member
Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously.
III. Old Business 6:34 pm
1. Update on Orange County Public Schools' Methodology
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier presented a handout regarding The Cohort
Survival Ratio (CSR) Method, which is the method by which Orange County Public
Schools(OCPS) establishes their baseline and projected enrollments. She further explained
the Student Generation Rate (SGR), which is how OCPS assesses student numbers based
on land use and the type of unit they reside in. She explained the difference in that the City
uses the census blocks to estimate total population. Chairman Keethler asked how the
OCPS numbers compare to the City's numbers that they are currently using.Assistant City
Attorney Crosby-Collier explained that GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran contacted the
University of Florida Bureau of Statistics whom informed him the most accurate estimate
in between censuses is the BEBR method to calculate estimated population. GIS Analyst
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
Mike O'Halloran explained to the Board that in 2007 he estimated the total population in
a similar fashion to OCPS' method, but his estimates today were derived differently.
2. Review Maps of Board Plans 1 & 2 with Legal Principals
Chairman Keethler reviewed and updated the Board on Board Plans 1 & 2 (attached
hereto), which were created by the Board at the last meeting and have been brought
forward by GIS Analyst O'Halloran in paper format with the districts' populations and
deviation percentages, which were derived from modifying the 2010 census data to March
1, 2017 (graphs below). Discussion ensued amongst the Board members regarding new
and upcoming development, which will affect the districts'population.
Commission District Po#ulation. 2010
1 8893 8908 15 0.17
2 8893 8875 -18 -0.20
3 8893 8931 38 0.43
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571
Commission District Po'ulation, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Chairman Keethler advised the Board that he met with GIS Analyst O'Halloran today and
he worked with the Esri Districting ArcGIS software by himself and came up with two
maps, which he entitled Public Plans 1 & 2 (attached hereto). Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier advised the Board of the practical guidelines when considering new district
lines such as utilizing major roads and water features for boundary lines, utilizing the
census tract lines, avoiding lines that are not physical features, anticipate future growth and
encourage public input. She continued with emphasizing the legal principals to follow
when creating new boundaries such as equal population, districts to remain compact and
contiguous, preserve political boundaries, staying in compliance with the Voting Rights
Act, preserving communities of interests and observe partisan and incumbent interests.
Chairman Keethler thanked Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier, but indicated if all of
the restrictions were strictly followed, it may become over-constrained, and a little bit of
flexibility may be warranted. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier indicated if they
were challenged, those are the questions that would be asked. Discussion ensued regarding
subdivision boundaries with regards to the guidelines that the Board should consider.
Member Hopper commented that the less impact to the boundaries and residents the
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
better; and further, he indicated he likes Board Plan 2, because it is not a large impact, and
it does a lot of good without impacting a lot of people. Discussion ensued regarding
boundary line changes with the effects of current future growth within districts.
Chairman Keethler concluded with advising the Board that they currently have Board
Plans 1 & 2 and Public Plans I & 2 and inquired of the Board what else there is to explore.
Member Forges indicated their task is to stay within the five percent deviation. Member
Hopper commented on Chairman Keethler's Public Plans I & 2 indicating he would not
even take his plans to the City Commission, because it is too much change; and further, he
indicated he is in favor of both Board Plans I & 2, but more so with Board Plan 2. Further
discussion ensued regarding chairman Keethler's Public Plans 1 & 2 with regards to
district changes. Discussion ensued regarding districting deviation percentages in regards
to attempting to keep Districts I &3 at a lower deviation percentage and Districts 2& 4 at
a higher deviation percentage, because of where they currently stand with anticipated
future growth.
IV. New Business-Trials of Various District Boundaries 7:20 pm
1. Creation of Additional Board Plans Including Assessment of Legal Principals
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly updated the Board about the last meeting indicating at the
first meeting he brought forth 2015 data, which were estimates of population based on a
method and not an actual population counts from the 2010 census. He informed the Board
that the Supervisor of Elections has advised him that the City of Ocoee is the only
municipality that redistricts every five (5) years; and further, surrounding municipalities
conduct redistricting every ten (10) years, which correlates with the national census. He
further discussed ten (10) census blocks within the city which he believes to be incorrect
and hopes this can be fixed before the next census in 2020. He further states there are
currently 161 people who have been incorrectly assigned outside of the city whom should
be inside of the city, and 60 people who are incorrectly assigned inside of the city whom
should be outside of the city.
120950150021004 1 60
120950175012132 1 49
120950175013061 1 9
x120950161001051 2 33
120950149061067 2 32
12095015003108a 3 10
120950149061061 3 6
120950171041111 3 8
12095015004105 4 7
120950150041035 4 5
Totals 60 161
Mr. O'Halloran explained it was the consensus of the board last meeting to use the most
updated numbers from March 1, 2017. Chairman Keethler interjected asking if the Board
wished to make an official motion to use the most updated numbers from March 1, 2017.
Due to no response from the Board, no motion was made. Assistant City Attorney
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
Crosby-Collier shared that at their last meeting by consensus, they had preferred using the
2017 data.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran discussed Board Plan 1, which map was on display and handed
out to each member with correlating districts' population and percentage deviations, which
are listed below and are attached hereto.
Board Plan 1, March I, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst O'Halloran discussed Board Plan 2, which map was on display and handed
out to each member with correlating districts' population and percentage deviations, which
are listed below and are attached hereto.
Board Plan 2 March 1 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst O'Halloran presented the Board with three graphs comparing the differences
of the current districts today to Board Plans 1 & 2(below).
Current Districts,2017 Data
isosnmsfwon.soo+OuaM%NIP on.
Board Plan 1, 2017 Data Board Plan 2,2017 Data
low101fin MI du fool Man 1017 008.•
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
Commission District Po ulation. March 1, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978' 9.62
4 10170' 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan I. March 1. 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2, March 1, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained Board Plans 1 & 2 indicating the solid blue lines are
the current district lines, and the dotted blue lines are the requested changes from the
Board. He indicated the two plans are alike in that the existing line from Orlando Avenue is
brought down along South Bluford Avenue and then following east along Main Street. This
change would move Prima Vista subdivision from District 3 into District 2. Another
change on both plans is moving the census blocks located North of Old Winter Garden
Road and East of Blackwood Avenue from District 3 into District 2.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained Board Plan 2. which was derived from Board Plan 1,
but moving the blue dotted line further to the West from South Bluford Avenue to
Kissimmee Avenue including Bay Street. Mr. O'Halloran asked the Board if they have
any questions about Board Plans I & 2. Member Forges indicated he likes Board Plan 2,
and asked the Board if they would like to spend more time on that; and further, he
suggested at the next meeting they define the lines on Board Plan 2 to make sure no
subdivisions are split in half. Mr. O'Halloran advised the Board that it was his
understanding the Board was going to make more draft plans. Mr. Forges indicated that
he believes Board Plan 2 is on the right track; and if they have the numbers for Public
Plans I & 2,they could incorporate those into Board Plan 2 to create a Board Plan 3.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran turned on the Esri Districting ArcGIS software and explained it
to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding new and upcoming developments within the
city. Discussion entailed the following new developments: District 1, Arbors at Crown
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
Point and Forest Lake Estates; District 3. Oasis at Lake Bennet and City Center; District
4, Arden Park.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran shared the population numbers for Chairman Keethler's Public
Plan I & 2.
Public Plan 1, 2017 Data
1 10170 10186 16 0.16
2 10170 10172 2 0.02
3 10170 10203 33 0.32
4 10170 10119 -51 -0.50
40680 40680
Public Plan 2, 2017 Data
1 10170 10029 -150 -1.47
2 10170 10522 352 3.46
3 10170 10062 -108 -1.06
4 10170 10076 -94 -0.92
40680 40680
Chairman Keethler asked the Board what else they want to do. He advised the Board that
the plans have not been adopted and asked if anyone would like to adopt the plans at this
Motion: Move to Adopt Board Plans 1 & 2 as ficial Plans of the Board: Moved by
Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Keethler asked the Board what direction they would like to go in. He reminded
the Board that Board Plan 2 is an evolution of Board Plan 1. He suggested to the Board to
create a Board Plan 3 in an attempt to decrease the numbers for Districts I & 3 in
anticipation for future growth. Member Forges indicated he liked the idea of increasing
the numbers for Districts 2 & 4. Discussion ensued regarding creating a new board plan to
attempt to move more census blocks from Districts I & 3 into Districts 2 & 4. It was the
consensus of the Board to create a Draft Board Plan 3 from Board Plan 2.
Discussion was had between the Board and GIS Analyst O'Halloran about making a
modification to the census block area from Burnt Tree Court running south to Mack Street,
which contains single-family homes on Burnt Tree Court and a mobile home park on
Mobile Lane, Security Circle and Mack Street. GIS Analyst O'Halloran advised the
Board that in the past modifications or splitting census blocks have been done, but it is not
recommended. Member Hopper requested GIS Analyst O'Halloran if he could work with
this specific area during the next month and bring back some numbers to the Board. GIS
Analyst O'Halloran indicated he does not wish to come up with his own plans outside of
the presence of the Board. Chairman Keethler advised the Board they may meet with
Districting Commission Meeting
April 24,2017
Mr. O'Halloran at City Hall and work with the software to create new plans. GIS Analyst
O'Halloran advised the Board that if he were to make that change, it would be a change
similar to that of an annexation from 2010 to 2017 or to modify the census data to reflect
the existing districts that the census data did not already have; and further, he told the
Board he will be taking the current census data in that area and splitting it and making
assumptions on the population by counting houses instead of counting population, which he
' emphasized to the Board a good reason needs to be in place in order to split a census block.
Chairman Keethler suggested to Mr. O'Halloran that it will be more efficient for him to
work with the numbers to find out what the dynamics are in terms of moving census blocks
around instead of the Board doing it during the meetings. GIS Analyst O'Halloran
indicated he can bring the updated numbers to the next meeting to which the Board can
move the census blocks from there. He inquired of the Board where they would like him to
split the census block. Chairman Keethler asked for him to split it at Burnt Tree
Subdivision; and further,asked him not to limit himself to just that area.
City Clerk Sibbitt suggested to the Board to consider holding a public hearing on the
plans they intend to go before the City Commission; and further, she advised them this
public hearing is not on their timeline, but the deadline for the public hearing would be the
middle of August. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier advised the Board that the
City Commission should hear their recommended plans by September 5, 2017, and no
later. Discussion ensued regarding the timeline.
City Clerk Sibbitt advised the Board that the next regularly scheduled meeting is on
Memorial Day. She asked the Board if they are able to meet on Monday, May 15th,
Tuesday, May 30th or Wednesday, May 31st. It was the consensus of the Board to meet on
Monday, May 15th at 6:30 pm.
V. Public Comments 8:11 pm
Chairman Keethler opened the meeting for public comment. As no one came forward to
speak, public comment was closed.
VI. Direction to Staff 8:12 pm
Discussion ensued on the timeline for the public hearing.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm.
af%L , /�,
Ka y He , Recording Cler Aii;
Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1. 2017
.,r?urcvs 2010 Unwed States Census Bureau and Coy of Ocoee
t Population 10091
rx„ Dev+ ofrom e
Distract. t 7 t t"c' Percent
atn DevtahoIdnal-0 78-79":, ✓
Population 10214
Deviation horn ideal:44 ., ,.t.
Percent Deviation: 043X •- t 4
(...L. 4.
c4.. "' 7
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Populat,on 11148 / . S",..„ '. --L-r}.- r ' District. 2
Deviator from Ideal 978 ._.L. : k19_,
_; tT Population 9227
Percent Deviation 9.82% rI -r r-
... :,� . .-i.i,�,1 1 1 r - Percent eviahorrfrom -94
i_t' I �,-Percent Devuhon -9 27°,.
1 ,, I ■tt i ..,....7-_,0f - -,
._� � r3 >
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;- ' ;. . f ,t '. # -2
1 '' 'r� # v;1 3
,Ivig1 r 4
`��t�' ,-- Existing Commission
—Drsct Boundaries
'--City Limits
49 iii:Zi. .
Unincorporated Territory
l /ice Lakes and Water Bodies
0 730 1.500 3.000 ;' \___f
Q raw, ups*. .T+
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0 78
40680 40680
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
&woes 2010 thwted Stites Census Bureau and Gay ot 0.ves
-172--1 r1.•.-...:S114
*-15.1' '."41•1.41'''-1 ,74a' - s •.
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seict 1 '•- inceP nt Deviason. -0.7844
rop0141,,, 10214 I - ..,
`ol lir ' r-1
Lessato°lio,itlea 1 44 '
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111111111-:11w,, .• . ,,
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, . ,, , ...* .•,
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Seaga:2010 Urdad Stall Gem 611114.1 all Gtr Ocoee
: .0i i ( .a . -x
+ -__
r, ! li .
'! , I _ ,
District. 4 -
� _ - i, r Population 10091
Deviation from toes: -79 F
C st^U _ i a Percent Deviation 76%
cot 10214 ,j.,,,*;,. .!.,,,.
.evient from Ideal 44 t~ ' r+; 8 'l '
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1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Public Plan 1
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Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
\\ �' City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
Ocoee Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order -6:32 PM
Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. He led the Pledge of Allegiance and a
Moment of Silence. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and declared a quorum to be
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Lou Forges, Member Michael Hopper.
Also present were GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-
Collier, City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas(A/E),Member Edward Strickland(A/U).
Guests: None.
II. Approval of Minutes—April 24,2017 (6:33 pm)
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of April 24, 2017; Moved by Member
Hopper, seconded by Member Forges;Motion carried unanimously.
III. Old Business (6:34 pm)
1. Update on Census Block Modifications-GIS Analyst O'Halloran
GIS Analyst O'Halloran summarized for the Board the current commission district
populations as of March 1, 2017, with accompanying deviation charts and graphs. He also
summarized Board Plans 1 & 2 as of March 1, 2017, with accompanying deviation charts
and graphs (below). (Maps Attached)
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Commission District Population, March 1, 2017(Ma i Attached)
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 1, March 1, 2017(Ma I Attached)
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2 March 1 2017 Ma I Attached
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
21 Page
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Existing Commission Diatflets,2017 Data
Current Districts
2017 Data
ssalsNrn fs GWMt
Board Plan 1,2017 Data
Board Plan 1
2017 Datai.YHYNM eca•
1 � 3 ♦ f
Board Plan 2,2017 Data
Board Plan 2
2017 Data
c r n +
,fmwnm.An ano-ua
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Chairman Keethler characterized Board Plans 1 & 2 by stating their percentage of
deviation compared to the ideal deviation of each district. Discussion ensued regarding the
number of plans that should be presented to the City Commission. Member Hopper
announced that Board Plans 1 & 2 should be presented to the City Commission; and
further, he feels no more plans need to be created at this point. Chairman Keethler
inquired of Member Forges about how he feels regarding the current board plans. Member
Forges indicated he is fine with the current plans; and further, explained Board Plan 2 has
the lower percentile deviation, which he believes the City Commission will understand that
is anticipating future growth. Discussion ensued regarding anticipated future growth within
all districts. Member Hopper shared that he believes Board Plans 1 & 2 are within the
plus or minus five (5) percent deviation, which puts them in a good position even with
considering growth. Discussion ensued regarding future growth and maintaining the five
(5)percent deviation differential.
Chairman Keethler summarized the two strategies of Board Plans 1 & 2, which he
emphasized are the same approach, but different variations. He brought up a third strategy,
which would put Districts 1 & 3 about four (4) to four-and-a-half(4.5) percent lower and
would make Districts 2 & 4 higher; which would make all districts more equal the next
time the districting commission meets, because it would be adjusted for future growth.
Member Hopper indicated he feels this Board is in real good shape right now with Board
Plan 2. He advised that five years from now a census report will be conducted before the
next Districting Commission meets, which will give that Board accurate data to go by. He
indicated he believes this Board should do the best that they can do, but he believes Board
Plan 2 is sufficient. Chairman Keethler queried it is his understanding that they believe
Board Plans 1 & 2 are good enough and asked if they wish to present them to the City
Commission. Member Forges agreed with Chairman Keethler. Discussion further ensued
regarding future anticipated growth within Districts 3 and 4.
Discussion ensued regarding making a motion for Board Plans 1 & 2 to be heard at a
public hearing within the next month.
Chairman Keethler announced he is not hearing an interest from the other board members
that they wish to create any further board plans for the City Commission to consider. He
asked if they wish to make a motion, but advised them he personally does not wish to do
that. He stated he wishes to create more board plans, but stated he is out numbered.
(6.•53 pm)
Motion: Move to present Board Plan 1 and Board Plan 2 at the upcoming Public
Hearing: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion passed 2-1
with Chairman Keethler opposing.
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
IV. New Business-Trials of Various District Boundaries
1. Creation of Additional Board Plans Including Assessment of Legal Principals
Chairman Keethler asked Mr. O'Halloran to perform a zone analysis on Board Plans 1 &
2 to determine if any subdivisions were split up. GIS Analyst O'Halloran announced he
has PowerPoint slides regarding these board plans from a previous meeting that he can
show. Chairman Keethler asked him to proceed. Further discussion ensued regarding
existing boundary lines and proposed boundary lines on Board Plans 1 &2.
Chairman Keethler inquired of Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier what they need to
look for while considering boundary lines on Board Plans 1 & 2. Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier summarized the practical considerations when considering district lines,
which are as follows:
• Equal population among districts
• Each district is compact and contiguous
• Preserve political boundaries
• Recommendations comply with the Voting Rights Act
• To the extent possible,preserve communities of interest
• Each incumbent should still be residing in his/her district
Member Hopper suggested a public hearing date be set. Discussion ensued regarding a
public hearing date.
(7:06 pm)
Motion: Move to set the Public Hearing date for Monday. June S. 2017: Moved by
Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges;Motion carried unanimously.
Further discussion ensued regarding future meeting dates and times.
(7:09 pm)
Motion: Move to set the next meeting date for Julr 10. 2017, after the Public Hearing, but
before the July 18. 2017. City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Hopper, seconded
by Member Forges;Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Keethler discussed Member Strickland's absences; and further, advised the
Board that if he shows up to a future meeting, he has a vote, which he states it will be
difficult to explain everything to him. He suggests to the Board that they ask the City
Commission to have him removed. Member Hopper stated he agrees with that. Member
Forges also stated he agrees, and shared that the City Clerk had a conversation with the
commissioner. City Clerk Sibbitt indicated she did reach out to Commissioner Firstner,
District 3, and she explained to him that the representative that he appointed should try to
attend, because it is his district that is being affected to which Commissioner Firstner
responded that he had spoken to Mr. Strickland; and Mr. Strickland indicated to
Commissioner Firstner that he was going to meet with City staff to get caught up, and he
would be at this meeting.
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Further discussion entailed regarding removing Mr. Strickland from the board.
(7:23 pm)
Motion: Move to draft a letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners regarding the lack of
participation by Member Strickland on the Districting Commission: Moved by Member
Hopper, seconded by Chairman Keethler; Motion passed 2-1 with Member Forges
Chairman Keethler announced he will draft the letter, and the City Clerk will distribute it.
V. Public Comments (7:26 pm)
Chairman Keethler opened the meeting for public comment. As no one came forward to
speak,public comment was closed.
VI. Direction to Staff None
VII. Adjournment (7:26 pm)
The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Kathy Heard,Recording Clerk Gregory Keethler, Chairman
61 Page
Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources.2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
i,': ::ICH.RD
1 f ,_I 1 J District: 4
- ,_..r,`,•._,_ _ - Population: 10091
1 I ,e- j''`}trano Deviation from Ideal: -79
District: 1 ""`E Percent Deviation 0 78%
Population: 10214
c t }� I
Percenon evm Ideal 44 -`
Percent Deviation: 0.43% i _ �
as 1
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District 3 ---'t\ OLYMPIA .:,i4-tri','«1t `
Population: 11148 r' 't`-�'\\ �� y
Deviation from Ideal: 978 — 1-1- 1"f l a'`"+ �t _ District: 2
Percent Deviation:9.62% _Population: 9227
l =''C' -.,, Deviation from Ideal: -943
Iia - - 1 ( Percent Deviation: -9 27
�° _I t 1 . _C
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ri r
-a' '.._�' ry a , .. ........:.1:.� ME 3
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,- a �� _ ....•. - ,,, � �`r,. "-,� _ Parcels
A" Cary Limits
f Unincorporated Territory
and Other Municipalities
N, t.. Lakes and Water Bodies
753 1 500 3 CCU SI!EA 2('S P�(�.
0"eel Uptlatetl.March gal
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
1 1 Fil is
I '- Ti
I---=-7---It 1 [I I __,,H '-'-.--(-Y-Tg13 District: 4 1r4
r - ...,.pi-j<:: ,_,,,,.....,_L m. Ppoepvivaltaictionnf:ro1m00d9e1al. 79 ,4
District: 1
Percent Deviation: -078% I
Population 10214 1
c.;JV „• ,,•!, .-r - ,-..,,,E•I. t-11
Deviation from Ideal: 44 //‘ ,--1 i . --- -N.I'ii — , I dillomme'__ :i., i
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,) ,- District: 3 - ,---:'.:';',
Population: 10559 ,
I- ___j...., r,-,
EVA Deviation from Ideal: 389 ' - - . -- ,..(r...sr--..0:-,-,-.., t.j, District: 2
Wm . ,, , _ • --L Population: 9816
Percent Deviation:3.82% ? _ _ '
=1 t
•-I i -. 4 , .41 Deviation from Ideal. -354 ..,..M
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0 750 1,500 3 000 I '
Mr misillariat j mot-TT
= Feet!_'_.._,4_ . 4,,(,elettess ad .ia. I Ate r.r. .T14. j . Updatod.March 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559- 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
44,1.'-:-, �l L�
� District: 4 �— '�
f ).,- ( _ ' Population: 10091 4•
r1---.4-- 9. moo Deviation from Ideal: -79 ,
Dlstoct: 1 �' +Ij �}IE �r^"E Percent Deviation:-0.78%
Population: 10214 I ' ,.�- { I. I irr`�iiA - ..I la. •
Deviation from Ideal: 44 �
iPercent Deviation:1.44 ---1 rr s` I ���W
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r DeiaLon from Ideal: 70 — .Percent Deviation:0.6790 � �'- - Population: 10135 .+Yr
1 I, Deviation from Ideal: -35 '
l -- Percent Deviation 0.34°/
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-"i'di.wL r�t.. ;�,._ t. y `4f. a, ,,,14,--'4_ e. —City limits
Z `ft ti >�"..„ t• 1 h s■f i'1 Unincorporated Territory
® .„.,---o,,-rE'.x1 ,a t.. - J,,• and Other Municipalities
®IUI a r.,,,Er it ► j G\�,NI�, -'-ii \moi I
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1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
310170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Mayor Commissioners
�., Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
%l Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
O c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
Public Hearing
June 5, 2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order—6:32 pm
Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm, in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and
declared a quorum to be present. Chairman Keethler led the Pledge of Allegiance and a
moment of silence.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Michael Hopper, Member Lou Forges.
Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, City GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran,
Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas (A/E), Member Edward Strickland (A/U)
Guests: Mayor Johnson, District 2 Commissioner Wilsen, District 4 Commissioner Keller
II. Old Business (Agenda items taken out of order)
3. Presentation on Proposed Board Plan 3—Chairman Keethler
Chairman Keethler presented proposed Board Plan 3 (attached) and explained this
board plan came about after GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran noticed the zig-zag
boundary line, which left one house in a different district than the other homes on the
same street. He emphasized this is only cleaning up Board Plan 2. Chairman Keethler
asked GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran to brief the Board on the proposed Board Plan 3.
Districting Commission Meeting
June 5,2017
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran explained the proposed Board Plan 3 with a
PowerPoint presentation. He stated the new dividing line, which divides District 2 and
District 3 on Board Plan 2, is zig-zagged and one home is separated from the rest of the
homes on the same street. He wants to revise this line to have it run concurrent with the
railroad tracks, which will create a straight line and also keep a single-family home in
the same district as the other homes that are located in between Franklin Street, Taylor
Street and Kissimmee Avenue. This modification of Board Plan 2 is Proposed Board
Plan 3.
(6:37 pm)
Motion: Move to Delete the original Board Plan 2 and replace it with proposed Board
Plan 3: and further, renaming it Board Plan 2 as an Official Board Plan: Moved by
Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forces;Motion carried unanimously.
1. Presentation on Legal Restrictions Governing Redistricting — Dana Crosby-
Collier,Assistant City Attorney
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier presented a PowerPoint presentation on the
legal rules/principals regarding redistricting. She indicated that the Board has sought to
ensure that the legal process was followed throughout this process.
The legal checklist is as follows:
• Equal population
• Compact and contiguous
• Preserve political boundaries
• Compliance with the Voting Rights Act
• Preserve communities of interest
• Observe partisan and incumbent interest
Chairman Keethler asked the Board if they had any questions for Assistant City
Attorney Crosby-Collier to which there were none. He further thanked her for steering
them through the redistricting process.
2. Presentation on Data Related to the Maps and GIS Methodology — Mike
O'Halloran, City of Ocoee GIS Analyst
Chairman Keethler introduced the City's GIS analyst, Mike O'Halloran, and
recognized him for all of his hard work in preparing the data and maps necessary for
this process.
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran presented a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the
geographic information system (GIS) methodology and maps. His presentation covered
how the board plans were created with using the 2010 census data and the splitting of
census blocks among more than one district (i.e. a district boundary line going through
a census block would require that census block to be split), annexations from 2010 to
Districting Commission Meeting
June 5,2017
2017, new development with only certificates of occupancies from 2010 to 2017,which
has an average of 2.8 people per household.
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran further presented the district population numbers for
each four districts, which lists the ideal population, actual population, deviation from
ideal and the percent deviation and compared those numbers from 2010 to the current
year of 2017 (see below).
Commission District Po i ulation, 2010
1 8893 8908 15 0.17
2 8893 8875 -18 -0.20
3 8893 8931 38 0.43
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571
Commission District Po I ulation, 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran further explained the software he utilizes to create new
district maps. He described what happened in the previous meetings leading up to this
public hearing, which entailed Board members instructing him to move census blocks
to an adjoining district; and further, if the Board liked the numbers and the look of the
map,they would make that a Board Plan.
3. Presentation on Board Plans 1 & 2 and Proposed Board Plan 3 — Chairman
Keethler (Board Plans attached)
(7:02 pm)
Chairman Keethler explained the current percent deviations of each district
emphasizing that District 2 is currently in the negative at -9.27 percent (%), which is
943 below the ideal deviation, and District 3 is currently in the positive at+9.62 percent
(%), which is 978 above the ideal deviation. He stated that the Board determined to
focus on Districts 2 and 3, because of their percent deviation differential from the ideal
deviation. He presented Board Plans 1 &2 and advised that a negative or a positive five
percent deviation is legally sufficient and what they should aim for, which he informed
the public that both Board Plans 1 & 2 fell under the five percent threshold. He stated
they left Districts 1 & 4 alone on these plans, because they were already within the five
percent deviation. He presented the maps, graphs and bar charts to the public with more
Districting Commission Meeting
June 5,2017
in-depth details about each district. He further announced that Board Plan 2 has the
lowest population out of all the districts.
Member Hopper interjected indicating that if they compare Board Plans 1 & 2, it is
clearly evident that the percentage deviations on Board Plan 2 are lower, which brings
the actual population closer to the ideal population.
Chairman Keethler continued his presentation pointing out the areas in which they
focused on moving census blocks. He further emphasized the Board determined to
move census blocks from District 3 into District 2 to balance out the numbers.
Chairman Keether presented Board Plan 1 and explained that the Board moved all
census blocks within District 3 that are located East of South Bluford Avenue, South of
Orlando Avenue and North of Maine Street into District 2 along with census blocks
located North of Old Winter Garden Road and East of Blackwood Avenue (map
attached). He continued on and presented Board Plan 2 and explained this plan utilizes
Board Plan 1, but moves more census blocks in between North and South Kissimmee
Avenue and South Bluford Avenue over to District 2 along with one census block
located South of Old Winter Garden Road in between Citrus Medical Court and
Matador Drive (map attached). He explained Board Plan 3 to be basically the same as
Board Plan 2, but a minor change to the District 2 & 3 dividing line located in between
Franklin Street, Taylor Street and Kissimmee Avenue. This revision is to realign the
dividing line to run concurrent with the railroad tracks, which will create a straight line
and keep a single-family home in the same district as the other homes on that street
(map attached).
Board Plan 1,March 1,2017 a Attached
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plans 2 & 3, March 1, 2017(Ma s Attached)
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Districting Commission Meeting
June 5,2017
Chairman Keethler explained an approach that the Board discussed, but did not
follow through with, pertaining to new developments and future growth within
District 3, which was to move more census blocks from District 3 to District 2 in an
attempt to lower the population of District 3 in anticipation for the future growth of new
developments such as the Oasis Apartments and City Center. He further explained other
proposed board plans that were brought before this board involving changing the
shapes of the districts. He further stated he believes Board Plan 2 makes the minimal
possible changes to adjust the populations without disrupting many people and
neighborhoods. He inquired if any other board members would like to comment.
Member Hopper clarified for the public that the positive and negative five percent
were key factors to this Board; and further, clarified that is why he is favoring Board
Plan 2, because it is the plan that places the districts closest to the negative percentile.
He emphasized that the majority of the Board feels that once the districts get close to
the negative percentile,then they have accomplished what this Board was set out to do.
Member Forges advised the public that from a legal standpoint they had to use
available data; and further, they are unable to look into the future to distinguish what
the areas are going to look like. They had to use the current Certificate of Occupancies,
which he states may be minimal, but these figures are what they had to work with.
Chairman Keethler followed up and stated to Member Forges that as long as the
Board stayed within the five percent,they can do anything they want.
III. Public Hearing (7:15 pm)
1. Public Comments for Board Plans 1 & 2 and Proposed Board Plan 3
(Public Hearing Opened)
District 4 Commissioner Keller, 5021 Lighterwood Court, addressed the Board
thanking them for volunteering their time and further commented that they have done a
great job.
(Public Hearing Closed)
2. Discussion of Public Input—None.
IV. Motion to Present the Districting Commission Recommendation to the City
Commission (7:15 pm)
Motion: Move to present to the Ocoee City Commission Board Plan 1 and Board Plan 2:
Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forces.
51 Page
Districting Commission Meeting
June 5,2017
Chairman Keethler inquired if the Board intends to present two board plans. Member
Hopper explained that he thought it was prudent to present Board Plan 1 to show the City
Commission how Board Plan 2 was evolved. And further, he stated he can revise his
motion, if they wish. Chairman Keethler shared that in his opinion Board Plan 2 is
superior to Board Plan 1, which will inevitably take more time to present to the City
Commission. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier reminded this Board that the City
Commission may send the board plan back with recommendations and/or comments for
further action from this Board. Member Hopper advised he will rescind the motion to only
state Board Plan 2.
Amended Motion (7:15 pm)
Motion: Move to present to the Ocoee City Commission a Recommendation Report with
the minutes, preferred map(s). and the Board's recommendation of Board Plan 2: Moved
by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges;Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding the next meeting date. Chairman Keether shared it is his
preference to have the next meeting on July 10, 2017. City Clerk Sibbitt explained the
next City Commission meeting is July 18, 2017. Member Hopper inquired why they
would need to meet on July 10th, which he does not believe they need to meet. Discussion
ensued regarding presenting the recommendation report. Chairman Keethler concluded
they will have a brief meeting on July 10, 2017,to approve the recommendation report; and
therefore, when presented to the City Commission, it would have already been voted on by
this Board to which the Board members concurred.
Member Hopper thanked City staff and especially GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran for all of
their work to which Chairman Keethler agreed. Member Forbes also thanked City staff
and indicated he has learned a lot from this process.
V. Adjournment—7:25 pm
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Kathy Heard,Recording Clerk Gregory Keethler, Chairman
61 Page
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United Stases Census Bureau and City of Occee
1 I 71-'-'71-/--(3 Dist ct: 4 .
t•- i �,�!'�'';' 1 \ _ Population: 10091 f�
IIS: rA�� mo Percent from Idea79
District: 1 � ;; i `.; � 'i LCE Percent Deviation: -0.78%
Population: 10214 1 I r i '
Deviation from Ideal 44 -,:,f JI r` - • I III d y -I""` SII
Percent Deviation. 043/ Z cr y't % - s II:, �fi Ill
I. t r
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Population: 1Ideal:
}-„D /`� I District: 2 {„
p Deviation from Ideal 389 - r- - �f 1 `'.I e l'J
: Percent Deviation:3.82% Population: 9816
... r _ I 1 _N Deviation from Ideal: -354 ,�.,y "+,
i "Iill 1 ' """ Percent Deviation -3A8%
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■ � Q1 i- A • • • • \\ � - ANI.4.. p� -IA T 't• - N •st 2� '
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P.,,. I---) ,i)itn-I a xy:, , Nii _ `* Unincorporated Territary
. tF aF - 4#41i1;70.-41.174111,-`- 1`h and Other Municipalities
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.'e- i- , ,\I_ ,././011 cre
U/G�latl.MerM 201'
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sourcesss 20102United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
=-8 SrE .
fIc � i.-f# � ( Deviationulafrom Ideal: -79 •
SI District. 4
a tt 1.: Population: 10091
District: ' _ ',� .•"�,/;, tt's Val iiI�- 1 j j'-"aF Percent Deviation: -0.78% '
Population 10214 "1.''_`I"'k" QI,_ I A -p 'v
Deviation from Ideal: 44 �Jsc, tiS 1 �, - ! • - _I.A. ■
Percent Deviation 0.43% r Ii!I 110111 , II -�- ■.
v � - I < i rp. :t ■
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.Population: 10240 tom- —A,- �----f-s'%.13)
--r -J D �s ! \
r 1--� �_ District: 2Pia,'P
Deviation from Ideal: 70 - I --- , + a
Percent Deviation 0 69% Iri-r,. ; ice"-Population 10135 n e.,r r
�,n ; r T i �; Deviation from Ideal -35 e^
Wit' ,,, ,�. NIST.. f _ 1 - , . -
_ - Percent Deviation 0 2A
7 (i,),/ c:::„. ..-A„ :,...q.1.,1?„-_,-.....4 1, ,
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.� _E, mow', Unincorporated Territory
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0 750 1.500 3,000 1" Ni r,• (' ,i y.`L____ FS`V y A•. /i', N/-■
O Feet 2 .. r .`�/ i I , ,4..._,..;112.
+ 2. . . _ _ updated-Mar,2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 3
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources:2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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1 1 j 1 _" Distract: 4
1 i.a 'r r Population: 10091
neon Deviation from Ideal: -79 r5'"
District: 1 .l 1 '- Percent Deviation: -0.76
Population: 10214
Deviation from Ideal: 44 (-
Percent Deviation: 0.43% T.��
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4-; Population: 10240 .
Deviation from Ideal: 70 _ Distract 2
I- �.d Population' 10135
,..Percent Deviation:0.69% r � r Deviation from Ide I• 35
,.. tsrg _ � Percent Dewa4on -0 34°
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?::`,T,„-,-,141>;,..,,,,,' Ur and Other Municipalities
b, . �ti:x Lakes and Water Bodies
0 Iso 1,500 9,00° 33s
O Feet F .Ik•._.. Update:June 2017
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680