HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-17 Minutes MINUTES
JUNE 20, 2017 at 6:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Keller
Presentation — New Insurance Service Office (ISO) Rating of the Ocoee Fire Department.
Fire Chief Miller presented a PowerPoint presentation explaining the ISO rating and how the
Ocoee Fire Department obtained an ISO Class 1 rating, which is the highest public protection
classification rating that is provided by the Insurance Service Office (ISO) and is a great benefit
to the citizens of Ocoee. This new ISO 1 classification places the Ocoee Fire Department in the
top %2 of 1%of more than 46,000 departments in the nation.
Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, thanked the Fire Chief and his team for their
ISO 1 ratings and further inquired about the Fire Assessment Fee and why the funds are not
being utilized in the areas where they had deficiencies. A response was provided to Ms. Lopez-
Anderson. Ms. Lopez-Anderson further shared that her second concern is that she wanted to be
sure it is on the record that she is opposed to attorney fees paid to date and going forward
regarding the Ethics complaint on Planning&Zoning Commission Member Milton West.
(Comment taken out of agenda order)
Kathleen Sue Manning Walter, 1819 Prairie Lake Boulevard, shared her concerns regarding
Hackney Prairie Road. Ms. Walter commented that she would like speed bumps, a roundabout,
and a school crossing guard by the railroad tracks on Hackney Prairie Road. Public Works
Director Krug explained that the portion of the road Ms. Walter has referenced belongs to the
County. The City maintains the portion of Hackney Prairie Road from Clarke Road east up to the
Remington Subdivision. Discussion ensued. Ms. Walter further shared issues she is having with
parents of school children attending Prairie Lake Elementary School parking in her yard. She
advised that she will be placing a fence on her property up to the road. Police Chief Brown
advised that the school board does have their own security, and he has a meeting scheduled with
them and can discuss the addition of a crossing guard. With regards to the fence placement,
Mayor Johnson advised Ms. Walter to first speak with the Building Department before
Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
Commissioner Grogan—None
Commissioner Wilsen — 1) Announced she would like to postpone the Town Hall Meeting with
the City's Lobbyist that was scheduled for Thursday, June 29th. She explained that during her
walk through the Rose Hill subdivision handing out flyers for the Town Hall Meeting, other
issues were brought to her attention. Discussion ensued regarding separating the meeting for the
City zip code issue and the Rose Hill issues. Commissioner Wilsen said she will keep the
meetings separate and can reach out to the City's Lobbyist to confirm a new date. 2) Announced
the Ocoee Lions Club is hosting its 12th Annual Golf Tournament at Forest Lake Golf Course
this Saturday, July 24th. Information for this event can be found on the Ocoee Lions Club
Commissioner Firstner — Announced the Teen Police Academy is being held at the.Highpoint
Church on July 10th—July 14th from loam— 1pm.
Commissioner Keller—None
Mayor Johnson — 1) Announced that the Charter Review Commission meets the third
Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm here in City Hall. The next scheduled meeting is
Tomorrow, June 21st. 2) Announced Cookies and Milk with a Cop is every Thursday through
July 27th at 4:30 pm at the West Oaks Library. 3) Announced the Handgun Safety Class is this
Saturday, June 24th, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Ocoee Police Department's North
Substation. Class size is limited to 12 students and is free to registered participants. Preference
will be given to City of Ocoee residents. 4) Announced Community Grant Applications will be
available on the City's website beginning Monday, July 3rd. The City of Ocoee Community
Grant Program is one way for the City to acknowledge the value and excellence of our local
community non-profit organizations and the individuals who make these groups successful. The
Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500. 5) Announced that in
observance of Independence Day, City Hall will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th. No trash
collection is scheduled for that day, and the City Commission meeting is canceled. 6)
Announced the Districting Commission held their public hearing on June 5th. They will be
presenting their proposed Board Plans at the next City Commission meeting on July 18th.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to approve the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #15.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
21E' <;
Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held June 6, 2017. (City
Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD) serve three-year terms.
The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has ten
(10) members. An application has been received by Warren A. Lewis who is a resident of District 1, and has
shown an interest in being appointed to the CACOPD for a term ending January 2020.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of Resolution and State Highway Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation
Agreement. (Public Works Director Krug)
This agreement provides for funding from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to the City to help
defray the costs of street light operation and maintenance on several State highways within Ocoee's corporate
limits.The work order under this Agreement will provide Ocoee with an annual payment of$38,805.22 for the
2017-2018 fiscal year. This figure reflects a 19% increase per unit cost from the previous year for the State
Road 50 lighting.Public Works recommends approving the new work order under the State Highway Lighting,
Maintenance and Compensation Agreement with the FDOT.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Resolution and Railroad Reimbursement Agreement for Municipal Grade
Crossing Traffic Control Devices — Wastewater Road (Beech Center). (Public Works
Director Krug)
This agreement provides for funding from the Federal Highway Administration to the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) to install new railroad grade crossing signals at what the Florida Central Railroad
refers to as the "Wastewater Road Crossing," which is the entrance road to the Beech Center and Utilities
Department. The purpose of this agreement is to allocate the Federal funds to upgrade existing grade crossing
signals to meet current.requirements.Public Works recommends approving the agreement.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval of Traffic Detectors - Replacement and Surplus of Existing Units. (Public
Works Director Krug)
The City has utilized JAMAR Technologies traffic counting devices for conducting traffic studies associated
with traffic calming requests. The City purchased the traffic counters in 1998 and the devices no longer
function having reached the end of their service life. Public Works evaluated replacement devices from other
manufacturers; however, we are recommending purchasing replacement units from JAMAR as they are
offering trade-in value on our existing units,and we already have the updated computer software for analyzing
data collected from JAMAR devices. Public Works is requesting Commission approval to surplus the existing
JAMAR units with serial numbers 12835, 12836, 12837 and 12838 for trade-in on the purchase of replacement
units at a total cost of$4,842.00.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
6. Approval of Resolution for the Four-Year Lease-Purchase Agreement with SunTrust
Equipment Finance & Leasing Corporation for the Financing of New Equipment and
Vehicles Included in the FY 2016/2017 Budget. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017, includes the four (4) year lease-purchase of(2) Lifepaks, (2) Pickup
Trucks,(1)Rescue Truck,(1)Bus,(1)SUV,(1)Claw Truck,(1)Side Load Garbage Truck,and(1)Rear Load
Garbage Truck.A total of$228,320.00 is budgeted for payments.The total cost requiring financing approval is
$1,106,559.31 at an interest rate of 1.93%for four(4)years through SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing
Corp. Staff recommends that the City Commission authorize staff to piggyback the Florida Sheriff's
Association's Vehicle Contracts #16-VEF12.0, #16-VEL24-0, and 16-VEH14.0, NASPO Co-op Contract
#SW300, and NJPA Co-op Contract#120716-NAF; and adopt the Resolution approving financing terms with
SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp., and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the
Lease-Purchase Agreement Schedule No.02 to the Master Agreement and related documents for the amount of
$1,106,559.31 at an interest rate of 1.93%for four(4)years,with payments of$71,684.63 per quarter,to close
before July 15,2017.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval to Execute Design Services Agreement with S&ME, Inc., for Conceptual
Design of Improvements to Lakefront Park at a cost of$46,300, and to Authorize Staff
to use up to $10,000 of Allocated Project Budget to Conduct Geotechnical
Investigations, Additional Surveys, and Related Work. (Support Services Director
Lakefront Park Improvements is a capital project included in the City's list of approved investments using
funds allocated from the 2017 General Fund Capital Bond Issue and was one of the primary focal points of the
Downtown Master Plan. The project consists of two construction phases, as determined by the need to
demolish the existing City Hall structures to conduct Phase 2 improvements. The total project budget is
$4,720,000, with an anticipated$3,042,000 coming from the capital bond fund. The construction work will be
done via low bid based on potentially several separate procurements, depending on the nature of the work and
the specialization of the construction industry. Staff intends for the consultant to fully design each element of
the project before seeking bids for construction.After the City has determined,with the consultant's help,what
the exact nature of the project elements for construction will be, S&ME, Inc., will propose an addendum for
production of construction documents. This addendum will establish the cost of design and document
production for Phase 1 of construction.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Approval to Issue a Task Order to the Architectural Firm of Rhodes + Brito for
Design of an Expansion to the Lakeshore Center at a Cost of$168,566, up to $2,000 for
Reimbursable Expenses, and for Construction Administration Services at a Cost of
$33,187, and to Authorize Staff to use up to $10,000 of Allocated Project Budget to
Conduct Geotechnical Investigations, Additional Surveys, and Related Work.
(Support Services Director Butler)
Lakeshore Center Expansion is a capital project included in the City's list of approved investments using funds
allocated from the 2017 General Fund Capital Bond Issue and was a focal point of the Downtown Master Plan.
The project was proposed to add a separate 350-seat banquet hall to the southwest corner of the existing
structure, which would supplement the existing 225-seat banquet hall at a cost of approximately $4 million.
During the process of developing the basic approach for the Lakefront Park Improvements Project, it was
determined that the future size of the expanded Lakeshore Center would dominate the site and impose the need
for hundreds of new parking spaces. Staff concluded that a smaller alternative for expanding the Lakeshore
Center was needed to reduce its impact on the Lakefront Park. The current proposal is to remove the existing
north wall of the facility and expand into the space presently occupied by the City Hall employee parking lot.
This plan would provide an additional 160 seats,bringing the total up to 385;the facility would not be useable
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Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
while construction was underway. Staff proposes that this"North Expansion"alternative be adopted,as a more
realistic option for the existing location as a compromise between maximizing the facility's capacity and
minimizing its impact on Lakefront Park. The design work also includes revisions to the existing lighting
control and audiovisual systems to address issues with the structure, in addition to accommodating the new
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Downtown & Western Sanitary Transmission
Project (North of Silver Star Phase). (Utilities Director Smith)
The Downtown & Western Sanitary Transmission Project (North of Silver Star Phase) shall provide critical
improvements needed to support the implementation of the City's new downtown and is consistent with the
Downtown Master Plan.-The project's construction also provides the opportunity to correct deficiencies in
public infrastructure; and staff is recommending a roadway repair and drainage improvement. To correct the
roadway deficiencies, the Public Works and Utilities Departments collaborated to propose corrections to
existing pavement and pavement grading, the removal of the encroaching sidewalk, and also the addition of
drainage improvements to the area. Drainage will be accomplished by the addition of curb and gutter on the
north and west side of the pavement,as well as by the installation of four(4)inlets plus outfall piping to direct
flows to the Lee Street ditch. The new pavement will be graded to slope to the curb. Pedestrians using the
existing sidewalk will be redirected from the Rewis/Lakewood intersection to the sidewalks on Lee Street and
Lyman Street.At the northeast end of the downtown sanitary project,the forcemain had to be routed out under
pavement to avoid other utilities in the south parkway (grassy area) of the Wurst Road right-of-way. As a
result, the pavement for one lane of traffic will have to be totally reconstructed. Following the sewer project,
Public Works has scheduled the milling and resurfacing of Wurst Road, including the same area where
pavement shall be reconstructed. To maximize resources, the reconstructed pavement will be resurfaced by
Public Works and the resurfacing to be completed as a part of the Utilities project will be used as an"offset"to
the Rewis Street and Lakewood Avenue Change Order improvements. Due to the magnitude and continuous
nature of the work on Rewis Street and Lakewood Avenue, the contractor was able to lower the total
rehabilitation cost to$25 per square yard,a savings of$17 per square yard.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
10. Approval for Utilities Department to "Piggyback" Tohopekaliga Water Authority's
Sludge Disposal Service Agreement RFP-16-015 with Shelley's Environmental
Systems. (Utilities Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee's wastewater treatment facility generates bio-solids. (sludge) as a byproduct of the
wastewater treatment process; and utilizes Shelley's Environmental Systems, Incorporated(Shelley's) located
in Zellwood, Florida, to dispose of said sludge per Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
requirements. The City has been using the extended conditions(piggybacking) of Shelley's contract with the
City of Daytona at a cost of$44.97 per ton(contract expired on May 21,2017). Shelley's has been selected by
the City of Daytona again with a new contract amount of$47.85 per ton. Shelley's also has a current contract
with Tohopekaliga Water Authority, Sludge Disposal Service RFP-16-015, and has agreed to extend the
conditions of that contract to the City with a hauling and disposal cost of $41.99 per ton. The contract
commenced July 27,2016 and will remain in effect until July 26,2021.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
11. Approval to Utilize (Piggyback) City of Leesburg Agreement#150451 for the Purchase
of Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite with Odyssey Manufacturing. (Utilities Director
The City of Ocoee's treatment facilities utilize liquid sodium hypochlorite (bleach) for disinfection treatment
of potable water and wastewater. The liquid form of chlorine is the safest and most cost-effective disinfectant.
The City currently purchases sodium hypochlorite from Odyssey Manufacturing Company by way of a City-
bid contract that is set to expire November 5, 2017. The current contracted rate of the bleach is $0.61 per
gallon delivered to the City's treatment facilities. Due to the expiring contract, staff reached out to Odyssey
for any opportunities to assume the conditions of another government-bid contract(piggyback). On September
14, 2015, Odyssey was awarded a bleach contract(Agreement#150451)with the City of Leesburg, for a cost
of$0.56 per gallon (an 8.93% savings). The Leesburg contract is for three years with a second, three-year
extension option.The City should realize a$33,470.00 savings over the first three years. Staff recommends the
City accept the terms of the Leesburg contract as they have been extended by Odyssey.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
12. Approval to Replace the Bulk Chlorine Storage Tanks at the Forest Oaks and South
Water Treatment Plants. (Utilities Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee water treatment facilities utilize liquid sodium hypochlorite (bleach) for the disinfection
treatment of potable (drinking) water. The liquid form of chlorine is the safest and most cost-effective
disinfectant to be stored onsite and applied. Sodium hypochlorite is stored in two 5,000 gallon fiberglass tanks
at each of the City's two water plants (four tanks total). The tanks, installed in 1997, have reached the end of
their lifecycle, need replacement, and are programed to be replaced in Fiscal Year 2017. Due to the critical
elements involved with the removal of current, and installation of replacement tanks, staff sought proposals
from the City's current supplier of bulk chlorine (Odyssey Manufacturing) and current chemical feed system
vendor (Guardian Equipment). Both firms have extensive experience with tank installation and Ocoee's
treatment infrastructure. Quotes were received from each of the vendors with Guardian Equipment providing
the lowest quote at $28,320 per water plant (total both plants $56,640). Odyssey Manufacturing, the higher
respondent, came in at $29,800 per water plant (total both plants $59,600). Staff recommends that the
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners authorize the City Manager to waive the formal bid process and
cause the replacement of four (4) bulk sodium hypochlorite (bleach) storage tanks by contracting with
Guardian Equipment for a cost of$56,640.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
13. Approval of Bluford Avenue Dual Left Turn Lane Cost Proposal. (Utilities Director
City Commission approved the First Amendment to the Development Agreement for the Oasis at Lake Bennet
Apartments,which is in the Ocoee Town Center Development, at the June 16,2015,Commission meeting.As
a part of that Agreement, the City approved a mitigation payment in lieu of designing and constructing
improvements to Bluford Avenue as shown in the Multimodal Mobility Plan. The Bluford Avenue
improvements consist of an extension to the existing southbound left turn lane and/or the addition of a second
southbound left turn lane at the intersection of SR 50 and Bluford Avenue, plus the resurfacing of Bluford
Avenue from SR 50 to Maine Street. Lane Construction Corporation was approached about constructing the
Bluford Avenue improvements as they are constructing the SR 50 Road Widening project for FDOT. In
addition to the turn lane construction, staff requested Lane Construction to include in the proposal the work
needed to rehabilitate an existing sanitary manhole located at the southeast corner of the Bluford Avenue and
SR 50 intersection. Lane's proposal includes $19,600 for the rehab work, bringing the total amount of the
proposals to$359,600.City staff has reviewed and approves the estimate as provided.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
14. Approval of Additional Funding for "Utility Work by Highway Contractor
Agreements" with the Florida Department of Transportation in Connection with the
Widening of SR 50 from the Entrance of the West Oaks Mall to State Road 429.
(Utilities Director Smith)
On November 19, 2013, City Commission entered into an agreement with the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) to partner with the City of Ocoee to cause the relocation of City utilities in conflict
and/or non-conformance with the FDOT widening of SR 50, from the entrance of the West Oaks Mall to SR
429. The initial Agreement called for$3,000,000 based on the original engineer's estimate, which included a
10%contingency allowance and a 2%construction engineering and administration fee. Later,the amount was
revised down to $2,499,556.64 based on the awarded bid, and funds were transferred to FDOT on September
30, 2014. During the execution of the project, numerous conflicts and/or unknown conditions were
encountered that accrued additional labor and material costs. Based on these conditions, FDOT, through a
letter from their project management consultant CDM Smith, has requested an additional $450,000 in
contingency from the City.Note that all the work to date has been paid by the City,but a portion of the work is
FDOT's responsibility,and shall be reconciled at the conclusion of the project.Per Section 337.403(3),Florida
Statutes, in the event that the Contingency Fund is depleted, additional funds must be provided to FDOT.This
obligates the City to increase the contingency amount for the project.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
15. Approval to Transfer Funds Within the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget for the Purpose
of Replacing the Backwash Controller at the Family Aquatic Center. (Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes)
The Parks and Recreation Department has been informed that the backwash controller for the pool filter
system has been damaged by a suspected lighting strike and needs to be replaced. The Department does not
have sufficient funds available in the budget to replace the controller and is requesting authorization to transfer
funds in the amount of$7,756 in the 2016-17 FY Budget Capital Outlay Account and $2,900 from the Park
Maintenance Account to the Capital Improvements Account,and utilize those funds for the replacement of the
controller at the Family Aquatic Center.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
16. First Reading of Ordinance for the State Road 429 Overlay District. (Advertised in the
Orlando Sentinel on Saturday, June 3, 2017, and West Orange Times on Thursday, June 8, 2017. Second
Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for July 18, 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon
thereafter) (City Planner Rumer)
The cities of Ocoee and Winter Garden share a common interest in the economic development potential of the
State Road 429 (SR 429) corridor. Due to the location of both downtown Winter Garden and downtown
Ocoee, the SR 429 Overlay District will play a key role in linking the downtowns together and helping each
City reach its economic development goals. Both the City of Ocoee and City of Winter Garden will adopt
Character Area plans to provide continuity and replication of development throughout the Overlay District.
The purpose of the SR 429 Overlay District, which is facilitated via the Character Area Plans, is to provide a
framework to guide development that is useful to the development community in understanding the
community vision for SR 429. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the
amendment to the Land Development Code to establish the SR 429 Overlay District and fmd such amendment
to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and further, recommend that the Official City Zoning
Map be changed to reference the existence of special development standards and prohibited uses within the SR
429 Overlay.
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Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
As this is a First Reading of Ordinance Public Hearing, the public hearing was opened. As no
one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Johnson announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing is scheduled for July 18,
2017, Regular City Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
17. Second Reading of Ordinances for 4 Locos Taco Restaurant (101 West Silver Star
Road) - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) & Rezoning, Project
No(s): CPA-2017-002 & RZ-17-03-01. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, June 8,
2017) (City Planner Rumer)
The property is located on the north side of West Silver Star Road and 350 feet west of the intersection of
Bluford Avenue and West Silver Star Road at 101 West Silver Star Road and is +1- 0.60 of an acre. The
property was previously used as a single-family residence. The Future Land Use classification for the entire
property is "Low Density Residential" current zoning classification is "R-1AA" Single-Family Residential.
The proposed Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment consists of reclassifying approximately 0.60 acres
of property from LDR(Low Density Residential)to Commercial. The applicant is requesting the Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan amendment so the property can be rezoned to C-2 (Commercial) from R-1AA (Single-
family Dwelling). The proposed use will be a restaurant. In general, the surrounding area is comprised of
Commercial uses. The property is located on West Silver Star Road, which due to the 429 Expressway is a
busy east west arterial road and commercial corridor in the City of Ocoee. The property location in Ocoee's
Downtown lends itself to being appropriately sited. The applicant is working with City Staff on a building
design for the restaurant,which will be the first building to meet urban architectural standards.
a) Second Reading of Small Scale Comp Plan Amendment Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Support Services Director Butler explained the applicant is requesting the Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment so the property can be rezoned to C-2 (Commercial) from R-
1AA (Single-Family Residential). The subject property is located at 101 West Silver Star Road
on the north side of West Silver Star Road and 350 feet west of the intersection of Bluford
Avenue and West Silver Star Road. The property was previously used as a single-family
residence. The proposed use will be a restaurant. In general, the surrounding area is comprised of
Commercial uses. The applicant is working with City Staff on a building design for the
restaurant, which will be the first building to meet the urban architectural standards.
The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment and Rezoning on May 9, 2017. One member of the public spoke at the meeting.
The speaker stated they are not opposed to the proposed restaurant,just the increased traffic on
the road in front of their residence. After deliberations, the Planning and Zoning Commission
voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
and Rezoning.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Regular City Commission
June 20,2017
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
a) Second Reading of Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance
Motion: Move to Adopt the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance No. 2017-018 for 4 Locos Taco Restaurant (101 West Silver Star Road),
Project No: CPA-2017-002. Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by
Commissioner Keller; Motion carried 5-0.
b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to Adopt the Rezoning Ordinance No. 2017-019 for 4 Locos Taco
Restaurant (101 West Silver Star Road), Project No: RZ-17-03-01. Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Keller—None
Commissioner Firstner—None
Commissioner Wilsen —Restated that the Town Hall Meeting with the City's Lobbyist that was
scheduled for Thursday, June 29th has been postponed.
Commissioner Grogan —Recommended that citizens visit the Bates New England Restaurant in
Ocoee. He was privileged to go on Father's Day with his family. He further commented that the
restaurant owner expressed that he had an excellent experience with the City of Ocoee with
starting up his business.
Mayor Johnson — Said he received a call from a resident that lives in Ingram Trails off of
Ingram Road who was inquiring about street lights. Public Works Director Krug said he would
look into this.
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Melanie Sib itt, City Clerk Rusty Jo n; n, Mayor