HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 (d) Waiver Requests for ABC Fine Wines & Spirits Small-Scale Site Plan AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 Item # 5d ~- Contact Name: Contact Number: Bobby Howell 407 -905-3100/1044 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Waiver Requests for ABC Fine Wines & Spirits Small-Scale Site Plan ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners grant three waivers from the Land Development Code for ABC Fine Wines & Spirits? BACKGROUND: The proposed ABC Fine Wines & Spirits store is located on the north side of SR SO/Colonial Drive, approximately 500' west of the intersection of Bluford Avenue and SR SO/Colonial Drive. A portion of the property is currently the site of the existing ABC Liquor Store, and the remainder of the property is the subject of annexation and rezoning into the City of Ocoee. The existing ABC store is zoned C-2 (Community Commercial District), and the remainder of the property is proposed to be rezoned to C-2 following annexation. The entire property is approximately 3.3 acres in size. The small-scale site plan proposes the demolition of the existing ABC store and the construction of a new ABC Fine Wines & Spirits store, with additional tenant space adjacent to the proposed store. In order to proceed with review of the small-scale site plan, the applicant is requesting three waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. Below is a discussion of the three waivers that are being requested. DISCUSSION: The first waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14.C.1 (C) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires a 10' wide open area around buildings to separate structures from parking areas and to accommodate landscaping. The applicant is requesting a waiver to this section of the Land Development Code to allow a 2' wide open area along the east side of the proposed tenant space adjacent to the proposed ABC store. The smaller open space adjacent to the building will allow more space for the construction of a drive aisle on the subject property. One of the four criteria to justify the City Commission to grant waivers from the criteria of the Land Development Code is if the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. To justify the waiver request, the applicant has provided additional open space along the northern side of the proposed ABC building, and has agreed to donate a section of right-of-way along Bluford Avenue ranging from 30-40.6' in width. The second waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.4 G.6 (H) of the Land Development Code. This requirement of the Land Development Code requires one parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area. Based on the requirements of the Land Development Code, 76 parking spaces would be required to be provided on the property. The applicant is requesting a waiver to this section of the Land Development Code to allow a reduction of the required amount of parking spaces by 2. If granted, the waiver will allow a reduction to 74 parking spaces. One of the four criteria that can be used as justification to allow the City Commission to grant waivers from the criteria of the Land Development Code is if the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. As justification of the waiver request, the applicant has agreed to donate a section of right- of-way along Bluford Avenue ranging from 30-40.6' in width. The third waiver that is being requested is to Section 6.14 C.2 (b) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires a 25' landscape buffer along public primary roads. There is a provision contained within this section that allows a reduction of this buffer to 15' when deemed appropriate by the City. During the plan review process, the applicant indicated that they would dedicate right-of-way along Bluford Avenue in order to obtain a 15' landscape buffer along the portion of the property that fronts Bluford Avenue. In order to meet water management district permitting criteria, on-site water retention is required to be provided. The layout of the site will only allow the retention areas to be provided in the area of the property adjacent to the proposed Bluford Avenue landscape buffer. Based on this, the applicant is requesting a waiver to Section 6.14 C.2 (b) of the Land Development Code to allow 5' retention pond berms to be provided in the landscape buffer. One of the four criteria that can be used as justification to allow the City Commission to grant waivers from the criteria of the Land Development Code is if the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. As justification of the waiver request, the applicant has agreed to donate a section of right-of-way along Bluford Avenue ranging from 30-40.6' in width. Because a small-scale site plan is administratively reviewed, the City Commission will not be acting on the site plan approval. The City Commission will be reviewing the waiver requests only. After the City Commission takes action on the waiver requests, Staff will complete its review of the site plan, ensuring that it is consistent with all Land Development Code requirements except for any waivers that may be approved by the City Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve all requested waivers, subject to the approval of the small-scale site plan. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Waiver Table Sheet C5 and Sheet L 1 of ABC Fine Wines & Spirits Small-Scale Site Plan FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an "x) Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing ~ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A O:\Staff Reports\2006\SR06069 _BH _ABC _ Waivers.doc 2 ABC Fine Wines & Spirits Location Map LAKE BENNE Colonial Drive t=fJ ~ Q Code Section Code Proposed Justification Requirements Standards 6.14.C.l (c) 10' wide open 2' wide open Developer area around area on east providing open buildings to side of Building area on north separate from #2 side of building parking areas #2 Developer is donating 30- 40.6 ft of R.O.W. along Bluford Avenue 6.4.G.6 (h) 1 parking space Reduce parking Developer is per 200 SF by 2 spaces for donating 30- gross building Building 2 40.6 ft of area R.O.W. along Bluford Avenue 6.14.C.2 (b) 15 ft landscape Allow 5' Developer is buffer at retention pond donating 30- Bluford Avenue berm in 40.6 ft of R.O.W. (WI landscape R.O.W. along R.O.W. buffer Bluford Avenue dedication) , I , I I I} I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ie I :11') I :1 I .!j, II :~ ~ ! ,i :~ i ~ ~~ Ii IQ tOll I I it I I :~~ :1 PI; I . II:!:! 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DEDICATION / " /' PARKING DATA: REQUIRED: 1 SPACE PER 200 SF BUILDING AREA _ 76 SPACES PROVIDED (TOTAL SITE): _75 SPACES (71 STANDARD. 4 HANDICAP) .&,. BUILDING #1 (ABc):_8.25O SF! 200 SF - 41 SPACES PROVIDED: 41 SPACES (J9 STANDARD, 2 HANDICAP) .&,. BUILDING #2: PROVIDED: 6.9J5 SF / 200 SF - :15 SPACES JJ SPACES (Jl STANDARD. 2 HANDICAP) .&,. CURVE CI C2 CJ C4 os CURVE TABLE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 4615'. 43;00 3-4.12. 90"DO'oo. 24.57 38.59 80'00'00. 22.00 59.12 6 21:2.00 6:2.65 16 ,.. 32.00 9.41 F1JTURE VILlAGE OF LAKE BENNm TAN~~;7 ~ 24.57 INfiNITE 31,55 4.74 . I CR SIDEWALK (TYP.) <f / / / / / / Ii / / .~ ~ / " f / ! / t / j / ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~~/ /~/ a1';~ .#/ -t,\;/ ~ .,.~" .,#/ ..,1;" cP~' cPJ/ +. .,t<!:" ,.-? ,,~" ,1-."/ ...~/ ..~. rJ.~t=;,. ~,\d. #;/ ~s'\.::r 4-e,~;' Y r . ENCLOSURES ~~..::..=:=;--=-=-._:- - - - - -. - - =--~--=-==-I- / t------- \ ~~~A~E~~TH~S &. ----- -~I~GZON~=-_-=~--~-=---~--~--- J I -~ ,---------------------------- -,----- r--f' f ! ,..---------.---, 1----'- -------- ------1 I . ,; \, / li. DRIVEWAY - - 7- r-=L".:..J~ "v/ EXIST. flOORS DIRECT ({i r~. ~j CfTY OF OCOEE _ \ I r- --! rnr~ I ~ ZONING, C-3 I '>: r- ~--l EASEllENT / NOTES: 1) DllAENSIDNS ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ~ID~~":~ ~A=~G tt};:G S~~ ~6Cg~~~~:D OF DElAOUTION. A TElAPORARY CERTlFlCATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE REQUESTED FOR THE NEW ABC BUILDING PRIOR TO DElAOLmDN OF EXI5nNG STRUCTURE. \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I I I Id , I I I ) " ~ GIW'IIIC lICQ ~-UJ (__J l...... LEGEND: @ ~ PHASE UNE CURVE NUlABER SYIoIBOL PARKING NUlABER SYIoIBOL , I I , I I ! I r , I ~I I I I l~ Jl 'r - ",. &S~~~YS CKS ~ gJ;1MENTS CKS .1. ~~M~rrs CKS L" ~ ~ GO ! :;t~~ :&- J~ . I . ~i . GO 8 ~ ,l:i'" . 'ill I il ~! j~i ~. 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