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The Honorable Members of the Ocoee City Commission
Mayor s. Scott Vandergrift
February 19, 1993
speeia1 Keetina - Chanqe in Xeetina Time
Pursuant to the provisions of the Ocoee city Code, please ba
advised that I have soheduled a special Heet.ing of the Ocoee city
commission tor Kon4ay, February 22; 1993 at 6:00 p.m. at the Oeoee
community center. This Special Meeting is scheduled as a joint
meeting wi th the Orange County Commission in response to their
Noti.ce of January 28, 1993. The purpose of the meeting is to
discuss Orange County's Notice of Intent to File Suit with regard
to certain zoning ordinances adopted by the city of Ocoee.
Further, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida
Statutes, the purpose of the meeting is to meet with the Orange
county Commission to discuss the proposed litigation in an effort
to amicably settle the controversy.
The meetinq time has been ehanqed to &:00 p.m. in order to
accommodate the schedule of Chairman Chapin who advised that she
could not be present at 5: 15 p. m. I have invi ted the County
Commission to arrive for refreshments before the meeting at 5:30
p.n>. S$4 ~~
S. Scott vandergrift
cc: Mr. Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
Mrs. Jean Grafton, city Clerk
Mayor Vandergrift called the Joint Special Session with Orange County Commission to order
at 6:16 p.m. in the Ocoee Community Center located at 125 N. Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner
Foster offered the prayer and Orange County Commissioner Mable Butler led the pledge of
ORANGE COUNTY - Chairman Chapin called the roll and declared a quorum present.
CITY OF OCOEE - Mayor Vandergrift called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Orange County: Chairman Chapin, Commissioners Freeman, Pignone, Donegan and Butler.
Also present were County Attorney Applegate, Planning Manager Bruce McClendon, Assistant
County Attorney Alison Yurko, County Administrator Jean Bennett, County Attorney Tom
Wilkes and Deputy County Administrator Byron Brooks, Clerk to the Board Garrison and
Recording Secretary Wells.
City of Ocoee: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Woodson, Foster, Combs and Johnson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Attorney Horan, City
'-' Manager Shapiro, Planning Director Behrens and City Clerk Grafton.
Discussion re: Orange County's Notice of Intent to File Suit with Respect to Certain
Zoning Ordinances Adopted in December and January.
Attorney Rosenthal stated that the meeting related to the following ordinances: 92-33, 92-35,
92-37,92-39,92-43,92-45,92-47,92-51,92-55, 92-57, 92-61, 92-71, 92-73, 92-92-75 and 92-
77. He addressed the agreements and restrictions regarding the meeting. Orange County
Attorney Applegate concurred with one exception, that is, issues relating to Chapter 164 of the
Florida Statutes regarding the holding of a public meeting after notice of a suit and he read the
position, intent and purpose of attendance at the meeting of the County.
Chairman Chapin summarized Mr. Applegate's statement and asked Mr. Rosenthal his opinion.
Mr. Rosenthal stated the City was not willing to stipulate to a stay that would preclude the
processing of any development orders. On the issue of attorney fees, the City had not made any
decisions. Mr. Applegate stated that no response had been received from the City to the request
to stipulate that Chapter 164 did not apply to this meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the suits brought on the annexations were based on 164, and
Mr. Applegate replied that they were brought under Chapter 171. He verified that the stay of
the litigation notice discussed at the last meeting had nothing to do with the statement he read
regarding Chapter 164. Mr. Rosenthal stated at the end of that statement Mr. Applegate
commented on staying the litigation. Mr. Applegate stated that was in the County's spirit of
cooperation in trying to hold off litigation while the staff tried to negotiate a settlement.
'--' FEBRUARY 22,1993
Mr. Rosenthal stated that in the entire proceeding, Ocoee had filed no response of pleadings
other than a response to the purported verified complaint filed by the County, which was denied
by the City. The City had not raised any issues with respect to attorney's fees in any
proceedings, and the City simply had not filed response of pleadings. The City had been saying
that to stipulate to a stay or to stipulate to the issues of the applicability of one statute or another
before they know what the final issues are being presented to the City is something the attorneys
are not ready to recommend to their client, the City. It has nothing to do with whether the staffs
meet. In fact, pursuant to the direction of the City Manager, the Planning Director did attend,
notwithstanding the lack of any stipulation, a meeting called by the Orange County Planning
Department and was prepared to continue to attend those meetings to discuss a broad variety of
planning issues that had been proposed by the County. The discussions were continuing, and he
did not view the purpose of the meeting to discuss what essentially were technical issues between
lawyers as to the applicability of one statute or another. He believed the issues were (1) because
the meeting was required under Chapter 164, in the opinion of the City, to protect the City
against potential claims and (2) to put before the two bodies the substantive issues related to the
rezonings to give the Commission an opportunity to consider the proposal forwarded to Mayor
Vandergrift by Chairman Chapin as opposed to resolving what they would all acknowledge as
complex legal issues as to the applicability of three different chapters of Florida statutes.
Mr. Applegate agreed but stated he thought they understood why the County needed to make the
'-" statement. Mr. Rosenthal stated the City did not dispute the County's statement and fully
understood the County's position.
Mr. Rosenthal stated the subject of the meeting was to discuss the initial zonings adopted by the
City in connection with the various annexations that were discussed in the meeting of January
25, 1993, between the two Commissions, and he advised the City's position. The week before,
the City met with all the property owners whose lands were impacted by this dispute between the
City and the County as to zonings. The City believed, and the Commission had expressed a
belief, that the rights of the property owners were fundamental to what the City did or did not do.
All the property owners were told that they were free to meet with representatives of the County
and the City and suggest to the City any way they might want to revise or change the zonings
granted by the City in order to attempt to get some of them out of their entanglement in this
litigation. None of the property owners to date had come to the City to express a request that the
City take back or in some way reach an agreement with the County which would impact or in
any way change the zonings granted by the City.
Commissioner Foster stated he studied the correspondence from the Orange County staff and
found it threatening and intimidating. He stated it did not suggest a peaceful solution without
concessions from the City and was an imposition of the will of the County on the property
owners. He stated he believed competent legal counsel had been received and that the staff at all
'-" FEBRUARY 22, 1993
levels had developed the annexation agreements and zoning ordinances in strict compliance with
the comprehensive plan, and he supported the actions ofthe City.
Chairman Chapin said she thought perhaps something would be different at this meeting from
the last meeting. Mayor Vandergrift replied the meeting was held to comply with the law and
advised he would wait for the County to make a unilateral decision to turn it back to the City or
turn it back to the attorneys and keep going.
Assistant County Attorney Yurko stated the County could not unilaterally start talking to the
planners because they had been instructed by City attorneys not to talk to them about the annexed
areas, and she restated the County's position regarding the annexations.
Commissioner Woodson stated the City had a comprehensive plan before Orange County's was
approved. He stated those rules have been followed, and he could not understand how they could
say the comprehensive plan was not legal.
Chairman Chapin stated the County acknowledged the City's comprehensive plan as it applied
to the City. She said they would never dispute the City's ability to determine the future land uses
in the City. The disagreement was that the City had taken land outside the City that was in the
Orange County comprehensive plan with different future land use designation, saying it now fit
~ the City's comprehensive plan. She said it did not, that the DCA said it did not and that was the
way it was.
Mayor Vandergrift stated he would like the position of the DCA to be stated in writing. He
said the posing of the question determines the answer. Mr. Rosenthal stated he was aware of
the position of the DCA that a municipality cannot exercise extra-territorial powers, and he
believed there was a draft letter that went to Orange County that day that said the City cannot
exercise extra-territorial powers. The position of the City is that it has never asserted that its
comprehensive plan can have any jurisdiction that affects property owners outside the corporate
limits of the City but rather when lands are annexed, they become subject to the City's
jurisdiction. He said he thought Florida law was clear regarding that issue.
Mayor Vandergrift stated he believed the City was required by the State to present a
comprehensive plan, which was submitted to and approved by the state. The County presented
another plan. The City called for reasonable use of the land, and the County called for one house
every ten acres, which is Kissimmee, St. Cloud and Okeechobee planning.
Attorney Yurko stated this is an argument that a judge would hear. She said the County, as well
as DCA, had a concern that this issue is much bigger than the City. If this kind of thing can be
~ FEBRUARY 22,1993
done by the City, it could be looked at by other municipalities. To call this something that is
limited expressly to the City would undermine the importance of it.
Orange County Planning Manager Bruce McClendon stated that he understood that two to
three years ago a request was made for joint planning, but the County planning staff did not have
the time to be able to respond to the City. He said there is now time to meet and work out the
problems. He felt a resolution to everyone's satisfaction could be accomplished in 90 days.
Mayor Vandergrift stated he felt Mr. McClendon grasped the long-range problem that has had
Ocoee, Winter Garden and Apopka as the step-children of Orange County. He said Ocoee was
going to be the second largest city in the County by the turn of the century without the
annexations. He said the City was willing to work with the County.
Mr. Rosenthal stated there was a suggestion in the middle of this that the City was opposed to or
unwilling to meet with the County on joint planning issues. As far as joint planning issues are
concerned, the Planning Department has been thrilled and excited to hear the County is
scheduling meetings and is enthusiastically attending them and participating in them.
Chairman Chapin asked her staff if there were further comments before she called on
Commissioner Freeman.
Mayor Vandergrift felt the responsibility was with the County to reach a solution.
Chairman Chapin said the County had asked for 90 days to discuss the issues, to meet with the
property owners, to revisit this issue and perhaps, if necessary, seek mediation before the
Regional Planning Council. She said she thought all that was wanted from the City was an
agreement that the City would stay any development orders during that time period.
Commissioner Freeman. seconded bv Chairman Chapin. moved that the liti~ation be
abated for 90 days in order to incorporate ioint Dlanning of the annexed areas into an
overall joint Dlannine: scheme on behalf of the City and the County. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Horan stated there were differences in what Chairman Chapin and Commissioner
Freeman said. Chairman Chapin said the City should agree not to consider any development
orders or anything relative to the pieces of property the City and County do not own during a 90-
day period. Commissioner Freeman stated to abate the litigation for 90 days. If the motion just
involved abatement of the litigation it was possibly something the City would want to consider
with the property owners, but he thought it would have to be considered in the March meeting.
'-" FEBRUARY 22, 1993
Chairman Chapin stated she was confused about why it was all being said again if nothing had
Mr. Rosenthal said there were two sets of ordinances, annexations and zonings, and the original
notice from Chairman Chapin only listed the annexation ordinances, and subsequent to that, the
City received another letter from the County Legal Department which listed different ordinances,
which was the reason for this meeting.
Mr. Applegate clarified the County's lack of choice under Florida statutes to exercise its rights
to protect the public interest and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing.
County Attorney Tom Wilkes stated the County offered not to have to bring everyone to the
meeting. They offered just to say that 164 did not apply to all this foolishness. It is all
technicalities, and that was why they were at the meeting that night.
Commissioner Freeman said he felt the County did not have a strong position about abating any
development orders for 90 days. He felt any development would be "at their own risk" in light of
the litigation.
Upon a request to restate his motion, Commissioner. Freeman stated he asked that the litigation
be abated for 90 days in order to incorporate joint planning of the annexed areas into an overall
joint planning scheme between Orange County and the City of Ocoee.
Chairman Chapin asked if the landowners understood that they proceeded at their own risk if
they wished to pursue development orders. Commissioner Pignone asked if it would be
appropriate if there were land owners present to find out if they would be willing to wait 90 days.
Mr. Rosenthal addressed the City Commission indicating he thought prior to their taking any
action on this, given the commitment expressed to the property owners, they should go back to
talk to some of the property owners and put the County proposal on the agenda for consideration
at the first Commission meeting in March, which would give them an opportunity to see the
reaction of the property owners. The County raised the point of the uncertainty of the property
owners due to the proceeding, and a 90-day delay for some property owners might leave them in
a continued state of uncertainty. Commissioner Freeman asked how long the lawsuit would
take compared to the uncertainty of 90 days.
Commissioner Butler said even though the City had annexed the property, it really was not in
the City but was in limbo. Regardless of whether it was in the City, it was still in the County.
Both entities serve the same people so why could not the property owners be asked that night.
'-' FEBRUARY 22, 1993
Mayor Vandergrift stated he understood the motion by the County was to stay the litigation for
90 days, and the City Commission might act upon what the attorney said and confer with the
owners of the property between that night and the March 2 meeting, which was a week away, and
go back to confirm what the County said or disagree completely.
Chairman Chapin suggested the meeting be adjourned and give the City a week to talk to their
property owners and that there was a risk if they proceeded. Mr. Wilkes stated for the record
"Lawyers cannot assure the County Commission that they can make that risk stick. If
development orders are issued and they go forward with their developments that if the County
ends up prevailing and wants the property restored to its original condition, we cannot assure you
that the County could do that." Commissioner Freeman stated he was disappointed that they
could not make a decision.
Commissioner Foster stated he agreed with the motion that there be a joint planning session. He
believed the joint planning sessions should have taken place years before when the City
requested it several times. The City had made commitments to the property owners that he could
not back down from unless they requested it. He suggested to the County that they drop the
charges against the City and agree to future joint planning sessions to resolve issues that might
come before them in the future.
'-' Chairman Chapin stated she regretted the fact that they were back at a stalemate. She
understood his position and hoped he understood the position of the County.
Chairman Chapin. seconded by one of the County Commissioners. moved to rescind the
previous motion. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Pil!none votinl! no.
Commissioner Rusty Johnson stated nothing was being solved and that he would like to have a
representative from the state next time.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
City of Ocoee
S S:_~V~J1f
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor '