HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held July 18, 2017 MINUTES JULY 18,2017 at 6:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Keller B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 6:17 PM Presentation on School Grades (This item was presented after Comments from Citizens/Public) Orange County Public School (OCPS) Board Member Christine Moore gave a brief summary of the school grades for the Elementary Schools in Ocoee. The grades for Middle and High Schools were not available at this time. She further introduced Patty Harrelson, Principal for Spring Lake Elementary School. Ms. Harrelson explained her excitement for being in the City of Ocoee. She announced Spring Lake Elementary brought their grade up this year from a "D" to a "C" and staff is excited about this. A picture of the new mural that was painted at Spring Lake Elementary was shared with the City Commission. Ms. Moore briefly explained the meaning behind the mural and asked that if anyone had any historical data or additional information on the actual Spring Lake, to please contact her. Ms. Moore concluded her presentation by briefly addressing some questions from the City Commission. Presentation of the Districting Commission Recommendation Report Districting Commission Chairman Gregory Keethler gave a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the process of the Districting Commission and further presented the board's recommendation of Board Plan 2 (originally named Board Plan 3) which brought the districts within less than 1% of each other in population (see below board plan and chart). Discussion ensued regarding if subdivisions were split and the proposed district boundary line at Bay Street. Commissioner Wilsen also inquired about retaining the current boundary line on Bluford Avenue, but shifting the district downwards to incorporate the Oasis Apartments and City Center into District 2. Mr. Keethler explained that proposed district boundary line was discussed during their meeting, but incorporating the Oasis Apartments and City Center would put the ideal population in District 2 over and the ideal population in District 3 under. After discussion, the consensus of the City Commission was to have the Districting Commission look at the Bay Street proposed boundary to be sure that all homes within that street are included. Wage Regular City Commission July 18,2017 Board Plan 3 • --ii 10A .„,----' .' likti Illr 0- • 1 • i 1111. : ‘ . r . �..— _Gona= 0 o Districting Commission Recommendation, July 18, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 10135' -35 -0.34 3 10170 10240 70 0.69 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 5 Minute Recess C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 6:46 PM • R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. inquired why the City is looking to build a New City Hall. Public Works Director Krug addressed the question by explaining some of the existing issues the current City Hall is experiencing. Mayor Johnson explained that they did have several public hearings prior to the decision of bonding money for the New City Hall. Rob McKey, Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman, said at their last meeting they discussed moving the start time of the Planning & Zoning Commission meetings from 7:00 pm to 6:30 pm and would like to seek permission from the City Commission. It was briefly discussed if the start time of the Planning & Zoning Commission was set by ordinance. City Clerk Sibbitt answered in the affirmative and advised that there will have to be a first and second reading of an ordinance to approve this time change. Consensus of the City Commission was to have staff proceed with an ordinance for approval and adoption. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW-None e 2 Pa � g Regular City Commission July 18,2017 E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 7:04 PM Commissioner Keller—None Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Wilsen — Announced the Town Hall Meeting in reference to City zip code is Tuesday, July 25th at 5:30 pm here in City Hall. The Ocoee City Commission would like to invite the Public to meet with the City's Lobbyist, Randolph Bracy, to discuss standardization of City zip codes. Commissioner Grogan—None Mayor Johnson — 1) Announced a Public Hearing is being held by the Charter Review Commission Tomorrow, July 19th, at 6:30 p.m. here in City Hall. This public meeting is being held for the purpose of obtaining public input regarding possible changes to the Charter of the City of Ocoee. As required by the City Charter, revisions are considered every ten years and your input is important. 2) Announced the Code Enforcement Board currently has (5) five vacancies and is in urgent need of members. 3) Announced Food Truck and Movie in the Park is this Friday, July 21st from 6:OOpm-9:OOpm. This month's movie is "The Lego Batman Movie". Movie starts at 8:30pm. Also on Friday will be FREE tours of the historic Withers-Maguire House from 6:00pm— 8:30pm. 5) Announced Community Grant Applications deadline is Friday, July 28th. The City of Ocoee Community Grant Program is one way for the City to acknowledge the value and excellence of our local community non-profit organizations and the individuals who make these groups successful. The Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500. F. CONSENT AGENDA- 7:07 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to approve the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#11. Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held June 20, 2017. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval to Set the Proposed Tentative Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget. (City Manager Frank) The TRIM act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed tentative millage rate annually during the month of July. The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their proposed tax levies for the next year. The rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September and has 31 Page Regular City Commission July 18,2017 historically been done so by the City. State Statutes establish levels of approval by the governing body in setting the millage rate. The statutes provide for a maximum millage that can be levied by the governing body with a majority vote. This maximum millage rate for the upcoming fiscal year, 7.3615, is an increase over the current year millage (5.8291). The rolled back rate for 2017/2018 is 5.4357. This rate is lower than the current year rate. The City's overall assessed value increased to $231,579,458. This is an increase of$1,309,403 at the current.millage rate of 5.8291. The Commission can set the proposed millage for FY2017/2018 up to 8.0977 with a super majority vote by the Commission. This millage rate would generate $18,175,907 in ad valorem revenues. A millage rate higher than the 8.0977 would require a unanimous vote by the Commission. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval to Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for FY 2017/2018 Budget Process. (Finance Director Briggs) Workshops are held during August for staff and the City Commission to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings are required by the TRIM Act in September serving as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow the opportunity for their comments. The TRIM Act has specific time frames for scheduling and holding the required hearings. The hearing dates cannot conflict with Orange County (9/7 and 9/21) or Orange County School Board (9/12) hearing dates. Staff recommends the commission approve the following dates for the August budget workshops of August 10th and 14th. Staff recommends the City Commission approve the following dates for the September budget hearings of September 6th and 18th.Workshops and hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of the Third Agreement for Modification of Wal-Mart Signage Plan. (City Planner Rumer) The City of Ocoee has previously approved development plans, which called for the development of a Wal- Mart Supercenter on Lot 1 and various commercial uses on Lots 2-6 of the Wal-Mart of Ocoee Plat. As part of the development approval process, the City approved a Master Signage Plan. The Master Signage Plan was amended in July of 2002 and then again on November of 2002. Wal-Mart has added new services to the existing Supercenter, which require individual signage. In order to comply with the original and amended Master Signage Plan, a third modification is required. The third modification does not increase the overall square footage allowed and therefore was determined to be non-substantial. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval of the Plat for West Colonial Ocoee. (City Planner Rumer) The subject property,which is the former location of the Sabal Hotel, is located on the northeast corner of State Road 50 (West Colonial Drive) and Maguire Road. The total area of the parcel(ID#20-22-28-0000-00-017) is 3.35 acres. The developer/applicant intends to develop the 3.35 acres as a Commercial subdivision with three leasable/sellable lots, sized 0.624 acers, 0.744 acers, and 1.129 acers respectively. This plat is required in order to create the lots for the commercial subdivision and reflect the improvements constructed as part of the West Colonial Ocoee development. This plat includes easements for public utility improvements, which includes a new eight(8)inch water main and a doghouse manhole. There will be no additional dedications or easements to the City as a part of this plat. The West Colonial Ocoee development is platting prior to receiving a Certificate of Completion;therefore,the developer is required to provide a Surety covering 115 percent of the construction cost of the proposed improvements as approved in the West Colonial Ocoee Small Scale Site Plan. The Developer has provided a Surety in the form of a check along with a signed copy of the outstanding construction costs from the General Contractor. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 41 Page Regular City Commission July 18,2017 6. Approval to Award RFQ #1705 Engineering Design Services for Downtown Streets Redevelopment. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) In compliance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21 of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from qualified professional civil engineering firms to design a number of local street redevelopment projects in downtown Ocoee. The design services will also include the work needed to build a major gateway structure at the intersection of Bluford Avenue and Geneva Street, plus a West Orange Trail connection from the SR 429 interchange on Franklin Street to the northern Taylor Street roundabout. Continuity of the Trail connection will also be part of the Taylor Street and Oakland Avenue reconstruction projects such that the connection goes from the SR 429 interchange to Lakefront Park. This segment connects to the West Orange Trail via sidewalk in the City of Winter Garden, which starts at the SR 429 interchange. The total cost of construction for the included scope of work is estimated to be approximately $2.4 million. These transportation projects are part of a $45 million capital investment program for the downtown area of Ocoee. The RFQ was advertised on April 23, 2017 and was publicly opened on May 23, 2017. There were eight (8) responses submitted. The Finance and Public Works Departments reviewed the qualification statements and all were considered responsive. The eight (8) responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Manager. The evaluation committee short-listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top-ranked firm, CPH, Inc., with Wantman Group, Inc., ranked second and DRMP, Inc., ranked third. Staff recommends that the City Commission award RFQ#1705 Engineering Design Services for Downtown Streets Redevelopment to CPH, Inc., and authorize Staff to proceed with contract negotiations with the selected firm, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents with this firm once the required insurance is received. Per the State of Florida CCNA Act Statute 287.055, if contract negotiations are unsuccessful with the top-ranked firm, staff shall terminate negotiations and initiate negotiations with the next ranked firm,and so on,until an agreement is reached. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Approval to Execute a Revised Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for Cooperation Regarding Federal Community Development Programs Under the HUD Urban County Program. (Support Services Director Butler) The City has jointly operated a Community Development Block Grant program with Orange County that has brought millions of dollars in funding for rebuilding public infrastructure in economically disadvantaged areas of the city, such as the Pioneer Key subdivisions. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has asked the City to execute a revised agreement with Orange County in order to make it compliant with federal legal changes occurring since the last agreement was signed in 2014. This is a routine action with no substantive changes. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 8. Approval to Acquire a Nimble Data Storage Array at a Cost of $46,250, Related Equipment Maintenance Service at a Cost of$3,900, and Network Protection Services at a Cost of$10,005,all from CDW-G. (Support Services Director Butler) Staff acquired a refurbished Storage Area Network (SAN) with new high-speed disk drives in late 2012 as the central data storage mechanism for the City. This device has reached the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. In accordance with staff's expectation of the coming need for a replacement, the City Commission approved an overall capital budget allocation of$65,000. Staff has selected the Nimble Storage Adaptive Flash CS-series CS 1000 Hard Drive Array as the replacement unit. This device contains 42 TB of raw hard disk data capacity and almost 3 TB of solid-state storage capacity. In addition to purchasing the unit, staff additionally seeks approval to acquire a 4-hour response time extended service agreement, and to reinforce the City's cybersecurity mechanisms by implementing an off-site ("cloud") internet data traffic filtering system. With 5jPage Regular City Commission July 18,2017 recent increases in ransomware attacks, staff wants to enhance network security by deploying the Cisco Umbrella Cloud Security System, which will prevent communications between city computers and bad actors seeking either to break into the City's network or to receive messages from infected devices on the network. A cloud-based solution is preferable to one based on equipment and software on the City's data network interface, as it keeps the malware and bad actor messages offsite. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Approval of an Agreement with Zyscovich, Inc., for Development of a Design Criteria Package for a New City Hall (Part of the Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan) at a Cost of$276,190, and Subsequent Owner's Representative Services During Solicitation and Negotiation with a Design-Build Firm at a Cost of $58,275. (Support Services Director Butler) A key component of the Downtown Ocoee Redevelopment Master Plan is relocation of City Hall to the Northeast corner of the intersection of McKey Street and Bluford Avenue. The City anticipated construction being accomplished through the design-build method, so an RFQ was issued in April 2017 for a qualified architectural firm to develop the design criteria package needed to solicit a design-build construction company. Two architectural firms responded to that RFQ and the highest-ranked firm of Zyscovich, Inc.,was awarded the work by the City Commission. Subsequent to that award, and in compliance with the Florida Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act ("CCNA," §287.055, Florida Statutes), the City entered into negotiations with Zyscovich,Inc., and developed a detailed scope of work,project schedule, and price agreement for presentation to the City Commission. The proposed schedule calls for up to 26 weeks of effort to produce the design criteria package and a subsequent 31 weeks for solicitation of design-build firms, selection of the top-ranked firm, preparation of construction documents, final price negotiation, permitting, and other preconstruction activities. Staff recommends that the City Commission endorse the proposed Agreement, authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement, and direct staff to issue the purchase order to Zyscovich, Inc. for this work using an allocation of project funds of$334,465 for design and up to $2,000 for reimbursable expenses. In addition, staff seeks authority to expend up to$10,000 in other project funds for other companies to conduct related work,such as to take soil samples and perform additional surveys. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Approval of the Sanitation Division Budget Transfer. (Public Works Director Krug) The City has historically benefited from being able to take recyclable materials to the County at a zero cost per ton tipping fee. Due to changes in the recycling market and expiration of various County contracts, the County will begin charging a fee of$42.00 per ton July 1, 2017, to handle recyclable materials. This increase in cost was not anticipated by County and is not reflected in the current City budget for Sanitation landfill fees. To account for this unanticipated increase in costs while Public Works researches the City's options for the disposition of recyclables, we are requesting Commission approval to transfer unused capital funds within the Sanitation Division to the landfill account line.The 2016-2017 budget for the Sanitation Division included three (3)lease payments totaling$136,185.00 for replacement Sanitation vehicles.Due to the timing of the financing, only one lease payment of $39,805.64 will be made this fiscal year, leaving $96,379.36 available to be reallocated to the Landfill account line. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 11. Approval for the Request to Piggy Back on City of St. Petersburg Contract for Supply of Sanitation Carts with OTTO Environmental Systems. (Public Works Director Krug) The City has utilized sanitation carts from OTTO Environmental Systems (OTTO) since implementing automated side-loading trucks to collect residential garbage in 2005 and recycling in 2014. In 2011, the City issued a Request For Proposals from cart suppliers and determined OTTO continued to provide the best value Wage Regular City Commission July 18,2017 and service for carts by awarding a five (5) year term contract at the June 7, 2011, Commission meeting to OTTO that included an optional one year extension. The City's term contract for sanitation carts with OTTO has expired this year. The Public Works Team has continually evaluated products with other municipalities and vendors to ensure the City is obtaining the best value in the carts we utilize. Through this continual evaluation process, Public Works has determined OTTO continues to provide the best product to meet the needs of the City. In order to continue utilizing OTTO carts, Public Works recommends piggy backing on the existing City of St. Petersburg's (St. Pete) Request For Quotation 5580 for Refuse Containers. Ocoee's expired contract charged$51.85 per 95 gallon cart where the St. Pete contract cost is$52.36 per cart. The$0.51 cost differential is due to the St. Pete requirement for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags on their carts — a service tracking feature Ocoee could use at a future date, but was cost prohibitive at the time of the 2011 Ocoee RFP. Public Works purchases 1,920 garbage and recycle carts annually for new customers and replacements. The additional $979.20 annual cost increase for utilizing the St. Pete bid is adequately funded in the Solid Waste operations. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. G. PUBLIC HEARING - 7:07 PM 12. Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility Large Scale Preliminary & Final Site Plan (PSP/FSP); Project No: LS-2017-008. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 6, 2017.) (City Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the north side of Health Central Way, 550 feet north of Old Winter Garden Road. The overall parcel is 3.67 acres in size. The Parcel Identification Number is 29-22-28-0000-00-031. The proposed Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility site plan provides for the construction of a Four-Story 90,213 square foot facility on the campus of the existing hospital. The project will be constructed in one phase. The parcel is heavily wooded and does not contain wetlands. Access will be from internal drive isles and an access road from Old Winter Garden Road. The proposed skilled nursing facility comprises of a 31,083 sq. ft. ground floor Memory Care area consisting of 40 skilled nursing beds and building support services. The second floor contains 25,572 Hospice Care facilities with 10 Skilled Nursing residents and public administration and outpatient therapy.The third floor contains 16,779 sq. ft. Post-Acute Rehab Care with 20 Skilled Nursing Beds. The fourth floor contains 16,779 sq. ft. Post-Acute Rehab Care with 20 Skilled Nursing Beds. Site work including a new parking lot with 57 new parking spaces (4 Handicap), a covered drop-off area, three access points and a delivery area are provided. A stormwater retention pond and the use of other existing retention ponds are proposed. Existing road side swales on site will be closed and piped to provide a closed drainage system. Landscaping and irrigation is proposed. City Planner Rumer presented a summary of the Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility Large Scale Preliminary & Final Site Plan. The proposed Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility site plan provides for the construction of a four-story 90,213 square foot facility on the campus of the existing hospital. The overall parcel is 3.67 acres in size. Uses within the proposed subject property are Memory Care, Skilled Nursing, and Post-Acute Rehab Care. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to Approve Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility Large Scale Preliminary and Final Site Plan (PSP/FSP), Project No: LS-2017-008; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried 5-0. 71 Page Regular City Commission July 18,2017 H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE - 7:11 PM 13. First Reading of Ordinance to Repeal Chapter 4 - Design Build Contracts and Amend Chapter 21 - Purchasing Policy. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for August 1, 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.) (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Chapter 4 of the City's Code of Ordinances—Design Build Contracts was adopted on March 21, 1995 in order to comply with the procedures of the 1993 Florida Statute 287.055, Consultant Competitive Negotiation Act ("CCNA"). The current Chapter 4 has not been updated to include revisions that have been made to the CCNA since that time,such as the allowance of a qualifications based solicitation for design-build services,which is in conflict with the current Chapter 4 procedures. Moreover, Chapter 4 predated the City's Current Chapter 21, Purchasing Policy that was adopted on July 16, 1996. Now that Chapter 21 exists, Staff and the City's Attorneys agree that Chapter 4 is no longer needed if language is amended in Chapter 21 to expressly state that design-build services shall be procured in accordance with the requirements of the CCNA. Currently, Section 21.8 D. references design-build construction services shall be procured in accordance to the procedures of Chapter 4. Staff is proposing revisions to Section 21.8 B. to expressly state that design-build services shall be procured through the procedures set forth in the CCNA; therefore, Chapter4 will no longer be needed, as the required procedures are stated in the CCNA, and the City's specific administrative procedures will be outlined in the City's Purchasing Manual. Construction Program Management has also been added to Section 21.8 B as this service is also authorized in Section 255.103, Florida Statute for Construction Management. These amendments are necessary as Design-Build services will be solicited for the new Ocoee City Hall project once the design-criteria package is completed. Purchasing Agent Tolbert informed the City Commission that the proposed ordinance is to repeal Chapter 4 — Design Build Contract and add some of that language into Chapter 21 — Purchasing Policy as it has not been updated since 1995. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Johnson announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing is scheduled for August 1, 2017, Regular City Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARING - 7:13 PM 14. Second Reading of Ordinance for the State Road 429 Overlay District. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday,July 6, 2017.) (City Planner Rumer) The cities of Ocoee and Winter Garden share a common interest in the economic development potential of the State Road 429 (SR 429)corridor. Due to the location of both downtown Winter Garden and downtown Ocoee, the SR 429 Overlay District will play a key role in linking the downtowns together and helping each City reach its economic development goals. Both the City of Ocoee and City of Winter Garden will adopt Character Area plans to provide continuity and replication of development throughout the Overlay District. The purpose of the SR 429 Overlay District, which is facilitated via the Character Area Plans, is to provide a framework to guide development that is useful to the development community in understanding the community vision for SR 429. Three Character Area Design Plans were developed to reinforce the overall design objectives to further support the Master Plan.The Character Area Design Plans are: • The Plant Street Corridor Design Plan (including sub-districts: Packing Plant District, East Plant District and Gateway District) • Business Center Design Plan • Interchange Village Design Plan Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the amendment to the Land Development Code to establish the SR 429 Overlay District and find such amendment to be consistent with the 81Page Regular City Commission July 18,2017 Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and further, recommend that the Official City Zoning Map be changed to reference the existence of special development standards and prohibited uses within the SR 429 Overlay. City Planner Rumer briefly summarized the State Road 429 (SR 429) Overlay District advising that the cities of Ocoee and Winter Garden share a common interest in the economic development potential of the SR 429 corridor. The purpose of the SR 429 Overlay District, which is facilitated through the Character Area Plans, is to provide a framework to guide development that is useful to the development community in understanding the community vision for the SR429. Three Character Area Design Plans were developed to reinforce the overall design objectives to further support the Master Plan. The Character Area Design Plans are: • The Plant Street Corridor Design Plan(including sub-districts: Packing Plant District, East Plant District and Gateway District) • Business Center Design Plan • Interchange Village Design Plan Due to the location of both downtown Winter Garden and downtown Ocoee, the SR 429 Overlay District will play a key role in linking the downtowns together and helping each City reach its economic development goals. Both the City of Ocoee and City of Winter Garden will adopt Character Area plans to provide continuity and replication of development throughout the Overlay District. Commissioner Firstner inquired if the moratorium will be lifted once this ordinance is approved as these principles will now be the guidelines for that area. City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. Tara Tedrow, Attorney with Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., said she is present this evening on behalf of Ocoee Business Park. Her client is Dr. Bruce Grody, and they spoke at the City of Winter Garden Overlay District meeting as well. She shared that under the new district standards there may be roadways proposed across her client's property near the SR 429. They just want it on the record that any roadways that have not been agreed to by her client, would not be roadways even though they appear to be designed on the plans. They would also take objection to any removal of approved industrial uses on his parcel(s) (18-22-28-0000-00-026) currently zoned for industrial uses. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Johnson commended City Planner Rumer and Assistant City Manager Shadrix for a great job in working with Winter Garden on this Overlay District as it will be a great gateway into both cities. Motion: Move to Adopt the State Road 429 (SR 429) Overlay District Ordinance No. 2017-020; Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. 91 Page Regular City Commission July 18,2017 J. REGULAR AGENDA-None K. STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None L. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 7:24 PM Commissioner Grogan — Announced the Ocoee Police Department along with 103.1 Wolf will be hosting a Poker Tournament to benefit their annual toy drive. The event will be held on Friday, July 21St at the Ocoee Women's Club starting at 6pm. Commissioner Wilsen—Announced a reminder for Town Hall Meeting in reference to City zip code on Tuesday, July 25th at 5:30 pm here in City Hall with the City's lobbyist. Commissioner Firstner — Announced Budget Workshops will be held on August 10th & 14th and Budget Hearings will be held September 6th & 18th all beginning at 6:00 pm. Commissioner Keller — Welcomed all the visiting Mayors and Commissioners who are part of the Annual Small Cities Conference which is being hosted by Mayor Johnson as he is currently the president for that board. Mayor Johnson — 1) Thanked staff for organizing this event as they have participants from all over the States. 2) Inquired about the lighting on Ingram Road as he has received another e-mail from a concerned resident. Public Works Director Krug advised that he did put a figure into the budget for lighting on Ingram Road and other locations within the City. He is still awaiting solid numbers from Duke Energy. Mayor Johnson further inquired about lights on Maguire Road from the end of the shopping center going back into Windermere at Windsor Landing. Public Works Director Krug advised that he would look into this concern. ADJOURNMENT - 7:28 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson,Mayor 10IPage