HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
O c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order - 6:32 PM
Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. He led the Pledge of Allegiance and a
Moment of Silence. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and declared a quorum to be
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Lou Forges, Member Michael Hopper.
Also present were GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-
Collier, City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas (A/E), Member Edward Strickland (A/U).
Guests: None.
II. Approval of Minutes—April 24, 2017 (6:33 pm)
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of April 24, 2017; Moved by Member
Hopper, seconded by Member Fomes; Motion carried unanimously.
III. Old Business (6:34 pm)
1. Update on Census Block Modifications - GIS Analyst O'Halloran
GIS Analyst O'Halloran summarized for the Board the current commission district
populations as of March 1, 2017, with accompanying deviation charts and graphs. He also
summarized Board Plans 1 & 2 as of March 1, 2017, with accompanying deviation charts
and graphs (below). (Maps Attached)
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Commission District Po i ulation, March 1, 2017 (Ma i Attached)
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 1, March 1, 2017(Ma, Attached)
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 2 March 1 2017 Ma I Attached
1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34
3 10170 10240 70 0.69
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Existing Commission Districts,2017 Data
Current Districts
2017 Data 141441
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Board Plan 1,2017 Data
Board Plan 1
Atto2017 Data u°°
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Board Plan 2,2017 Data
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Board Plan 2
2017 Data
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Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Chairman Keethler characterized Board Plans 1 & 2 by stating their percentage of
deviation compared to the ideal deviation of each district. Discussion ensued regarding the
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number of plans that should be presented to the City Commission. Member Hopper
announced that Board Plans 1 & 2 should be presented to the City Commission; and
further, he feels no more plans need to be created at this point. Chairman Keethler
inquired of Member Forges about how he feels regarding the current board plans. Member
Forges indicated he is fine with the current plans; and further, explained Board Plan 2 has
the lower percentile deviation, which he believes the City Commission will understand that
is anticipating future growth. Discussion ensued regarding anticipated future growth within
all districts. Member Hopper shared that he believes Board Plans 1 & 2 are within the
plus or minus five (5) percent deviation, which puts them in a good position even with
considering growth. Discussion ensued regarding future growth and maintaining the five
(5)percent deviation differential.
Chairman Keethler summarized the two strategies of Board Plans 1 & 2, which he
emphasized are the same approach, but different variations. He brought up a third strategy,
which would put Districts 1 & 3 about four (4) to four-and-a-half(4.5) percent lower and
would make Districts 2 & 4 higher; which would make all districts more equal the next
time the districting commission meets, because it would be adjusted for future growth.
Member Hopper indicated he feels this Board is in real good shape right now with Board
Plan 2. He advised that five years from now a census report will be conducted before the
next Districting Commission meets, which will give that Board accurate data to go by. He
indicated he believes this Board should do the best that they can do, but he believes Board
Plan 2 is sufficient. Chairman Keethler queried it is his understanding that they believe
Board Plans 1 & 2 are good enough and asked if they wish to present them to the City
Commission. Member Forges agreed with Chairman Keethler. Discussion further ensued
regarding future anticipated growth within Districts 3 and 4.
Discussion ensued regarding making a motion for Board Plans 1 & 2 to be heard at a
public hearing within the next month.
Chairman Keethler announced he is not hearing an interest from the other board members
that they wish to create any further board plans for the City Commission to consider. He
asked if they wish to make a motion, but advised them he personally does not wish to do
that. He stated he wishes to create more board plans,but stated he is out numbered.
(6:53 pm)
Motion: Move to present Board Plan 1 and Board Plan 2 at the upcoming Public
Hearing: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion passed 2-1
with Chairman Keethler opposing.
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
IV. New Business Trials of Various District Boundaries
1. Creation of Additional Board Plans Including Assessment of Legal Principals
Chairman Keethler asked Mr. O'Halloran to perform a zone analysis on Board Plans 1 &
2 to determine if any subdivisions were split up. GIS Analyst O'Halloran announced he
has PowerPoint slides regarding these board plans from a previous meeting that he can
show. Chairman Keethler asked him to proceed. Further discussion ensued regarding
existing boundary lines and proposed boundary lines on Board Plans 1 & 2.
Chairman Keethler inquired of Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier what they need to
look for while considering boundary lines on Board Plans 1 & 2. Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier summarized the practical considerations when considering district lines,
which are as follows:
• Equal population among districts
• Each district is compact and contiguous
• Preserve political boundaries
• Recommendations comply with the Voting Rights Act
• To the extent possible,preserve communities of interest
• Each incumbent should still be residing in his/her district
Member Hopper suggested a public hearing date be set. Discussion ensued regarding a
public hearing date.
(7:06 pm)
Motion: Move to set the Public Hearing date for Monday. June S. 2017; Moved by
Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges;Motion carried unanimously.
Further discussion ensued regarding future meeting dates and times.
(7:09 pm)
Motion: Move to set the next meeting date for July 10. 2017. after the Public Hearing. but
before the July 18. 2017. City Commission meeting: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded
by Member Fortes;Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Keethler discussed Member Strickland's absences; and further, advised the
Board that if he shows up to a future meeting, he has a vote, which he states it will be
difficult to explain everything to him. He suggests to the Board that they ask the City
Commission to have him removed. Member Hopper stated he agrees with that. Member
Forges also stated he agrees, and shared that the City Clerk had a conversation with the
commissioner. City Clerk Sibbitt indicated she did reach out to Commissioner Firstner,
District 3, and she explained to him that the representative that he appointed should try to
attend, because it is his district that is being affected to which Commissioner Firstner
responded that he had spoken to Mr. Strickland; and Mr. Strickland indicated to
Commissioner Firstner that he was going to meet with City staff to get caught up, and he
would be at this meeting.
Districting Commission Meeting
May 15,2017
Further discussion entailed regarding removing Mr. Strickland from the board.
(7:23 pm)
Motion: Move to draft a letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners regarding the lack of
participation by Member Strickland on the Districting Commission: Moved by Member
Hopper, seconded by Chairman Keethler; Motion passed 2-1 with Member Forkes
Chairman Keethler announced he will draft the letter, and the City Clerk will distribute it.
V. Public Comments (7:26 pm)
Chairman Keethler opened the meeting for public comment. As no one came forward to
speak,public comment was closed.
VI. Direction to Staff None
VII. Adjournment (7:26 pm)
The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
athy He. d, 'ecording Clerk Greg. thler, Chairman
61 Page
Existing Commission Districts
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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District: 1 ) v - ,z., .LAKE Percent Deviation: -0.78%
Population: 10214 i r �•,•i _
Deviation from Ideal: 44 m,c a 171 - -
Percent Deviation: 0.43°/ -" I mo- L.
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.{. Percent Deviation:9.62% a ` ' ' Population. 9227
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1 10170 10214 44 0.43
2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27
3 10170 11148 978 9.62
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
40680 40680
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
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Lakes and VVater Bodies
1 10170 /0214 44 0.43
2 10170 9e16 -354 '3.48
3 10170 10559 389 3.82
4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureaa and City of Ocoee
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40680 40680