HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1 \ Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3 O c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4 florida Districting Commission Meeting Public Hearing June 5,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order—6:32 pm Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm, in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and declared a quorum to be present. Chairman Keethler led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Member Michael Hopper, Member Lou Forges. Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, City GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard. Absent: Vice-Chairman James Thomas (A/E), Member Edward Strickland(A/U) Guests: Mayor Johnson, District 2 Commissioner Wilsen, District 4 Commissioner Keller II. Old Business (Agenda items taken out of order) 3. Presentation on Proposed Board Plan 3—Chairman Keethler Chairman Keethler presented proposed Board Plan 3 (attached) and explained this board plan came about after GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran noticed the zig-zag boundary line, which left one house in a different district than the other homes on the same street. He emphasized this is only cleaning up Board Plan 2. Chairman Keethler asked GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran to brief the Board on the proposed Board Plan 3. Districting Commission Meeting June 5,2017 GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran explained the proposed Board Plan 3 with a PowerPoint presentation. He stated the new dividing line, which divides District 2 and District 3 on Board Plan 2, is zig-zagged and one home is separated from the rest of the homes on the same street. He wants to revise this line to have it run concurrent with the railroad tracks, which will create a straight line and also keep a single-family home in the same district as the other homes that are located in between Franklin Street, Taylor Street and Kissimmee Avenue. This modification of Board Plan 2 is Proposed Board Plan 3. (6:37 pm) Motion: Move to Delete the original Board Plan 2 and replace it with proposed Board Plan 3: and further. renaming it Board Plan 2 as an Official Board Plan: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously. 1. Presentation on Legal Restrictions Governing Redistricting — Dana Crosby- Collier, Assistant City Attorney Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier presented a PowerPoint presentation on the legal rules/principals regarding redistricting. She indicated that the Board has sought to ensure that the legal process was followed throughout this process. The legal checklist is as follows: • Equal population • Compact and contiguous • Preserve political boundaries • Compliance with the Voting Rights Act • Preserve communities of interest • Observe partisan and incumbent interest Chairman Keethler asked the Board if they had any questions for Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier to which there were none. He further thanked her for steering them through the redistricting process. 2. Presentation on Data Related to the Maps and GIS Methodology — Mike O'Halloran, City of Ocoee GIS Analyst Chairman Keethler introduced the City's GIS analyst, Mike O'Halloran, and recognized him for all of his hard work in preparing the data and maps necessary for this process. GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran presented a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the geographic information system (GIS) methodology and maps. His presentation covered how the board plans were created with using the 2010 census data and the splitting of census blocks among more than one district (i.e. a district boundary line going through a census block would require that census block to be split), annexations from 2010 to 21 Page Districting Commission Meeting June 5,2017 2017, new development with only certificates of occupancies from 2010 to 2017, which has an average of 2.8 people per household. GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran further presented the district population numbers for each four districts, which lists the ideal population, actual population, deviation from ideal and the percent deviation and compared those numbers from 2010 to the current year of 2017 (see below). Commission District Po ulation, 2010 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 8893 8908 15 0.17 2 8893 8875 -18 -0.20 3 8893 8931 38 0.43 4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40 35571 35571 Commission District Po ulation, 2017 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9227 -943 -9.27 3 10170 11148 978 9.62 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran further explained the software he utilizes to create new district maps. He described what happened in the previous meetings leading up to this public hearing, which entailed Board members instructing him to move census blocks to an adjoining district; and further, if the Board liked the numbers and the look of the map,they would make that a Board Plan. 3. Presentation on Board Plans 1 & 2 and Proposed Board Plan 3 — Chairman Keethler (Board Plans attached) (7:02 pm) Chairman Keethler explained the current percent deviations of each district emphasizing that District 2 is currently in the negative at -9.27 percent (%), which is 943 below the ideal deviation, and District 3 is currently in the positive at+9.62 percent (%), which is 978 above the ideal deviation. He stated that the Board determined to focus on Districts 2 and 3, because of their percent deviation differential from the ideal deviation. He presented Board Plans 1 &2 and advised that a negative or a positive five percent deviation is legally sufficient and what they should aim for, which he informed the public that both Board Plans 1 & 2 fell under the five percent threshold. He stated they left Districts 1 & 4 alone on these plans, because they were already within the five percent deviation. He presented the maps, graphs and bar charts to the public with more 31 Page Districting Commission Meeting June 5,2017 in-depth details about each district. He further announced that Board Plan 2 has the lowest population out of all the districts. Member Hopper interjected indicating that if they compare Board Plans 1 & 2, it is clearly evident that the percentage deviations on Board Plan 2 are lower, which brings the actual population closer to the ideal population. Chairman Keethler continued his presentation pointing out the areas in which they focused on moving census blocks. He further emphasized the Board determined to move census blocks from District 3 into District 2 to balance out the numbers. Chairman Keether presented Board Plan 1 and explained that the Board moved all census blocks within District 3 that are located East of South Bluford Avenue, South of Orlando Avenue and North of Maine Street into District 2 along with census blocks located North of Old Winter Garden Road and East of Blackwood Avenue (map attached). He continued on and presented Board Plan 2 and explained this plan utilizes Board Plan 1, but moves more census blocks in between North and South Kissimmee Avenue and South Bluford Avenue over to District 2 along with one census block located South of Old Winter Garden Road in between Citrus Medical Court and Matador Drive (map attached). He explained Board Plan 3 to be basically the same as Board Plan 2, but a minor change to the District 2 & 3 dividing line located in between Franklin Street, Taylor Street and Kissimmee Avenue. This revision is to realign the dividing line to run concurrent with the railroad tracks, which will create a straight line and keep a single-family home in the same district as the other homes on that street (map attached). Board Plan 1,March 1, 2017(Ma Attached) IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 9816 -354 -3.48 3 10170 10559 389 3.82 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 Board Plans 2 & 3,March 1, 2017 Ma is Attached IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 10170 10214 44 0.43 2 10170 10135 -35 -0.34 3 10170 10240 70 0.69 4 10170 10091 -79 -0.78 40680 40680 41 Page Districting Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Chairman Keethler explained an approach that the Board discussed, but did not follow through with, pertaining to new developments and future growth within District 3, which was to move more census blocks from District 3 to District 2 in an attempt to lower the population of District 3 in anticipation for the future growth of new developments such as the Oasis Apartments and City Center. He further explained other proposed board plans that were brought before this board involving changing the shapes of the districts. He further stated he believes Board Plan 2 makes the minimal possible changes to adjust the populations without disrupting many people and neighborhoods. He inquired if any other board members would like to comment. Member Hopper clarified for the public that the positive and negative five percent were key factors to this Board; and further, clarified that is why he is favoring Board Plan 2, because it is the plan that places the districts closest to the negative percentile. He emphasized that the majority of the Board feels that once the districts get close to the negative percentile,then they have accomplished what this Board was set out to do. Member Forges advised the public that from a legal standpoint they had to use available data; and further, they are unable to look into the future to distinguish what the areas are going to look like. They had to use the current Certificate of Occupancies, which he states may be minimal,but these figures are what they had to work with. Chairman Keethler followed up and stated to Member Forges that as long as the Board stayed within the five percent,they can do anything they want. III. Public Hearing (7:15 pm) 1. Public Comments for Board Plans 1 & 2 and Proposed Board Plan 3 (Public Hearing Opened) District 4 Commissioner Keller, 5021 Lighterwood Court, addressed the Board thanking them for volunteering their time and further commented that they have done a great job. (Public Hearing Closed) 2. Discussion of Public Input—None. IV. Motion to Present the Districting Commission Recommendation to the City Commission (7:15 pm) Motion: Move to present to the Ocoee City Commission Board Plan 1 and Board Plan 2: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges. SIPage Districting Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Chairman Keethler inquired if the Board intends to present two board plans. Member Hopper explained that he thought it was prudent to present Board Plan 1 to show the City Commission how Board Plan 2 was evolved. And further, he stated he can revise his motion, if they wish. Chairman Keethler shared that in his opinion Board Plan 2 is superior to Board Plan 1, which will inevitably take more time to present to the City Commission. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier reminded this Board that the City Commission may send the board plan back with recommendations and/or comments for further action from this Board. Member Hopper advised he will rescind the motion to only state Board Plan 2. Amended Motion (7:15 pm) Motion: Move to present to the Ocoee City Commission a Recommendation Report with the minutes. preferred map(s), and the Board's recommendation of Board Plan 2: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Member Forges; Motion carried unanimously. Discussion ensued regarding the next meeting date. Chairman Keether shared it is his preference to have the next meeting on July 10, 2017. City Clerk Sibbitt explained the next City Commission meeting is July 18, 2017. Member Hopper inquired why they would need to meet on July 10th, which he does not believe they need to meet. Discussion ensued regarding presenting the recommendation report. Chairman Keethler concluded they will have a brief meeting on July 10, 2017, to approve the recommendation report; and therefore, when presented to the City Commission, it would have already been voted on by this Board to which the Board members concurred. Member Hopper thanked City staff and especially GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran for all of their work to which Chairman Keethler agreed. Member Forbes also thanked City staff and indicated he has learned a lot from this process. V. Adjournment— 7:25 pm The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. , � / � / J /,' ‘.,zfk_ Ka by He. d, ecording Clerk Gre_•, \ ,�eethler, Chairman Wage Board Plan 1 Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017 Sources'2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee e ,, a:lCK.RD.. .Ca.-'"--T,�. r ', ' '— District: 4 Population: 10091 ./Roc, Deviation from Ideal -79 uxe Percent Deviation -0.78%District 1 Population: 10214 a iL 0 , i;„ - ' LDeviation from Ideal44 - x �Percent Deviation: 0.43° ..u;1''i{ 4e— If t sli ....- ./'1�_ k----`.- -- - -- w L y: 1 ri ,i , 1, a:<co F a l g } I l 1vr� I - }� ,`Y v I Ij t; - -k. \'`y 1 t tMCIG1EY l L 1 .1.E } �• ' I C ---a . RSTRD rr,, .--.:w. .. `�' u � } o ■off -±1.114.--11,--, — a �R1 ,_ }�.,f/`r o� gyp' T-,-3 1 l* ., r 1 1 �-r i -=',-_,:-_-:: LAKE t �� .i.J District 3 i. ', - S - �. °r'Mmu aid hi"'. 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