HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held August 1, 2017 MINUTES AUGUST 1,2017 at 6:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Boy Scout Troop #210 Julian Blake. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Keller B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - None C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC -None D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW- None E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 6:16 PM Commissioner Keller—None Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Wilsen — Commented that they had a productive Town Hall Meeting with regards to the zip code issue and it was well attended. She would like to inform those residents that were in attendance that they are gathering the packet of information that they had committed sending out. She further advised that if you were not in attendance please send your e-mail address to rwilsen@ocoee.org and she will be sure to forward you the information as well. Commissioner Grogan—None Mayor Johnson — 1) Announced the Code Enforcement Board currently has (5) five vacancies. This Board meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. If interested in being appointed to the Code Enforcement Board, please go to the City's website to download the application for submittal or contact the City Clerk's Department for more information. 2) The Districting Commission is scheduled to meet Monday, August 7th at 6:30 pm here in City Hall. 3) Join the Ocoee Police Department for their very first Casting with a Cop. This is a free event open to kids ages 5-12. Equipment will be provided. Closed toe shoes required. Dates for event are Monday, August 7th from 8-11:00am and Friday, August llth from 8-11:OOam at Starke Lake. Pre-register or register on the day of the event. This event is being presented in partnership with our friends at Get Hooked Bait and Tackle and The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. 4) The City's First Budget Workshop is being held Thursday, August 10th, and the Second Budget Workshop is scheduled for Monday, August 14th. Both meetings will begin at 6:00 pm here in City Hall. 5) The Charter Review Commission held their public hearing on July 19th. They will be presenting their proposed charter amendments at the next City Commission meeting on August 15th. 1iPage Regular City Commission August 1,2017 F. CONSENT AGENDA - 6:18 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#9. Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held July 18, 2017. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of the Holiday Schedule for 2018. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations lists Holidays that will be observed annually in the City of Ocoee. Each year the City Commission approves those holidays as well as selects dates for those holidays that fall on weekend days. Approved 11011days.: Dates As Approved ;.2018 Recommendation New Year's Day January 1 Monday,January 1,2018 Martin Luther King,Jr.Day Third Monday In January Monday,January 15,2018 Memorial Day Last Monday in May Monday,May 28,2018 Independence Day July 4 Wednesday,July 4,2018 Labor Day First Monday in September Monday,September 3,2018 Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday Thursday,November 22,2018 Day After Thanksgiving Day after Fourth Thursday Friday,November 23,2018 Day Before or After Christmas As determined by Commission Monday,December 24,2018 Christmas December 25 Tuesday,December 25,2018 Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval of the Sunbelt Rental Large Scale Final Site Plan (FSP); Project No: LS 2017-001. (City Planner Ruiner) The proposed Sunbelt Rental Large Scale Final Site Plan consists of a 12,161 sq. ft. retail rental facility and a 14,408 sq. ft. contractor service and maintenance shop. The Final Site Plan provides for the water, sewer, and reclaimed utility connections. A Master Stormwater Pond is provided to handle all runoff. The applicant has already obtained SJRWMD permits. The site has two isolated wetlands, which restricts development of the site. The applicant is proposing to mitigate development of the wetlands. As an off-setting benefit, the applicant is dedicating right-of-way to the City. First, the applicant is dedicating five (5) feet along Maguire Road. Additionally, the applicant is dedicating land for a future right-of-way extension of a road from Ocoee Business Park to L. F. Roper Pkwy. The project will be accessed from Maguire Road with a left turn and a right turn deceleration lane being constructed by the applicant. The property will be serviced by City of Ocoee Water and Sewer. A 5.66 acre retention pond located on the west side buffers the site from the 429 Expressway. The landscaping plan provides for additional plantings on the north side of the property adjacent to the I-1 zoned Light Industrial park and on the west side along the retention pond.Additionally,the applicant is proposing to increase landscaping to provide additional shielding from 429 Expressway. The City of Ocoee Public Works Department requested fewer canopy trees on the southern boundary. The request was made to keep maintenance of a stormwater pond located adjacent to the property line. Based on the Preliminary Plan approval, the applicant has dedicated five (5) feet of right-of-way along Maguire Road; provided a left-turn lane extending past the entrance of Ocoee's Public Works Facility; and provided a right-turn deceleration lane 21 Page Regular City Commission August 1,2017 into the site on Maguire Road. The Development Review Committee (DRC) has approved the Large Scale Final Site Plan,and the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended it for approval. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval to Transfer Funds Needed to Acquire Cisco Umbrella Network Protection Services at an Annual Cost of$10,005 from CDW-G under State Contract. (Support Services Director Butler) At its July 18, 2017 meeting, the City Commission authorized staff to reinforce the City's cybersecurity mechanisms by implementing an off-site ("cloud") Internet data traffic filtering service using the Cisco Umbrella Cloud Security System. This service will prevent communications between City computers and bad actors seeking either to break into the City's network or receive messages from infected devices on the City's data network. A cloud-based solution is preferable to one based on equipment and software on the City's data network interface as it keeps the malware and bad actor messages offsite. Since the fraudulent traffic never reaches the City's network, we are provided additional levels of protection. The purchase was based on an allocation of$60,005 from the General Government Capital Account, which was found at the time to have a balance of$60,027.76. Subsequent to the City Commission's approval of the acquisition, it was discovered that only $46,752.22 of the funds in that account were available for the purchase. This funding level was sufficient to acquire the hardware portion of the purchase, but was not sufficient to also acquire the network security service.A budget transfer is required to provide the balance of the funds needed for that purpose. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval for Renewal of the School Resource Officer Agreement with Orange County Public Schools. (Police Chief Brown) The Ocoee Police Department provides one (1) DARE officer to five (5) elementary schools, one (1) School Resource Officer to one(1)middle school, and two(2) School Resource Officers to one(1)high school, all of which are located within the city limits of Ocoee. An annual agreement between the City and the School Board of Orange County is required in order for the Police Department to understand its officers'responsibilities and for the City to be reimbursed by the School Board of Orange County for a portion of the officers'salaries. This agreement is effective from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. A similar agreement was previously reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by the City Commission for 2015-2017; however,this agreement is for a one- year period. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Approval of the Annual Kicks 4 Guns Firearms Turn-In Initiative and Request for up to $2,500 from the State Equitably Shared Funds (Forfeiture Funds). (Police Chief Brown) Clear Channel—REAL Radio in partnership with the Central Florida Crimeline will be organizing the annual Kicks 4 Guns. The event is scheduled for August 17, 2017. This year the Ocoee Police Department will participate in the Kicks 4 Guns initiative. Law enforcement hosts participating in the initiative typically give $50 give cards for turned in firearms. Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 15 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program(s). The Ocoee Police Department requests to spend up to $2,500 from its Forfeiture account for the purchase of gifts cards to trade for guns in conjunction with the Central Florida Crimeline and Real Radio 104.1 FM "Kicks 4 Guns"turn in program. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 31 Page Regular City Commission August 1,2017 7. Approval for Property Lease of 2 North Bluford Avenue with Oelrich Construction. (Public Works Director Krug) The Commission approved the Bluford Avenue Phase II project Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Sub- phase A of the Construction Manager At Risk contract, RFQ #1702, with Oelrich Construction, Inc., at the June 6,2017,meeting. Part of the GMP included the reimbursement for project office trailers at a cost of up to $24,000.00 for the maximum project duration. The City recently acquired the property at 2 North Bluford Avenue, which is the northwest corner of the Bluford Avenue and McKey Street intersection. This property was previously used as a photo studio and offices; however, long-term commercial use will require cost prohibitive maintenance and remodeling. While the City determines the best long-term plan for this property, the building is ideally suited for use as Oelrich Construction's temporary construction offices and provides a savings in contract reimbursable expenses to the City. Public Works recommends approval of this twelve(12) month lease with two(2), six-month extensions. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 8. Approval for the Clarke Road Railroad Crossing Replacement. (Public Works Director Krug) The City allocated capital improvement funds to replace the Clarke Road railroad crossing in the 2015-2016 budget. The original rubberized grade crossing installed when the road was constructed over 20 years ago has reached the end of its useful service life. Public Works has been in contact with the Florida Central Railroad,a Pinsly Railroad Company, Inc., property, to coordinate upgrading the crossing using more durable concrete materials. The railroad has offered to provide a savings to the City by reusing concrete panels from an existing crossing on John Young Parkway where a road widening project will be taking place before the end of the calendar year. Public Works has inspected the proposed panels and found them to be structurally sound and worth the$62,596.64 savings over newly manufactured panels. Similar panels are in use at the Silver Star and Maguire Roads crossings. A portion of the allocated capital funds will be used to provide a detour for motorists while the crossing is replaced. This is a sole source estimate as the specialized work is on railroad property, which the City cannot contract out independently. Public Works recommends approval of this proposal to replace the grade crossing using refurbished concrete panels as the pricing is below industry standard. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to RFP #17-001 — Solar Farms Project. (Utility Director Smith) The Mayor and City Commission previously approved construction of two solar farms under RFP#17-001 on January 3, 2017. One solar farm is to be located at the Utilities Administration Building campus and the other at the South Water Treatment Plant. After determining that the water plant's solar farm would be best located within its retention area (swale), it was identified that water could potentially collect in the swale if the equipment was not raised three feet above the swales' high water level; this would interrupt the performance of the solar farm. It was decided that the best solution to address the concern is to incorporate the previously ground-mounted system into an elevated racking system, utilizing galvanized steel posts and aluminum rails. The cost of the racking system is$6,630. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. G. PUBLIC HEARING—None H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE -None 41 Page Regular City Commission August 1,2017 I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARING - 6:18 PM 10. Second Reading of Ordinance="-"-to Repeal Chapter 4 - Design Build Contracts and Amend Chapter 21 - Purchasing Policy. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 20,2017) (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Chapter 4 of the City's Code of Ordinances—Design Build Contracts was adopted on March 21, 1995 in order to comply with the procedures of the 1993 Florida Statute 287.055, Consultant Competitive Negotiation Act ("CCNA").The current Chapter 4 has not been updated to include revisions that have been made to the CCNA since that time, such as the allowance of a qualifications based solicitation for design-build services, which is in conflict with the current Chapter 4 procedures. Moreover, Chapter 4 predated the City's Current Chapter 21, Purchasing Policy that was adopted on July 16, 1996. Now that Chapter 21 exists, Staff and the City's Attorneys agree that Chapter 4 is no longer needed if language is amended in Chapter 21 to expressly state that design-build services shall be procured in accordance with the requirements of the CCNA. Currently, Section 21.8 D. references design-build construction services shall be procured in accordance to the procedures of Chapter 4. Staff is proposing revisions to Section 21.8 B. to expressly state that design-build services shall be procured through the procedures set forth in the CCNA; therefore, Chapter 4 will no longer be needed, as the required procedures are stated in the CCNA, and the City's specific administrative procedures will be outlined in the City's Purchasing Manual. Construction Program Management has also been added to Section 21.8 B as this service is also authorized in Section 255.103, Florida Statute for Construction Management. These amendments are necessary as Design-Build services will be solicited for the new Ocoee City Hall project once the design-criteria package is completed. Purchasing Agent Tolbert explained that this is an ordinance to repeal Chapter 4 - Design Build Contracts which is outdated. As Chapter 4 is no longer needed, language will be amended in Chapter 21 —Purchasing Policy to expressly state that design-build services shall be procured in accordance with the requirements of the CCNA. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2017-021, Repealing Chapter 4 Design Build Contracts and Amending Chapter 21 of the Code Of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee Regarding the City's Purchasing Policy; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried 5-0. J. REGULAR AGENDA - None K. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - None L. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 6:20 PM Commissioner Grogan — 1) Thanked all those in the City that were involved with the Small Cities Council Conference that was hosted at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center. It was a very successful event. 2) Commented that Labor Day is Monday, September 4, 2017, and the following day there is a City Commission meeting scheduled. He inquired if they would like to discuss possibly cancelling that meeting due to the long weekend holiday. It was asked if there SIPage Regular City Commission August 1,2017 would be anything pressing that had to be on that agenda. City Manager Frank answered that there was not. Motion: Move to cancel the September 5, 2017, Regular City Commission Meeting; Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Wilsen — Announced school is starting soon and reminded citizens to please be mindful of pedestrians crossing on crosswalks. Commissioner Firstner — 1) Also thanked City staff for the great job they did on hosting the Small Cities Council Conference. 2) Announced that Hurricane Season is among us and encouraged citizens to have a plan and check their supplies. Should they need any help with Hurricane Preparedness they can contact the Fire Department. Commissioner Keller — Announced that the Budget Workshops are coming up and he encourages residents to please go online and look at the City's budget. Residents are invited to attend these meetings. Mayor.Johnson— 1) Announced that at the next meeting he would like to give out Appreciation Certificates to all those that were involved in making the Small Cities Council Conference a successful event. Members in attendance at this conference came from all over the States. 2) Announced he would like to invite City staff to attend a reception that is being hosted by the developers of Oasis Apartment to be held this Thursday from 5:45-8:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 6:26 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor Wage