HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners
Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3
O C O e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4
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Districting Commission Meeting
August 7,2017 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order—6:41 pm
Chairman Keethler called the meeting to order at 6:41 pm in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman Keethler led the Pledge of
Allegiance and a moment of silence was had. Recording Clerk Heard called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chairman Gregory Keethler, Vice-Chairman James Thomas, Member Michael
Hopper. Also present were City Clerk Melanie Sibbitt, GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran,
Assistant City Attorney Dana Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Kathy Heard.
Absent: Member Lou Forges (A/E), Member Edward Strickland (A/U)
Guests: District 3 Commissioner Firstner, District 2 Commissioner Wilsen
II. Approval of Minutes—May 15,2017 and June 5, 2017 (6:42 pm)
Motion: Move to approve the regular minutes of May 15, 2017 and June 5, 2017; Moved
by Member Hopper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Thomas; Motion carried unanimously.
III. Old Business-None
IV. New Business — Consideration and Review of the City Commission's
Recommendations from the July 18, 2017, Districting Commission Recommendation
Report Presentation
Chairman Keethler explained to the Board that he presented their recommendation of
Board Plan 2 (attached) to the City Commission on July 18, 2017. The City Commission
did have feedback and requested they modify this board plan and reevaluate the Bay Street
proposed boundary to consider all surrounding homes on that street be incorporated within
the same district. Discussion ensued regarding their reasons for placing the dividing line
down Kissimmee Avenue, which was due to trying to maintain a straight parallel
north/south boundary line. Chairman Keethler further stated that after that meeting he
requested GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran to break up the census block that Bay Street is
located in to see what the results of that would entail.
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran presented a PowerPoint presentation which illustrated the
changes he was asked to make during the City Commission meeting, and he also showed
the overall changes which were proposed from Board Plan 2. He showed the Board the
current Board Plan 2 (attached), which was recommended to the City Commission; and
further, he showed them Proposed Board Plan 4 (attached), which splits the census block.
Member Hopper interjected inquiring if this Board was instructed to break the census
block or whether the City Commission is concerned about whether there are homes being
divided on Bay Street. Chairman Keethler indicated that it was his interpretation that the
City Commission is concerned that there are homes within the same surrounding area that
are being split by a district line. He further expressed that he asked GIS Analyst Mike
O'Halloran to break up the census block to include all the surrounding homes within the
same district.
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran continued discussing the population figures for Board Plan
2 and the proposed Board Plan 4. He made a recommendation of keeping the line straight
down Kissimmee instead of splitting the census block or take in the entire census block.
Chairman Keethler thanked Commissioner Wilsen and Commissioner Firstner for
attending tonight's meeting.
The Board continued to adjust the map, and further discussion ensued regarding different
variations of moving the whole census block into District 2 or keeping the whole census
block where it lays within District 3. Chairman Keethler and Member Hopper agreed to
move the whole census block into District 2 along with a small triangular census block
which lays North of Oakland Avenue between Taylor Street and Kissimmee Avenue, which
is undeveloped and does not affect the deviation percentage.
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran continued to discuss his recommendation to the Board
regarding the new Maine Street extension. This project is realigning Maine Street, which is
being extended to Maguire Road, and in between the two Maine Streets is a retention pond.
He assumes that when the Census Bureau modifies the blocks in the year 2020, they may
follow the new Maine Street, because they tend to follow street center lines. He is
recommending making this change now, which would be splitting the census block
boundary. Chairman Keethler indicated that personally he is not concerned about this at
this point; and he recommended waiting to see if the Census Bureau does modify this
census block, because they may not.
Chairman Keethler inquired whether Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier has any
input. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier indicated this Board is encouraged to
follow census blocks and not to create irregular boundaries; and further, she mentioned that
she believes there are no residents adversely affected with this Board Plan 4. She believes
this recommendation is strong and adequate. Member Hopper suggested that everyone try
to attend the next City Commission meeting where this will be discussed.
City Clerk Sibbitt explained the upcoming process, which includes a staff report to be
placed on the next City Commission agenda explaining Board Plan 4 going before the next
City Commission meeting. If the City Commission accepts the report, an ordinance will be
drafted whereby it will then go before the City Commission again for a first reading and
second reading public hearing and adoption. Further discussion ensued regarding the final
process with the City Commission.
V. Public Comments (7:09 pm)
District 2 Commissioner Wilsen, questioned the board regarding the old Maine Street,
which was discussed earlier by GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran, and asked for further
clarification. Chairman Keethler explained the triangular retention pond census block that
GIS Analyst Mike O'Halloran discussed earlier. She further thanked the Board for their
efforts and volunteering their time.
District 3 Commissioner Firstner shared with the Board that he believes they have
accomplished what the City Commission has asked them to do.
VI. Motion to Approve the Modifications, if any, of the Districting Commission
Recommendation Report to be presented to the City Commission
(7:20 pm)
Motion: Move to adopt Board Plan 4: and further. recommend Board Plan 4 for approval
by the City Commission: Moved by Member Hopper, seconded by Vice-Chairman
Thomas: Motion carried unanimously.
VII. Adjournment- 7:21 PM
The meeting adjourned at 7:21 pm.
K , mg Clerk Gregory Keethler, Chairman
31 Page
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources:2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
_ District: 4
.. Population: 10091
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10170 10214 44 0.43
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Board Plan 4
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2010 Census Data to March 1, 2017
Sources 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
Population: 10091
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40680 40680