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Mayor Vandergrift called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. in the commission
chambers and announced that the purpose of the meeting was to review the budget for FY93-94.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Administrative Services Director
Beamer, Finance Supervisor Horton, Personnel Director Psaledakis, and City
Clerk Grafton.
It was established that the proposed budget would be reviewed one page at a time beginning with
Expenditures, with each Commissioner expressing individual concerns for each line item. These
minutes will list only those pages or items for which there was a question raised. The staff
response is underscored.
Page 3-8 - Expenditure Summary
Mayor Vandergrift pointed out that the entire report would be easier to deal with if the pay
'-" grades or salaries in each department were listed also.
Page 3-9 - Legislative Division Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Why was the travel expense increased $4,000? Have been exceeding the budget due to the many
events Commissioners need to attend and this should cover it.
What does the Mayor/Comm. Fund cover? Requests from citizens/agencies the
Commission acts on. funeral floral arrangements. etc.
Should Maguire House Maintenance and Maguire House Architectural Services be in
Legislative? Budgeted here because of the matching grants applied for.
Commissioner Woodson:
Have the West Orange Chamber dues gone up? They gO UP as the City grows.
Page 3-10 - Legislative Expenditures continued
Mayor Vandergrift:
Community Promo and Non-Profit Organizations? To the Lions Club for the Christmas
Parade and Central Florida Fair Booth. Groups that ask for funds. YMCA. Florida League of
Cities promotion ad. etc.
Page 3-11 -City Manager Expenditure Summary
Mayor Vandergrift:
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
~ August 18, 1993
Has nothing against Mr. Behrens but has a problem with the position of Economic Coordinator
as it is not necessary to seek out growth - it will come to us. This position will improve on the
quality of growth that comes and will be an investment for the future of the children of the
community. There were general statements made by the rest of the Commission in support of
this position.
Page 3-12 - City Manager Expenditures
Commissioner Woodson:
Why is #4605-Vehicle Parts/Repairs reduced? Newer vehicle should require less repair.
City Manager Shapiro stated for the record that acct. #4700 Printing and Binding is for an
economic development brochure to go out to the businesses.
Mayor Vandergrift:
Why is acct. #1505 Innovative Ideas so much less that it was in 90-91? Most of the ideas came
out of Water/Wastewater in the past. and if it takes more than this amount it will be brought
before Commission.
Page 3-14 - City Clerk Expenditure Summary
City Manager Shapiro explained that the proposed additional person in this department would
be taking the minutes of the board meetings.
Page 3-15 - City Clerk Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
There is a difference in the requested $1,200 overtime pay and the 0 amount recommended by
City Manager. The Deputy Clerk's position will be changed from hourly to salaried so there
is no need for overtime pay.
Page 3-16 - City Clerk Expenditures continued
Commissioner Combs:
Does the fact that we are now divided into districts cause the substantial increase in acct. #5600
Election Expense? If so, we should consider a referendum to do away with districts. We are
now 5 precincts due to districting and annexations.
Page 3-17 - Finance Administration Expenditure Summary
Mayor Vandergrift:
Are the computers equipped with modems so they can communicate with the outside? These
computers have all the financial information on them and the only modem is for NCR to do
programming upgrades or to troubleshoot problems. The PC's will have modems only if a need
is established.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
~ August 18, 1993
Page 3-18 - Finance Administration Expenditures
Commissioner Woodson:
What about the health insurance? The rate is going up. as the City employees have had maior
claims in the past year.
Page 3-19 - Finance Administration Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
What is the water expense? In some areas. the total expense of operation of the buildings is
lumped together and placed in this department's budget.
Commissioner Woodson:
Is acct. #4606 Equipment Maintenance Contracts for mowers? No. it is for computer equipment
and copier.
Page 3-20 - Finance Administration Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Acct. #5209 TV Camera Operator amount is zero. He understood that the TV operator was
being paid overtime. The last time the operator was paid from this line item account was FY
1990-91. and since that time has been paid from Public Works account. A line item stays in the
budget for comparison until such time as zeros are shown across the page. Mayor Vandergrift
said that he would like for the budget to include funds to support the group televising the
meetings currently and he would also like for the videotapes of the meetings to be copied and
to become a part of the archives. Mr. Shapiro explained that the system that is being designed
for the new building covers that.
Page 3-22 - Personnel Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Didn't know that personnel had any vehicles to need acct. #4605 Vehicle Parts/Repair.
Personnel takes care of the pool vehicles.
Page 3-23 - Personnel Expenditures continued
Commissioner Combs:
Is everyone who is hired required to have a physical? Yes. except for the temporaries.
Page 3-24 Legal Expenditure Summary
Mayor Vandergrift:
Have we not considered hiring an attorney full time? Would not be able to get the
quality/quantity of work from one attorney in-house as we keep six attorneys in Foley & Lardner
busy most of the time.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 18, 1993
RECESS 8:00 TO 8:07 P.M.
Page 3-28 - Planning Expenditures
Commissioner Woodson:
What are the bicycles in acct. #5400 MPO Bicycle/Pedestrian? This is the amount given to
MPO for the pedestrian/bicycle studies.
Mayor Vandergrift:
How is the mapping expense in acct. #5214 different from the City Clerk's mapping expense?
This is GIS mapping and the Clerk's office uses districting maps. Mayor Vandergrift wants
maps to be available at City Hall for citizens to use.
There's quite a bit of difference in the amount requested in two accounts: #5202 Operating
Supplies and #4901 Administrative Legal Ads and the amount approved by City Manager. The
difference is because two of the employees will have been transferred to another department. and
the requirement for legal ads will be less.
Page 3-37 - Administrative Services Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Is acct. #4601 Commun. Repair for the community center repair? Yes. However. this was
corrected later in the meeting as Commun. stands for Communication instead of Community.
Page 3-41 - Building Maintenance
Commissioner Combs:
Is there anything in the budget for the new City Hall maintenance? The plan is to use the
balance left over from the move into temporary quarters for the few months left in the fiscal
year after the buildings are completed.
Commissioner Woodson:
What is acct. #3400 Contractual Services? That is the ianitorial service for the current
Page 3-42 - Building Maintenance Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Do we spend $300 per year on uniforms for one person? That is the average which includes
safety shoes and on alternate years a windbreaker.
Page 3-43 - Law Enforcement Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Have the firearms that were ordered come in? Yes.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
~ August 18, 1993
Wants to see something put in for the crimewatch program, to include signs and brochures.
That is included in Operating Supplies.
Commissioner Woodson:
Asking for eight (8) new vehicles? Correct.
What can be done about all the wrecks? Part of the problem is discipline. Everyone has iust
been sent to safety school and a driving course provided by the Police Academy.
Page 3-45 - Law Enforcement
Mayor Vandergrift:
What is acct #1501 Incentive Pay? Monies given by the State for attending certain courses and
toward a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree.
What did Chief Boyd have in mind for the $29,900 requested in acct. #4000 Travel Expense?
A lot of training classes which would have taken men off the road to be in class and the real
need is to have the men on the road.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the department heads should not be here for information purposes.
City Mana~er Shapiro said that when he asked if they wished to be present. they said it was
\.,.- his budget and their presence was not necessary.
Commissioner Woodson:
Why is acct. #3111 Legal Services $7,500 requested and not approved? Because Chief Boyd
did not know that the amount was already included in legal fees.
Page 3-47 - Law Enforcement Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Could we get camcorders for the patrol cars? The cost associated is prohibitive during this time
of catchup.
In acct. #5405 Training Expense the amount requested is much greater than that approved.
Anticipate using forfeiture monies here.
Page 3-48 - Fire Control Expenditure Summary
City Manager Shapiro pointed out that they are asking for an additional six (6) firefighters this
year in order to prepare to man the third fire station.
Page 3-50 - Fire Control Expenditure
Mayor Vandergrift:
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
~ August 18, 1993
Why so much in acct. #1400 Overtime Pay?
it was an unfunded liability.
Compensatory time has been discontinued as
When will the new Personnel Policy be out? Going before the Personnel Board next week and
then will come to Commission.
Page 3-53 - Protective Inspections Expenditure Summary
Commissioner Johnson:
Why is there a Building Clerk Supervisor and a Building Clerk? Someone has to take the
responsibility of making decisions when Building Official is out of the office.
Page 3-55 - Protective Inspections Expenditures
Mayor Vandergrift:
Why has acct. #4901 Administrative Legal Ads been raised from $500 to $5,500? Those are
ads for zoning transferred from the Planning Department.
RECESS 8:48 TO 8:58 P.M.
Page 3-59 - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage Expenditures
City Manager Shapiro advised that the request for three additional people and the upgrading
of equipment is to cover the care of the roadsides in a systematic manner rather than taking care
of the squeaky wheel.
Page 3-60 - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage
Mayor Vandergrift:
Is the recreational paving included in the paving that went out to bid? No. only those streets
listed by Public Works Director Brenner.
Page 3-61 - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage
Commissioner Woodson:
Would it not be a good thing to put timers on the tennis court lights? They already are on
timers. but will check further on this.
Page 3-63 - Parks, Parkways, Trees & Drainage
Mayor Vandergrift suggested that banners be used instead of the Christmas decorations. Good
idea and will report back later on this.
Page 3-65 - Recreation Expenditure Summary
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
~ August 18, 1993
City Manager Shapiro explained that the new school schedule for year-round classes
necessitates the City providing a way for the off track students to have recreation and that is the
reason for the additional person.
Commissioner Johnson suggested purchasing a particular piece of equipment pulled by a tractor
to drag the ball fields. Will look into that and report.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about park benches. Will report on this.
Also restoring brick streets in Marian Subdivision. Will report on this. Also lake restoration.
Have met with the State on this and will have a plan soon. Already have the hyacinths scheduled
to come out.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested that the Woman's Club should be requested to edge the sidewalk
and curbside on their block. Commissioner Combs volunteered to deliver the message.
Commissioner Combs still wants a report on the road bricks, as he has been on a search and
has not been able to locate the ones reported to be in particular places. City Manal:er Shapiro
said that those were all here say issues that occurred in 1987 or so and we have been unable to
locate any of them as reported.
The workshop adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
City of Ocoee
c:x:.( .
S. Scott Vander rift, Mayor