HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-93 '-' MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD May 4, 1993 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer and Boy Scouts Michael Garren and Jonathon Barnett led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Building Official Flippen, Planning Director Behrens, Police Chief Boyd, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Johnson PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Innovative Idea Award to Glen Brimer by City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira. Mr. Shira explained that for security reasons he could not fully reveal the mechanics of the invention for which Mr. Brimer was winning the award, but that it was for a new method to by- pass the water meter which will save the City money. Mayor Vandergrift presented Utilities Service Worker II Glen Brimer a check for $100 for his innovative idea. ~ NON-AGENDA ITEM - PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming May 6 National Day of Prayer in the City of Ocoee. Meals on Wheels Request for Funds - Mr. Marty Wilson, Director. Donna Stiteler, Meals on Wheels, explained the expanded services of their organization and requested financial support from this Commission. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to participate with Meals on Wheels with $1.000 from Community Promotion Fund. Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Combs voting no. City Manager Shapiro explained that there is a period of time during the budget cycle in the City's schedule for requests such as this. Commissioner Combs invited Mrs. Stiteler to approach service organizations such as the Lions Club, Kiwanis and Rotary for funds. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. After commenting on the washboard road at the entrance to Temple Grove Estates on Good Homes Road, Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Re~ular Commission Meetin~ of April 20. 1993. B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat for Albertson's Shoppinl: Center. ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-' May 4, 1993 C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat for Temple Grove Estates. Phase I B. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frank J. Cannon, 2180 W. SR434, Longwood, 32746, said that he was with the development team for Albertson's and wished to acknowledge the excellent City staff who did an admirable job on their development. Mr. Cannon invited all to the groundbreaking ceremony in a few weeks and to the grand opening in November. Tommie Sanders, 96 Deer Key Court, 34761, announced that just as in the past the Memorial Day services on May 31 will begin at the Ocoee Cemetery with the placing of flags at the gravesites at 8:00 a.m. and the ceremony will continue at 9:30 a.m. at the gazebo with music and speeches. He also invited all to the cemetery cleanup day to prepare for this occasion on May 22. Thomas W. Davis, 2100 Lauren Beth Av, 34761, thanked Commission for their attention to his concern regarding the opening of Lauren Beth Road and said that he should have listed all the benefits of having the road closed at the April 20 meeting, as now that it is opened they have become acutely aware of how nice it was when the road was closed. '-' SECOND READINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance No. 93-06, relating to Zoning Code Revisions re: Auto Repair. This Ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal recommended that this public hearing be continued until the May 18 meeting to give the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission) an opportunity to review for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan before adoption. Building Official Flippen explained that this Ordinance is designed to correct a situation in the existing code that allows wrecking yards up against residential zoning. The public hearing was opened and there were no comments at this time from the public. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to continue the public hearing until May 18 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical. Motion carried 4-0. Ordinance No. 93-07, repealing Ordinance No. 620 relating to regulations for The Palms and Valencia Trailer Parks. This Ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. It was explained that Ordinance No. 620 which attempted to establish restrictive covenants and design criteria for the two trailer parks, has not been enforced by the City since its adoption in 1975 and this action will clean the situation up so that in fact no one will be misled to believe that the City is enforcing it. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to enact Ordinance '-' 2 ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 4, 1993 No. 93-07 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Foster "aye." Commissioner Woodson "aYe." and Mayor Vandergrift "aYe." Motion carried 4-0. Ordinance No. 93-08, relating to the use of nails vs staples in the construction of shingle rooftops. This Ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. Building Official Flippen advised that Mayor Vandergrift had asked him to inspect roof damage in the City following a recent experience with high winds and he had found that those roofs damaged had stapled shingles. Mr. Flippen said that the fault did not lie with the staples but instead with poor workmanship at the time of installation. This Ordinance was presented at Mayor Vandergrift's request and Mr. Flippen recommended approval based on his inspections. RECESS 8:23 - 8:40 P.M. Upon reconvening, the public hearing was opened. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, 34761, asked if the staples came loose or if it cut through the material. Mr. Flippen responded that they had cut through. '-" The public hearing was closed, and Commissioner Combs commented that manpower hours count in construction and using nails will be much slower, so this will raise the cost of the house itself. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Mavor Vanden!rift. moved to enact Ordinance No. 93-08 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Foster "aYe." Commissioner Woodson "aYe." and Mayor Vandergrift "aYe." Motion carried 4-0. OTHER BUSINESS SECOND QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW. Administrative Services Director Beamer explained that the format is the same as that used in the past and that in most of the funds the revenues exceed the expenditures, the exception being the water utilities fund due to the bond indebtedness which was closed as of the issuance of the new bonds. This will be taken care of with the mid year budget amendment. City Manager Shapiro advised that the Mid Year Budget Amendment Book was distributed early so that staff could respond to any questions raised but the intent was to review that document fully at the May 18 meeting. This report has to do with the end of the second quarter and the discoveries made during the preparation of the Budget Amendment Book. Ms. Beamer then higWighted several items: ~ 3 ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 4, 1993 1) On page 34, re: the Withers-Maguire Grant Fund - The previous grant to do the exterior of the house required that all the monies must be expended or encumbered as of March 31, 1993 and that has been accomplished. 2) On page 38, re: Investments - The Bond Anticipation Note with Barnett Bank required that dollars be kept in Barnett Bank as securities for the Note as well as that remaining portion that was unspent. Those investments are no longer in Barnett Bank or SBA but rather in the highest yielding investment available. 3) On page 43, re: Insurance - The page shows the amount claimed and the amount received on claims. As the City has $1,000 deductible this shows that for the most part funds have been received as claimed. Commissioner Combs asked whether the City absorbs return check charges and Ms. Beamer responded that we do not. \..- FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE - Second Reading and Public Hearing will be held May 18, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. Ordinance No. 93-09, amending the FY93 Budget. This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading. The agenda stated that the second reading and public hearing would be held on May 20 at 7:30 p.m. and that error was corrected by public announcement at this time. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS TO KISSIMMEE A V /STORY RD. AND MARSHALL FARMS RD/MAGUIRE RD. City Engineer Shira advised that these two intersections are the worst in town and recommended that they be redesigned to a more standard configuration with left turn lanes on all four approaches and right turn lanes on the north, west and south approaches at the Kissimmee/Story intersection, and a "T" intersection including left and right turning lanes instead of a "Y" at the Marshall Farms/Maguire Rd. intersection. Mr. Shira proposed that this redesign be done by Professional Engineering Consultants and presented addenda to their agreement for Commission consideration. City Manager Shapiro said that with the new Democratic presidency it is possible that the economy will be pumped with federal funding and that it would be prudent to have the design ready should that occur. Mr. Shira requested approval of Addendum No. 93-1 in a not to exceed amount of $82,893 and Addendum No. 93-2 in a not to exceed amount of $20,584 in order to accomplish this project. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to approve staff recommendation and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addenda No. 93-1 in a not to exceed amount of $82.893 and execute Addenda No. 93-2 in a not to exceed amount of $20.584. with the funds to come from Road Construction Fund. Motion carried 4-0. ~ 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ~ May 4, 1993 REPORT/DISCUSSION RE: CRYSTAL DRIVE SIDEWALK. City Manager Shapiro explained that putting a sidewalk on Crystal Drive had been on the capital improvements program for several years and that the residents had presented a petition some time ago requesting that it not be done. Public Works Director Brenner suggested that, since the budget included this possibility, that the sidewalk be placed instead on Suzette Drive. City Manager Shapiro suggested that prior to placing a bid a survey be done in the neighborhood for the residents' opinions where a sidewalk is proposed. Commissioner Woodson said that it would be better to put a sidewalk on a through street rather than one like Suzette, and he asked if the money could be put somewhere else, like the road in Sawmill that needs attention. Mayor Vandergrift said that he would prefer to see the money spent on roads instead. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Mavor Vanderl!rift. moved to not put in the sidewalks on Crystal. Suzette or E. Lakeshore Drive at this time and to delay this until more information is available. Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Foster voting no. REPORT/DISCUSSION RE: E. LAKESHORE DRIVE SIDEWALK. See above motion. '-' APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS. Board of Adjustment - 2 alternates for 3 year terms to replace Tanya Miller and John Resnik who were moved up to regular member status at the last meeting. Code Enforcement Board - Madeline Shagner, Philip Rowe - 3 year terms expire June 1993. Planning and Zoning Commission - Tanya Miller - 3 year term expires June 1993. City Manager Shapiro reported that Commissioner Johnson had asked him to request a delay in considering these items in order to give more citizens an opportunity to turn in their applications for review. It was his feeling that it should not be necessary for one person to serve on more than one board. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to table these items until the next meeting. Motion carried 4-0. STAFF REPORTS City Attorney Rosenthal, in response to Commissioner Woodson's request for review of the matter at the last meeting, reported that there may be some opportunity to strengthen the adult entertainment ordinance. Commissioner Woodson asked that he do just that. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Foster: 1) Announced that the reason he missed the last meeting was that he was away with the Historical Commission in Tallahassee lobbying for the Withers-Maguire House and they were successful. 2) Applauded staff for their diligence with the Community Block Grant. '-" 5 '-' Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 4, 1993 Commissioner Combs: 1) We1comed Judy Henry back to work after her surgery. 2) Announced that he has tickets to sell for a drawing for a week at New Smyrna Beach and also the dart tournament to be held at Calico Jack's on May 16 at 2:00 p.m. to benefit the March of Dimes. Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Woodson both said that they want to be appointed to the Diddler's Choice team at the dart tournament. Commissioner Woodson: 1) Thanked all for taking care of everything while he was on vacation. '-' Mayor Vandera:rift: 1) Read a letter from Mt. Dora Mayor thanking the City of Ocoee for the help given by the Mayor and employees following the tornado damage several months ago. 2) Read an invitation from Susie Carr Realty to place a free ad in their realty publication. 3) Announced the Bass Tournament at John's Lake May 23. 4) Wants to participate in Save Lake Apopka Foundation. 5) Noted that he had received a letter of appreciation from Mayor Land for his attending the Apopka Foliage Festival. 6) Would like for us to produce a newsletter and Mrs. Mayor has volunteered to edit it when it is started. 7) Fireworks for July weekend still under research. 8) Western Beltway authority will be on Talk with the Mayor next week. 9) Announced merchants meeting at AAI next week at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday. 10) Announced Business After Hours at Orange Bank in Winter Garden on Thursday, May 13. OCOEE RENT-A-CHOIR SANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VERN COMBS FOR APRIL 29, PAUL ROSENTHAL FOR MAY 1, AND ELLIS SHAPIRO FOR MAY 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. APPROVED: City of Ocoee l <5 54 flJ' A s. Scott Vandergrift, \.,. 6